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Aumentar (to increase) conjugation

99 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to grow, grow

Conjugation of aumentar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I increase
you increase
he/she/it increases
we increase
you all increase
they increase
Present perfect tense
he aumentado
I have increased
has aumentado
you have increased
ha aumentado
he/she/it has increased
hemos aumentado
we have increased
habéis aumentado
you all have increased
han aumentado
they have increased
Past preterite tense
I increased
you increased
he/she/it increased
we increased
you all increased
they increased
Future tense
I will increase
you will increase
he/she/it will increase
we will increase
you all will increase
they will increase
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would increase
you would increase
he/she/it would increase
we would increase
you all would increase
they would increase
Past imperfect tense
I used to increase
you used to increase
he/she/it used to increase
we used to increase
you all used to increase
they used to increase
Past perfect tense
había aumentado
I had increased
habías aumentado
you had increased
había aumentado
he/she/it had increased
habíamos aumentado
we had increased
habíais aumentado
you all had increased
habían aumentado
they had increased
Future perfect tense
habré aumentado
I will have increased
habrás aumentado
you will have increased
habrá aumentado
he/she/it will have increased
habremos aumentado
we will have increased
habréis aumentado
you all will have increased
habrán aumentado
they will have increased
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I increase
(if/so that) you increase
(if/so that) he/she/it increase
(if/so that) we increase
(if/so that) you all increase
(if/so that) they increase
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya aumentado
I have increased
hayas aumentado
you have increased
haya aumentado
he/she/it has increased
hayamos aumentado
we have increased
hayáis aumentado
you all have increased
hayan aumentado
they have increased
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have increased
(if/so that) you have increased
(if/so that) he/she/it have increased
(if/so that) we have increased
(if/so that) you all have increased
(if/so that) they have increased
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have increased
(if/so that) you have increased
(if/so that) he/she/it have increased
(if/so that) we have increased
(if/so that) you all have increased
(if/so that) they have increased
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera aumentado
I had increased
hubieras aumentado
you had increased
hubiera aumentado
he/she/it had increased
hubiéramos aumentado
we had increased
hubierais aumentado
you all had increased
hubieran aumentado
they had increased
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese aumentado
I had increased
hubieses aumentado
you had increased
hubiese aumentado
he/she/it had increased
hubiésemos aumentado
we had increased
hubieseis aumentado
you all had increased
hubiesen aumentado
they had increased
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have increased
(if/so that) you will have increased
(if/so that) he/she/it will have increased
(if/so that) we will have increased
(if/so that) you all will have increased
(if/so that) they will have increased
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere aumentado
I will have increased
hubieres aumentado
you will have increased
hubiere aumentado
he/she/it will have increased
hubiéremos aumentado
we will have increased
hubiereis aumentado
you all will have increased
hubieren aumentado
they will have increased
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's increase!
Imperative negative mood
no aumentes
do not increase!
no aumente
let him/her/it increase!
no aumentemos
let us not increase!
no aumentéis
do not increase!
no aumenten
do not increase!

Examples of aumentar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"... parecía aumentar..."...seemed to increase...
"El truco es, variar el menú para aumentar la clientela "."The trick is to vary the menu to increase the clientele."
"En realidad, solo existe el acto de amar,(...) Significa dar vida, aumentar su vitalidad."In fact, there's only the act of loving, (...) It means to give life, to increase its vitality.
- ...para aumentar la libido.of Rhohyptase to increase libido.
- Doble X se alimenta de la energía que fluye dentro del Doctor Ecks para aumentar su tamaño y fuerza.- Double X is feeding off the energy flowing into Dr. Ecks to increase his size and strength.
" y decir que la pobreza aumenta debido al aumento del número de Padres. ""andsaythatpovertyincreases due to the increase of the number of Fathers. "
"...revivir animales y el subsiguiente aumento... de fuerza del suero, la reacción se vuelve más violenta... y mis experimentos más difíciles.""With the higher animals and the increased strength of the solution "the reaction has become more violent "and my research has become more difficult."
"El casero, el notario Hallereau, conoce su cariño por esta casa... y por tanto, exige un gran aumento en la renta"."The landlord, the notary Hallereau, "knows of your affection for this house "and so demands a large increase in rent.
"El negocio ahora va bien, pero este aumento en la renta me forzaría a tener deudas, obligándome a vender todo e irme"."I paid for all the fittings. "Business is now good. "But this increase in rent would force me into debt,
"El recipiente... experimenta fiebre alta, presión alterial y aumento del ritmo cardíaco."Vessel... "experiencing high fever, blood pressure "and increased heart rate.
