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Għand (to have) conjugation

95 examples
Past tense
Future tense
Present positive tense
Present negative tense

Examples of għand

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
--- Funzjoni ta » debitu : Tippermetti lid-detenturi tal-karta biex ix-xiri tagħhom jiġi direttament u immedjatament addebitat lill-kontijiet tagħhom , kemm jekk qegħdin għand min joħroġ il-karta jew le .--- Debit function : It enables cardholders to have their purchases directly and immediately charged to their accounts , whether held with the card issuer or not .
59 • jekk qiegħed fuq dieta fejn tirristrinġi l- imluħa • jekk qiegħed jew kont qed tirremetti jew kellek dijarea severa • jekk għandek insuffiċjenza tal- qalb • jekk l- arterji li jwasslu d- demm lil kliewi tiegħek huma dojoq (stenosi ta ’ l- arterji tal- kliewi) jew jekk għandek kilwa waħda biss qed taħdem, jew riċentement kellek trapjant tal- kliewi. • jekk għandek tidjiq ta ’ l- arterji (arteroxlerosi), anġina pectoris (uġigħ fis- sider dovut għal funzjoni batuta tal- qalb) • jekk għandek ‘ stenosi aortika jew mitrali ’ (tidjiq tal- valvi tal- qalb) jew ‘ kardjomajopatija ipertrofika ’ (marda li tikkawża tiħxin fil- muskolu tal- qalb) • jekk int dijabetiku • jekk kellek il- gotta • jekk għandek jew kellek kondizzjoni allerġika, ażma jew kundizzjoni li tikkaġuna uġigħ fil- ġogi, raxxijiet fuq il- ġilda u deni (eritematodus lupus sistemiku). • Jekk għandek livelli għoljin ta ’ kalċju jew livelli baxxi ta ’ potassju jew jekk qiegħed fuq dieta baxx ta ’ potassju. • jekk hemm bżonn li tingħata loppju (anke għand id- dentist) jew qabel intervent kirurġiku, jew jekk għandek tieħu xi testijiet biex tiċċekkja l- funzjoni tal- paratajrojd, għandek tgħid lit- tabib jew l- personel mediku li qed tieħu l- pilloli Losartan u Hydrochlorothiazide. • Jekk tbati minn iperaldosteroniżmu primarju (sindromu assoċjat ma tnixxija ogħla ta ’ l- ormon aldosterone li joħroġ mill- glandola adrenali, ikkawżata minn abnormalità fi ħdan il- glandola).58 • if you take diuretics (water pills) • if you are on a salt-restricted diet • if you have or have had severe vomiting and/ or diarrhoea • if you have heart failure • if you have narrow arteries to your kidneys (renal artery stenosis) or only have one functioning kidney, or you have recently had a kidney transplant • if you have narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), angina pectoris (chest pain due to poor heart function) • if you have ‘ aortic or mitral valve stenosis’ (narrowing of the valves of the heart) or ‘ hypertrophic cardiomyopathy’ (a disease causing thickening of heart muscle) • if you are diabetic • if you have had gout • if you have or have had an allergic condition, asthma or a condition that causes joint pain, skin rashes and fever (systemic lupus erythematodus). • if you have high calcium or low potassium levels or you are on a low potassium diet • if you need to have an anaesthetic (even at the dentist) or before surgery, or if you are going to have tests to check your parathyroid function, you must tell the doctor or medical staff that you are taking Losartan potassium and Hydrochlorothiazide tablets. • if you suffer from primary hyperaldosteronism (a syndrome associated with increased secretion of the hormone aldesterone by the adrenal gland, caused by an abnormality within the gland).
Applikazzjoni għall-protezzjoni internazzjonali għandha titqies li kienet iddepożitata meta formola sottomessa mill-applikant jew rapport ippreparat mill-awtoritajiet ikun wasal għand l-awtoritajiet kompetenti tal-Istat Membru kkonċernat.An application for international protection shall be deemed to have been lodged once a form submitted by the applicant or a report prepared by the authorities has reached the competent authorities of the Member State concerned.
Artikolu 62 Meta ma jkunx hemm kont tal-ħlas ta » min qed jitħallas għand il-fornitur tas-servizz ta » pagament Fejn min qed jitħallas ma jkollux kont ta » pagament mal-fornitur tas-servizz ta » pagament , ilfondi għandhom jingħatawlu fi żmien il-perjodu speċifikat fl-Artikoli 60 ( 1 ) u 61 ( 1 ) .Article 62 Absence of payee payment account with the payment service provider Where the payee does not have a payment account with the payment service provider , the funds shall be made available to him within the period specified in Articles 60 ( 1 ) and 61 ( 1 ) .
Barra minn hekk, għand jiġi miċħud anki l-argument l-ieħor invokat mill-Italja, jiġifieri li meta kien qed jiġi konkluż il-Ftehim, it-Teżor kellu jqis ir-rabta ta’ użu u ma setax jipprevedi l-evoluzzjoni leġislattiva tiegħu, li ma taqax taħt il-kompetenza tiegħu.Nor can the Commission accept another argument invoked by Italy, namely that at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement the Treasury was obliged to have regard to the Obligation and could not anticipate possible legal changes, which fell outside its competence.
- Għandek tgħarraf lit- tabib tiegħek jekk qatt kellek xi attakk f’ qalbek jew problemi bil- qalb- You should tell your doctor if you have ever had a heart attack or a heart problem (it may be
- Għid lit- tabib tiegħek jekk inti għandek jew kellek xi marda serja.- Tell your doctor if you have or have had any serious illness.
