Jis su keturiais ratukais ir nuimamu perpetiniu dirželiu, už kurio paėmus dirbinį taip pat galima traukti. | It has four wheels and a removable shoulder strap that can also be used to pull the article along. |
Ant schemos parodyta kokia tvarka traukti ir kokia tvarka įvesti kombinaciją. | Look to the chart as a reference for which teeth to pull and in which order to enter the digits. |
Vaike, turiu du sraigtasparnius, pasiruošusius traukti kai ką didesnio už mano namą. Jei tai bus atlikta neteisingai, aš ir kitas sraigtasparnis... krisime žemyn. | Kid, I've got two helos about to pull something bigger than my own house that, if not done correctly, sends me and the other chopper spiraling to the ground in stereophonic explosions. |
Man pasakė, kad lynui traukti reikia arklio galių, taigi atsivežėme čia savo draugelį. | Well, the guys said they wanted a little horsepower to pull the rope, so we brought in our friend The Colonel to give us a little help. |
Nebent sutinki traukti vežimą. | Unless you want to pull the cart. |
- Tu visada trauki. | - You always pull. |
Tu trauki prieš vakuumą. | Stop it! You're pulling against a vacuum. |
- Tu trauki mane tolyn. | You're pullin' me away. |
ltraukei jo dosje? | You pulled his file? |
Bet kažkas mane čia traukė. | I just know there's always been something pulling me here. |
Jis traukė save, šaukė ant manęs ir tada mirė. | He pulled himself across the yard with his arms, screamed at me, and then he died. |
- Trauk, trauk! | pull! |
Pririšime tave prie Besės. Tik trauk ją švelniai. | We're gonna hitch you up to Bessie, and you're gonna pull her nice. |
Trauk, trauk! | Pull, pull, pull, pull! |
Trys...du...vienas...trauk. | And three, two, one... pull it. |
Trauk, trauk. | Pull, pull. |