Así que si aumentas el voltaje, deberías poder matar suficientes nanobots...If you increase the voltage, you should be able to kill enough of the nanobots... that they won't be able to mount a defense.
Comienzas con creatinina aumentas la proteína y trabajas duro.You start off on creatine, you increase protein and you work out hard.
Cuando haces agua ácida, a continuación, cambias la concentración de los iones y, para ser más específico, aumentas la concentración de los iones H+ de los protones.When you make water acidic, then you change the concentration of those ions and, to be specific, you increase the concentration of the H-plus ions of the protons.
En pruebas animales... aumentas la dosis hasta que el animal colapsa... hasta que muere.In animal testing... you increase the dosage until the animal collapses... till it dies.
Haces un par de cosas, una, aumentas las hormonas del placer, que es la misma sensación a comer azúcar.You do a couple of things, one, you increase the pleasure hormones, which is the same feeling to eat sugar.
" y decir que la pobreza aumenta debido al aumento del número de Padres. ""andsaythatpovertyincreases due to the increase of the number of Fathers. "
"Aquel que aumenta su conocimiento, aumenta su pena".He who increases knowledge, increases sorrow.''
"Quien aumenta la sabiduría, aumenta la vida". La sabiduría es más importante."He that increases wisdom increases Life." Wisdom is the most important thing.
"además mejora el flujo sanguíneo y aumenta la salud de la próstata."but it also improves blood flow and increases prostate health.
( latido del corazón aumenta ) Él es un luchador poco.(heartbeat increases) He is a little fighter.
"Cuando reconocemos un genio, aumentamos nuestro propio poder""when we recognize genius, we increase our own power."
-No, los conciertos no se reducen. Si acaso, los aumentamos.No, concerts will increase.
A consecuencia de ello, aumentamos la seguridad.As a result, security was increased. Ah.
A medida que aumentamos y mejoramos nuestra relaci¢n con el conductor, ocurre una sinergia, una relaci¢n simbi¢tica-- --que nuestras vidas internas, de hecho, est n en capacidad de ir m s en tandem---As we develop increased relationship to who's in the driver seat, what happens is that here is a synergy, it's a symbiotic relationship, that our inner lives are actually able to be more in tandem of we're choosing to go
A todos los que te conocieron, les aumentamos... la intensidad de sus bandas mentales al triple.To all who knew you, will increase... The intensity of their bands mental threefold.
- Los esfuerzos de los soldados aumentan su necesidad de distracción.- Our boys' peace-making efforts increase their need for entertainment.
-Si aumentan las horas laborables ¿qué hacen los gobernadores si hay poco trabajo? No entiendo.- If you increase the work hours what do the governors do if there aren't enough jobs?
A medida que desciendes, la luz disminuye y las presiones aumentan a niveles peligrosos.As you descend, the light diminishes and pressures increase to dangerous levels.
A pesar del estancamiento económico, aumentan los beneficios empresariales.Despite indications of a stagnant economy, one business is showing an increase in profit.
Al crecer los niños aumentan los problemas.As children grow up, problems increase.
Conseguí un precio de ganga y por tanto aumenté el tamaño de nuestra adquisición.I secured an advantageous price and increased the scale of our purchase accordingly.
Deben haberse sobrecargado porque aumenté su potencia un 200 por ciento.Must have since l increased their output by about 200 per cent.
Doctora, ya aumenté la dosis de dopamina ... y hago el seguimiento de la solución LR.Doctor I already increased the Dofamine dose... and the Plain LR is next for follow-up.
Gané $55 millones y aumenté mi fortuna en un 40 por ciento... invirtiendo cuidadosamente en la Bolsa.I won $55 million, and increased my net worth 40 percent through well-chosen mutual funds.
Le hice las prominencias óseas más robustas aumenté el tamaño del mastoides y de las crestas occipitales.I made the bony prominences more robust, increased the size of the mastoid processes and the nuchal crests.
Imagina mi sorpresa al enterarme de que no le aumentaste el diurético de entrada.Imagine my surprise when she told me you never even increased his diuretic in the first place!
Salvaste a tu familia, aumentaste tus tierras.You saved your family, increased your land.
" La capa plegada aumentó su austeridad y ""The folded layer increased its austerity and"
"Desde entonces la intimidad entre ellos aumentó y creció hasta tal punto que no dudaban en tirarse por la ventana a la menor provocación.""The intimacy between them daily increased," "till it grew to such a pitch that they did not scruple to kick one another" "on the slightest provocation."
