Registrar (to register) conjugation

87 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: check, to inspect, to record, examine, to search, to check in, to examine

Conjugation of registrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I register
you register
he/she/it registers
we register
you all register
they register
Present perfect tense
he registrado
I have registered
has registrado
you have registered
ha registrado
he/she/it has registered
hemos registrado
we have registered
habéis registrado
you all have registered
han registrado
they have registered
Past preterite tense
I registered
you registered
he/she/it registered
we registered
you all registered
they registered
Future tense
I will register
you will register
he/she/it will register
we will register
you all will register
they will register
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would register
you would register
he/she/it would register
we would register
you all would register
they would register
Past imperfect tense
I used to register
you used to register
he/she/it used to register
we used to register
you all used to register
they used to register
Past perfect tense
había registrado
I had registered
habías registrado
you had registered
había registrado
he/she/it had registered
habíamos registrado
we had registered
habíais registrado
you all had registered
habían registrado
they had registered
Future perfect tense
habré registrado
I will have registered
habrás registrado
you will have registered
habrá registrado
he/she/it will have registered
habremos registrado
we will have registered
habréis registrado
you all will have registered
habrán registrado
they will have registered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I register
(if/so that) you register
(if/so that) he/she/it register
(if/so that) we register
(if/so that) you all register
(if/so that) they register
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya registrado
I have registered
hayas registrado
you have registered
haya registrado
he/she/it has registered
hayamos registrado
we have registered
hayáis registrado
you all have registered
hayan registrado
they have registered
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have registered
(if/so that) you have registered
(if/so that) he/she/it have registered
(if/so that) we have registered
(if/so that) you all have registered
(if/so that) they have registered
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have registered
(if/so that) you have registered
(if/so that) he/she/it have registered
(if/so that) we have registered
(if/so that) you all have registered
(if/so that) they have registered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera registrado
I had registered
hubieras registrado
you had registered
hubiera registrado
he/she/it had registered
hubiéramos registrado
we had registered
hubierais registrado
you all had registered
hubieran registrado
they had registered
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese registrado
I had registered
hubieses registrado
you had registered
hubiese registrado
he/she/it had registered
hubiésemos registrado
we had registered
hubieseis registrado
you all had registered
hubiesen registrado
they had registered
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have registered
(if/so that) you will have registered
(if/so that) he/she/it will have registered
(if/so that) we will have registered
(if/so that) you all will have registered
(if/so that) they will have registered
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere registrado
I will have registered
hubieres registrado
you will have registered
hubiere registrado
he/she/it will have registered
hubiéremos registrado
we will have registered
hubiereis registrado
you all will have registered
hubieren registrado
they will have registered
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's register!
Imperative negative mood
no registres
do not register!
no registre
let him/her/it register!
no registremos
let us not register!
no registréis
do not register!
no registren
do not register!

Examples of registrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Emoción poder registrar Los celos, la devoción* Just to register emotion, * * jealousy, devotion *
, Para registrar la parcela n mi nombre,,to register the plot n my name,
- Cuando los Nazis llegaron al poder aprobaron leyes forzando a los Judíos a registrar sus propiedades les suministraron "listas de Compras" virtuales.- When the Nazis came into power, they passed laws forcing Jews to register property, it provided them virtual "shopping lists."
- Danny... Primero,tenemos que registrar el nado.First, we need to register the swim.
-Entonces lo tengo que registrar.-Then I need to register you.
"El registro de asistencia de marzo está en blanco"."The attendance register for March is blank."
"Estimada señora, referente al problema del registro del que estuvimos hablando por teléfono la semana pasada,"Dear lady,... "concerning the register problem... "which we discuss over the telephone last week,...
"Parecía como si Parag, no fuera más que... "Un número en el registro de la cárcel. "'It seemed like, Parag wasn'thing more than a number on the jail's register.'
'Me hago llamar soprano masculino, porque mi voz parece' 'ubicarse más naturalmente en el registro de soprano.''I call myself a male soprano, because my voice seems' to most naturally sit in a soprano register.
- Aún está el registro abierto. Menos mal.- The register is still open?
- ¿No te registras?- Don't you register?
Cuando estás sobre el escenario, lo registras.When you're on-stage, you register.
Cuando la compras, te registras en la compañía por si la pierdes o te la roban.When you buy it, you register with the company in case you lose it or it gets stolen.
Debemos averiguar qué pasa si te registras.We have to find out what happens when someone registers.
Debo ir a un estúpido sitio web donde registras un eslogan.Gotta go to some stupid-ass website where you register a catch phrase.
- También registra miedo y angustia. - ¿Miedo?- He also registers fear and anxiety.