- Għid lit- tabib tiegħek jekk inti qatt kellek xi attakk tal- qalb jew xi problema tal- qalb, mard serju- Tell your doctor if you ever had a heart attack or a heart problem, severe liver diseases
- Jekk dan l- aħħar kellek attakk tal- qalb, għandek problemi severi fiċ- ċirkolazzjoni inkluż xokk, jew- If you recently had a heart attack, have severe circulatory problems including shock, or
- Jekk dan l- aħħar kellek attakk tal- qalb, għandek problemi severi fiċ- ċirkolazzjoni inkluż xokk,- If you recently had a heart attack, have severe circulatory problems including shock, or
( 2 ) Jekk il-bank centrali nazzjonali kellu jhallas margni lill-kontroparti fir-rigward tat-tieni transazzjoni , dan il-margni jista » , f' certi każijiet , jkun kompensat flimkien mal-margni mhallas lill-bank centrali nazzjonali mill-kontroparti fir-rigward ta » l-ewwel transazzjoni .( 2 ) If a margin had to be paid to the counterparty by the national central bank in relation to the second transaction , such a margin could , in certain cases , be netted out with the margin paid to the national central bank by the counterparty in relation to the first transaction .
( 5 ) Irrapport ta’ kontroll annwali tal2009 (li kellu jiġi ppreżentat sa tmiem l-2009) ikopri rriżultati talverifiki mwettqa matul il- perjodu minn Lulju 2008 sa Ġunju 2009.( 5 ) The 2009 annual control report (which had to be submitted by the end of 2009) covers the results of the audits carried out during the period July 2008 to June 2009.
( ii ) dan il-parteċipant fit-TARGET jista » juri li kellu l-intenzjoni biex idaħħal ordni ta » ħlas fit - TARGET imma ma setgħax jagħmel dan minħabba stop-sending status ta » xi sistema nazzjonali RTGS .( ii ) such TARGET participant can show that it had the intention to enter a payment order into TARGET but was unable to do so due to a stop - sending status of a national RTGS system .
( ii ) dan il-parteċipant fit-TARGET jista » juri li kellu lintenzjoni li jdaħħal ordni ta » ħlas fit-TARGET imma ma setax jagħmel dan minħabba stop-sending status ta » xi sistema nazzjonali RTGS .( ii ) such TARGET participant can show that it had the intention to enter a payment order into TARGET but was unable to do so due to a stop-sending status of a national RTGS system .
(90% CI 9% sa 29%) L- ebda wieħed mit- 12- il pazjent ma kellu esperjenza ta ’ sintomi ta ’ rtirar.Methadone AUC ↓ 19% (90% CI 9% to 29%) None of the 12 patients experienced withdrawal symptoms.
"Il-mixja lejn sistema ta' pagamenti diretti lill-bdiewa kellha impatt tremend fuq l-amministrazzjoni tal-politika"”Moving to a system of direct payments to farmers has had a tremendous impact on the administration of the policy”
10. e)Ladarbar-riforma kienettinvolvitnaqqis fil-prezzijiettal-pitravitaz-zokkor, kellha impatt direttfuqid-dħulta’ dawklijkabb-rul-prodott,ub’hekkdanjiġġustifika l-kumpens.10.(e)Sincethereforminvolvedareduction of beet prices,it had a directimpact onthe income of growers, hencethejustification for compensation.
13 setgħet tispjega aħjar is- sinjali u s- sintomi tal- pazjent kellha tiġi eskluża.Any disease other than multiple sclerosis that could better explain signs and symptoms of the patient had to be excluded.
2 possibbilment jinħassu bl-aktar mod ċar s-swieq ta’ l-elettriku. Issistema kummerċjali ta’ lemissjonijiet tidher li kellha eett fuq ilprezzijiet ta’ lelettriku minħabba li lġeneraturi ta’ lelettriku parzjalment jaqsmu f’fatturi jew f’komponenti l-prezz taddrittijiet ta’ emissjoni l-prezzijiet li jitolbu lill-konsumaturi finali.2 not relevant only to the energy sector, its eects are possibly most clearly felt in electric- ity markets. e emissions trading system appears to have had an eect on electricity prices as electricity generators partly factor the price of emission rights into the prices they charge end consumers.
29 setgħet tispjega aħjar is- sinjali u s- sintomi tal- pazjent kellha tiġi eskluża.Any disease other than multiple sclerosis that could better explain signs and symptoms of the patient had to be excluded.
Aħna neħtieġu madwar 1 500 ħaddiem għall-ħsad annwali tagħna u kellna esperjenzi tajbin ħafna b’ħaddiema minn barra l-pajjiż.We need about 1 500 workers for our annual harvest and have had very good experiences with workers from abroad.
B’rif-lessjoni fuq ixxogħol li sar s’issa, Justin Larkin, maniġer talLAG, isostni ‘Fi proġett ta’ dan it-tip, kellna nkunu essibb- li u nkunu kapaċi nirreaġixxu għaċ-ċirkostanzi hekk kif dawn bdew jinqalgħu.Reecting on the work to date, Justin Larkin, LAG manager, says‘In a project of this nature, we had to be exible and to be able to respond to circumstances as they arose.
Fis-sajd, kellna wisq it-tendenza li naħsbu li jekk wieħed jaqbad ftit aktar mill-kwantitajiet awtorizzati, ma kinitx problema, minħabba l-kundizzjonijiet ta’ xogħol diffiċli tas-sajjieda.For fishing, we had a bit too much of a tendency to think that it wasn’t serious if catches were a tad over the limit, considering fishermen’s tough working conditions.
Fl-2010 kellna si laqgħat talKunsill Ewropew bejn il-11 ta’ Frar us-16 sas-17 ta’ Diembru, waħda informali uħamsa formali. Kien hemm ukoll ew laqgħat tal-Kapijiet ta’ Stat jew ta’ Gvern ta-ona tal-euro, li jiena ppresedejt; waħda l-qafas ta-mien talKunsill Ewropew ta’ Marzu ul-oħra bħala laqgħa separata f’Mejju.In 2010, we had six European Council meetings between 11 February and 16-17 December, one informal and five formal. ere were also two meetings of the heads of state or government of the eurozone, which I chaired, one in the timeframe of the March European Council, the other as a separate meeting in May.
Għemejjel terribbli li kellna nibqgħu nitgħallmu minnhom.Lessons had to be learnt from these dreadful wrongdoings.
