Seorang atlit sepertimu seharusnya mempunyai video game sendiri. | You know, an athlete like you should really have his own video game. |
Lihat itu, aku tidak melihat kau mempunyai pilihan lain. | Looking at that, I don't see you have a choice. |
Kita harus membuatnya mengakui pembunuhan dan kita mempunyai statemen untuk tugas yang lain. | We have a confession to one murder and we have a statement which speaks to the intent to commit another. |
Jika kau tidak mempunyai pistol kau pasti--- | If you didn't have that gun you wouldn't be so-- |
Mereka menegaskan mempunyai opium untuk dijual, tapi paketnya penuh lumpur. | They claim they have opium to sell, but the packages are full of dirt. |