! Sí, no sabía que las íbamos a necesitar para volver a comprar la caja de música - y pagar una locura... | Yes, I didn't know we were going to need it to buy back a music box and pay off a crazy... |
! nosotros queremos comprar un Cadillac! | We want to buy a Cadillac! |
" Una dama quiere comprar la pintura usted ha titulado" Mann." | Jaspal? A lady wants to buy the painting you've titled "Mann." |
"'No creo que realmente quiera comprar un Porsche. | "I don't think you really want to buy a Porsche. |
"...bastante como para comprar pieles. | Brave making m-more wampum to buy pelts. |
". Robar" Lauren, que parecía tan caliente en este vestido, tuve que comprarlo para ti Y por "compro", me refiero | And by "buy," I mean "steal." |
"Cada semana compro los apuntes fotocopiados..." "...y los estudio en casa." | Every week I buy a photocopied set of all the notes and study the material at home. |
"Hecho afuera al nono y te compro casa en el centro." | "I'll kill my grandpa and buy you a nice house in town." You see ? |
"Me compro un barco y daré la vuelta al mundo navegando solo." | "I'll buy a boat and navigate it around the world by myself." |
"Yo te lo compro". | "I'll buy it." |
"Compras a nivel local, compras a nivel nacional, en el exterior." | "Local buy, national buy, outdoor." |
"Cuando compras ropa para decir lo que quieres, use... " | When buying clothing to say what you want, use... -Queria. |
"Food Fair" te los da gratis cuando compras $50 de comestibles. | Food Fair gives them to you for free when you buy $50 worth of groceries. |
"Los compras, los coleccionas. | "You buy them, you collect them. |
"No compres tu carne donde compras tu pan y mantequilla". | Don't buy your meat where you buy your bread and butter. |
" Que compra y quién vende su cultivo. | "Who buys and who sells your crop." |
"Cliente vigilado no compra". | "A watched customer never buys." |
"En 1936, Eckhart Mueller, un zapatero judío de Varsovia, compra la pintura directamente al artista Franz Biermann." | "1936, Eckhart Mueller, a Jewish shoemaker "from Warsaw, buys the painting directly from "the artist Franz Biermann. |
"Es maravilloso como hoy en día uno se compra una casa con poco dinero." | "It's amazing how little your housing dollar buys today." |
" Cuando compramos algo, compramos lo mejor, y lo compramos nuevo. " | "When we buy something, we buy the best, and we buy it brand-new." |
# Así es que lo compramos fresco | So we buy it fresh |
- Bueno, compramos esa limusina. | -We'll buy the limo! -Okay, we'll see you later. |
- Con ese dinero nos compramos diez. | - We could buy 10 of them for that. |
- La... la novelista. - Lo siento, no compramos nada. | - Sorry, we don't buy anything at the door. |
(GIME) Me han dicho que compráis niños. | -I heard you buy children. |
- Ey, sois los tíos que compráis todos los clubs, ¿verdad? | - Yo. You the guy buying up all the clubs, right? |
- ¿Aquí compráis cómics? | - Are you buying books here? |
- ¿Por qué no lo compráis? | - Why not buy this one? |
- ¿Y compráis aluminio? | - You buy, uh, brass and aluminum? |
"Averigua quiénes lo compran". | Find out who buys them." |
"El primer año, se compran muebles." | "The 1st year We buy furniture. |
"Hay cosas que no se compran con dinero". Qué capo. | "There are things you can't buy with money", what a winner! |
"Hay cosas que no se compran con dinero". | "There are things that money can't buy". |
"Perdóneme. Esta revista tiene para mí un gran valor espiritual. Hay cosas que no se compran con dinero". | "Excuse me Mr. Silva, but for me this magazine has an emotional value, and there are things that money can't buy". |
! Lo compré para ti. | I bought this for you. |
! Te compré un auto que hace que casi me maten. | I bought a car from you... a car which nearly got me killed. |
"Ah, pero ahora es mía. Yo se la compré a Nelson". | "Well, now it's mine, I bought it off Nelson. " |
"Ayer compré mi primer par de zapatos americanos. | "Yesterday, I bought my first pair of American shoes. |
"-¿Tu te compraste una isla? -Sí..." | You bought an island? |
"Bobadas, la compraste por tu gusto". | "Baloney, you bought it for yourself." |
"Tampoco te agradecí la ropa que me compraste." | "An' I never thanked you for them swell clothes you bought me." |
"Vi que no compraste una bebida inclusive si sufrías por el calor agobiante." | I saw you never bought a drink, even when your lips were dried out from thirst. |
"¿Cual fue el primer álbum que compraste?" | "What's the first record you ever bought?" |
