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Aitama (to help) conjugation

100 examples

Conjugation of aitama

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I help
you help
he/she/it helps
we help
you all help
they help
ei aita
(do/does) not help
it is helped
ei aidata
it is not helped
Past tense
I helped
you helped
he/she/it helped
we helped
you all helped
they helped
ei aidanud
did not help
it was helped
ei aidatud
it was not helped
Conditional mood
aitaksin, aitaks
I would help
aitaksid, aitaks
you would help
he/she/it would help
aitaksime, aitaks
we would help
aitaksite, aitaks
you all would help
aitaksid, aitaks
they would help
ei aitaks
would not help
it would be helped
ei aidataks
it would not be helped
Imperative mood
let him/her/it help
let's help
let them help
be helped
Imperative negative mood
ära aita
do not help
ärgu aidaku
let him/her/it not help
ärgem aidakem, ärme aitame
let him/her/it not help
ärge aidake
do not help
ärgu aidaku
let them not help
ärgu aidatagu
do not be helped
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been helped
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen aidanud
I have helped
oled aidanud
you have helped
on aidanud
he/she/it has helped
oleme aidanud
we have helped
olete aidanud
you all have helped
on aidanud
they have helped
ei ole aidanud, pole aidanud
(have/has) not helped
on aidatud
it has been helped
ei ole aidatud, pole aidatud
it has not been helped
Pluperfect past tense
olin aidanud
I had helped
olid aidanud
you had helped
oli aidanud
he/she/it had helped
olime aidanud
we had helped
olite aidanud
you all had helped
oli aidanud
they had helped
ei olnud aidanud, polnud aidanud
had not helped
oli aidatud
it had been helped
ei olnud aidatud, polnud aidatud
it had not been helped
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin aidanud; oleks aidanud; aidanuksin; aidanuks
I would have helped
oleksid aidanud; oleks aidanud; aidanuksid; aidanuks
you would have helped
oleks aidanud; aidanuks
he/she/it would have helped
oleksime aidanud; oleks aidanud; aidanuksime; aidanuks
we would have helped
oleksite aidanud; oleks aidanud; aidanuksite; aidanuks
you all would have helped
oleksid aidanud; oleks aidanud; aidanuksid; aidanuks
they would have helped
ei oleks aidanud; poleks aidanud; ei aidanuks
would not have helped
oleks aidatud
it would have been helped
ei oleks aidatud; poleks aidatud
it would not have been helped
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) helps
ei aitavat
(allegedly) does not help
(allegedly) it is helped
ei aidatavat
(allegedly) it is not helped
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat aidanud; aidanuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has helped
ei olevat aidanud; polevat aidanud; ei aidanuvat
(allegedly) has not helped
olevat aidatud
(allegedly) it has been helped
ei olevat aidatud; polevat aidatud
(allegedly) it has not been helped
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it help
ärgu aidaku
so that he/she/it do not help
so that it be helped
ärgu aidatagu
so that it not be helped
Jussive perfect mood
olgu aidanud
so that he/she/it have helped
ärgu olgu aidanud
so that he/she/it do not have helped
olgu aidatud
so that it have been helped
ärgu olgu aidatud
so that it not have been helped
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while helping
while helping
(due to/following/for) helping
for the purpose of helping
without help
that can be helped
being helped

Examples of aitama

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
! Las ma aitan sind, Marnie!Let me help you, Marnie!
"... Ma aitan teda igal võimalikul viisil.""I'll be helping him in ways he never dreamed possible."
"Idiotas. " Ja te ei ole "idiotas. " Las ma aitan.Idiotas. And you are not idiotas. Here, let me help you with those.
"Idiotas." Ja te ei ole "idiotas." Las ma aitan.Idiotas. And you are not idiotas. Here, let me help you with those.
"Aidates teisi, aitad sa iseennast""By helping someone else, you also help yourself."
"Hoolitseme sinu eest, Frank, alustad uut elu, kui aitad. ""We can take care of you, Frank. Another life, another chance, if you help us." Okay.
"Teie otsus on pisut kinnine siit vaadates" "Sa peaksid varsti võitma mõne suure summa või auhinna" "Aidates teisi, aitad sa iseennast""your judgment is a little off at this point." "you will soon win some high prize or award." "by helping someone else, you also help yourself."
