Instruir (to instruct) conjugation

77 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to educate, educate, school

Conjugation of instruir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I instruct
you instruct
he/she/it instructs
we instruct
you all instruct
they instruct
Present perfect tense
he instruido
I have instructed
has instruido
you have instructed
ha instruido
he/she/it has instructed
hemos instruido
we have instructed
habéis instruido
you all have instructed
han instruido
they have instructed
Past preterite tense
I instructed
you instructed
he/she/it instructed
we instructed
you all instructed
they instructed
Future tense
I will instruct
you will instruct
he/she/it will instruct
we will instruct
you all will instruct
they will instruct
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would instruct
you would instruct
he/she/it would instruct
we would instruct
you all would instruct
they would instruct
Past imperfect tense
I used to instruct
you used to instruct
he/she/it used to instruct
we used to instruct
you all used to instruct
they used to instruct
Past perfect tense
había instruido
I had instructed
habías instruido
you had instructed
había instruido
he/she/it had instructed
habíamos instruido
we had instructed
habíais instruido
you all had instructed
habían instruido
they had instructed
Future perfect tense
habré instruido
I will have instructed
habrás instruido
you will have instructed
habrá instruido
he/she/it will have instructed
habremos instruido
we will have instructed
habréis instruido
you all will have instructed
habrán instruido
they will have instructed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I instruct
(if/so that) you instruct
(if/so that) he/she/it instruct
(if/so that) we instruct
(if/so that) you all instruct
(if/so that) they instruct
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya instruido
I have instructed
hayas instruido
you have instructed
haya instruido
he/she/it has instructed
hayamos instruido
we have instructed
hayáis instruido
you all have instructed
hayan instruido
they have instructed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have instructed
(if/so that) you have instructed
(if/so that) he/she/it have instructed
(if/so that) we have instructed
(if/so that) you all have instructed
(if/so that) they have instructed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have instructed
(if/so that) you have instructed
(if/so that) he/she/it have instructed
(if/so that) we have instructed
(if/so that) you all have instructed
(if/so that) they have instructed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera instruido
I had instructed
hubieras instruido
you had instructed
hubiera instruido
he/she/it had instructed
hubiéramos instruido
we had instructed
hubierais instruido
you all had instructed
hubieran instruido
they had instructed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese instruido
I had instructed
hubieses instruido
you had instructed
hubiese instruido
he/she/it had instructed
hubiésemos instruido
we had instructed
hubieseis instruido
you all had instructed
hubiesen instruido
they had instructed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have instructed
(if/so that) you will have instructed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have instructed
(if/so that) we will have instructed
(if/so that) you all will have instructed
(if/so that) they will have instructed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere instruido
I will have instructed
hubieres instruido
you will have instructed
hubiere instruido
he/she/it will have instructed
hubiéremos instruido
we will have instructed
hubiereis instruido
you all will have instructed
hubieren instruido
they will have instructed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's instruct!
Imperative negative mood
no instruyas
do not instruct!
no instruya
let him/her/it instruct!
no instruyamos
let us not instruct!
no instruyáis
do not instruct!
no instruyan
do not instruct!

Examples of instruir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Alguien en la familia debería instruir a esa querida niña en el proceso de la reproducción humana.Someone in the family ought to instruct that dear child... the process of human reproduction.
Bien versado en musica, para instruir a Bianca, de modo que pueda por estos medios al menos,Well versed in music, to instruct Bianca, That so I may by this device at least
Cuando nuestro colega se siente obligado a instruir e ilustrar a sus mayores sobre la hipnosis, olvida que no nos cuenta nada nuevo.Again, when our colleague feels obliged. instruct and enlighten his seniors about hypnotism he forgets in his enthusiasm that he is telling us nothing new.
El no está preparado para instruir a otros.He is not yet prepared to instruct others.
El nos puede instruir de como realizar el proceso manualmenteHe's got to instruct us through the process manually.