Hu importanti ħafna li tgħid lit- tabib tiegħek jekk inti jew it- tifel/ tifla tiegħek qatt kellkom it - tuberkulosi, jew kontu qrib ta ’ xi ħadd li kellu t- tuberkulosi.It is very important that you tell your doctor if you or the child have ever had tuberculosis, or have been in close contact with someone who has had tuberculosis.
Hu importanti ħafna li tgħid lit- tabib tiegħek jekk inti jew it- tifel/ tifla tiegħek qattx kellkom it - tuberkulosi, jew kontu qrib ta ’ xi ħadd li kellu t- tuberkulosi.It is very important that you tell your doctor if you have ever had tuberculosis, or have been in close contact with someone who has had tuberculosis.
Kemm kellkom tkunu innovattivi fil-ħsibijiet tagħkom?How innovative have you had to be in your thinking?
Sinjali ta 'reazzjoni allerġika jistgħu jinkludu raxx tal- ġilda li jieklok, qtugħ ta' nifs u nefħa fil- wiċċ jew fl- ilsien. • jekk inti/ ibnek/ bintek fil- passat kellkom xi reazzjoni allerġika għal xi vaċċin kontra l- mard ta 'l - epatite A jew l- epatite B. • jekk inti/ ibnek/ bintekgħandkom xi infezzjoni qawwija b’ deni għoli.Signs of an allergic reaction may include itchy skin rash, shortness of breath and swelling of the face or tongue. • if you have/ your child has previously had an allergic reaction to any vaccine against hepatitis A or hepatitis B diseases. • if you have/ your child has a severe infection with a high temperature.
( 5 ) L-Artikolu 5.2 hu ssostitwit b' dan li ġej : « Il-minuti tal-proċedimenti tal-Kunsill Governattiv għandhom jiġu approvati fil-laqgħa ta » wara ( jew jekk ikun meħtieġ iktar kmieni bi proċedura bil-miktub ) mill-membri tal-Kunsill Governattiv li kellhom dritt tal-vot fil-laqgħa li għaliha jirreferu l-minuti , u għandhom jiġu ffirmati millPresident ."5 . Article 5.2 is replaced by the following : « The minutes of the proceedings of the Governing Council shall be approved at the subsequent meeting ( or if necessary earlier by written procedure ) by the members of the Governing Council who had a voting right at the meeting to which the minutes refer and shall be signed by the President .'
* Bbażat fuq riżultati minn tagħrif kombinat ta ’ TORO 1 u TORO 2 fuq popolazzjoni ITT, il- viral load f’ ġimgħa 48 għal persuni li waqfu wara l- vista ta’ wara, waqqfu t- terapija, jew kellhom insuffiċjenza viroloġika sostitwita bl- aħħar osservazzjoni tagħhom (LOCF). # L- aħħar valur miġjub ’ l quddiem. ** M- H test:* Based on results from pooled data of TORO 1 and TORO 2 on ITT population, week 48 viral load for subjects who were lost to follow-up, discontinued therapy, or had virological failure replaced by their last observation (LOCF). # Last value carried forward. ** M-H test:
* Fl- istudju 1100. 1090 li minnu waslu l- maġġoranza ta ’ każijiet avversi relatati (n=28), pazjenti fuq plaċebo kellhom inċidenza ogħla ta ’ każijiet ta ’ granuloċitopenija (3. 3%) milli pazjenti fuq nevirapine (2. 5%).* In study 1100.1090, from which the majority of related adverse events (n=28) were received, patients on placebo had a higher incidence of events of granulocytopenia (3.3%) than patients on nevirapine (2.5%).
* f’ sottogrupp ta ’ trabi li ma ngħatalhomx il- vaċċin ta ’ l- epatite B mat- twelid, 89. 9% ta ’ l- individwi kellhom titri ≥10 mUI/ ml kontra l- HBs. † il- punt tal- waqfa aċċettat bħala wieħed li juri protezzjoni †† rispons tal- vaċċin:% ta ’ l- individwi kkunsidrati li rrispondew għall- antiġen tal- Bordetella pertussis* in a subgroup of infants not administered hepatitis B vaccine at birth, 89.9% of subjects had anti-HBs titres ≥ 10 mIU/ ml † cut-off accepted as indicative of protection †† vaccine response:% of subjects considered to have responded to the Bordetella pertussis antigen
* f’ subgrupp ta 'trabi li ma ngħatawx il- vaċċin ta ’ l- epatite B fit- twelid, 77. 7% tas- suġġetti kellhom livelli anti- HB ≥ 10 mIU/ ml † cut- off aċċettata bħala indikazzjoni ta ’ protezzjoni* in a subgroup of infants not administered hepatitis B vaccine at birth, 77.7% of subjects had anti- HBs titres ≥ 10 mIU/ ml † cut-off accepted as indicative of protection
22 Jekk ikollok reazzjoni allerġika qawwija (tip anafilattika), l- għoti ta 'Replagal ser jitwaqqaf minnufih u trattament xieraq għandu jiġi mibdi mit- tabib tiegħek.If you experience a severe allergic (anaphylactic-type) reaction, the administration of Replagal will be immediately discontinued and an appropriate treatment will have to be initiated by your doctor.
Anne-Marie Sigmund, ir-rappor-teur tal-Kumitat dwar l-integrazzjoni tar-Roma, iddikjarat li “l-ewwel u qabel kollox, l-identità Ewropea hi identità kulturali aktar milli identità legali”. Marcel Courthiade, professur Roma u lettur fil-lingwa Roma fl-Istitut tal-Lingwi Orjentali f’Pariġi, enfasizza l-importanza ta’ għarfien ta’ ħafna lingwi u kulturi, permezz ta’ proverbju Roma li jgħid: “Aktar ma tkun taf lingwi, aktar ikollok patriji”.Anne-Marie Sigmund, the Committee’s rapporteur on the integration of the Roma, said ‘European identity is first and foremost a cultural identity, then a legal identity’. e relevance of knowing several languages and cultures was stressed by Marcel Courthiade, a Roma professor and lecturer in Romani language at the Oriental Languages Institute in Paris, who quoted the Roma proverb: ‘e more languages you know, the more homes you will have’.