$100 on sinu kui aitad kihlvedu võita.A hundred of them bucks is yours if you help us win that bet.
- Ainult siis, kui sa mind aitad.- What? I won't do it unless you help me.
"Elukindlustus aitab neutraliseerida inflatsiooni, aitab kaasa...""Life assurance helps to counteract inflationary tendencies, contributes--"
"Ja Hales, Marylandis, kus ta aitab pidada perekonna rauapoodi, on ta tuntud kui preili Maggie Carpenter, a.k.a. Põgenev Pruut.""And in Hale, Maryland where she helps run the family hardware store she is known as Miss Maggie Carpenter, a.k.a. the Runaway Bride."
"Jumal aitab neid, kes end ise aitavad""God helps those who help themselves. "
"Ei ei ei, nüüd muutus nüüd aitame teisi mehi"See on ju nali"No, no, now it's switched around. Now we're helping... " It's like a joke.
"Täna on teisipäev me aitame neid inimesi""Today's Tuesday. We're helping these people. "
- Et te siis ikkagi aitate mind?So you two will help me, then, right?
- Hei. Ma olen nii õnnelik teaduse õiglane. - Aitäh, et aitate.I’m so happy about the science fair. – Thank you for helping. – It’s going very well I heard.
- Just nii. Kuidas te neid aitate?How do you help them out?
- Kas aitate meil põgeneda?No way! Will you help us escape?
- Kas te aitate meid?So you're saying you'll help us?
"Inimestele meeldib minu positiivne energia ja nad aitavad täita mu eesmärke.""People will be attracted to my positive energy and help me achieve my goals." Oh, yeah.
"Inimestele meeldib minu positiivne energia... ...ja nad aitavad täita mu eesmärke.""People will be attracted to my positive energy... ...and help me achieve my goals." Oh, yeah.
"Jumal aitab neid, kes end ise aitavad""God helps those who help themselves. "
"Minu arvates need kunsti- teosed peegeldavad rasket elu ja aitavad lastel eluraskustega harjuda."I think they are great works of art that reflect how hard life can be and they can also help kids prepare themselves for the hardness of life.
"Sa ei aita siin midagi."You're not helping matters here. You're not.
"Vabandage, härra, aga teie naer ei aita mind praegu sugugi." Ja ta ütles:"Excuse me, sir, but your laughter is not helping me right now."
(Sa ei aita (Anne(You do not help (Anne
- Aga te ei aita.- You're not helping.
"'Ja, seal on öeldud Imetlema." "'Kui olin laps, siis aitasin oma vanamehel veiseid üle ajada."' kuuled mind, Adrian?"'Oh, yes, there is' said Marvel." "'When I was a kid, I helped my old man trail some cattle up from the border."' Can you hear me, Adrian?
"'Kui olin laps, siis aitasin oma vanamehel veiseid üle ajada."' kuuled mind, Adrian?"'When I was a kid, I helped my old man trail some cattle up from the border."' Can you hear me, Adrian?
"Ma aitasin rumalaid talupoegi ühes väikeses haiglas," "ühes pisikeses külas keset pärapõrgut."I helped stupid peasants in a small hospital outside a tiny village in the middle of nowhere.
- Ei teinud, ma vaid aitasin.- I didn't. I helped.
- Ei. Kättemaks oli see, kui ma aitasin tema naisel ja pojal neli kuud hiljem Läände põgeneda.Revenge was when I helped his wife and son escape to the West four months later.
"Kallis Hoyt. Ma tunnen sind ajast, mil sa käisid naabrivalves ja aitasid mind iga päev üle tänava. Sa naeratasid alati ja tervitasid mind.“Dear Hoyt. ”I have known you ever since you were a safety patrol ”and helped me across the street every day. ”You always smiled and said "hey" to me. ”I have watched that kind, caring boy ”grow into a fine, outstanding, great man. ”But now, instead of choosing life, ”you want to go back to a vampire ”who just wants to drink your blood, and it just breaks my heart.”
"Sündmuskohal osad juhid aitasid kannatanute eest hoolitseda."On the scene, several drivers helped tend the victims.
- Aga sa ju aitasid Robbiet.But Robbie helped you with the children.
- Chin rääkis, kuidas sa teda aitasid.- Chan told me how you helped him.