" En un pueblo famoso por poseer el termómetro más alto del mundo, derroché tres libras para llenar el Zippo del Lexus y luego Hammnod compró un poco de combustible para su coche". | 'In a town famous for having the tallest thermometer in the world, 'I spent three pounds filling the Zippo in the Lexus 'and then bought Hammond some fuel for his car.' |
"... hace dos años International Projects compró Relojes Eléctricos Apex. | "...two years ago International Projects bought Apex Electric Clock. |
"Alguien compró mis palabras." | "Someone bought my words." |
"Buenos días Frau Pfeiffer. recientemente mi hija compró una blusa para la disco" | "Good morning, Frau Pfeiffer. Recently my daughter bought a disco T-shirt..." |
"Casanova compró un cerdo". | "Casanova bought a pig." |
-Sí, lo comprasteis juntas. | You bought it together. |
La comprasteis de saldo, y ahora es un gran éxito. | You bought it at a giveaway price, and now it's become a great hit. |
Lo que comprasteis fue el petróleo bajo la tierra. | What you bought is the oil under the ground... |
Lo que ha pasado es que tu cuñado Bernie y tú vendisteis vuestras acciones de bolsa y vuestro seguro y comprasteis una tintorería. | What happened was you and your brother-in-law Bernie, you cashed in your stock certificates and your insurance policy and you went out and bought a dry-cleaning establishment. |
Me comprasteis condones. Sabíais lo que podía pasar. | You bought me condoms. |
"El pueblo que lo compraron de nosotros debieran de saber mejor" | "The people who bought them from us should have known better." |
"En primer lugar, no correré por algo que mis padres me compraron. " | "Something my parents bought me in the first place." |
#Escuché que tú y tus amigos... # #... vendieron el tocadiscos y compraron guitarras# | I hear that you and your friends have sold your turntables and you bought guitars |
(Off) "La compraron mis tíos. | My uncle and aunt bought it. |
*Pero no me compraron* *cuando compraron mi nombre* | ♪ Ah, but they didn't buy me ♪ ♪ When they bought my name ♪ |
"Te compraré tu canción, pero, por cierto, diviértete cuidando de mis hijos." | "I will buy your song, but by the way, have fun taking care of my kids." |
- Entonces lo compraré. | - Then I will buy it. |
- Lo compraré. | - I will buy it. |
- Mira, mañana, compraré uno de esos, y los llevaremos al cine. | - Look, tomorrow, I will buy one of those, and we will wear them to the movies. |
Con eso comprarás una salida segura de aquí. | That will buy you a safe trip out of here. |
Con un cuarto de millón comprarás un río de Whiskey. | A quarter of a million will buy a whole riverful of whiskey. |
Ganarás mucho dinero y comprarás la universidad... y ayudarás a João cuando él más lo necesite. | You will make a lot of money, you will buy this university and you will help João when he needs you the most. |
Lo venderás y comprarás vino. | This you'll sell and you will buy some wine. |
Los adoras, así que irás a Chez Katia y comprarás el número correcto. | You love them, so you will go to chez katia And you will buy the right size. |
" ¿Quién comprará Esta maravillosa mañana?" | Who will buy this wonderful morning - Morning. - Morning. |
" ¿Quién comprará Esta maravillosa mañana? | Who will buy This wonderful morning |
" ¿Quién comprará Esta maravillosa sensación? | Who will buy this wonderful feeling I'm so high |
- Claro. Cuando llegue el dinero, compraremos lo que necesitamos. | Once the money comes through, we will buy what we need. |
- Los compraremos | - We will buy them. |
A ver, de entrada empezamos a reunir periódicos y más periódicos los compraremos todos. | to see, of entrance we began to reunite more periodic newspapers and we will buy all. |
Chuck y yo, junto con algunos de los socios, compraremos ese paquete por 40 billones, lo cuales tenemos que pedir prestados de varios... | Chuck and l, along with some of the partners, will buy that stock for $40 billion, which we've had to borrow from various... |
Pero si me despierto en alguno de vuestros pisos mañana por la mañana, me compraréis el desayuno. | But if I wake up in any of your apartments tomorrow morning, you will buy me breakfast. |
Ahmet, ¿cómo sabes lo que los jóvenes comprarán? | Ahmet, how do you know what teenagers will buy? |
Aparentemente cree que los clientes comprarán más comida si los empleados visten como una panda de gilipollas. | Apparently, he thinks the customers will buy more food... if the employees look like a bunch of jackasses. |