Bħala « sieħeb » , ikollok aċċess għal tagħrif dwar l-euro li tista » tgħaddi lill-klijenti , membri u impjegati tiegħek .As a « partner » , you will have access to information on the euro that you can pass on to your customers , clients , members and employees .
Dan irid ikun ikkunsidrat qabel ma inti tkun trattat/ a b’ Cyanokit. • jekk ikollok bżonn ta ’ xi testijiet tad- demm jew ta ’ l- awrina, li inti kont trattat/ a b’ Cyanokit.They will have to take it into account before treating you with Cyanokit. • that you have been treated with Cyanokit if you need to have any blood or urine tests.
F’ dan il- każ inti ser ikollok tieħu l- pilloli darba jew darbtejn kuljum biss.In this case, you will have to take the tablets only once or twice a day.
Abbażi ta’ dawn it-temi, l-EIT ikollu l-awtonomija biex jorganizza l-proċess tal-għażla tal-KGħI fil-futur.On the basis of these themes, the EIT will have the autonomy to organise the future KICs selection process.
Appell ser ikollu sitt membri u sitt sostituti b' għarfien u esperjenza rilevanti , eskluż persunal preżenti tal-awtoritajiet superviżorji nazzjonali jew ta » istituzzjonijiet nazzjonali jew Komunitarji oħra involuti fl-attivitajiet tal-Awtorità .The Board of Appeal will have six members and six alternates with relevant knowledge and experience , excluding current staff of the national supervisory authorities or other national or Community institutions involved in the activities of the Authority .
Barra minn hekk, ir-Renju Unit identifika inkonsistenza fil-Parti-FCL peress li Eżaminatur tat-Titjir Sintetiku (SFE), li għandu jkollu ċertifikat ta’ SFI, ser ikollu l-privileġġ li jwettaq valutazzjonijiet tal-kompetenza għall-ħruġ, il-validazzjoni mill-ġdid jew it-tiġdid taċ-ċertifikat tal-SFI iżda, fl-istess ħin, mhux se jkollu l-permess li jħarreġ lil dawn l-SFIs.In addition, the UK identified an inconsistency in Part-FCL as the Synthetic Flight Examiner (SFE), who must hold an SFI certificate, will have the privilege to conduct assessments of competence for the issue, revalidation or renewal of an SFI certificate but, at the same time, will not be allowed to instruct these SFIs.
Barra minn hekk, l-awtoritajiet Lussemburgiżi jenfasizzaw li Dexia BIL ser ikollu pożizzjoni ta’ likwidità qawwija wara l-bejgħ, u se jiffoka fuq l-attivitajiet bankarji bl-imnut u servizzi bankarji privati, u se jaqta’ r-rabtiet tiegħu mal-grupp Dexia residwu permezz ta' disponiment tal-portafoll storiku ta’ Dexia LDG u l-bejgħ tal-parteċipazzjonijiet tiegħu f’RBCD u DAM.Furthermore, the Luxembourg authorities point out that Dexia BIL will have a strong liquidity position after the sale, will focus on retail banking and private banking, and will have cut its ties to the residual Dexia group by disposing of the legacy portfolio and Dexia LDG and selling its holdings in RBCD and DAM.
Bil-mod is-sitwazzjoni qiegħda titjieb fl-Ewropa, iżda l-SDO ser ikollu rwol importanti għal ħafna żmien fil-ġejjieni sabiex jgħin li jkun assigurat li s-sostenibilità tibqa’ tikkritika b’mod radikali l-approċċ li nkomplu mexjin kif konna qisu xejn m’hu xejn, u l-SDO ser ikompli jisħaq dwar miri konkreti u miżuri li jwasslu għal bidla.Things are gradually improving on this front in Europe, but the SDO will have an important role for some time to come in helping to ensure that sustainability continues as a radical critique of business as usual, and continues to demand concrete targets and measures for change.
Anna qed naħdmu diġà fuq l-iżvilupp ta' ideat u inizjattivi sabiex jiġi assigurat illi s-Sena ghal Opportunitajiet Indaqs ikollha effett reali."We are already working on developingideas and initiatives to ensure that the Year of Equal Opportunities will have a real effect.’
Ara partikolarment il-Punt 135 tad-Deċiżjoni: “Il-Kummissjoni tqis li s-sottomissjoni ta’ EDF għal-liġi komuni dwar il-falliment ser ikollha l-effett li twaqqaf il-garanzija bla limitu mil-Istat li din kienet tibbenefika minnha” (Linja taħt miżjuda).See in particular recital 135 of the decision: ‘The Commission considers that making EDF subject to the ordinary law on bankruptcy will have the effect of withdrawing the unlimited State guarantee which it enjoyed’ (emphasis added.)
Barra mill-kriżi finanzjarja storika li qed niaċċjaw bħalissa, l-Ewropa ser ikollha Kummissjoni ġdida, Parlament ġdid u, nittamaw, Trattat ġdid.Apart from the historical financial crisis we are facing now, Europe will have a new Commission, a new Parliament, hopefully a new Treaty.
Barra minn hekk, lgħajnuna mogħtija lill-bejjiegħa ż-żgħar tal-laħam permezz ta’ eżenzjoni mit-taxxa konċernata nstab li mhix kompatibbli u ser ikollha tinġabar lura.Furthermore, aid granted to small meat sellers via an exemption from the tax in question is found incompatible and will have to be recovered.
Biex l-affarijiet ikunu ċari , ta » min jirrimarka li r-referenza għall-magna ( i ) l-oħra titneħħa fl-istess ħin meta jitneħħa t-tip ta » magna ttestjata , u viċeversa , għal raġunijiet ta » konsistenza , it-tip ta » magna ttestjata ( u l-magni l-oħra kollha ta » l-istess fabbrikant bl-istess funzjonalitajiet ewlenin kif definit fil-BRF ) ikollhom jitneħħew jekk ikollha titneħħa xi waħda mill-magni l-oħra , mingħajr ma jingħata każ tar-raġunijiet għal tali tneħħija .For the sake of clarity it is noted that the reference to the further machine ( s ) will be removed simultaneously with a removal of the tested machine type , and vice versa , for the sake of consistency , the tested machine type ( and all further machines of the same manufacturer with the same core functionalities as defined in the BRF ) will have to be removed if any of the further machine would need to be removed , regardless of the grounds of such removal .
