- Herbert debe desayunar. | - That Herbert is to have his breakfast. |
- No he podido esperarte a desayunar. | I waited as long as I could to have breakfast with you. |
- Pero quiero desayunar aquí. | -But I want to have breakfast here. |
- Yo quiero desayunar. | I want to have breakfast. |
- ¿Querés desayunar? | - You want to have breakfast? |
" Barco de esclavos - Negreros echando por la borda a los muertos y moribundos " el cual tengo la buena fortuna de encontrar... cada mañana de camino a mi pobre desayuno. | "Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying - Typhoon Coming On", by which I have the good fortune to be greeted every morning on my way into my meagre breakfast. |
"Por una vez, vamos a intentar tener un desayuno de Navidad sin discusiones. " | "Let's for once try to have a Christmas breakfast without any arguments." |
"Tengo que levantarme a las ocho todas las mañanas y lavarme y vestirme y comer mi desayuno y prepararme para ir a la escuela y estar ahí a las 8:55 todas las mañanas." Tú escribiste estas estupideces? | "I have to be up at eight every morning and wash and get dressed and have my breakfast and get ready for school and reach there at five to nine every morning." Did you write this cobblers? |
(Locutor) En este desafío, los huéspedes del hotel tienen pre--ordenado el desayuno y especificado un tiempo de entrega. | (Announcer) In this challenge, the hotel guests have pre-ordered their breakfast and specified a delivery time. |
- - She'II tenerlo para el desayuno. - | - She'll have him for breakfast. |
-¿Y desayunas después de despertarte? | - Good, and do you have breakfast at once? |
-¿Y qué desayunas? | - And what do you have for breakfast? |
Ahora te bañas, desayunas bien y te vas al colegio. | Now, have a bath, then a good breakfast and then off to school. |
Duermes, desayunas, y estaré de vuelta. | Sleep. have breakfast, and I'll be back. |
Si no desayunas en 15 minutos, tendrás que esperar hasta el almuerzo. | If you're not in for breakfast in 15 minutes, you'll have to wait for lunch. |
"Mientras su marido desayuna en la cama | # While her husband has his breakfast in bed # |
El gángster más malo de Newark, que se desayuna tipos como nosotros. | The meanest, lowest mobster in Newark, who has guys like us for breakfast. |
Llega a la hora de comer, sube directamente arriba, aparece a la mañana siguiente, desayuna pronto. | She arrives at tea time, comes straight up here, emerges the next morning, has an early breakfast. |
Nadie desayuna en Tiffany's, y nadie tiene romances para recordar. | No one has breakfast at Tiffany's, and no one has affairs to remember. |
No lo creo, desayuna en su cuarto. | I shouldn't think so. She has breakfast in her room. |
- A las 8 desayunamos. | - At 8 we have breakfast. |
- Si quieres, puedo recogerte a la salida y desayunamos juntos. | - If you like, I can come and pick you up just outside we can have breakfast together. |
- ¿Cuándo desayunamos? | When do we have breakfast? |
-Bueno, desayunamos? | ~ Well, should we have breakfast? |
Acto seguido, a las 0620, desayunamos en la cantina y luego limpiamos la sala a las 0710. | Following that, at 0620, we have breakfast in the mess hall and then room prep at 0710. |
Bob, ¿por qué tú y la Sra. Delbar no desayunáis con nosotros en nuestra suite? | Ha, ha. Bob, why don't you and Mrs. Delbar have breakfast with us in our suite? |
A veces los astronautas desayunan tres veces al día. | Sometimes astronauts have breakfast three times a day. |
Las asesinas de niños no desayunan con nosotras. | Child killers don't have breakfast with us. |
Mis nietas desayunan lo mismo, "Chocapic". | My granddaughters have that too for breakfast, "Chocapic". |
Si desayunan juntos, se acaba el juego. | If you have breakfast together, it's game over. |
- Bien, ¿cómo pudiste saber que desayuné huevos? | Okay,but how could you possibly know that I had eggs for breakfast this morning? |
- Lo sé. Es porque desayuné. | It's cos I had a breakfast. |
- No desayuné esta mañana. - Sí, claro. | I had no breakfast this morning. |
- No, gracias, desayuné tarde. | - No, thank you, I had a late breakfast. |
- No, ya desayuné. | - No, I've had breakfast. |
- Apuesto a que ni desayunaste. | Not even had breakfast. |
- Lex, ¿ya desayunaste? | - Lex, have you had breakfast? |
- No desayunaste. | You haven't had breakfast! |
- Porque no desayunaste. | Because you had no breakfast. |
- Querido, recién desayunaste. | Darling, you've only just had breakfast. |
- Este hombre desayunó en Howard Johnson, - y le cobrando 128.000 dólares. | This man had breakfast at a Howard Johnson drive-in, he's being billed for $128,000. |
