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Disponi (to have) conjugation

14 examples

Conjugation of disponi

Present tense
I have
estas disponanta
I am having
estas disponata
I am being had
Past tense
I had
estas disponinta
I have had
estas disponita
I was being had
Future tense
I will have
estas dispononta
I will be having
estas disponota
I am to be had
Conditional mood
I would have
estas disponunta
I would be having
estas disponuta
I am to potentially be had
Jussive / command

Examples of disponi

Example in EsperantoTranslation in English
Bonvole rapidu! Mi ne povas disponi pri la tuta nokto.Please hurry. I don't have all night.
"Facts About India" raportas, ke 288 milionoj da baratanoj ne disponas elektron.Facts About India reports that 288 million Indians have no access to electricity.
- Vi disponas unu horon!You have one hour.
Tiom sovaĝa mi estas, ke mi opinias, ke mi libere disponas pri mi mem.I am so wild, Monsieur, that I think I belong only to myself.
Sinjoro Greger elturniĝu per tio, kion la lernejo disponas.Mr. Greger will have to make do with what the school has to offer.
Ĉu la ĉambroj de la hotelo disponas pri harsekigiloj?Are the hotel rooms supplied with hair dryers?
Chris ne disponis pri aŭtomobilo.Chris didn't have a car to drive.
La soldatoj disponis pri artilerio.The soldiers had artillery.
Se mi disponos sufiĉan tempon, mi faros tion ideale.If I have enough time, I'll do it right.
Ju pli multan tempon la studento disponos por ion prepari, des malpli multan li uzos por efektive tion prepari.The more time the student has to prepare something, the less he will use to actually prepare it.
Kiom da tempo disponos Tomo?How much time does Tom have?
Vi certe disponus pri manlaboristaro fortika kaj eĉ malpli elspeziga.you'd be sure to have a robust labor and even less expensive.
Libere disponu pri mi!I'm at your service.
Vi disponu pri mi!I'm at your service.

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