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Desena (to draw) conjugation

47 examples

Conjugation of desena

Present tense
I draw
you draw
he/she/it draws
we draw
you all draw
they draw
Present perfect tense
am desenat
I have drawn
ai desenat
you have drawn
a desenat
he/she/it has drawn
am desenat
we have drawn
ați desenat
you all have drawn
au desenat
they have drawn
Past preterite tense
I drew
you drew
he/she/it drew
we drew
you all drew
they drew
Future tense
voi desena
I will draw
vei desena
you will draw
va desena
he/she/it will draw
vom desena
we will draw
veți desena
you all will draw
vor desena
they will draw
Conditional mood
aș desena
I would draw
ai desena
you would draw
ar desena
he/she/it would draw
am desena
we would draw
ați desena
you all would draw
ar desena
they would draw
Subjunctive present tense
să desenez
(so that/if) I draw
să desenezi
(so that/if) you draw
să deseneze
(so that/if) he/she/it draw
să desenăm
(so that/if) we draw
să desenați
(so that/if) you all draw
să deseneze
(so that/if) they draw
Subjunctive past tense
să fi desenat
(so that/if) I have drawn
să fi desenat
(so that/if) you have drawn
să fi desenat
(so that/if) he/she/it have drawn
să fi desenat
(so that/if) we have drawn
să fi desenat
(so that/if) you all have drawn
să fi desenat
(so that/if) they have drawn
Past impf. tense
I was drawing
you were drawing
he/she/it was drawing
we were drawing
you all were drawing
they were drawing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu desena
do not draw!
nu desenați
do not draw!
Past pluperfect tense
I had drawn
you had drawn
he/she/it had drawn
we had drawn
you all had drawn
they had drawn
Future alternative 1 tense
am să desenez
I am going to draw
ai să desenezi
you are going to draw
are să deseneze
he/she/it is going to draw
avem să desenăm
we are going to draw
aveți să desenați
you all are going to draw
au să deseneze
they are going to draw
Future alternative 2 tense
o să desenez
I am going to draw
o să desenezi
you are going to draw
o să deseneze
he/she/it is going to draw
o să desenăm
we are going to draw
o să desenați
you all are going to draw
o să deseneze
they are going to draw
Future perfect tense
voi fi desenat
I will have drawn
vei fi desenat
you will have drawn
va fi desenat
he/she/it will have drawn
vom fi desenat
we will have drawn
veți fi desenat
you all will have drawn
vor fi desenat
they will have drawn
Future in the past tense
aveam să desenez
I was going to draw
aveai să desenezi
you were going to draw
avea să deseneze
he/she/it was going to draw
aveam să desenăm
we were going to draw
aveați să desenați
you all were going to draw
aveau să deseneze
they were going to draw
Conditional past tense
aș fi desenat
I would have drawn
ai fi desenat
you would have drawn
ar fi desenat
he/she/it would have drawn
am fi desenat
we would have drawn
ați fi desenat
you all would have drawn
ar fi desenat
they would have drawn
Presumptive tense
oi desena
I might draw
oi desena
you might draw
o desena
he/she/it might draw
om desena
we might draw
oți desena
you all might draw
or desena
they might draw
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi desenând
I might be drawing
oi fi desenând
you might be drawing
o fi desenând
he/she/it might be drawing
om fi desenând
we might be drawing
oți fi desenând
you all might be drawing
or fi desenând
they might be drawing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi desenat
I might have drawn
oi fi desenat
you might have drawn
o fi desenat
he/she/it might have drawn
om fi desenat
we might have drawn
oți fi desenat
you all might have drawn
or fi desenat
they might have drawn