"1956 aastal sai 16-aastasest Bruce Leest Ip Mehe õpilane." "Bruce Lee õppis Wing Tsuni pühendunult ja aitas seda propageerida." "Ip Mees veetis järgmised 22 aastat Wing Tsuni õpetades ja levitas seda üle kogu maailma."(In 1956, 16 year-old Bruce Lee became Yip Man's disciple) (Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun extensively and helped promote it) (Yip Man spent the next 22 years teaching Wing Chun and spreading it all over the world)
"Mõni aeg tagasi, kohtasin ma üht tüdrukut, ta oli sümpaatne ja aitas parandada haavad, ja paraneda.There was a girl I met sometime ago Sympatheco She helped me heal, she helped me grow
"kes aitas sul su kontaktläätsi otsida.""who helped you find your contact lenS.
- Ei, kuid aitasime paljusid inimesi.-No, but we helped a lot of people.
- Me aitasime alati issit.- We always helped Daddy.
- Me kõik aitasime.- We all helped. - Ugh.
- Kaks aastat tagasi aitasite te mu venda.Two years ago you helped my brother.
1944. aasta talvel aitasite vange nn. surmamarsil läände viia?I’m fine. ... You then helped move the prisoners west in the winter of 1944 in the so-called death marches?
Aga teie aitasite tal süütõendeid hävitada.After all, you helped him to destroy the evidence.
Ma olen sunnitud talle ütlema, et sa ei aidanud ja lasid tal oma murul surra.I will be forced to tell him that you did not help and let her die on your lawn. Now, come on.
Mäletan, mäletan! Mis saab nendest, keda ma ei aidanud?And what will happen to those which did not help?
Ravimid ei aidanud.Medication did not help.
Teda aidati.He was helped.
Teie sõber ja naaber põgenes 28. septembril Saksa DV-st ja meil on alust arvata, et teda aidati.Your friend and neighbor fled the Republic on September 28th . And we have reason to believe he was helped.
Arvad, et kui ma teaksin, kuidas seda tegin, siis aitaksin sind?You think if I knew how I did it I would help you? !
Kui ma arvaksin teisiti, kas sa ei usu, et ma siis aitaksin oma tütart?If I believed otherwise, do you not think I would help my own daughter?
Kui paluks, siis aitaksin teda.If he came to me, I would help.
Ma aitaksin neid, keda teised ei aita.I would help those that others wouldn 't.
- Sa tõesti aitaksid mind?- You really would help me?
Amanda ütles, et sa aitaksid.Amanda said you would help.
Doug valetas, et sa aitaksid tal põgeneda.Doug lied so you would help him escape.
Kui me, nii öelda, aitaksime üksteist, Jumal küll, miks on nii palju vihkamist? Nii palju verd ja nii palju valesid?Ifwe, so to speak, would help one another... ...why is there so much hatred - my God! - so much blood, so many lies.
Kui me, nii öelda, aitaksime üksteist, Jumal küll, miks on nii palju vihkamist?Ifwe, so to speak, would help one another why is there so much hatred - my God!
Sest ma mõtlesin, ma peaksin õiget asja tegema ja aidata teil teie saladust hoida, et võibolla, mingi hetk tulevikus, te aitaksite mind ja lubaksite mind millegisse, mida saaksin oma ülemustele võtta.Because I thought I should do the right thing, and help you keep your secret, so that maybe, at some point in the future, you would help me, and let me in on something I can take to my superiors.
Kui aga saakski, siis praegu see ei aitaks teid.But even if you were to do so... it would not help you.
Ma hindan seda, aga selles ettevõtmises sa meid ei aitaks.Which I respect, but you would not help us on this expedition.
Must Haamer ei aitaks sind.Black Hammer would not help you.
! Nick aita mind!Nick, help me!
" Luke, aita mind palun.""Luke, help me, please."
"Aita mind, Forrest, aita mind!""Help me, Forrest, help me! "
"Aita mind, sa pead mind aitama!""Help me! You gonna help me!"
"Aidake, aidake".[mockinq] "Help me, help me."
"Appi, aidake"?"Help, help"?
"Doktor, palun aidake, mul on valus.""Doctor! Doctor! Please help me!
Ei, ära aita mind.You do not help.
"Aita mind, sa pead mind aitama!""Help me! You gonna help me!"
"Doktor, sa pead mind aitama."Doc, you got to help me.
