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Convertirse (to become) conjugation

33 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: turn, get

Conjugation of convertirse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me convierto
I become
te conviertes
you become
se convierte
he/she/it becomes
nos convertimos
we become
os convertís
you all become
se convierten
they become
Present perfect tense
me he convertido
I have become
te has convertido
you have become
se ha convertido
he/she/it has become
nos hemos convertido
we have become
os habéis convertido
you all have become
se han convertido
they have become
Past preterite tense
me convertí
I became
te convertiste
you became
se convirtió
he/she/it became
nos convertimos
we became
os convertisteis
you all became
se convirtieron
they became
Future tense
me convertiré
I will become
te convertirás
you will become
se convertirá
he/she/it will become
nos convertiremos
we will become
os convertiréis
you all will become
se convertirán
they will become
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me convertiría
I would become
te convertirías
you would become
se convertiría
he/she/it would become
nos convertiríamos
we would become
os convertiríais
you all would become
se convertirían
they would become
Past imperfect tense
me convertía
I used to become
te convertías
you used to become
se convertía
he/she/it used to become
nos convertíamos
we used to become
os convertíais
you all used to become
se convertían
they used to become
Past perfect tense
me había convertido
I had become
te habías convertido
you had become
se había convertido
he/she/it had become
nos habíamos convertido
we had become
os habíais convertido
you all had become
se habían convertido
they had become
Future perfect tense
me habré convertido
I will have become
te habrás convertido
you will have become
se habrá convertido
he/she/it will have become
nos habremos convertido
we will have become
os habréis convertido
you all will have become
se habrán convertido
they will have become
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me convierta
(if/so that) I become
te conviertas
(if/so that) you become
se convierta
(if/so that) he/she/it become
nos convirtamos
(if/so that) we become
os convirtáis
(if/so that) you all become
se conviertan
(if/so that) they become
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya convertido
I have become
te hayas convertido
you have become
se haya convertido
he/she/it has become
nos hayamos convertido
we have become
os hayáis convertido
you all have become
se hayan convertido
they have become
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me convirtiera
(if/so that) I have become
te convirtieras
(if/so that) you have become
se convirtiera
(if/so that) he/she/it have become
nos convirtiéramos
(if/so that) we have become
os convirtierais
(if/so that) you all have become
se convirtieran
(if/so that) they have become
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me convirtiese
(if/so that) I have become
te convirtieses
(if/so that) you have become
se convirtiese
(if/so that) he/she/it have become
nos convirtiésemos
(if/so that) we have become
os convirtieseis
(if/so that) you all have become
se convirtiesen
(if/so that) they have become
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera convertido
I had become
te hubieras convertido
you had become
se hubiera convertido
he/she/it had become
nos hubiéramos convertido
we had become
os hubierais convertido
you all had become
se hubieran convertido
they had become
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese convertido
I had become
te hubieses convertido
you had become
se hubiese convertido
he/she/it had become
nos hubiésemos convertido
we had become
os hubieseis convertido
you all had become
se hubiesen convertido
they had become
Future subjunctive tense
me convirtiere
(if/so that) I will have become
te convirtieres
(if/so that) you will have become
se convirtiere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have become
nos convirtiéremos
(if/so that) we will have become
os convirtiereis
(if/so that) you all will have become
se convirtieren
(if/so that) they will have become
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere convertido
I will have become
te hubieres convertido
you will have become
se hubiere convertido
he/she/it will have become
nos hubiéremos convertido
we will have become
os hubiereis convertido
you all will have become
se hubieren convertido
they will have become
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's become!
Imperative negative mood
no te conviertas
do not become!
no se convierta
let him/her/it become!
no nos convirtamos
let us not become!
no os convirtáis
do not become!
no se conviertan
do not become!