"Después del tiroteo en los Angeles la demanda de armas automáticas aumentó dramáticamente.After the L.A. shootout, requests for surplus machine guns increased dramatically.
"En 10 años, la brecha salarial se aumentó en 5."'"In 10 years, the salary gap increased by 5.
"Mis tratamientos usuales fallaron y el hongo rápidamente aumentó de tamaño.My usual treatments have failed, and the fungus has rapidly increased in size.
- De alguna forma aumentaron en número.Somehow they've increased their numbers.
- Las tarifas aumentaron.Rates have increased.
- Luego redujeron mi mysoline y aumentaron mi valproato de sodio.- Then they reduced my Mysoline and increased my sodium valproate.
- ¡¿Le aumentaron la pena? !- Do you have increased the penalty?
- ¿Le aumentaron la intensidad?Have you increased the intensity.
Prométeme que una vez en Ferrara, aumentarás su felicidad por diez, y a cambio prometemos de que nada de lo que pidas será nunca negado.Promise that once in Ferrara, you will increase her happiness tenfold, and we in turn promise that nothing you ask will ever be denied.
"Si los campesinos son los únicos que redoblan los esfuerzos... la cosecha sólo aumentará débilmente."If the peasants alone redouble their efforts, the harvest will increase by a very small amount.
- James si el barco se hunde, la presión aumentará.- James if the ship sinks, the pressure will increase.
- Sí, señor... Con Robocop fuera, el caos aumentará. Así tendremos la ciudad antes.With Robocop out of commission, the chaos down there will increase and the odds the city will fall into our hands.
- Ya sabes cómo todos están, siempre tratando de encontrar qué nueva cosa comer, esa cosa que que aumentará el poder del cerebro o reducirá el estrés, alguna cosa que pueda mantenerlos en su escritorio y meterse en la boca- What? - You know, how everyone's always trying to find that new thing to eat, that thing that- that will increase brain power or reduce stress, something they can keep in their desk and pop in their mouth
A medida que nosotros robots nos hagamos más y más inteligentes, aumentará nuestro campo de acción y experiencia.As we robots become more and more intelligent, our scope and experience will increase.
Mis socios y yo aumentaremos la recompensa a 100.000 francos.My partners and I will increase the reward to 100,000 francs.
Te conectaremos nuevamente a la silla. Pero esta vez aumentaremos el voltaje.You will hit the switch... and this time we will increase the power.
Tío, aumentaremos la indemnización.uncle, we will increase your compensation.
Y sí, cuanto más dinero pongas en nuestras manos ... .. más aumentaremos la presión y el trabajo se hará más rápido.And yes, the more money you put in our hands... we will increase the pressure and get the work done faster.
"Gradualmente, por reproducción selectiva, las diferencias congénitas entre los gobernantes y los gobernados aumentarán al grado de que se convertirán casi en especies diferentes."Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences - between rulers and ruled will increase until they become - almost different species.
Allá adentro y ahora mismo. Están decidiendo si habrá o no una guerra contra Irán, si los impuestos aumentarán o no aumentarán, si los precios del petróleo aumentarán o disminuirán.Inside right now, they're deciding whether or not there will be a war with Iran, - whether or not taxes will increase, - whether oil prices will be suppressed or increased.
Incurriré en algunas equivocaciones... y ahora que usted es la oposición los problemas aumentaránI will make some mistakes... and now that you're the opposition the problems will increase
Los costos aumentarán.The costs will increase.
Los países que son el blanco movilizarán sus defensas y nuestras víctimas aumentarán en el largo plazo. - ¿En qué cantidad?The target countries will mobilise their defences and our casualties will increase over the long term.
-... aumentaría si se nos divide.-...would increase if we were divided.
Bueno, eso aumentaría la acidez y explicaría lo de la adipocera.Well, that would increase the acidity and account for the adipocere.
Bueno, son tres operaciones en 18 meses, pero aumentaría las probabilidades de Bo para una recuperación significativa al 80 por ciento.Now, it's 3 operations over 18 months, But it would increase bo's chances For a meaningful recovery to 80%.
Creo que el que 50 Oscuros nos llovieran encima... aumentaría la probabilidad de que todos muriéramos... a propósito o accidentalmente.I think that 50 Dark Ones raining down on our heads... would increase the odds of all of us getting killed, intentionally or by accident.