Examples of desena

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Stoarce piatra pentru a desena apă."Squeeze stone to draw water.
- Ai putea desena alta!- You can draw another one, maybe!
- Ba da ştii, sau nu ştiai desena acel simbol, un simbol pe care l-ai mai văzut înainte.- Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be drawing that symbol... a symbol you've seen before.
- Cred că desena casa.- I think she was drawing home.
- Crezi că-l poţi desena?Yeah, you think you can draw it?
"Când desenez SF, nu sunt Giraud, devin Moebius.""When I drawing science fiction, I am not Giraud, I am Moebius."
"Să-ti desenez inima mea,"Should I draw you the picture of my heart, you would know with what indescribable pleasure
"Şi încerc să desenez ultima imagine a soarelui." "Şi s-o trimit de la inima mea la a ta."Every night I look at the sunset... and try to draw the last ounce of heat from its long day... and send it from my heart to yours.
- Are că mă face să vomit, tu simpatizezi, eu desenez, eu mă resemnez, tu te resemnez blah blah blah.It has to do with me puking, you sympathizing, me withdrawing, you resenting me, me resenting your resentment, blah blah blah.
- Atunci e bine. - Mă duc să desenez sâni.- I'm gonna draw boobs on the Etch A Sketch.
"Bunico, nu ar trebui sa iti desenezi picioarele cu marker albastru.""Gamma, you shouldn't draw on your legs with a blue Magic Marker."
- Bună, ce desenezi ?[ Giggles ] Hey, what you drawing?
- Ce desenezi ? - Fructe.- What's your drawing?
- Ce desenezi ?- What are you drawing?
- Ce desenezi acolo?- What are you drawing?
- Asta desenează într-una Şase.That's what 6 always draws!
- Ne desenează pe toţi.He draws everyone.
Albert le desenează, dar nu le poate termina până nu fac eu bulele de dialog.Albert draws it, and he can't finish it until I've done the bubbles.
Asta e important. Ce desenează fata mea când îşi înfăţişează familia.This is important, what my daughter makes, when she draws her family.
Asta-i tot ce desenează. Persoane!That's all she draws, pixies.
"Ygdrasila"? Semnul secret pe care obişnuiam să-l desenăm peste tot.The secret sign we used to draw everywhere?
- Fără scăpare, să desenăm asta !You can't out, draw that one!
- Nici ochi şi nici gură. Dar ni s-a spus să desenăm faţa.There are no eyes or mouth either, but we were told to draw in the face.
- Noi desenăm animale. Ştiu.We're drawing the animal from the hacienda
- O să ne spui de ce desenăm copaci?You gonna tell us why we're drawing trees now?
- Cred că desenat.It was drawn, I think.
- Lasa-ma sa vad ce-ai desenat!- Could l see what you've drawn? - No.
- Nu crezi că e puţin cam ciudat că arma crimei, e un arc şi o săgeată şi un simbol indian a fost desenat pe fruntea lui?Don't you think it's more than a little odd that the murder weapon's a bow and arrow with an Indian symbol drawn on his forehead?
- Trebuie să fi fost desenat duminică dimineaţa.Where it must have been drawn on Sunday morning.
- Ăsta este unul dintre cele mai frumoase semafoare pe care l-ai desenat vreodată.This is one of the best streetlights you've ever drawn.
Plonjonul lui Catherine rămase adânc întipărit în mintea lui Jim, încât îl desenă a doua zi, deşi el nu ştia să-l deseneze.Jim never forgot thatjump. He drew it the next day, though he was not anartist.
A rămas surprins că desenam.He was surprised that I was drawing.
Am dat peste ea într-o zi pe când desenam organe genitale pe trofeele tale de foosbal .I came across it one day when I was drawing genitals on your foosball trophies.
De oricîte ori desenam portretele, ştii, tipilor ălora, îmi lua o grămadă de timp.Whenever I was drawing portraits of, you know, those guys, I would always take forever.
Vara trecută, la fermă, desenam ceva care strălucea în soare şi brusc am realizat că desenam găleată cu lături a porcilor.Last summer, in the farmyard, I was drawing something that was quite lovely in the sun, and suddenly, I realised I was drawing the pigs' swill bucket.
- Pe ăsta îl desenai în camera ta.This is the one you were drawing in your room. Yeah!
Chiar înainte să leşini, desenai asta.Right before you blacked out, you were drawing this.
Niste oameni mi-au spus ca ma desenai in galerie.Some people told me you were drawing me in the gallery.
Aseară, Sam şi Woody desenau.Last night Sam and Woody were drawing pictures.
Copiii desenau azi după-amiază.The kids were drawing pictures this afternoon.
Stii imaginea aia ciudata care o desenau copiii?That weird picture you told me the kids were drawing?
Scria în ziar că în Spania, acum 30.000 de ani în regiunea Alta Mira un om al peșterii desenase imaginea.It was written in the paper that in Spain, 30,000 years ago in the Alta Mira region, a caveman had drawn the picture.
- Treceam si te-am văzut desenând.Uh, I was strolling down here just now and noticed that you were drawing something and I'd a...
Acum doar stă cu căştile în linişte, desenând.Now he'll just sit with his headphones on quietly, just drawing.
Acum tinerii îşi vor arunca vieţile, desenând lucruri care nu sunt.Now those youngsters will throw their lives away, drawing things that never were.
Am acasă o fetiţă care se trezeşte... în miez de noapte, urlând din cauza unor coşmaruri, şi desenând un simbol, ca şi ăsta.I've got a little girl at home that wakes up in the middle of the night screaming about nightmares, and drawing a symbol that... this.
Am fost la St. Louis Numărul 1 şi am văzut mormântul lui Laveau, i- am văzut pe acei turişti graşi de la Little Rock, de la Hackensack desenând cruci pe ziduri, punându-şi dorinţe la mormântul lui Marie Laveau.I have been to St. Louis Number 1 and I have seen the tomb of Laveau, seen the fat tourists from Little Rock to Hackensack drawing crosses on the bricks, making wishes to the bones of Marie Laveau.

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