El secretario de prensa del Reich... instruyo que nos enfocáramos... en el primer ascenso del Eiger.The Reich Press Secretary... instructs us to focus... on the first ascent of the Eiger.
L piensa que KIRA es alguien relacionado con la policía. Así que instruyo en secreto al fbi para investigar a los policías mas importantes.L think that KlRA exists in the surrounding of the police officers so he privately instructs fbi to investigate the relevant police officers
Lo único que espero es que es que hagan lo que se me instruyo.The only thing that I wait is that it is that they make what I am instructed.
Pagamos adelantado en una cuenta en Suíza... conforme su agente nos instruyo.We paid half to the Swiss account exactly as your agent instructed.
Se que nos instruyo para que no leyéramos ningún medio, pero el encabezado estaba justo ahí en el puesto de diarios del juzgado.I know you instructed us not to read any press, but the headline was right there on the courthouse newsstand.
Mi amado, me instruyes en silencio... y en la oscuridad.My beloved, you instruct me in silence... and in darkness.
Si no te instruyes, puedes considerar nuestro compromiso anulado.If you do not take instruction, then you can consider our engagement annulled.
Te instruyes de un esclavo.You take instruction from a slave.
Vas a entender mejor la vida si te instruyes.You will better understand life if you are instructed.
Bruce Lee maneja e instruye "a estos tipos"... casi como un padre "lo haría con su hijo"."Bruce Lee handles and instructs these guys... "...almost as a parent would a young child.
El edicto instruye a Vuestra majestad para ordenar... que Lady Ana Bolena abandone vuestra corte.The edict instructs your majesty to order lady anne boleyn to leave your court.
El señor me instruye a dar refugio incluso a los condenados.No. The lord instructs me to give sanctuary even to the condemned.
En la canción, el caballo más viejo instruye al otro más joven.In the song, the words go as the older horse instructs the younger one.
Esta convención le instruye al Comité Nacional Demócrata que debe incluir en el llamado a la convención de 1972 el siguiente agregado a la sección uno. Cito: "Se entiende además...This convention instructs the Democratic National Committee... that it shall include in the call for the 1972 convention... the following addition to section one- quote, it is the further understanding...
"Nosotros, por la gracia del cielo, emperador le instruimos a todos que observen éste, nuestro edicto."We, by the grace of heaven, emperor instruct all men to note this, our edict.
En este bufete, instruimos, aconsejamos, ordenamos, debemos, pero no podríamos.At this firm, we instruct, we advise, we order, we must, but we do not "shall."
Fue uno de los judíos que instruimos para quemar los cuerpos... de los miembros de la resistencia... y los de los que fusilamos por intentar asesinar al Führer.He was one of the Jews we'd instructed to burn the bodies of Admiral Canaris and the others we'd shot for their attempted assassination of the Führer.
Nosotros, en la Sociedad Histórica de Causton... instruimos a los comandantes para que sigan los planes basados en la historia, y conviertan esta tarde en una experiencia de aprendizaje...We at Causton Historical Society have instructed the commanders to follow our historically-based plans and make the afternoon a learning experience...
En las culturas globales, encontramos continuas referencias a estos gigantescos seres celestiales que bajan a la Tierra e inician o instruyen, a la humanidad.In global cultures, we find constant references to these giant celestial beings coming to Earth and initiating, or instructing humankind.
Nunca se exponen y solo instruyen a otras personas.You never expose yourself and only instruct other people
Una biblioteca nos conecta con las intuiciones y conocimiento de las mayores mentes y los mejores maestros de todo el planeta y toda nuestra historia que nos instruyen sin fatigarse y nos inspiran para hacer nuestras contribuciones al saber colectivo de la especie humana.A library connects us with the insights and knowledge of the greatest minds and the best teachers drawn from the whole planet and from all our history to instruct us without tiring and to inspire us to make our own contributions to the collective knowledge of the human species.