Bħala parafrażi tal-qawl antik ta’ lAtenjan Temistokle (“ser ikollna art u pajjiż sakem ikollna l-vapuri u l-ibħra”), il-KESE jikkonkludi li “lEwropa ser ikollha futur sakemm ikollha l-vapuri u l-ibħra”.Paraphrasing the ancient saying of the Athenian Themistocles (‘we will have a land and homeland as long as we have ships and seas’), the EESC concludes that ‘Europe will have a future as long as it has ships and seas’.
Għall-Kumitat tagħna, dan isser li ser ikollna niaċċjaw kuntest mhux stabbli, jeħtiġilna nżommu prol għoli u l-komunikazzjoni ser ikollha importanza ewlenija.For our Committee, this means that we will have to face a moving context, we have to keep a high profile and communication will have an overriding importance.
Jekk int tinsab f’detenzjoni waqt il-proċedura ta’ Dublin, il-perjodu ta’ żmien tal-proċedura għalik ikun dan: ikollna nsaqsu lil pajjiż ieħor biex ikun responsabbli għalik fi żmien xahar mis-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni għal ażil tiegħek.If you are detained during the Dublin procedure, the timeframe of the procedure for you will be the following: we will have to ask another country to take responsibility for you within one month of the submission of your asylum application.
Ser ikollna niddiskutu l-istrateġija ġdida ta’ Liżbona u kwistjonijiet ta’ importanza kbira għaċċittadini Ewropej u l-ġejjieni tagħna lkoll.We will have to discuss the new Lisbon strategy and issues of great importance for European citizens and for our future.
01_2004_1268_testo_MT.QXD 28-05-2004 16:11 Pagina 32 benefi``jarji indikati tieg]ek, jew, jekk mhux hekk,lill-werrieta legali tieg]u/tag]ha/tag]hom.Membri li lperjodu tal-kariga tag]hom jispi``a qabel majaslu sa l-età tas-60 u qabel ma jkunu okkupaw il-karigag]al 10 snin ikollhom tliet g]a\liet:(a) ikomplu l-polza sad-data tal-maturità li kienet iffissataori[inarjament, bil-primjumijiet jit]allsu mill-Membru;(b) jikkonvertu lassikurazzjoni fi paid-up policy, bilkapital jirrapre\enta l-primjumijiet im]allsa flimkien ma'l-interessi li jaqg]u fid-data tal-maturità li kienet iffissataori[inarjament;(c) i]allsu s-surrender valuemsemmi fil-kuntratt li jista'jin[abar mid-Dipartiment talPensjonijiet u lAssikurazzjoni tal-Membri.Il-formula ta' lapplikazzjoni g]all-polza ta' lassikurazzjoni tal-]ajja tkun mibg]uta lilek meta tibdataqdi d-dmirijiet tieg]ek, f'envelop markat 'Benefi``jiso`jali'.This insurance is payable:•either to you when you have held office for 10 yearsand reached the age of 60;•or, in the event of your death, to your designatedbeneficiary or beneficiaries or, failing that, tohis/her/their legal heirs.Members whose term of office ends before they reach theage of 60 and before they have held office for 10 yearswill have three options:(a) continuing the policy until the maturity date originallyfixed, the premiums payable by the Member;(b) converting the insurance into a paid-up policy, withthe capital representing the premiums paid plus interestfalling due at the maturity date originally fixed;(c) having the surrender value stated in the contractavailable from the Members’ Pensions and Insurance Department paid out.The application form for the life assurance policy will besent to you when you take up your duties, in the envelopemarked ‘Social benefits’.
Abbażi ta’ proġetti simili ta’ disinn tekniku mill-ġdid, hu mistenni li ekwipaġġ ta’ żewġ inġiniera ser ikollhom jaħdmu għal-sentejn b’mod kontinwu; it-tul massimu tal-proġett sħiħ huwa ffissat għal sentejn.Based on similar technical redesign projects, it is expected that an engineering crew of two people will have to work for two years continuously; the maximum duration of the entire project is set to two years.
Azzjonijiet taħt dawn ilprogrammi ikollhom jiġu kuntrattati fi żmien is-sentejn ta » wara .Actions under these programmes will have to be contracted within the following two years .
B'kont meħud tal-fatt li l-2014 ser tkun sena transitorja li matulha l-Istati Membri ser ikollhom iħejju l-implimentazzjoni sħiħa tar-riforma tal-PAK, huwa importanti li jiġi żgurat li l-piż amministrattiv li jirriżulta mill-arranġamenti transitorji stabbiliti f'dan ir-Regolament jinżamm fil-minimu assolut,Taking into account the fact that 2014 will be a transitional year during which Member States will have to prepare the full implementation of the CAP reform, it is important to ensure that the administrative burden resulting from the transitional arrangements laid down in this Regulation is kept to the absolute minimum.
Barra milli jistimulaw l-innovazzjoni u l-għarfien, avvanzi teknoloġiċi fit-trasport ser ikollhom impatt pożittiv fuq l-integrazzjoni ekonomika u soċjali ta’l-Ewropa. l-Ewropa.Aside from stimulating innovation and knowledge, technological advances in transport will have a positive impact on Europe economic and social integration.
Bilħaqq, għandi seminar ftit xhur oħra f’Dublin.Actually, I have a seminar in Dublin in a few months.
B’dan għandi l-unur nesprimi l-qbil tal-Gvern tiegħi mal-ittra ta' hawn fuq.I hereby have the honor to express my Government's agreement with the above letter.
B’dan għandi l-unur nesprimi l-qbil tal-Gvern tiegħi ma’ din l-ittra.I hereby have the honour to express my Government's agreement with the above letter.
