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Haver (to have) conjugation

125 examples

Conjugation of haver

Present tense
I have
you have
he/she has
we have
you all have
they have
Present perfect tense
he hagut
I have had
has hagut
you have had
ha hagut
he/she has had
hem hagut
we have had
heu hagut
you all have had
han hagut
they have had
Future tense
I will have
you will have
he/she will have
we will have
you all will have
they will have
Conditional mood
I would have
you would have
he/she would have
we would have
you all would have
they would have
Past perfect tense
havia hagut
I had had
havies hagut
you had had
havia hagut
he/she had had
havíem hagut
we had had
havíeu hagut
you all had had
havien hagut
they had had
Past impf. tense
I was having
you were having
he/she was having
we were having
you all were having
they were having
Imperative negative mood
no hagis
don't have!
no hagi
don't let him/her have!
no hàgim
let's not have!
no hàgiu
don't have!
no hagin
don't let them have!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria hagut
I would have had
hauries hagut
you would have had
hauria hagut
he/she would have had
hauríem hagut
we would have had
hauríeu hagut
you all would have had
haurien hagut
they would have had
Future perfect tense
hauré hagut
I will have had
hauràs hagut
you will have had
haurà hagut
he/she will have had
haurem hagut
we will have had
haureu hagut
you all will have had
hauren hagut
they will have had
Preterite past tense
I had
you had
he/she had
we had
you all had
they had
Past anterior tense
haguí hagut
I had had
hagueres hagut
you had had
hagué hagut
he/she had had
haguérem hagut
we had had
haguéreu hagut
you all had had
haguéren hagut
they had had
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) have
(so that you) have
(so that he/she) has
(so that we) have
(so that you all) have
(so that they) have
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was having
(so that you) were having
(so that he/she) was having
(so that we) were having
(so that you all) were having
(so that they) were having
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi hagut
(so that I) have had
hagis hagut
(so that you) have had
hagi hagut
(so that he/she) has had
hàgim hagut
(so that we) have had
hàgiu hagut
(so that you all) have had
hagin hagut
(so that they) have had
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués hagut
(so that I) had had
haguessis hagut
(so that you) had had
hagués hagut
(so that he/she) had had
haguéssim hagut
(so that we) had had
haguéssiu hagut
(so that you all) had had
haguessin hagut
(so that they) had had
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi haver
(so that I) had
vagis haver
(so that you) had
vagi haver
(so that he/she) had
vàgim haver
(so that we) had
vàgiu haver
(so that you all) had
vagin haver
(so that they) had
Periphastic past tense
vaig haver
I had
vas haver
you had
va haver
he/she had
vam haver
we had
vau haver
you all had
van haver
they had
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver hagut
I had had
vas haver hagut
you had had
va haver hagut
he/she had had
vam haver hagut
we had had
vau haver hagut
you all had had
van haver hagut
they had had