Y camino de vida las reprensiones que te instruyen para que te guarden de la mala mujer.Good show. Correction and instruction are the way to life, keeping you away from your neighbor's wife.
Capitán... iniciar el plan exactamente como te instruí.Captain, initiate the plan exactly as I instructed.
Incluí mi nombre en mi testamento, instruí a la familia para que me esperara...I wrote myself into my own will, instructed the family to expect me...
Le instruí a medida que avanzábamos.I instructed him as we went.
Nombres y lugares, Star, como se lo instruí dejando por nuestra cuenta su empleo.Names and places, Star, as instructed... leaving it to us as to their deployment.
Yo le instruí para que lo llevaran al lugar seguro más cercano.I instructed him to bring it to the nearest safe place.
Accediste a los conocimientos de los Antiguos en tu mente, e instruiste al ordenador de la nave para que lo diseñaraYou accessed the Ancient knowledge in your mind, and instructed the ships computer to design it.
'En el Corán, los fieles se instruyó a la oración 'En la dirección de un santuario santo.'In the Qur'an, the faithful are instructed to prayer 'in the direction of a holy sanctuary.
- La Agente Morgan me instruyó llamarle.- Agent Morgan instructed me to call you.
- No personalmente, pero el verdadero Milgram era un profesor de psicología que instruyó a voluntarios a darle descargas eléctricas a victimas indefensas.- Not personally, but the real Milgram was a psychology professor who instructed volunteers to give electroshocks to screaming victims.
- Él casi instruyó para una absolución.- He almost instructed for an acquittal.
Además, usted la instruyó para suministrarlo con una oficina en un edificio federal en la cuál escribió ese artículo.Furthermore, you instructed her to supply him with an office in a federal building in which to write that article.
Creo que el predominio de los mitos sobre Orión y las alineaciones con ella, sugieren que los seres extraterrestres que venían de Orión infiltraron o instruyeron a varias civilizaciones a lo largo del tiempo y dejaron esto como una evidencia de su venida.I think the prevalence of the myths about Orion and the alignments with Orion suggest that the extraterrestrial beings who came from Orion infiltrated or instructed various civilizations throughout time and left this as evidence of their appearance.
Las chicas estaban alineadas en la calle, y las instruyeron para lucir alegres y atractivas.The girls were lined up on the street... and were instructed to look happy and attractive.
Me instruyeron esperar hasta que amanezca sobre el blanco principal para permitirle que ejecute la misión.I'm instructed to wait until planet dawn over principal target to permit you to carry out our mission.
Me instruyeron para ofrecerle la alternativa acostumbrada.I've been instructed to offer you the usual alternative.
Me instruyeron que no me comunicara contigo.I've been instructed not to communicate with you, Marks.
- Yo instruiré a mis guardias para-- - Muy bien.- I will instruct my guards to-- - all right.
Lo instruiré bien así mi Proveedor lo elegirá.I will instruct you well, so my Provider will take you.
Luego le instruiré en las normas del Enterprise.And then I will instruct you in Enterprise etiquette.
Y lo instruiré, le guiaré, veré mi vida a través de sus ojos y él la verá a través de los míos.And l will instruct him, guide him, see my life through his eyes as he will see it through mine.
Yo los instruiré.I will instruct them.
Como un joven de la Guardia Roja, instruirá... y guiará a otros de su misma edad.As a young Red Guard, he will instruct... and guide others ofhis age.
Es de primer año, es verdad, pero la Srta. Ryerson me aseguró que aprende rápido y tiene raro talento, y que hoy nos instruirá y educará.Uh, he's first year, that's true, but Miss Ryerson has assured me that he's a quick study and a rare talent, and he will instruct and enlighten us today.
Mi colega el Dr. Takahashi le instruirá dónde colocar todo.Ha-ha-ha. My colleague Dr. Takahashi will instruct you where to place everything.
Se instruirá a sus ángeles en su nombre Que te guarden en todos tus caminos.He will instruct His angels in your behalf to guard you in all your ways.
