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Verhelfen (to help) conjugation

32 examples

Conjugation of verhelfen

Present tense
I help
you help
he/she/it helps
we help
you all help
they help
Past preterite tense
I helped
you helped
he/she/it helped
we helped
you all helped
they helped
Future tense
werde verhelfen
I will help
wirst verhelfen
you will help
wird verhelfen
he/she/it will help
werden verhelfen
we will help
werdet verhelfen
you all will help
werden verhelfen
they will help
Past perfect tense
habe verholfen
I have helped
hast verholfen
you have helped
hat verholfen
he/she/it has helped
haben verholfen
we have helped
habt verholfen
you all have helped
haben verholfen
they have helped
Pluperfect tense
hatte verholfen
I had helped
hattest verholfen
you had helped
hatte verholfen
he/she/it had helped
hatten verholfen
we had helped
hattet verholfen
you all had helped
hatten verholfen
they had helped
Future perf.
werde verholfen haben
I will have helped
wirst verholfen haben
you will have helped
wird verholfen haben
he/she/it will have helped
werden verholfen haben
we will have helped
werdet verholfen haben
you all will have helped
werden verholfen haben
they will have helped
Subjunctive II preterite tense
(so that I) would help
(so that you) would help
(so that he/she) would help
(so that we) would help
(so that you all) would help
(so that they) would help
Subjunctive II future tense
würde verhelfen
I would help
würdest verhelfen
you would help
würde verhelfen
he/she/it would help
würden verhelfen
we would help
würdet verhelfen
you all would help
würden verhelfen
they would help
Subjunctive II future perfect tense
würde verholfen haben
I would have helped
würdest verholfen haben
you would have helped
würde verholfen haben
he/she/it would have helped
würden verholfen haben
we would have helped
würdet verholfen haben
you all would have helped
würden verholfen haben
they would have helped
Subjunctive I present tense
(so that I) help
(so that you) help
(so that he/she) help
(so that we) help
(so that you all) help
(so that they) help
Subjunctive I present perfect tense
habe verholfen
(so that I) have helped
habest verholfen
(so that you) have helped
habe verholfen
(so that he/she) has helped
haben verholfen
(so that we) have helped
habet verholfen
(so that you all) have helped
haben verholfen
(so that they) have helped
Subjunctive I future tense
werde verhelfen
(so that I) will help
werdest verhelfen
(so that you) will help
werde verhelfen
(so that he/she) will help
werden verhelfen
(so that we) will help
werdet verhelfen
(so that you all) will help
werden verhelfen
(so that they) will help
Subjunctive I pluperfect tense
hätte verholfen
(so that I) would have helped
hättest verholfen
(so that you) would have helped
hätte verholfen
(so that he/she) would have helped
hätten verholfen
(so that we) would have helped
hättet verholfen
(so that you all) would have helped
hätten verholfen
(so that they) would have helped
Subjunctive I future perfect tense
werde verholfen haben
(so that I) will have helped
werdest verholfen haben
(so that you) will have helped
werde verholfen haben
(so that he/she) will have helped
werden verholfen haben
(so that we) will have helped
werdet verholfen haben
(so that you all) will have helped
werden verholfen haben
(so that they) will have helped
Imperative mood

Examples of verhelfen

Example in GermanTranslation in English
- Dir zu deiner Frau verhelfen.We want to help you get your wife back.
- Sie wollte mir zur Flucht verhelfen.- She was helping me to escape. - No.
- das würde mir zur Freiheit verhelfen.That you would help me to freedom.
... und der nächsten Hexengeneration zu ihrer Bestimmung zu verhelfen.And to help the next generation of witches coming to their own.
Acastos würde Jason auch nicht zur Flucht verhelfen.Acastus helped Jason? But there's no reason to it,
Denn ich verhelfe Martin Mickelsen zu viel Geld.I won't have done much with my life, but I'll have helped Martin Mickelsen make lots more money.
Er sagte, er habe Lord Curtain getötet, und er werde auch Lady Curtain umbringen, wenn ich ihm nicht zur Flucht verhelfe.He admitted killing Lord Curtain, and threatened to kill Lady Curtain as well if she won't help him to escape.
Es ist doch nicht zu viel verlangt. Dann verhelfe ich Ihnen zur Flucht.It's not so much to ask, and then I'll help you escape.
Ich verhelfe Ihnen zu Ihrem Shrim. Mit meinen Söhnen.I will help you find your shrim, along with my sons.
Ich verhelfe euch zur Flucht.I can help you escape.
Du verhilfst den Schwachen zu ihrem Recht.You help the weak to their rights.
Du verhilfst uns zu der Kohle und du siehst wieder bessere Tage.- One night. l will... You help us make a bundle and we'll spread that sunshine around.
Es sei denn, du verhilfst ihm zu einem Orgasmus.Like help Nick have an orgasm, huh, Sophie?
Ich gebe dir 100 Dollar, wenn du mir heute Nacht zur Flucht verhilfst.100 dollars, if you help me get out tonight.
Und du verhilfst mir dazu.You're helping me to get it.
"Samaritan Girl" verhilft jungen Frauen zu einer Ausbildung und einem neuen Leben."Samaritan girl helps young women get an education and a new life."
Die Droge verhilft einem zu Gelassenheit und dem nötigen Abstand, um solche Meetings zu überstehen.Drug helps you to gain this nonchalance this needed detachment to survive that kind of meeting
- Ich habe einer Dame zu einem Kind verholfen.- I helped a lady become pregnant.
Also, eure Familienverhältnisse haben mir zu meinem Doktortitel verholfen.So I would like to think that your family's dysfunction helped me to get my Ph.D. Heh.
Boomer hat Ihnen also zur Flucht verholfen.So Boomer helped you escape.
Die Armee hat Hitler zur Macht verholfen.The army helped bring Hitler into power.
Doch. Ich habe dir zur Flucht vor Königin Mab verholfen.I helped you escape from Queen Mab.
Und in Anbetracht Eurer neuen Freundschaft möchte ich von Euch, dass Ihr mir zu einem Treffen verhelft.And considering your new friendship, I would like for you to help arrange a meeting.
Chaplin verhalf ihm zu einem Vertrag mit dem Studio.Chaplin helped him get a contract with the studio.
Doch verhalf ich auch seiner Frau zu Genuss.But l helped the mistress to joy also.
Ein Agent in Nordkorea, eine Dissidenten Gruppe verhalf einem verletzten CIA-Agenten zur Flucht aus einer Stadt in der Nähe von Ordos, China, im Mai 2010.An asset in North Korea, a dissident group helped an injured CIA operative escape from a town near Ordos, China, may 2010.
Er verhalf den Frauen, sich Orgasmen zu verschaffen, während ihre Männer im Krieg waren.It helped give women the power to orgasm while their men were away at war.
Er verhalf mir dazu, die Internship an der Mayo zu bekommen....helped me win the Doyle lnternship at the Mayo Clinic.
- Sie verhalfen ihnen zur Flucht.You helped them escape.
Also verhalfen Sie ihm, eine illegale Waffe durch den US-Zoll zu schmuggeln?So you helped them smuggle an illegal weapon through U.S. customs?
Hatten sie nichts dagegen, verhalfen Barry und Matt der Flasche zu einem neuen Zuhause.If they didn't object, then Barry and matt knew they'd helped a bottle find a happy home.
Sie verhalfen ihm zu seinem Alibi.Then you helped him get his alibi.

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