B’referenza għall-Artikolu 16(2) u (3) tal-Ftehim milħuq bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u l-Gvern tal-Kanada dwar miżuri sanitarji biex jipproteġu s-saħħa pubblika u dik tal-annimali fir-rigward ta’ kummerċ f’annimali ħajjin u prodotti magħmulin mill-annimali, magħmul f’Ottawa fis-17 ta’ Diċembru 1998, minn hawn ‘il quddiem imsejjaħ ‘il-Ftehim’, għandi l-unur li nipproponi xi emendi għall-Anness V tal-Ftehim skont ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-Kumitat Konġunt tat-Tmexxija mwaqqaf skont l-Artikolu 16(1) tal-Ftehim, kif ġej:With reference to Article 16(2) and (3) of the Agreement between the European Community and the Government of Canada on sanitary measures to protect public and animal health in respect of trade in live animals and animal products, done at Ottawa on 17 December 1998, hereafter called “the Agreement”, I have the honour to propose modifications to Annex V to the Agreement in accordance with the recommendations of the Joint Management Committee established under Article 16(1) of the Agreement, as follows:
B’referenza għall-Artikolu 16(2) u (3) tal-Ftehim milħuq bejn il-Komunità Ewropea u l-Gvern tal-Kanada dwar miżuri sanitarji biex jipproteġu s-saħħa pubblika u dik tal-annimali fir-rigward ta’ kummerċ f’annimali ħajjin u prodotti magħmulin mill-annimali, magħmul f’Ottawa fis-17 ta’ Diċembru 1998, minn hawn ‘il quddiem imsejjaħ “il-Ftehim”, għandi l-unur li nipproponi emendi għall-Anness V tal-Ftehim skont ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-Kumitat Konġunt tat-Tmexxija mwaqqaf skont l-Artikolu 16(1) tal-Ftehim, kif ġej:With reference to Article 16(2) and (3) of the Agreement between the European Community and the Government of Canada on sanitary measures to protect public and animal health in respect of trade in live animals and animal products, done at Ottawa on 17 December 1998, hereafter called ‘the Agreement’, I have the honour to propose modifications to Annex V to the Agreement in accordance with the recommendations of the Joint Management Committee established under Article 16(1) of the Agreement, as follows:
(Dawn jissejħu wkoll ulceri gastriċi jew peptiċi) • Jekk għandek xi marda ta ’ fsada (bħall- emofilja) • Jekk qed tuża xi kura oħra għal diffikultajiet fl- erezzjoni. • Jekk qatt kellek nuqqas f’ daqqa jew telf tal- vista, tibqax tieħu Levitra u kellem lit- tabib tiegħek minnufih.These include sickle cell disease, multiple myeloma and leukaemia If you have stomach ulcers (also called gastric or peptic ulcers) If you have a bleeding disorder (such as haemophilia) If you are using any other treatments for erection difficulties If you experience sudden decrease or loss of vision, stop taking Levitra and contact your doctor immediately.
(Dawn jissejħu wkoll ulceri gastriċi jew peptiċi) • Jekk għandek xi marda ta ’ fsada (bħall- emofilja) • Jekk qed tuża xi kura oħra għal diffikultajiet fl- erezzjoni. • Jekk qatt kellek nuqqas f’ daqqa jew telf tal- vista, tibqax tieħu Vivanza u kellem lit- tabib tiegħek minnufih.These include sickle cell disease, multiple myeloma and leukaemia If you have stomach ulcers (also called gastric or peptic ulcers) If you have a bleeding disorder (such as haemophilia) If you are using any other treatments for erection difficulties If you experience sudden decrease or loss of vision, stop taking Vivanza and contact your doctor immediately.
(Fejn applikabbli) Il-valur tal-ammont li għandek tħallas f’[munita nazzjonali tal-mutwatarju] kull [frekwenza tal-pagament akkont] tista’ tinbidel.(Where applicable) The value of the amount you have to pay in [national currency of the borrower] each [frequency of instalment] could change.
(Fejn applikabbli) [Informazzjoni dwar portabbiltà/surroga] Inti għandek il-possibbiltà li tittrasferixxi dan is-self lil [mutwanti] [jew] [proprjetà] oħra.(Where applicable) [Information on portability/subrogation] You have the possibility to transfer this loan to another [lender][or] [property].
(Hawnhekk għandek opportunità tajba biex tippreżenta ruħek, biex tagħti xi informazzjoni aktar importanti lil min iħaddem prospettiv, biex tqanqal l-interess tagħhom).(Here you have a good chance to present yourself, to give some more important information to the prospective employer, to make them interested.) •Why do you want to work for us? •Why did you leave your previous job? •How do you see your responsibilities in our company?
"Denominaturg" tfisser id-denominatur ta’ grupp g ta’ moniters li huwa l-valur proprju (Denominaturm) tal-moniter speċifiku m li għandu l-aktar proporzjon ta’ prestazzjoni waqt l-użu baxxa skont kif stabbilit fil-paragrafu 6.1.2. meta mqabbel mal-moniters kollha li huma parti minn dak il-grupp g ta’ moniters abbord vettura partikolari."Denominatorg" means the denominator of a group g of monitors and is the actual value (Denominatorm) of the specific monitor m that has the lowest in-use performance ratio as defined in paragraph 6.1.2 of all monitors within that group g of monitors on board a particular vehicle.