Los instruirán en el decoro apropiado a los centauri de su rango.They will instruct you in proper decorum for Centauris of your rank.
Y cada uno de estos dioses tenía una casta de sacerdotes que hasta cierto punto actuarían como intermediarios que te instruirán en la adoración a ese dios.And each of those gods will have a priest cast that will act to certain degree as intermediaries who will instruct you in the worship of that god.
- ¿No son admisibles? - ¿Puede probarlo, Leo? Su Señoría, pido que instruya a mi colega... que no lea ni haga referencia a... todo producto sospechoso hasta que yo no lo haya evaluado.I ask you instruct my colleague not to read from or make reference to it.
Agente Corrigan! Por favor, instruya a esta PERSONA! que deje de meter sus sucios dedos en mi antigua katana!Agent Corrigan, please instruct this person to stop smearing his dirty fingers all over my antique katanas!
E instruya a las mujeres en cuanto al camino hacia el sollado.And instruct the ladies as to the way down to the orlop deck.
Elija a un miembro más adecuado de la tripulación para que los instruya.Choose a more suitable crew member to instruct them.
Espero que usted instruya al TAD de la isla Parris para que realice una investigación al sujeto. establezca por si mismo los mejores resultados.I expect you to report to Parris Island TAD as instructed to investigate the matter and ensure the best outcome.
No es necesario que me instruyas, no es la primera vez que mato a un hombre.You shall not need to give instructions, 'Tis not the first time I have killed a man:
No me instruyas sobre cómo pasar mi día o que te detalle mi complicado itinerario tanque de grasa y entrañas.Do not instruct me how to spend my day... or to itemize for you my crowded itinerary... you tub of blubber and guts!
No necesito que me instruyas sobre sentimientos.You don't need to instruct me about my feelings.
¡Ha llegado el tiempo de que instruyas a tu hija sobre las cosas del mundo!The time has come for you to instruct your daughter in the ways of the world!
¡Pago por tu alojamiento a condición de que te instruyas!I pay for your lodgings on condition that you take instruction!
Al final sólo podemos dejar que los días nos instruyan. Tener la voluntad de seguir adelante con el trabajo que hacer la gente que amar y saber que nunca podemos perder aquello que amamos.Finally, all we can do is to let the days instruct us and know that the only gift worth having is the grace to go on with the job to be done, the people to love and knowing what we love we can never lose.
El nuevo esclavo necesita que le instruyan.The new slave needs instructing.
Habláis de Crisbey-Dale, que suavicen sus asperezas, que le instruyan en las artes más delicadas.This Myles of Crispy-Dale, have his roughness smoothed and polished, let him be instructed in the gentler arts.
"'Todo el mundo es instruido en su idioma materno# "Whereas others are instructed In their native language" #
"Dear Mr. Murray, El presidente "Pearson" me ah instruido para que devuelva su aplicacion"Dear Mr. Murray, President Pearson instructed me to return your application
- Es nuestro día más tranquilo, y he instruido a mi personal en consecuencia.- It's our quietest day, and I have instructed my staff accordingly.
- Los he instruido.-I have instructed them.
- ¡Estoy bien instruido en aritmética!- l am well- instructed in arithmetic!
Anna está instruyendo Rajsekharan.Anna is instructing Rajsekharan.
Así que le estoy instruyendo para que me declare culpable.So I am instructing you to plead guilty.
Bueno, por ejemplo, estoy instruyendo a mis ayudantes de la fiscalía, que ya no vamos a seguir procesando insignificantes cargos por posesión de marihuana.Well, for example, I'm instructing my assistant district attorneys that we are no longer going to prosecute petty marijuana possession charges.
Eso es rico, instruyendo a DiNozzo en como actuar alrededor de las mujeres.That's rich, instructing a DiNozzo how to act around women.
Estoy instruyendo a los hombres en la lucha contra la guerrilla.I'm instructing the men in anti-guerrilla warfare.

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