Nei, for det er ingenting å arve. | They've got nothing to disinherit them with. Say that again. |
Det var for å arve Cæsars gudetittel sammen med alt det andre. | So that he could inherit Caesar's divinity together with all the rest. |
Han vil drepe det ufødte barnet, og så vil han drepe din kone, og når han er sikker på å arve alt som er ditt, Mr. Thorn, vil han drepe deg. | He will kill the unborn child, then he will kill your wife, and when he is certain to inherit all that is yours, then, Mr Thorn, he will kill you. |
- Alt snakket om å arve Drogheda. | I mean, all that talk about inheriting Drogheda. |
Jeg er veldig god til å arve penger. | I'm very good at inheriting money. |
Tullingene skal arve jorden uansett. | I told you, the dopes will inherit the earth. |
Nei, for det er ingenting å arve. | They've got nothing to disinherit them with. Say that again. |
Slik at jeg kunne arve henne. | So that I could inherit all her money. |
Det var for å arve Cæsars gudetittel sammen med alt det andre. | So that he could inherit Caesar's divinity together with all the rest. |
Men også fordi jeg eier alt dette landet, herfra og dit. De tror du vil arve det. Men det gjør du ikke. | But partly because I own everything in this country from here to there, and they'll think you're going to inherit it. |
Han gjorde alt for å holde deg unna datteren sin, men hun arver en million, så selvfølgelig flyttet du inn her. | [Quinlan] Poor Rudy Linnekar. He did all he could to keep you away from his daughter. But she stands to inherit a million bucks, so naturally you just moved in here. |
Lurer p hvem som arver stedet. | I wonder who's gonna inherit the place? |
Kattene arver først og jeg arver kattene. | Cats inherit first! And I come after the cats. |
Selvfølgelig arver hun. | Of course, she inherits. |
Det er de som arver konsekvensene av deres beslutninger. | They and others like them will be the ones... who will inherit the consequences of your actions. Now the names of the children. |
Alle din fars lettsindige egenskaper har du tatt i arv. | All you father's irresponsible - quiet! - traits you have inherited. |
En arv kan ikke gis videre. | It forbids an inheritance to be passed down indefinitely for generations. |
Jeg anerkjenner, Charles, at du ikke bare gir Ernestina kjærlighet og beskyttelse, men også, med tiden, en betydelig arv. | I recognise, er, Charles... that you bring to Ernestina not only love and protection... but also in time a considerable inheritance. |
Vi besluttet å gi dem en arv, en genetisk bånd, så de kunne blomstre og beskytte planeten. | We decided to give them an inheritance-- a genetic bonding-- so they might thrive and protect your world. |
Til gjengjeld ville vår konge avstå et jevnstort land i arv til Fortinbras hvis han vant seieren, slik hans egne land iføIge denne avtalen er tilfalt kong Hamlet. | Against the which a moiety competent was gaged by our king, which had returned to the inheritance of Fortinbras had he been vanquisher, as, by the same cov'nant and carriage of the article designed, his fell to Hamlet. |
Har du arva? | - Have you inherited some money? |
Jeg har arva leiekontrakten og... | I have inherited the rental contract and.. |
Hun har arva gården. | She inherited it. |
Jeg har arva en flokk tamrein fra onkelen min. | I have inherited a herd of reindeer from my uncle. |