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Miliki (to have) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of miliki

Present tense
I have
Past tense
sudah miliki
I had
Present perfect tense
sudah miliki
I have had
Future perfect tense
akan sudah miliki
I will have had
Future recent tense
miliki nanti
I will have
Future distant tense
miliki kelak
I am going to have
Present continuous tense
sedang miliki
I have
Past distant tense
dulu miliki
I (a long time ago) had
Past recent tense
miliki tadi
I (recently) had
Past very recent tense
baru saja miliki
I (just now) had

Examples of miliki

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Artinya, secara harfiah, mimpi berulang stres yang saya miliki.That is, literally, a recurring stress dream that I have.
- Kau menisik tootin 'yang kita miliki.- You're darn tootin' we have.
mungkin satu2nya masalah yg kita miliki adalah kita menikah di usia muda.Maybe the only real problem we have is we got married so young.
Jika Sheriff tahu , aku akan kehilangan semua yang saya miliki .If the Sheriff found out, I'd lose all I have.
Pistol jenis apa yang kau miliki di dompetmu?What kind of gun is that you have in your purse?

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