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Memiliki (to have) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memiliki

Present tense
I have
Past tense
sudah memiliki
I had
Present perfect tense
sudah memiliki
I have had
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memiliki
I will have had
Future recent tense
memiliki nanti
I will have
Future distant tense
memiliki kelak
I am going to have
Present continuous tense
sedang memiliki
I have
Past distant tense
dulu memiliki
I (a long time ago) had
Past recent tense
memiliki tadi
I (recently) had
Past very recent tense
baru saja memiliki
I (just now) had

Examples of memiliki

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Mereka memiliki sejarah liga kecil baseball yang menarik dikota.They have the winningest Little League baseball record in the country.
Dapatkah saya memiliki perhatian Anda?Can I please have your attention?
Orang seperti kita tak bisa memiliki itu.Guys like us can't have that.
Ladies and gentlemen, jika saya bisa memiliki perhatian Anda.Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have your attention.
Aku memiliki beberapa perasaan yang bercampur-aduk sekarangI have some mixed feelings now.

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