Examples of convertirse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"...o por lo menos de no dejarlos convertirse en una sobrecarga"."or at least not allowing them to become overwhelming".
"Aquel botín de guerra, aquellos pocos metros... "de una verdadera película, que Jacquot llevaba con entusiasmo... "no tuvieron tiempo de convertirse en el objeto fetiche...These spoils of war, a few feet of real film, eagerly brought home by Jacquot, had no time to become a fetish and catalyze his passion.
"Cuenta la historia de un mundo posterior a Marilyn donde el único modo de obtener la fama es convertirse en otra persona.""Tells the story of a post-Marilyn world "where the only way to achieve fame "is to become someone else.
"Debe convertirse en hombre!""He needs to become a man."
"Ellos están destinados a convertirse en payasos?""They are destined to become clowns?"
"Ahora que Su Majestad no puede depender del poder y la fuerza del Cielo... usa tu propio esfuerzo y conviértete en Rey""Now that His Majesty cannot depend on Heaven's power and strength..." "Use your own efforts and become the king!"
"Estudia mucho y conviértete en un astronauta.""You study hard and become an astronaut."
"Expresa lo que piensas y conviértete en nuestra residente Mam-ologuista con tu propia columna valuadas en 3.000 dólares por mes.ELIZA: "Speak your mind and become our resident Mom-ologist with your very own column, worth up to 3,000 dollars a month!
"Practica y conviértete en 100% listo"."Mug up and become 100% ready."
# Regresa y conviértete de nuevo en un hijo filial. #Turn back and become a filial child again.
- Pues conviértase en uno.- Then become one.
No sé cómo entonces conviértase en actriz eso es difícil intente escribir entonces;I don't know how Then become an actor That's difficult
Por eso véngase y salga manejando un nuevo automóvil, más un descuento cash de $1149... Y conviértase en el candidato por un viaje gratis a Hawai.So come on down and drive out with a new automobile, plus a cash rebate of dollar1,149... and become eligible for a free trip to Hawaii.
Por favor... conviértase en un excelente Señor.Please become an excellent lord.
Si quiere, venga a casa y conviértase también en un lirio.If you want to, come on over and become a lily, too.
Hagamos lo que dice Belinda y convirtámonos en las mujeres que sabemos que llevamos dentro.Let's do what Belinda said and let's become the women we know we are inside.
Abrazad el Islam y convertíos.Embrace Islam and become one.
Abrazad el Islam... y convertíos.Embrace Islam... ..and become one.
"Vengan acá, muchachos, y conviértanse en hombres"."Come hither, boys, and become men."
Ingresen a la bruma y conviértanse en sombras.Step into the mist and become like shadows.
Sométanse a mí o conviértanse en historia.Submit to my rule or become a remnant of history.
Traguen el amuleto de la suerte, conviértanse en un hijo de la secta.Swallow the lucky token, become a child of the sect.
¡Ríndanse ahora y conviértanse en uno con Halcón!Surrender yourselves now and become one with Halcon.
! ¡¿Por qué se me rompe el corazón al ver el loco insensible en el que te has convertido?...Why it breaks my heart to see what a colossal numb nut you've become?
" Me he convertido en una chica loca""l've become a crazy chick."
" Si quieres tener una idea de sólo cuán grande es la participación británica ' en Afganistán se ha convertido , " sólo hay que mirar el tamaño de su base principal'If you want to get a sense of just how big the British involvement 'in Afghanistan has become, 'you just have to look at the size of its main base
" me parece que se han convertido en el poder de la tierra."i seem to have become the power of the land.
"'Me he puesto un collar en el cuello y me he convertido en un perro"."I've put collar on my neck and have become a dog."
"Compensando el caos familiar convirtiéndose en un estudiante brillante a quien se asignaba un glorioso futuro." Y finalmente.Compensated for family chaos by becoming an A student and was predicted a glorious future." And finally
"Estoy convirtiéndose en el camino hacia el padre que me enseñó mis pasos "."I'm becoming the path to the father who taught me my steps."
"La música está convirtiéndose en el tercer personaje"."Listen, the music is becoming the third character of this film."
"convirtiéndose en el primer ciudadano privado..."'thereby becoming the first private citizen...
* John Amici anunció recientemente ser gay, convirtiéndose en el primer jugador de la NBA en salir del armario. *John Amaechi recently announced that he's gay, becoming the first in the NBA to come out.

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