... registra el mercado del juguete y su potencial de franquicia el tamaño de mano del niño, su edad y raza.Boom... the thing registers the toy's gross market and franchise potential vis-à-vis the kid's hand size, age, and ethnicity.
Así que la computadora registra conductividad de la piel y la estructura capilar subdérmica para calcular una verificación de 2048 bits.So the computer registers skin conductivity and subdermal capillary structure to calculate a 2,048-bit verification.
Cada uno de sus huevos bebés tiene una computadora que registra la cantidad de cuidados o la falta de cuidados que se les da.Each of your eggbabies has a built-in computer, which registers the amount of care or lack of care it's given.
Como una cortesía, el frontón registra cualquier evento que es agregado al programa regular previsto.As a courtesy, the Fronton registers any events that are added to the regularly planned schedule.
- Encontramos su coche y la registramos como desaparecida.We found her car and registered her as missing.
- Siempre los registramos.We always register them.
- Y nos registramos como el Sr. y la Sra. J. Clark.- And we registered under the name of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark.
-¿Dónde nos registramos?-Where do we register?
Así que registramos a todos en la mañana, ...y después de nuevo cuando se van. Y eso es todo.So we get everybody registered in the morning, and then again when they go out, and that's it.
- Los escudos registran un impacto.- Shields have registered an impact.
- ¿ Por qué no registran?- Why aren't these registering?
A veces los medidores registran... las luchas de los ciervos en otoño, el paso de los pájaros en primavera... y hace poco se puso en movimiento una esfera... cuando su nave venía por el espacio.Sometimes the gauges register a little... when the buck deer fight in the autumn or when birds fly over in the spring... and nearly a whole dial became active... when your ship first approached from deep space.
Ahora, si se registran.Now, if you'll register.
Al pisarla mantiene la línea estándar estable, y todas las respuestas, sin importar la pregunta, se registran como verdaderas, ¿cierto?Step on the point to keep your baseline steady, and every answer, regardless of the question, registers as truth, right?
Además me pre-registré para todos mis regalos en línea.Plus I pre-registered for all my gifts online.
Bueno, yo me registré demócrata.Well, I'm a registered Democrat.
Cuando ella descubrió que me registré para mercaderías deportivas, ella vino a mis espaldas y cambió el registro a mercancías hogareñas, diciendo que mejor aprendía a cocinar algo, ok?When she found out that I had registered for sporting goods, she went behind my back and she changed the registry to housewares, saying that I'd better learn how to cook, okay?
Cuando reservé los billetes, te registré como Donoue.When reserving tickets, I registered you as Donoue.
El nivel más alto que registré fue de .23, pero estaba celebrando mi primer divorcio y, ya sabe, caí escaleras abajo y no sentí nada.The highest I've ever registered was .23, but that was in celebration of my first divorce and, you know, I fell down a flight of stairs and didn't feel a thing.
- No te registraste en un hotel.- You weren't registered in any hotel.
Adivina que más registraste.Guess what else you registered with the city.
Con el que te registraste en la escuela...♪ With which you registered at school.
Cuando todo esto termine debes decirme dónde te registraste.Now when this is all over, you need to tell me where you're registered.
Lo curioso es que, hasta donde pude averiguar hasta el día en que te registraste en el Colegio Comunitario de L.A Danny Reyes simplemente no existió.Funny thing is, far as I could tell, until the day you registered for L.A. Community College, Danny Reyes simply didn't exist.
"de que el Dodge Sedan de 1969 con matrícula UVL 888... "lo registró Gus Sutherland, "calle Jefferson, 8459, Hoboken."1969 Dodge sedan, license number UVL 888, registered to Gus Sutherland, 8459 Jefferson Street, Hoboken.
- Meyer... - Sí. 20 minutos después se registró una llamada desde el teléfono de Kemal en un repetidor en P.Knudsen's Square.Meyer... 20 minutes later a call was registered from Kemal's phone on a mast at P. Knudsen's Square.
- Nunca la registró.And you never registered it?
- Sí, sólo se registró.- Yeah, he just registered.
- Yo cambié, ¿no te dije que mi "amá"... dijo que me registró un mes después que nací.-l changed, my mom said... l was registered a month after l was born.
Cuando os registrasteis en la Colosseum, firmasteis un documento diciendo que no demandaríais a la universidad.When you registered at Colosseum, you signed a document saying you wouldn't sue the school.
- Se registraron como humanos.- They registered as human.
6:15 p.m.: Los sismógrafos registraron una explosión al Este....6:15 P.M. Sound detectors and seismographs registered explosion due east.
Al chico al que se lo registraron... fue secuestrado.The kid who the pumpis registered to... he was kidnapped.
Algunos refugiados se registraron y regresaron a casa, esperando vivir en paz allí.Some of the refugees have registered and gone home, hoping to live there peacefully.
