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Mempunyai (to have) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mempunyai

Present tense
I have
Past tense
sudah mempunyai
I had
Present perfect tense
sudah mempunyai
I have had
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mempunyai
I will have had
Future recent tense
mempunyai nanti
I will have
Future distant tense
mempunyai kelak
I am going to have
Present continuous tense
sedang mempunyai
I have
Past distant tense
dulu mempunyai
I (a long time ago) had
Past recent tense
mempunyai tadi
I (recently) had
Past very recent tense
baru saja mempunyai
I (just now) had

Examples of mempunyai

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Seorang atlit sepertimu seharusnya mempunyai video game sendiri.You know, an athlete like you should really have his own video game.
Lihat itu, aku tidak melihat kau mempunyai pilihan lain.Looking at that, I don't see you have a choice.
Kita harus membuatnya mengakui pembunuhan dan kita mempunyai statemen untuk tugas yang lain.We have a confession to one murder and we have a statement which speaks to the intent to commit another.
Jika kau tidak mempunyai pistol kau pasti---If you didn't have that gun you wouldn't be so--
Mereka menegaskan mempunyai opium untuk dijual, tapi paketnya penuh lumpur.They claim they have opium to sell, but the packages are full of dirt.

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We have none.

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We have none.

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