- Minä voin jeesata. | - Hey, let me help out, fellas. - Stay back, sir. |
- Täytyyhän vastanaineita jeesata. | Hey, it's the least I can do to help out a couple of young marrieds, huh? |
- Yritän vain jeesata kaveria. | - Just trying to help out a friend. |
- Yritän vain jeesata sua. | I'm just trying to help you out, mate. Yeah, I know. |
-Me voidaan jeesata sua. | -need any help? |
Annas ku mä jeesaan. | - Let me help you out here |
Hei, mennään jeesaan. | Let's go and help. |
Kimber on lapsen- lapseni äiti, mitä on vaikea uskoa, - mutta hänellä on rahavaikeuksia, ja jeesaan kun minulla on hyvä kalu. | It's hard to believe because I'm so good-looking. She's got some money problems and I have this fantastic attribute, so I'm helping her out. We're gonna make millions on this thing, right? |
Minä jeesaan sinua. | l can help you. |
Minä vain jeesaan. | He's -- he's the police. I'm just helping out. |
(Freda:) Sovittiin, että jeesaat muutossa. | You said you were going to help me move. |
Laulan sen kaksi kertaa, ja sinä jeesaat minua... Laulat mukana siinä kohtaa... | And then I would just sing that twice and then you would help me out on the... sing along with me on the... |
Tulehan, jeesaamme sinua. | Come on, we'll help you out. |
- Kamut vain jeesaavat toisiaan. | This is just bros helping bros. |
Aika vähän, mutta tipit jeesaavat. | It's not much, but tips help. |
Se hoiti mun vekselit, kun täältä tuli lähtö - ja se jeesasi, kun multa meinasi mennä taksi alta. | He helped with my debts after I lost this place- and he gave money when I was about to lose my cab. |
Silloin kun mä kävin oikiksessa, ystävän jeesaaminen oli tärkeempää. | When I went to law school, helping your friends was more important. |
- Se on jeesannut mua aina! | - He has helped me! |
Et olisi jeesannut, jos olisit tiennyt. | If I told you where I found it, you never would've helped me, so... |
Se on jeesannut mua aina. | He has always helped me. |