, es de mala educación insultar al sujeto que puso tu futuro en sus manos. | You know, it's bad form to insult the guy who holds your future in his hands. |
- Es perverso.- ¿Está intentando insultar mi anterior regimiento? | - Och, it's wicked. - Are you attempting to insult my late regiment? |
- Intento insultar a mi hígado. | - I want to insult my liver. |
- Lo siento, no tenía intención de insultar a esa gente. | - I'm sorry, I don't mean to insult these people. |
- insultar a tu marido delante de extraños? | - to insult your husband in front of strangers? |
"Acostarte con el primer hombre contratado bajo tu reinado sería un insulto a ti misma y..." | "To have intercourse with the first man "hired under your reign would be an insult to yourself and also..." |
"Condenamos sus acciones y opiniones como un insulto a un gran líder espiritual. | "We condemn Governor Mecham's actions and views as an insult "to a great spiritual leader. |
"Creo que llamarlo 'humano' podría ser interpretado como un insulto para ese grupo social." | "Though calling him human could be construed as an insult to the phylum." |
"Infiel" fue el epíteto, un insulto que fue lanzado contra mí una y otra vez por la familia y ex amigos musulmanes. | 'Infidel' was the epithet, an insult that was thrown at me over and over again by family and former Muslim friends. |
"Negarse habría sido un insulto." | "To refuse would have been an insult." |
! Te presentas aquí, robas mi dinero, reorganizas mi casa, y ahora insultas a mis amigos,... ¡... actuando como si fueras mejor que ellos! | You show up here, you steal my money,... you rearrange my house, and then you insult my friends,... actin' like you're better than 'em! |
! Te presentas aquí, robas mi dinero, reorganizas mi casa, y ahora insultas a mis amigos,... ¡...actuando como si fueras mejor que ellos! | You show up here, you steal my money, you rearrange my house, and then you insult my friends, actin' like you're better than 'em! |
"Nos insultas con palabras tan impertinentes". | "You insult us with such impertinent words." |
"Un bicho en el culo". Si me insultas, al menos podrías decir las cosas bien. | "Bug up my ass. " If you're gonna insult me, at least get the words right. |
- Cuando me insultas. - Por lo general. | - Yeah, when he's insulting me. |
- Cada vez que abre la boca, me insulta. | - He insults me with every breath he takes. - Pipe down. |
- Es cuando me insulta... | - lt's when he insults me... |
- Eso los insulta. | That insults them. |
- Tu tacto las insulta. | - Your touch insults them. |
- ¡Nadie insulta las tortugas! | -No one insults the turtles! |
- No insultamos tus reglas. | - We didn't insult your new rules. |
- ¿Que insultamos a una mujer trabajadora Que solo intentaba ayudarnos para que cumpliéramos nuestras metas? | - We insulted a hard-working woman who was trying to help us attain our goal? |
A causa de eso, lo insultamos. | That's insulting. |
Carmelina, ve a casa de Ángela... y dile qué si los insultamos, no deben ofenderse. | Carmelina, go to Angela's home. Tell them they mustn't take offense if we let slip a few insults. |
Creo que insultamos su virilidad. | I believe that his virility was insulted. |
Al insultarme, señor, insultáis a Thalie! | In insulting me you insult the Tragic Muse. |
Me insultáis. | You insult me. |
No me gusta los problemas que causáis al resto de la compañía cuando alegremente y arrogantemente insultáis a cualquiera que no está conforme con vuestra certeza. | I don't like the trouble you cause the rest of the company when you gleefully and arrogantly insult anyone who doesn't conform to your certainty. |
Y ahora me insultáis. | And now you insult me. |
Y cuando le dais a este verdugo más confianza y favor que a vuestro sheriff, me insultáis a mí y a todos vuestros distinguidos caballeros. | And when you give this punisher more trust and favor than your reeve, you insult me and all your honored knights. |
- Aún nos insultan de ese modo. | - They still insult us thus. |
- Claro ¿Nos insultan y qué solución das? | They insult us and what is your solution? |
- Me hace un favor. ¿Qué hará si lo insultan? | What will you do if they insult you? |
- Me insultan | - He's insulting me. |
- Y ahora las insultan. | And now they insult them. |
- Lo insulté. | - I insulted you. |
- Lo sé, lo insulté. | I know, I insulted you. |
- No lo insulté. | - I didn't. - You insulted him a little. |
- Por favor. Nunca insulté su inteligencia, no insulte la mía. | - Please, Ms. Castle I've never insulted your intelligence, don't insult mine. |
- Ya te insulté, ¿verdad? - No, no. | - I've insulted you already, haven't I? |
- Me insultaste - ¡Era para que vengan aquí! | - You insulted an officer! - Because I need you! |
- Me insultaste esa noche. | - you insulted me that night. |
- ¿Qué dije? - Lo insultaste. | - You insulted him. |
Anoche te comportaste abominablemente, me heriste e insultaste. | - You behaved abominably last night. You wounded me and insulted me. |
Antes me insultaste con tu insolencia... y ahora me estás matando con tu prudencia. | Earlier you insulted me with your insolence... and now you are killing me with your prudence. |
- - Mi hija se insultó, me detengo. | - My daughter is insulted, I stop. |
- Billy insultó a uno de ellos-- | - Billy insulted one of 'em-- |
- El hijo de perra insultó a Barry White. | - Son of a bitch insulted Barry White. |