Así que agencias sirias del gobierno compraron el software y lo registraron, ¿así como cualquier otro usuario honesto?So Syrian government agencies bought the software and registered it, just like any other honest user?
Como resultado, los haces láser se salen de fase y solamente se emite una pequeña cantidad de luz. Una débil señal, menor que el diámetro de un cabello humano 1/1000 del tamaño de un protón se registrará.As a result, the laser beams are thrown out of phase... and only then a small amount of light is emitted... a tiny signal, less than the diameter of a human hair... 1/1000th the size of a proton will register.
Contestaras a las preguntas sinceramente, Si miente, el asesor registrará el grado de falsedad y reaccionará acordemente.You will answer my questions truthfully, Should you lie, the assessor will register the degree of untruth and react accordingly,
El servicio de espionaje chino registrará nuestra presencia aquí y enviará a alguien en breve.The Chinese spy service will register our presence here and send someone in short order.
primero debemos probar si esto registrará alguna actividad cerebral.First we must test if this... will register any brain activity.
Eres el único tipo que conozco que se registraría por lociones y pañuelos.You're the only guy I know that would register for lotion and tissues.
- Como van menores al refugio, la ley federal requiere que Gilroy registre sus huellas.Since minors come through New Beginnings, federal law required that Gilroy register his prints.
- Sí, se registre aquí.- Yes, just register here - Preferably non- smoking
A menos que no registre al príncipe como hijo de la reina no desea verla a usted ni al príncipe.Unless you register the prince as the queers son, She wishes not to see you or the prince.
Abran fuego cuando se registre extrema cercanía.Open fire when it registers close proximity.
Alois, si vuelves a dejar que alguien se registre...Alois, if you ever let another person register without papers...
Cuando registres su caso, podremos admitirloOnce you register his case, we can admit him.
La oficina del B-cat hace que te registres con ellos y expide un permiso de actuación y una identificación, ¿no?B-cat transit makes you register with them and issues a performer permit and I.D. badge, don't they?
Lois, que te registres no significa que vayan a detenerte.Lois, just because you're registered, that doesn't mean you're under arrest.
Necesito que te registres como fuente de inteligencia.I need to you register as a covert intelligence source.
Necesito que te registres como mago, y a mí, como tu vil asistente.I need you to register as the magician, and I'm the lowly assistant.
Nosotros registremos una alarma silenciosa en la estación.We registered a silent alarm at the station.
Pero te conocí y dices, igual que muchos, que nos registremos para votar.But now I've met you and a lot of people and you're all saying register to vote.
Sí, en cuanto nos registremos, amigo.Yeah, as soon as we get registered, bud.
Y ahora quieren que nos registremos.And now they want us to register.
¡Ahora quieren que nos registremos!And now they want us to register.
- Bien, nuestros clientes registren en el sitio.- Well, our clients register on the site.
...exigir a los mutantes que registren sus habilidades será sólo la primer medida.Requiring mutants to register their abilities is just our first line of defense.
Confió en que permitirá en que mis hombres registren el yate.He hoped allow my men to register the yacht.
El Señor Amor les dice que se registren para votar.Your Love Daddy says register to vote.
El gobierno quiere que se registren.The government wants them to register.
Tal vez no se registraran con sus nombres verdaderos.They might not have registered with their real names.
"El Coro de la Iglesia Ljusåker se ha registrado para competir" "en el concurso de coros "Dejen Cantar a la Gente"" "que va a tener lugar en el país natal de Mozart y la música."It came in today's mail. German, but I'll translate: "Ljusaker Church Choir has been registered to compete" "in the Let the People Sing choir contest" "which is to take place in the native country of Mozart and music."
"Está registrado a nombre de Thomas Hammarberg. ""It is registered in the name of Thomas Hammarberg."
"La Iglesia de Inglaterra ha registrado fuertes objeciones a la confesión póstuma de ser gay del Obispo Perch... "'The Church of England has registered strong objections at the posthumous outing of Bishop Perch...'
"La presente carta es para comunicarle que habiendo registrado el sitio de Internet con el nombre de la asociación Aguas Altas, se notifica al ingeniero"Having registered the site" "in the name of the Aguas Altas Village Association," " Engineer Pedro Afonso..." Engineer?
"Usted ya no es un estudiante registrado en esta universidad "."you are no longer a registered student at this university."
- Ella se estará registrando el próximo otoño.- She'll be registering next fall.
- En la oficina registrando al caballo.He's up at the racing office registering the horse.
- Estoy registrando solo por 8 lakhs.l'm registering for Rs.8 lakhs only. - Remaining 4 lakhs?
- ¿Estás registrando eso?- Are you registering that?
-Hay algo que no está registrando.- There's something that is not registering.

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