"... Laste Abi, me vajame inimesi, kes tahavad aidata lapsi..." "...kogu maailma vaeseimates riikides....Angela Lansbury for Childreach... and we need people who want to help.
"A-Rühm on uhke, et saab aidata tänapäeva ühiskonnas nii tavalist vägivalda vähendada.""The A-Team is proud to help diminish the rampant violence... "so prevalent in society today. "
"Aga mu eesmärk oli alati, sind selleks päevaks ette valmistada, aidata sul poisist meheks saada."But my goal was always to prepare you for this day, To help you go from being a boy to a man."
"Ainult $22 kuus, 72 senti päevas ja sa võid olla Laste Abi sponsor." "Ja mitte ainult olla sõber vaesele poisile või tüdrukule ookeani taga..." "...vaid aidata ka nende peresid ja ühiskonda."For just $22 a month... just 72 cents a day... you can become a Childreach sponsor... and not only personally touch the life... of a needy boy or girl overseas... but also help the child's family and community.
"Pane tähele, kui palju on hoolekanne su ema aidanud."You look and see how much welfare has helped your mom.
- Kas Jaffad pole teid piisavalt aidanud?- Have not the Jaffa helped your cause?
Ah, tänan, mind on juba aidatud.Uh, thanks, I've already been helped.
Lähen ujuma? Te peaksite teadma, et mind on ennegi kopterist välja aidatud.You should know I've been helped out of a chopper before, sir.
Ma olen aidanud politseinikke läbi vägagi dramaatiliste olukordade.I have helped policemen through the most traumatic moments.
Ma olen aidanud politseinikke läbi vägagi traumaatiliste olukordade.I have helped policemen through very traumatic moments.
Ma tean, et sa oled aidanud Inglise lenduritel põgeneda. Einoh, ma...l know you have helped some British airmen to escape.
...on leidnud, et Ameerika invasioon ja okupatsioon Iraaki on aidanud ilmale tuua uue generatsiooni Islami äärmuslasi....has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn (spawn=far nascere) a new generation of Islamic radicalism.
Ameerika Vabakodaniku Ühendus on andnud sisse on leidnud, et Ameerika invasioon ja okupatsioon Iraaki on aidanud ilmale tuua uue generatsiooni Islami äärmuslasi.The American Civil Liberty's Union has filed has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism.
Audrey Parker on aidanud seda linna rohkem kui keegi teine.Audrey Parker has helped this town more than anyone, helped people with troubles...
Ja kui Peter oli aidanud mul kõik üles korjata, siis tundus ebaviisakas talle oma numbrit mitte anda.And when Peter had helped me pick everything up, well... it just seemed rude not to give him my number.
Peter Sisten oli aidanud Mr Lisbonil tema klassis päikesesüsteemi sisse seada, ja vastutasuks kutsus Mr Lisbon ta õhtusöögile.Peter Sisten had helped Mr Lisbon install a model of the solar system in his class. And in return Mr Lisbon invited him for dinner.
Ma oleksin aidanud sul elada.I would have helped you live.
See näib teda ainukesena aitavat.Seems like the only thing that helps her.
Paljud silmapaistvad akadeemikud. teenivad vaikselt suuri summasi... samal ajal aidates finantstööstusel, kujundada avaliku debatti... ning valitsuse poliitikat.Many prominent academics quietly make fortunes... while helping the financial industry shape public debate... and government policy.
Aitäh aitamast.- Thanks for helping me with this.
Kahetsen vaid, et füüsiline nõrkus takistab mul teid pikemalt aitamast.My only regret, is that our physical weakness has left us incapable of helping you further.
Mina teda aitamata tagasi Detroiti ei lähe.I'm not going back to Detroit without helping him.
- Kas see aitaks?-You think that would help?
- Ma ütlesin sulle, et ma aitaks sind, juhul kui sa pahandust ei tekita.- I told you... ...I would help as long as it didn't cause trouble.
Jah, see oleks aidanud.Yeah, that would have helped.
Ma oleks aidanud. - Dave lubas.I would have helped.
Su pühendumus sellele vanale usule pole aidanud sul varastatut leida ega andnud sulle ettekujutust mässajate baasi asukohast...Your sad devotion to that ancient religion... has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes... or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebels' hidden fortress--

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