As amarras soltaram-se e agora está invertido. | It has broken loose from its mooring and drifted into an upside-down position. |
Continuarei a pressionar até que um se liberte das teimosas amarras. | I shall press until one unmoors from stubborn tether. |
Contribui para a fúria da tempestade e verás a tenda soltar-se das amarras. | Add to storm's bluster and see tent blown from strained mooring. |
Ela soltou-se das amarras e destruiu 6 barcos-- dos caros. | She broke free of her moorings and pounded six boats... expensive ones... to rubble. |
Ele arrancou as suas amarras. | he was ripped from his moorings. |
Diego permaneceu "amarrado" à sua mãe, só até o seu nascimento. | El Diego was moored to his mother only until he was born. |
Está a ver onde está amarrado aquele ferry? | See where that ferry's moored? |
Talvez, eu posso dizer que me amarrei sozinho. | Not that it says, I am moored. |