Casi 2000 familias hoy comprarán un nuevo hogar | Nearly 2,000 families today will buy a new home |
Cerca del bienestar están los bienes. Y sólo los bienes te comprarán justicia | Next to health is wealth And only wealth will buy you justice |
El grueso lo venderas a una rupia el kilo, el fino a dos que los pescadores comprarán. | The coarse will sell at one rupee a kilo, the fine at two which the fishermen will buy |
"La señora Dalloway dijo que compraría las flores ella misma." | Mrs Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself. |
$45,000 te compraría una cierta cantidad de acceso. | Uh, $45,000 would buy you a certain amount of access. |
- Claro, nadie lo compraría. | Of course nobodywould buy one! |
- Nadie compraría tus DVD. | - You mean no one would buy your dvds. |
- Seguro Morton Fremont la compraría. | - I'm sure Morton Fremont would buy it. |
- ¿Se lo comprarías? | - You would buy it for her? |
Adaiah, si ganaras 100 de los grandes, ¿qué sería lo primero que comprarías? | Adaiah, if you won 100 grand, what's the first thing, you would buy with it? |
Cuando dijiste que me llevarías de compras, pensé que estábamos usando la definición de ir de compras que el resto del mundo utiliza, y que me comprarías algo. | When you said you'd take me shopping, I thought that we were using the definition of shopping that the rest of the world uses, and that you would buy me something. |
Ha dicho que tú le comprarías otro. | He said you would buy him another one. |
Prometiste que compraríamos chicles. | You promised we would buy some bubble-gum. |
¿Por qué compraríamos una cosa tan estúpida? | Who would buy such a stupid thing? |
Así es que es apenas $485,000 más Que cualquier Fiesta que la normalidad Las personas comprarían. Laughter | So it's roughly $485,000 more than any Fiesta that normal people would buy. [ Laughter ] |
Entonces dijo, "Julia mandará un cheque a la cruz roja en tu nombre", y que me comprarían un colchón de dos plazas en Macy's. | Then he said, "Julia will send a check to the red cross in your name," and that they would buy me a queen-sized mattress from Macy's departmental store. |
Hay muchos que me comprarían, y sin necesidad de usar las botas de Chanel. | There are plenty of people who would buy me. You know, and it wouldn't take any Chanel Apres ski boots either. |
Hay otras discográficas en esta ciudad que comprarían mi contrato. | There are other labels in this town who would buy out my contract. |
Hay siete personas que comprarían la Mona Lisa en secreto. | There are seven people who would buy the Mona Lisa in secret. |
" - Tu padre me dijo que no te la compre. - ¿Cómo? | "Your father told me not to buy you one. |
"Di que sí .. y me compre un velo de color rosa." | "Say yes..and buy me a pink veil." |
"Dile que le compre unos pantalones". | "Tell his father to buy him some trousers!" |
"Entonces haz que te los compre para tí." | "Then have her make or buy them for you." |
"Entre, compre algo, y llévese unos dilatadores anales. " | "pop in now, buy an item, chuck in some free butt plugs." |
"Me gusta esta banda, y si a ti no, no compres el álbum y no la escuches". | "I like this band, and if you do not, do not buy the album and do not listen." |
"No compres confetti. | "Don't buy any confetti. |
"No compres tu carne donde compras tu pan y mantequilla". | Don't buy your meat where you buy your bread and butter. |
"No compres zapatos con moños." | "Don't buy shoes with ribbons on them." |
"... compremos una cometa. " | "... let's buy a kite too." |
(Off) "Me ha costado, pero ya la he convencido para que nos compremos una casa en la playa. | I convinced her to buy a house at the beach. |
- Ah, entonces compremos cigarros, chocolate. Y una botellita. | So we have to buy cigarettes chocolates and a bottle. |
- Compremos, compremos, compremos. | Let's buy, buy, buy, buy. |
# No compréis los productos que se anuncian en Studio 60, # ...y voy a daros una lista de sus patrocinadores | You buy no products that are advertised on Studio 60, and I'm gonna give you a list of their sponsors. |
- No le compréis solo. | Don't buy him alone, sir. |
A menos que la compréis, y así nada cambiaría. | Unless you buy it, then nothing has to change. |
Aunque si no os gusta la mercancía no la compréis. | If you all don't like the merchandise don't buy it. But, this store is alright by me. |
Bueno, quiero que todos vosotros... os compréis un reloj Ingersoll de un dólar. | Well, I want each of you fellas to buy yourself a $1 Ingersoll watch. |
