Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
Nad tantsivad eemale koidikust ja see on pühalik tants pimeduse maale. Samal ajal uhub vihm nende nägusid ja peseb ära nende soolased pisarad. | They move away from the dawn... in a solemn dance... away towards the dark lands... while the rain cleanses their cheeks... of the salt from their bitter tears. |
Enne kui kostüümi selga paneb, peab ta ennast pesema. | Before he puts on the costume, he must cleanse his body. |
Et ennast süüst puhtaks pesta. | To cleanse you of the guilt. |
Kui rituaal on läbi, lase veri pesta ja Lucretia eest hoolt kanda. | When ritual is ended, see blood cleansed and Lucretia attended. |
Loodan, et see aitab teil ta tabada ja pesta teilt hiljutise häbipleki. | I hope it'll help you catch him to help cleanse the stigma of your recent dishonor. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Albanian | pastroj | Catalan | netejar |
Danish | rense | Dutch | opschonen,poetsen, reinigen, schonen, schoonhouden, schoonmaken |
English | clean | Esperanto | purigadi, purigi |
Faroese | rudda | Finnish | puhdistaa, putsata, siistiä, siivota |
French | nettoyer, poutzer | German | abätzen, purgieren, putzen, reinigen, saubermachen, säubern |
Greek | καθαρίζω | Hungarian | pucol, tisztít, tisztogat |
Icelandic | þrífa | Indonesian | berbenah, membersihkan |
Italian | forbire, nettare, pulire, rimondare, smacchiare | Japanese | 清掃, 掃除 |
Latvian | tīrīt | Lithuanian | išsivalyti, išvalyti, numazgoti, nuvalyti, švarinti, valyti, valytis |
Macedonian | исчисти, чисти | Malay | membersihkan |
Norwegian | reingjøre, rengjøre, rense, vaske | Persian | پاک کردن, تمیز کردن |
Polish | czyścić, doczyszczać, oczyścić, odczyścić, poczyścić, przeczyścić, wyczyścić | Portuguese | limpar |
Romanian | cura, curăța | Russian | вычистить, вычищать, очистить, очищать, постирать, почистить, чистить |
Spanish | limpiar | Swedish | rengöra, renovera, städa, torka |
Thai | เก็บกวาด | Turkish | temizlemek, temizlik yapmak |
Vietnamese | thu dọn |