Es tragué la seva mundanal riquesa i l'examina: trossos de joguines, bales i escombraries; coses potser abastament per a comprar un canvi de feina, pero no pas per a comprar tota una mitja hora de pura llibertat. | He got out his worldly wealth and examined it--bits of toys, marbles, and trash; enough to buy an exchange of _work_, maybe, but not half enough to buy so much as half an hour of pure freedom. |
Després van creuar la frontera xinesa per anar a la ciutat de Shwe Li i comprar-hi coses necessàries per als refugiats. | They then crossed over to Chinese's border town of Shwe Li to buy the necessary things for the refugees. |
La distribució a les petites llibreries no va funcionar, per la qual cosa aquells qui els volien comprar també van tenir dificultats en trobar-los. | The distribution among small book stores did not work, so those who wanted to buy them also found difficulty to do so. |
A Kalaiyo , simpatitzant del Partit Liberal Demòcrata, el qual és força popular entre els votants japonesos conservadors, li preocupa que la nova llei permeti als partits polítics comprar tants anuncis en línia com vulguin, però que no contempli mesures per als candidats independents: | Kalaiyo, a supporter of the Liberal Democratic Party, which is popular among Japan's conservative voters, worries that the revised law allows political parties to buy as many online ads as they want, but leaves out measures for independent candidates: |
Desgraciadament, sembla que per als russos que compren cotxes a subhastes japoneses és molt difícil realitzar comprovacions exhaustives abans de comprar-los. | Unfortunately, it is apparently very difficult for Russians buying cars at auctions in Japan to run comprehensive background checks on vehicles, before purchasing. |
No ho compro. | Don't buy it. |
El compro jo, i sé que és bo. | I'm the one who buys it. I know how good it is. |
Jo compro el més car perquè quan me'l bec, vull assaborir-lo. | I buy the gourmet expensive stuff... because when I drink it, I want to taste it. But you know what's on my mind right now? It ain't the coffee in my kitchen. |
El compro. | Um, I'm buying it, |
El que compres són els ingredients per a una orina molt cara. | What you're buying here are the ingredients for very expensive urine. |
Encara compres als germanets gabatxos? | You still buying from the little frog brothers? |
Si el vols, el compres. | You want it, you buy it! |
- I per què compres 2 aleshores? | Why do you buy two then? |
- per què compres 2? | - Why would you buy two? |
O és el que es compra ara com a regal d'Any Nou? | Or is that what one buys as New Year gifts nowadays? |
Conec un home a Anglaterra ... que em compra roba. | I have a man in England who buys me clothes. |
La noia compra llet al mercat. | The girl buys milk at the market. |
Podríem anar a Virgin aquesta tarda. Ho comprem? | We could go to Virgin this afternoon and buy it. |
Potser ens comprem un ranxo en un carreró sense sortida. | Maybe we're gonna buy a ranch house in a cul-de-sac. |
Ho comprem per lliures. | We buy it by the pound. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. |
Et sembla bé si comprem el sofà nou fora de Nàpols? | Police technicians examine the blasting sites. Should we not buy that new couch outside Naples? In Salerno. |
Són de Huck (no, no em regracieu, Huck): el senyor Jones ha comprat l'un vestit i jo l'altre. | They're Huck's--no, no thanks, Huck--Mr. Jones bought one and I the other. |
En resposta a aquesta bogeria, CY Leung va publicar l'11 de desembre una foto amb Lufsig al seu lloc al govern i va dir que n'havia comprat un per regalar-lo a la seva filla per Nadal. | In response to the craze, CY Leung posted a photo with Lufsig on the government's website on December 11 and said he had bought one for his daughter as a Christmas present. |
T'he comprat joguets, per favor, desperta!». | I bought toys for you, please wake up!’". |
El periodista Christoph Schattleitner descriu com dilluns a les 22:00 h, a l'estació de Viena, centenars de persones van arribar amb donacions que havien comprat als supermercats propers. | Journalist Christoph Schattleitner describes how at Vienna's train station, by 10 p.m. on Monday evening hundreds of people had arrived with donations they bought at a nearby supermarket. |
L tant, així que sàpiguen que t'ha comprat una poma. | They will, I'll tell 'em the Dude bought an apple from Annie. |
Si els compreu, només mataran aquells que els hi ordeneu. | If you buy them, the only men they'll kill are those you want dead. |