El contenido de humedad en el madera astillada de la puerta aumentaría, ya que estarían expuestos a la humedad del aire.The moisture content in the splintered wood from the door would increase as it's exposed to the humidity in the air.
Dijeron que nos aumentarían la pensión ...They said they would increase my pension ...
"Me da igual que en teoría aumente mis posibilidades "de ir a estudiar a Rusia con beca."I don't care if it would theoretically increase my chances of getting a grant to study in Russia.
, no solo se logra que la presión aumente y esto es un colegio no una OLLA EXPRESS el león del circo aprende a sentarse en un banco por el temor al látigo en la mano del domador asi que podemos decir que ese león ha sido bien entrenado no bien educadono only pressure will increase and this is a college not a PRESSURE COOKER the lion in the circus also learns to sit on the chair fearing the whip held in his owner's hand but we call such a lion as well trained,not well educated
- Capitán, aumente la velocidad. - Sí.Captain, increase the speed.
-Jetlink 3594, aumente a 230.-Jetlink 3594, increase speed to 230.
Abou Ben Adhem (Que aumente su tribu)Abou Ben Adhem. May his tribe increase!
Carver, quiero que aumentes la vigilancia de la casa.Carver, I want that patrol around the house increased.
Quiero que aumentes la vigilancia.I want you to increase surveillance.
Y ... algo importante ... ¡No aumentes las dosis!And ... most importand... don't increase the dose!
Y no que simplemente aumentes los niveles de serotonina en tu cerebro para que puedas experimentar lo Divino por un momento fugaz y luego volver a una vida que es un infierno.Not only can you increase your level of serotonin in the brain. I can experience the divine for a moment and then come back to life which is hell.
A medida que aumentemos la dosis de T.5. dormirá cada vez más.As we increase the dose of T.5., you'll sleep more and more.
El Padrino dice que es hora de que aumentemos vuestra presencia.Godfather says it's time for us to increase our presence.
Es imposible que justo en la patria, su botín sea tan escaso y por tanto...aumentemos, ¿redondeamos a un buen 1003?It is impossible that at home, his tally is so low and therefore ... increased, and rounded down to a good 1003?
Evitemos a los chinos, mantengamos nuestra posición mayoritaria, aumentemos las subvenciones.We need our majority position. - We'll increase subsidies.
Pero lo más importante, aumentemos la paz y mantengámoslo real.But most important, let's increase the peace and keep it real.
A medida que aumentéis la velocidad quiero que os inclinéis más hacia adelante.As you increase your speed I want you to lean more forward.
Quiero que la aumentéis unos 50 metros.I want it increased by 50 meters.
"En resumen, la humanidad degenera gradualmente... "aunque sus conocimientos científicos aumenten día a día."In short, mankind degenerates gradually increase their scientific knowledge while every day."
-Que tus impuestos aumenten.- May your taxes increase.
A medida que aumenten, el control de la nave se hará más y más difícil.As they increase, it will become more difficult to control the ship.
Alguien tiene que convencer a los británicos de que aumenten el precio que se paga por el añil.Someone must convince the British to increase the bounty paid for indigo.
Así que espero que aumenten el contacto o que secuestren de nuevo.So I think they'll either increase contact or abduct again.
"El desgaste debido a enfermedades relacionadas con el estrés, incluyendo las migrañas, úlceras y problemas de salud mental han aumentado en un 15% "."Attrition due to stress-related illnesses, including migraines, ulcers, and mental health problems have increased by 15%."
- ...aumentado el gasto en Defensa--- increased D.O.D. spending, and--
- Ha aumentado la velocidad a 13 nudos.- Target's increased speed to 13 knots, sir.
- Han aumentado los precios? .- Have increased prices?
- La velocidad ha aumentado a 8,8.Mr. Spock, speed has increased to warp 8.8.
! Su masa continua aumentando! .His mass keeps increasing!
"Apenas pasa un mes sin una producción de televisión nueva, una nueva película, un drama nuevo, nuevos libros, prosa o poesía, que trata el tema, y ​​la inundación está aumentando en lugar de disminuir.""Hardly a month goes by without a new TV production, a new film, a new drama, new books, prose or poetry, dealing with the subject, and the flood is increasing rather than abating."
"El número de la maldición está aumentando""the number of the cursed is increasing."
"Pero, sus hijos ... siguieron aumentando."'But his children... kept on increasing.'
"la llamada de la muerte ha asesinado a muchos amigos, y siguen aumentando"..."The death call has kill many of my friend, the deaths is increasing"...

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