- No importa. Ella ya desayunó. | - Whatever, she's had breakfast. |
- No, creo que desayunó aquí. | No, I think he had breakfast. |
- Nunca se desayunó. | - She never had breakfast. |
- Se afeitó y desayunó. | - He shaved and had breakfast. |
Zelda dijo que no desayunasteis, que tú eras una persona de almuerzos. | Zelda said you never had breakfast, that you were a brunch person. |
- ¡Ya desayunaron! | -You've already had it. |
Al parecer miraron una película y desayunaron temprano. | It looks like they watched a movie, had an early breakfast. |
Desde hace horas y tambien desayunaron, estan en los establos | They had breakfast hours ago. And they was wanting to see the stables. |
Estas cosas son totalmente indestructibles a prueba de agua, a prueba de fuego y demás nos dice lo que desayunaron y en dónde van a enterrarse. | These things are totally indestructible-- waterproof, fireproof, yadda yadda yadda, knows who you had for breakfast and where you go to ground. |
Los hombres desayunaron y volvieron a trabajar. | The men had breakfast and went back to work. |
- Clotilde está enferma, desayunaremos aquí. | Clotilde is sick, will have breakfast in bed. |
Clotilde tiene mareos, desayunaremos aquí. No pueden. | - Clotilde is sick, will have breakfast in bed. |
Dormiríamos en una cama, desayunaríamos en la misma mesa, tendríamos una factura de electricidad en lugar de dos. | We'd sleep in one bed, we would have breakfast at the same table, we'd have one electric bill instead of two. |
Si dependiera de ellos, desayunarían helado. | If it was up to them, they would have ice cream for breakfast. |
- Siéntese y desayune. | - Sit down and have some breakfast. |
- no, desayune | - No, have your breakfast |
-Quizás desayune pastel de carne. | I might have a mince pie for breakfast. |
A Vd. también le parece mal que desayune yo solo? No. | Do you find it wrong that I have breakfast by myself? |
Bond, ahora que ya he espantado a los otros huéspedes, ¿le parece bien que desayune aquí? | Bond, uh, I've driven off all your other lodgers. Is it all right if I have breakfast out here? |
- Vamos para que desayunes | "Don't you want to have breakfast? - Sure, dad" |
Me gusta que desayunes cuando almuerzas. | It's cute the way you have breakfast for lunch. |
Mira como se porta mañana cuando desayunes con nosotras. | Watch how it works tomorrow when you have lunch with us, |
Si. Me sorprende que desayunes conmigo. | So I'm surprised you agreed to have lunch with me. |
Verás al Dr. Graham a su debido tiempo. Ahora quiero que desayunes. | You'll see Dr. Graham all in good time, but now I want you to have some breakfast. |
- Bueno, desayunemos. | - Well, let's have some breakfast. |
- Luego desayunemos tranquilos adentro. | Then let's all have a calm breakfast inside. |
- y desayunemos juntos. | - We can get up and have breakfast together. |
Ahora, desayunemos. | Now let's have breakfast. |
Adiós, John, asegúrate de que desayunen. | Bye, John, make sure they have their breakfast. |
Cuando desayunen aquí, necesitarán anteojos de sol. | When you have breakfast in here, you're gonna practically have to wear sunglasses. |
Debería ser ilegal que dos mujeres hermosas desayunen fuera. | It should be illegal for two such beautiful women - to have breakfast outside. |
Quiere que desayunen cuando esté todo preparado. | She wants you to have your breakfast when l can get it dished up. |
Tomen, desayunen. | Here, have some breakfast. Here, huh? |
Te dije que desayunaras. | I told you, you should have had breakfast. |
Ah, eh... bueno... desayunad en una cafetería. | Oh, uh... well... have breakfast in a cafeteria. |
No, desayunad aquí. | No, have breakfast here. |
"He desayunado cebollas. He comido ajo. | "I had onions at lunch, I had garlic dressing at dinner." |
"Veo que has desayunado, ¿verdad?" | I see we've had our breakfast, haven't we? |
'Pero, debido a que habíamos llegado tan lejos juntos, y porque 'No habíamos desayunado, James y yo decidimos doblar las reglas. " | 'But, because we'd come so far together, and because 'we hadn't had breakfast yet, James and I decided to bend the rules.' |
- Aún no han desayunado. Sí, lo sé, lo siento. | - They haven't had their breakfast yet. |
- David, ¡Wyatt había desayunado! | - David, Wyatt had breakfast! |
*Ken está desayunando* | ♪ Ken is having breakfast |
- En su establo, desayunando. | - He's in his stall having his morning tea. |
- Estaba desayunando en el bar de Catherine. | He was having breakfast at Catherine's bar. |
- Estabas desayunando un poco tarde. | - You were having a late breakfast? |
- Estoy desayunando. | - I'm having breakfast. |