Si voleu furgar dins del meu cervell, analitzeu-me, em compreu una hamburguesa i una Coca-Cola, d'acord? | If you want to pick my brain, work a room, you buy me a cheeseburger and a Coke, don't you? |
Els productes que compren i els aliments que mengen han passat les proves necessàries per poder tenir la total garantia que són segurs. | The products you buy and the food you eat are tested and checked to make sure they are as safe as can be. |
@CatoMad: Els aturats compren televisors de plasma i els joves marxen d'Espanya degut al seu esperit aventurer. | The unemployed are buying plasma screens and the young people are leaving Spain because of their spirit of adventure. |
Desgraciadament, sembla que per als russos que compren cotxes a subhastes japoneses és molt difícil realitzar comprovacions exhaustives abans de comprar-los. | Unfortunately, it is apparently very difficult for Russians buying cars at auctions in Japan to run comprehensive background checks on vehicles, before purchasing. |
Els russos intenten de totes les maneres ventar els rubles que posseeixen: venen els rubles per dòlars i euros o compren a corre-corrents electrònica, queviures i roba. | Russians are looking to unload their rubles any way they can—either by selling them for dollars and euros, or buying up electronics, groceries, and clothes. |
Mentre qualques persones compren apressadament dòlars i euros als establiments de canvi, d'altres assalten les botigues. | While some people are running to currency exchange booths to buy up dollars and euros, others are storming the stores. |
Et compraré una bona casa en algun lloc d'aquesta ciutat. | I will buy you a good home somewhere in the city. |
"Si l'ocellet no canta La mare et comprarà un anell de diamant." | If that mocking bird don't sing Momma will buy you a diamond ring |
Si feu presoners, els amos us compraran els que estiguin sans per un bon preu. | Should you take captives, the masters will buy the healthy ones and for a good price. |
No dubto ni un moment que els advocats d'en Proctor li compraran una sortida pels càrrecs per tenir quatre armes, però la policia té papers que el lliguen al Kinaho Moon i no ho puc permetre. | I don't doubt for a moment Proctor's lawyers will buy his way out of a few gun charges. The cops have papers linking him to the Kinaho Moon and I can't have that. |
Em compraria un marit jove i ben plantat, | I would buy myself a young, handsome husband, |
En Lester Coggins, que blanquejava els diners, i l'home al capdavant, qui deia que comprava el propà pel poble: en Big Jim Rennie. | "Lester Coggins... who laundered our proceeds, "and the man who was the front, "saying he was buying the propane for our town: |
En Geir va rebre un tret mentre comprava drogues a Nova York. | Geir got shot while he was buying drugs in New York. |
No penso permetre al Jack que em compri la roba. | I certainly wouldn't allow Jack to buy my outfit. |
La pròxima vegada no li demanaré només que em compri un gelat. | Next time I won't even ask him to buy me an ice cream. |
Per favor, compri aquesta noia! | Please buy this girI |
Per favor, compri-la! | Please buy her |
Si us plau, compri-la! | Please buy her |
No li compris res, a un jueu. | "Don't buy anything from the Jews!" |
Ja ho diuen: No li compris res, a un jueu. | How come they're saying? "Don't buy anything from the Jews!" |
Com qualsevol nació estat, és pressionat per incrementar el producte interior brut (PIB) per tal d'atreure els inversors perquè comprin els seus bons de l'estat al mercat internacional. | Like any other nation state, it is under pressure to push its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rates up in order to attract investors to buy its sovereign bonds in the international market. |
Per a que, per a que altres ens comprin gerros? | So, we can have people on vase-buying errands for us? |
Sotja altres nois a mesura que venien, i continua comprant bitllets de diverses colors, per deu o quinze minuts més. | He waylaid other boys as they came, and went on buying tickets of various colors ten or fifteen minutes longer. |
Estan ocupats comprant vots! | They’re busily buying votes! |
Què estic comprant? | What am I buying? |
Cada vegada que intento parlar amb ella m'entra el pànic i acabo comprant dos peixos que no necessito. | - Oh, yes. Every time I go in there I freeze up, I panic and I end up buying two goldfish I don't even want. |
Per com han estat comprant canvis d'assegurances de Bernie Em preocupa la universitat dels meus néts. | The way you keep buying Bernie's insurance swaps lately, l mean, l gotta worry about my grandchildren's college education. |