- El me insultó a mí. | I'm the one he insulted. |
- El tipo me insultó. | - The guy insulted me. |
Luego la abandonasteis e insultasteis como ningún hombre debería insultar a una mujer. | You then left her, insulted her, as no man should ever insult a woman. |
"¡Y las Dixie Chicks insultaron al Presidente Bush en suelo extranjero!" | "And the Dixie Chicks insulted President Bush on foreign soil!" |
- Nos insultaron, señor. | - They insulted us, sir. |
- Sí, me insultaron. | Yeah, they insulted me. God damn drunks. |
- Ven, ya nos insultaron suficiente. | - C'mon...we've been insulted enough! |
- ¿Y te insultaron? | - And you insulted them? |
¡Oh, sí, insultaré a su idiota impotente, lo haré! | Oh, yes, I will insult your impotent idiot, yes I will! Get out! |
Lo insultarás si mientes. | You will insult him if you lie. |
Tú me insultarás antes que yo a ti. | You will insult me before I insult you. |
Porque le insultará y perderé su amistad. | Because it will insult him and I will lose his friendship. |
Ud. cometió una falta, y se equivoca atrozmente si cree que insultará sin consecuencias a este magistrado. | You have mistyped, and you are egregiously mistaken... if you think you will insult this court without consequence. |
Y mientras yo esté al mando... nadie insultará a los hombres y a las mujeres que la tripulan. | As long as I command her... no one will insult the men and women who serve aboard her. |
Los compararía con rocas, pero insultaría a las rocas porque, al menos, las rocas son útiles para la sociedad. | I'd liken them to rocks, but that would insult rocks because, you see, at least rocks are useful to society. |
Me insultaría si no lo hicieras. | It would insult me if you didn't. |
No es usted la clase de hombre al que uno insultaría, Sr. Lydecker. | You're not the sort of man one would insult, Mr. Lydecker. |
¿Un 8%? Eso insultaría hasta a un camarero. | 8% would insult even a waiter. |
No digas que no hay historia porque insultarías la poca inteligencia que tengo. | And don't tell me it's not a story, 'cause that would insult what little intelligence I have. |
"No dejaré que insulte a mi marido, él volverá pronto, conmigo y su niña!" | "I won't have you insult my husband, he'll return soon to me and his child!" |
- Eduardo, vais a dejar que me insulte. | - Ned, don't let her insult me. |
- MacRoberts, respeto el orgullo que siente por esa ratonera que llaman Tobruk, pero no me insulte al decir que si supusiera un obstáculo para mí no podría aplastarla. | - Now, MacRoberts, I respect your pride in this little rat hole you call Tobruk, but don't insult my intelligence by telling me that if it stood in my way I couldn't crush it like that. |
- No insulte a mi familia! | - [gasps] - You don't insult my family! |
- No insulte a mis amigos. | - Do not insult my friends. |
- Danos tiempo. - No insultes mi inteligencia. | You give us time... don't insult my intelligence. |
- No dejaré que me insultes. | - I won't be insulted by you. |
- No insultes a la dama. | - Don't insult the lady |
- No insultes a mi inteligencia. | - Don't insult my intelligence. |
- No insultes a mi mujer. | - Don't insult my wife. |
- No insultemos a nuestros invitados. | - and we can't insult our distinguished guests. |
Con eso quiero decir que no nos insultemos con engaños y verdades a medias, ¿de acuerdo? | Now, by that I mean let's not insult each other with deceptions and half-truths, all right? |
Mira, no insultemos al primo Rudy. | Now, let's not go and insult Cousin Rudy. |
No insultemos a nuestros amigos. | Let's not insult each other's friends. |
No nos insultemos. | Let's not insult each other. |
Dado que espero heredar esa monarquía, os pido que no la insultéis. | Since I hope to join that monarchy, sire. I must ask you not to insult it. |
No me insultéis, muchachos" | Don't insult me, guys" |
"...permitir que se tiranicen o insulten nuestros tribunales." | "...if we allow our courts to be tyrannized, insulted, or humiliated" |
"Cuida de ese hombrecillo, no dejes que le ignoren, o le engañen, o le insulten. | See to it that he don't get ignored or cheated or insulted. |
- Creo que no necesita estar aquí para que lo insulten. | - I didn't think he needed to be here to be insulted. |
- No me gusta que me insulten. | - I don't like being insulted. |
- ¡No me quedaré para que me insulten! | - I'm not going to stay here to be insulted! |
Leonardo, Donatello, y Michelangelo, insultad a Raphael. | Leonardo, donatello, and Michelangelo, insult Raphael. |
"Es Carl Theodor Dreyer. Quiero hablar contigo". Pensé: "Oh señor, le he insultado y debo disculparme. | I thought: "Oh goodness, I've insulted him and must apologize. |
"Ud. ha insultado el honor de esta bella señorita, Corcoran dijo el Mono. | "'You have insulted the honor of this beautiful woman, Corcoran' said the Duck. |
# Me han insultado | ♪ I've been insulted |
, estúpido y ha insultado a la cultura. | He has insulted culture! |
- Ahora me siento oficialmente insultado. | - Now I am officially insulted. |
"Salió insultando a todo el mundo y golpeando a la puerta. " | "He/she left insulting everybody and slamming the door. " |
- Ahora me estás insultando, E. | - Now you're insulting me. |
- Ella te está insultando en público, Madiva. | - He's insulting you in public, Mandela. |
- Estás insultando a mí, del cliente. | - You're insulting me, client. |
- Estás insultando al gobierno. - No. | You're insulting the government. |