"Numeraturg" tfisser in-numeratur ta’ grupp g ta’ moniters li huwa l-valur proprju (Numeraturm) tal-moniter speċifiku m li għandu l-aktar proporzjon ta’ prestazzjoni waqt l-użu baxxa skont kif definit fil-paragrafu 6.1.2. meta mqabbel mal-moniters kollha li huma parti minn dak il-grupp g ta’ moniters abbord vettura partikolari;"Numeratorg" means the numerator of a group g of monitors and is the actual value (Numeratorm) of the specific monitor m that has the lowest in-use performance ratio as defined in paragraph 6.1.2. of all monitors within that group g of monitors on board a particular vehicle;
"Robot" (2 8) tfisser mekkaniżmu ta' manipulazzjoni, li jista' jkun tat-tip ta' trajettorja kontinwa jew punt sa punt, jista' juża sensuri, u għandu l-karatteristiċi kollha li ġejjin:"Robot" (2 8) means a manipulation mechanism, which may be of the continuous path or of the point-to-point variety, may use sensors, and has all the following characteristics:
"bastiment kummerċjali awtopropulsivi" tfisser bastiment li, permezz tas-sistema ta’ propulsjoni u ta' direzzjoni permanenti tiegħu, għandu l-karatteristiċi kollha ta' awtonavigabbiltà fuq l-ibħra miftuħa jew fuq passaġġi tal-ilma interni u li jaqa' f'waħda mill-kategoriji li ġejjin:“self-propelled commercial vessel” means a vessel that, by means of its permanent propulsion and steering, has all the characteristics of self-navigability on the high seas or on inland waterways and belongs to one of the following categories:
"servizz ta' kostruzzjoni" ifisser servizz li għandu bħala l-għan tiegħu r-realizzazzjoni b'liema mezzi jkunu ta' xogħlijiet ċivili jew ta' kostruzzjoni, bbażati fuq Diviżjoni 51 il-Klassifikazzjoni Proviżorja Ċentrali tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti, (minn hawn 'il quddiem imsemmija is-"CPC");‘construction service’ means a service that has as its objective the realization by whatever means of civil or building works, based on Division 51 of the United Nations Provisional Central Product Classification (hereinafter referred to as the ‘CPC’);
"(b) l-awtorità kompetenti għandha żżomm lista ta’ eżaminaturi li hija stess tkun iċċertifikat.The competent authority shall maintain a list of examiners it has certified.
"Awtorità Responsabbli" tfisser entità taħt il-ġurisdizzjoni ta' wieħed mill-Istati Membri tal-UE jew tal-Iżrael li tkun responsabbli għall-implimentazzjoni effettiva tal-liġi tal-UE u nazzjonali f'qasam industrijali speċifiku, u li fejn ikun xieraq għandha r-responsabilità li tgħarraf l-Entitajiet Notifikati;"Responsible Authority" means a body under the jurisdiction of one of the Member States of the EU or of Israel which is responsible for the effective implementation of EU and national law in a specified industrial sector, and which where appropriate has the responsibility for notifying Notified Bodies;
"Fejn l-awtorità kompetenti, f’konformità mal-Artikolu 17(1) tar-Regolament (UE) Nru 1092/2010, tgħarraf lill-Kunsill u lill-BERS bl-azzjonijiet li tkun ħadet bi tweġiba għar-rakommandazzjoni tal-BERS, hija għandha tqis kif jistħoqq il-fehemiet tal-Bord tas-Superviżuri u għandha wkoll tgħarraf lill-Kummissjoni.";"Where the competent authority, in accordance with Article 17(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010, informs the Council and the ESRB of the actions it has undertaken in response to a recommendation of the ESRB, it shall take due account of the views of the Board of Supervisors and shall also inform the Commission.";
"azzjoni" tfisser kwalunkwe attività, li ġiet identifikata bħala waħda finanzjarjament u teknikament indipendenti, għandha żmien stipulat u hija neċessarja għall-implimentazzjoni ta' proġett ta' interess komuni;"action" means any activity which has been identified as financially and technically independent, has a set time-frame and is necessary for the implementation of a project of common interest;
"magna tat-tip 1 B li tuża żewġ tipi ta’ fjuwil" tfisser magna li tuża żewġ tipi ta’ fjuwil li topera fuq il-parti sħuna taċ-ċiklu tat-test WHTC bi proporzjon medju tal-gass li mhuwiex inqas minn 90 fil-mija (GERWHTC ≥ 90 %), u li meta tkun ingranata ma tużax esklużivament fjuwil tad-diżil fil-modalità b'żewġ tipi ta' fjuwil, u li għandha modalità bid-diżil;“type 1B dual-fuel engine” means a dual-fuel engine that operates over the hot part of the WHTC test-cycle with an average gas ratio that is not lower than 90 per cent (GERWHTC ≥ 90 %), and that does not idle using exclusively diesel fuel in dual-fuel mode, and that has a diesel mode;
'Aħna għandna madwar 50 litru ilma fil‑fliexken ġewwa l‑appartament għall‑ħasil u t‑tindif, għal dak li jista’ jinqala’.'We have about 50 litres of bottled water in the apartment for washing and cleaning, just in case.
- Nista’noffrilek li torqod għandna l-lejla ħabib? ssuġġerixxa bil-ħlewwa l-missier.- “Why not stay the night with us ?” offered Tom’s Dad. “You can have our spare room”.
Aħna , li qegħdin fl-Eurosistema , għandna bħala l-mira ewlenija tagħna , l-istabbiltà fil-prezzijiet għall-kisba tal-ġid komuni .We in the Eurosystem have as our primary objective the maintenance of price stability for the common good .
Aħna fl-UE li akkwistajnihom għandna nuru s-solidarjetà magħhom.We in the EU who have gained these must show solidarity with them.
Aħna l-agħar għedewwa tagħna nfusna: għandna wisq it-tendenza li nissodisfaw lilna nnfusna bi ftit u li nagħlqugħajnejna għall-veritajiet li jdejquna.We are our own worst enemies: we have too great a tendency to be satisfied with little and to close our eyes whenwe see truths that annoy us.
(Tista ’ tkun ta ’ għajnuna jekk iżżomm kont tal- postijiet fejn jingħataw l - injezzjonijiet ta ’ qabel.) • Jekk inti jew it- tifel/ tifla għandkom il- psorjasi, m’ għandekx tinjetta direttament ġo kwalunkwe rqajja ’ tal- ġilda li jkunu mtellgħin, ħoxnin, ħomor, jew bil- qxur (“ leżjonijiet tal- psorjasi fil - ġilda ”).(It may be helpful to keep notes on the location of the previous injections.)  If you or the child have psoriasis, you should try not to inject directly into any raised, thick, red, or scaly skin patches (“ psoriasis skin lesions”).