" Compren, compren" | Buy, buy |
" vayan a la calle Carnaby, compren ropa, " | "go out Carnaby Street, buy all the clever gear," |
"Que otros compren alianzas | # Let them buy their wedding bands # |
"Si creen que BL hizo un auto decente, vayan y compren uno". | "If you think BL made a decent car, you go out and buy one." |
"¡Compren, compren!" | Buy, buy, buy!" |
Puede que lo comprase pero no me di cuenta de que era una prueba. | I may have bought it, but I didn't realize it was evidence of any sort. |
"Felicitaciones, ahora comprad a la otra persona un regalo e intercambiarlos de camino a" | Congratulations. Now, buy each other a gift and exchange them on the way to... |
- Si la cafetera... no funciona, comprad otra. Si no, cambiad a la chacha. | Bad coffee - buy another guilty of maid - chase. |
Además, reconozco haber comprad o ropa en grandes almacenes. | What's more, I have been known to buy clothing in department stores. |
Así pues, la conclusión es si quiereis un coche relativamente barato, un coche divertido ¡comprad un Toyota GT 86! | So therefore, the conclusion is, if you want a relatively inexpensive, fun car, buy the Toyota GT 86! |
Así que, la próxima vez, comprad dos asientos. | So next time, buy two seats. |
! Un chófer con un gran coche ha venido y ha comprado todas las entradas para esta noche! | A chauffeur in a big car came and bought out the whole show tonight! |
! ¡Piensas que estás comprando un auto usado? | What, do you think you're buying a used car? |
La desconectamos, y ahí vos, que sos el experto, comprá el explosivo necesario para volar una pared de ladrillos de 30. | We disconnect it and then you, the expert, buy the necessary explosives to blow a 12" brick wall. |
Juancito, te vas a lo de don Natalio y le comprás un par de zapatillas blancas, todas blancas, ¿entendiste? | Juancito, you go to Don Natalio and buy a pair of white sneakers, all white, got it? |
No comprés artículos sin estampilla, son 15 días de arresto. | Don't buy without the stamp It's 15 days n jai |
" Nuestra aventura comenzó en la antigua capital birmana de Rangún , ', donde , después de haber comprado tres camiones antiguos ... ' | 'Our adventure began in the old Burmese capital Rangoon, 'where, having bought three ancient lorries...' |
"'Mira, realmente quiero ayudarte, '" y, ya sabes, por lo que hemos comprado una casa rodante, otro coche para ayudar con los niños, pero es, como, | "'Look, we really wanna help you out, '" and, you know, so they've bought an RV, another car to help with the kids, but he's, like, |
"Acusado de haber comprado hachís con dos amigos, este joven amante de la naturaleza se enfrenta ahora a la muerte". | "Blamed for having bought hashish with two friends, this nature-loving young man now, incredibly, faces death. " |
"Bueno, la mujer que acaba de salir ya le ha comprado una. " | "Well, that woman who just left just bought her one. " |
"Judíos comprando autos alemanes. " | "Jewie people buying German cars." |
"La economía apesta, y nadie está comprando carros. | "The economy sucks, and no one's buying cars. |
"Lo siento primo, pero no estoy comprando'!" | Sorry cousin, but I ain't buying'! |
"Me vio comprando condones. | 'She caught me buying condoms. |
Léoni nunca comprá lotería, ¿qué es este timo? | Leoni never buys lottery tickets! What's this scam? |
No te los vayan a robar vieja... Bueno,comprá los pasajes, y vénganse. | Then buy a plane ticket and come. |
Quedate tranquilo, andá a la farmacia, y comprá aspirinas y Colubiazol. | Easy, go to the pharmacy, and buy aspirin and Colubiazol. |
y comprá también a Messi! y ponelo de atacante... | Then you buy Messi and let him play ahead. |
Mirá Susana, te lo tengo que decir, realmente si vos no comprás la casa de Uruguay vas a perder los 20.000 dólares. | Look, Susana, I have to tell you this. If you don't buy the house in Uruguay, you'll lose your 20.000 dollars. |
No, pero si comprás una memoria de 64 megas, te doy otra a mitad de precio. | No, but if you buy a 64 megabyte card, you get a second one half-price. |
Oíme ¿Me comprás un numerito? -¿Qué tal? | Want to buy a lottery ticket? |
Por ahí te ponen de gerente, ¿eh? Y te la comprás. | You might get to be a manager and you can buy it. |
Si te pido un mapa de la ciudad de Córdoba, comprame un mapa de la ciudad de Córdoba. No me comprés cualquier cosa. | If I ask you to buy a map of Córdoba city, buy a map of the city, and not something like this. |