We can go out and have dinner. | - We can go out and have dinner. |
I have been half in love with easeful Death | "I have been half in Love with easeful Death |
Tell that judge in Bakersfield my trial will have to wait | Tell that judge in Bakersfield my trial will have to wait |
Noe av dine mannfolk må have været involvert med denne celle. | Some of your men may have been involved with this cell. |
All the feelings that I have... | Hi, baby. All the feelings that I have... |
Frankrike har tilbudt åtte divisjoner for å forsvare Fenwick og britene 1 4. | Now the French have offered to defend Fenwick. The British, 1 4. |
Du har ingen anelse om firmaets vanskeligheter. | 'Cause you don't have the faintest idea of how much trouble the company's in. |
Jeg har for mange barn. | (HOWLS) I have too many kids. |
- Hva har dere gjort? | Go to bed. - What have you done? |
Vi har bare barbert oss i skrittet, og det klør. | We've just shaved our crotch and it itches. |
Det er fjeset til alle de pene Joe'ne hadde i ørkenen, | It's the face all those pretty little Joes had in the desert |
l bare ønske l hadde en holo-imager så jeg kunne bevare denne varme og fantastiske øyeblikk av fellesskap. | l only wish l had a holo-imager so l could preserve this warm and wonderful moment of camaraderie. |
Saladin har erklært at du ikke har overtrådt fredsavtalen. At du hadde god grunn. | Saladin himself sent word that your fight did not breach the peace, that you had cause. |
Hvis noen hadde grepet inn på hennes vegne, hun kanskje ikke har havnet i Radley. | If someone had intervened on her behalf, she might not have ended up in Radley. |
Her om dagen hadde han en sammenkomst med viktigperer. | The other day, he had a big powwow with all the DEA muckity-mucks. |
- Teologer har tolket "det evige hav" i betydningen politikkens verden, sjøen som konstant raser med opprør og revolusjon. | - Theologians have interpreted the "eternal sea" as meaning the world of politics, the sea that constantly rages with turmoil and revolution. |
Hvis min kjærlighet var et hav, ville Lindbergh trengt to fly. | If my love was an ocean... Lindy'd have to take two airplanes to get across it! |
Akkurat som i nord har de tempererte havene i sør også store, grønne hav. Med sine egne tareskoger. | Just as in the north, the Southern Seasonal Seas also have areas of rich green water with their own kelp forests |
Som jeg skulle si, med våre stødige hender ved roret, er jeg sikker på at Battledore fortsetter å kjempe i bøIgene og blir en trygg havn for dem som er i fare på livets hav. | As I was about to say with our steady hands at the helm I am confident that the good ship Battledore will continue to buffet her way through storm and tempest providing a safe haven for those who are in peril on the sea of life. |
Blant oss i kveld har vi den modigste av de blokadebrytere som har trosset yankee-kanonene og forsynt oss med ull og kniplinger. Jeg snakker om våghalsen fra de opprørte hav. | We have with us tonight that most daring of all blockade-runners whose fleet schooners, slipping past the Yankee guns have brought us here the very woolens and laces we wear tonight. |
-Jeg har hatt mye å tenke på. | I've had a lot on my mind. Uh-huh. |
Jeg har jo vært her når jeg har hatt perm, fått sett henne hele veien. | I've been here every time I've had leave, got to see her all the way. |
Du har visst hatt en fæl natt. | You've had a rough night, haven't you? |
—Hvor mange menn har De hatt? | - How many husbands have you had? |
Det kan ha hatt noe med det å gjøre. | That might have had something to do with it. (EXHALES) |