(Tista ’ tkun ta ’ għajnuna jekk iżżomm kont tal- postijiet fejn jingħataw l- injezzjonijiet ta ’ qabel.) • Jekk inti jew it- tifel/ tifla għandkom il- psorjasi, m’ għandekx tinjetta direttament ġo kwalunkwe rqajja ’ tal- ġilda li jkunu mtellgħin, ħoxnin, ħomor, jew bil- qxur (“ leżjonijiet tal- psorjasi fil - ġilda ”).(It may be helpful to keep notes on the location of the previous injections.)  If you or the child have psoriasis, you should try not to inject directly into any raised, thick, red, or scaly skin patches (“ psoriasis skin lesions”).
- Jekk inti jew it- tifel/ tifla tiegħek għandkom reazzjoni għall- bajd jew għal xi ħaġa li fiha l- bajd- If you or your child have an allergic reaction to eggs or anything that contained egg
- Jekk inti jew it- tifel/ tifla tiegħek għandkom sistema ta 'immunità mdgħajjfa minħabba marda- If you or your child have a weakened immune system because of a disease (including
- Jekk inti jew it- tifel/ tifla tiegħek għandkom storja familjari ta 'immunodefiċjenza konġenitali- If you or your child have a family history of congenital or hereditary immunodeficiency,
"Fuq talba, l-Istati Membri jistgħu jawtorizzaw lill-organizzazzjonijiet u l-istituzzjonijiet tal-karità msemmija fl-Artikolu 103d(4) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1234/2007 biex jitolbu kontribuzzjoni simbolika mingħand dawk li fl-aħħar mill-aħħar jirċievu l-prodotti rtirati mis-suq. Meta l-organizzazzjonijiet u l-istituzzjonijiet tal-karità kkonċernati jkunu kisbu l-awtorizzazzjoni, minbarra l-obbligi skont l-Artikolu 83(1) ta' dan ir-Regolament, huma għandhom iżommu kontijiet finanzjarji għall-operazzjoni inkwistjoni."‘Upon request, Member States may authorise the charitable organisations and institutions referred to in Article 103d(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 to ask a symbolic contribution from the final recipients of products withdrawn from the market. When the charitable organisations and institutions concerned have obtained the authorisation, they shall, in addition to the obligations under Article 83(1) of this Regulation, keep financial accounts for the operation in question.’
"Il-Kummissjoni għandha tingħata s-setgħa li tadotta atti ddelegati f'konformità mal-Artikolu 11a biex iżżid mal-Anness għal dan ir-Regolament liġijiet, regolamenti jew strumenti leġislattivi oħra ta' pajjiżi terzi li għandhom applikazzjoni ekstraterritorjali u li jikkawżaw effetti negattivi fuq l-interessi tal-Unjoni u l-interessi ta' persuni fiżiċi u ġuridiċi li jeżerċitaw drittijiet taħt it-Trattat dwar il-Funzjonament tal-Unjoni Ewropea, u biex tħassar liġijiet, regolamenti jew strumenti leġislattivi oħra meta ma jibqax ikollhom effetti bħal dawn."."The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 11a to add to the Annex to this Regulation laws, regulations or other legislative instruments of third countries having extraterritorial application and causing adverse effects on the interests of the Union and the interests of natural and legal persons exercising rights under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and to delete laws, regulations or other legislative instruments when they no longer have such effects.".
"Matriċi fuq pjan fokali" ddisinjati apposta jew modifikati biex jiksbu ’multiplikazzjoni ta' ċarġ’ u limitati mid-disinn biex jkollhom sensittività radjanti massima ta' 10 mA/W jew inqas għal tulijiet ta' mewġ li jaqbżu 760 nm, li għandhom dan kollu li ġej:"Focal plane arrays" specially designed or modified to achieve ’charge multiplication’ and limited by design to have a maximum radiant sensitivity of 10 mA/W or less for wavelengths exceeding 760 nm, having all of the following:
"Wara approvazzjoni mill-awtorità kompetenti, l-operaturi individwali għandhom iżommu evidenza dokumentarja tal-użu tal-eċċezzjonijiet ta' hawn fuq. L-Istati Membri għandhom jinfurmaw lil xulxin u lill-Kummissjoni bl-eċċezzjonijiet li jkunu taw taħt il-punti (c) u (e) tal-ewwel paragrafu."‘Upon approval by the competent authority, the individual operators shall keep documentary evidence of the use of the above exceptions. Member States shall inform each other and the Commission on the exceptions they have granted under points (c) and (e) of the first paragraph.’;
"strutturi 'l barra mill-kosta li jżommu f'wiċċ l-ilma u li jiċċaqalqu" tfisser strutturi għall-esplorazzjoni, għall-esplojtazzjoni jew għall-ġenerazzjoni taż-żejt, tal-gass jew tal-enerġija rinnovabbli li għandhom il-karatteristiċi kollha ta' bastiment kummerċjali ħlief li ma humiex awtopropulsivi u huma maħsuba li matul l-operazzjoni tagħhom jitmexxew kemm-il darba.“floating and moving offshore structures” means structures for the exploration, exploitation or generation of oil, gas or renewable energy that have the characteristics of a commercial vessel except that they are not self-propelled and are intended to be moved several times during their operation.
Dan jista’ jitqies li jillimita t-tfixkil tal-kompetizzjoni, għax KBC ma jkunx qed juża l-għajnuna mill-Istat sabiex jespandi fi swieq fejn fil-preżent mgħandux negozju vijabbli jew f’attivitajiet li mhumiex parti mill-mudell kummerċjali ffukat mill-ġdid tiegħu.That can be regarded as limiting the distortion of competition, as KBC will not be using State aid to expand in markets where it does not have a currently viable business or in activities that are not part of its refocused business model.
Dejta limitata tindika li r- razza mgħandhiex influwenza maġġuri fuq il- farmakokinetika ta ’ vildagliptin.Limited data suggest that race does not have any major influence on vildagliptin pharmacokinetics.

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