Tas džinas bandė man trenkti. | - The genie tried to hit me! - I know. |
Tu liepei trenkti. | You told me to hit you. |
Štai kaip reikia trenkti! | That's the way to hit! |
Aš nebijau trenkti merginai. | I'm not afraid to hit a lady. |
Galbūt tai mano pirmas kartas, bet esu tikras tu neturėtum man trenkti. | This may be my first time, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to hit me. |
Tau trenkia, tu trenki atgal. Ne? | If someone hits you, you hit back, do you not? |
Tas pats būna kai tu trenki į sieną. | Well, when you hit the wall, the same thing is gonna happen. |
Kai trenki kitam žmogui, tavo ranka nukrenta. | When you hit another person, your hand will fall off. |
Aš jam trenkiau. | I hit him. |
Aš jam trenkiau, tad jis man davė atgal... | I hit him, so he hit me... |
- Tada jam trenkiau. | - That's when I hit him. |
Per silpnai as jam trenkiau. | I don't think I hit him hard enough. |
Tai, aš trenkiau jai pakankamai, kad ji liautųsi, supranti? | So, uh, I hit her just enough to make her stop, you know. |
Ne todėl, kad tu man trenkei. | /t's not because you hit me. |
KodeI jam trenkei? | What did you hit himfor? He surrendered! |
Ką, tu man trenkei? Kodėl? | Why did you hit me? |
Kodėl TU man trenkei? | Why the hell did you hit me? |
Tu trenkei man. | You hit me. |
Kas man trenkė? | Who hit me? |
Man atrodo tave trenkė perkūnas. | I think you got hit by the thunderbolt. |
Pagaliau kažkas jam trenkė. | 'Bout time someone hit him. |
Kažkas trenkė man. | Somebody hit me. |
- Jis pirmas man trenkė! | -He hit me first. -Liar! |
Trenksi jam, jis trenks tau... | If you hit him, then he will hit you. It will never end. |
Jozefai, jei būčiau bičas, tai trenkčiau tau į snukį! | Joosep, if I were a boy, I would hit you in the face! |
Jei galvotum apie mane kaip apie asmenybę, trenktum ir dėl to neliūdėtum. | It shouldn't matter. If you thought of me as a person instead of a woman, you would hit me and not feel bad about it. |
Tvirtai laikyk ginklą ir stipriai trenk jam, kai prisiartins. | Hold your weapon tightly And hit him as he comes |
Ir kai būsi pasiruošęs... trenk jai su keliu ir sakyk " Hut-hut-hut." | When you are ready to go hit her on the shoulder and say, " Hut-hut-hut." |
Nagi, Helena, trenk jam! | Come on, Helen, hit it! |
Dabar trenk man jei sugebėsi. | Then hit me, if you can. |
Na, tada trenk. | Then, hit me! |