Examples of haver

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Deus haver sentit falses notícies.You may have heard false reports.
El meu pre-assenyat pare em va treure la meva filla acabada de néixer dels braços i després vaig haver de fugir durant 500 anys després que tota la meva família fos assassinada per un psicòpata, però, bé, que no va tenir cap efecte secundari persistent.I only had my newborn ripped from my arms by my judgmental father and then had to run 500 years after my entire family had been slaughtered by a psychopath, but, hey, that didn't have any lingering side effects.
Alguns internautes van suggerir que podia haver estat un treball intern.A few netizens suggested that it could have been an inside job.
Després, deuria haver una altra explosió aquí al gimnàs i aquí a l'auditori.And then we have another explosion that should go off here in the gym... and here in the auditorium.
Han d'haver vingut d'aquesta banda.Must have come in this way.
Sé que us les he fet passar putes, i que he estat dur, però a partir d'ara sou al meu llibre d'honor.Now, l know that l've put you all through hell... and l know that l have been one rough pecker. But from here on out, you guys are all in my cool book.
Ni tan sols puc expressar Eixes coses amb exactitud Perquè tinc... he de conceptualitzar Idees complexes en este Estúpid i limitat llenguatge.I can't even express these things properly because i have to... i have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language.
Ni ho ha intentat ni l'hi he preguntat.No, he hasn't tried, and I haven't asked.
Crec que m'he comportat horrorosament durantI fear I have behaved monstrously the past few weeks.
De fet, Lady Bracknell, he dit que he perdut els pares, però seria més ajustat dir que ells em van perdre a mi.The fact is, Lady Bracknell, I said I had lost both my parents. It would be nearer the truth to say my parents seem to have lost me.
Winn, no has de anar-te per mi.Winn, you don't have to leave on my behalf.
Fa temps que no has estat en cap reunió.You haven't been to a meeting in a while.
Si penses que d'un rifle no en pot sortir res de bo, has de conèixer l'«escopetarra», un híbrid que transforma dues armes letals (cadascuna en el seu camp), un rifle AK-47 i una guitarra, per a convertir-les en un instrument de pau.If you believe that nothing good can come from a rifle, then you have to get to know the "escopetarra"—a hybrid that transforms two "lethal" weapons (an AK-47 and a guitar) into an instrument of peace. "Escopetarra" is a Spanish blend that combines the words "escopeta" (shotgun) and "guitarra" (guitar).
I què has fet?What have you done?
Diga'm, Pod, has estat mai amb una dona?Tell me, Pod, have you ever been with a woman?
Ni ho ha intentat ni l'hi he preguntat.No, he hasn't tried, and I haven't asked.
Nascuda a Espanya i des de fa pocs anys resident a Costa Rica, Coral ha treballat com a docent i consultora a la UNESCO, a ILANUD i AECID, a la Universitat de la Sorbona (París IV) i a la Universitat Carlos III de Madrid.Born in Spain, she moved to Costa Rica a few years ago, and has worked as a teacher and consultant for UNESCO, the United Nations Latin American Institute for Crime Prevention and Treatment of Delinquents (ILANUD), and the Spanish International Development Agency (AECID), at the Paris-Sorbonne University and in Madrid’s Universidad Carlos III.
Que una epidèmia de debò ha afectat a Clavius....quiteaseriousepidemic has broken out at Clavius.
Al seu blog, Hamburger Wahlbeobachter , Martin Fuchs ha demanat als polítics alemanys que informen de les seues reunions amb els grups de pressió o lobbies mitjançant la publicació de l'etiqueta #Lobbytweet a Twitter.In his blog Hamburger Wahlbeobachter , political advisor and blogger Martin Fuchs recently called on German politicians to publicize their meetings with lobbyists on Twitter using the hashtag #Lobbytweet.
Tu no ets el qual ha de preocupar-se de tot.You're not the one who has to worry about everything.
Ho farà. Només hem d'esbrinar què hi ha al seu cos.Just have find out what's in his system.
Encara no ens hem conegut oficialment, no?We haven't officially met yet, have we?
Mira, qualsevol cosa per sobre dels deu mil, els hem de demanar especialment i això tarda de dos a quatre dies laborables.See, anything over $10,000, we have to special-order and that takes 2 to 4 business days.
de la societat humana, hem vingut a veure quelcom d'extraordinari,We have come to see...
Sé que els últims temps hem tingut les nostres diferències.I know we have had our differences of late.
Els viatgers ens han drenat la sang, així que hem hagut de fer una mica de caça.Travelers drained us of our blood, so we've had to do a little bit of hunting.
Volia fer-ho. Però he hagut d'anar-me'n abans. I això m'empipa.I had all the intention... but had to leave without having the time... and I am still worried about it.
Ta mare ha hagut de marxar d'Hivernplè per a protegir la família.Your mother had to leave Winterfell to protect the family.
Has hagut d'anar a buscar un altre marit a la presó.you had to pick up another husband from jail.
El major Herzog ha hagut de marxar, però us ha deixat això perquè passeu una bona vetllada.Commander Herzog had to leave early but he left this for the celebration.
Així que, com ha estat la guerra de pintures, us heu divertit?So, how was paintball? Did you have fun?
Ja heu fet la vostra tria pel nostre hostatge?So who have you chosen for our hostage?
Déu del cel! Com hi heu anat a parar aquí?My God, how have you ended up here?
Però alerta, que encara m'heu d'aguantar dos dies més.Thanks. You still have me for 2 days.
Si la noia vol casar-se amb algú, fins i tot heu de negociar amb la mare.Even if the girl is willing to marry you, you still have to deal with her mother.
Tots els vassalls del meu germà s'han passat al meu bàndol.All my brother's bannermen have come to my side.
Davant l'absència d'una versió oficial dels fets per part de la policia o del Ministeri de Seguretat Nacional, els internautes han començat a maquinar teories de conspiració en relació a les connexions entre la fugida i el Jamaat al Muslimeen.In the absence of an official version of events from either the police or the Ministry of National Security, netizens have begun cooking up conspiracy theories regarding links between the jailbreak and the Jamaat al Muslimeen.
Els qui s'oposen a la despenalització han debatut durant molt de temps considerant les bases morals i religioses.Opponents of decriminalization have argued their case largely on moral and religious grounds.
Davant d'aquests problemes, els habitants de Vladivostok han fet servir la xarxa per intercanviar experiències i demanar consell en relació a l'onada de vehicles de motor tòxics provinents del Japó.Confronted with such problems, Vladivostok residents have gone online to swap stories and ask advice about the stream of toxic Japanese motor vehicles.
Molts usuaris han expressat la seva preocupació a Twitter:On Twitter, many have expressed concern and worry:
Llavors hauré de tornar a cridar a la nostra delegació.Then I will have to recall our deputation.
Però hauré de parlar-ne amb el meu pare.But I will have to speak to my father about it.
- Li hauré de prendre jurament, però.However, I will have to administer an oath. An oath?
Imagina't el pes que hauré de carregar.Imagine the weight I will have to lift.
Si el que m'has dit és veritat, t'hauràs guanyat la meva confiança.If what you've told me is true, you will have gained my trust.
Algy, petit rufià, m’hauràs de tractar amb respecte, mai no m’has tractat com a un germà fins ara.Algy, you young scoundrel, you will have to behave with more respect to me in the future. You have never behaved to me like a brother in all your life.
Algy, petit rufià, m'hauràs de tractar amb respecte, mai no m'has tractat com a un germà fins ara.Algy, you young scoundrel, you will have to behave with more respect to me in the future. You've never behaved to me like a brother in all your life.
M'hauràs de dir quina és la teva empresa de seguretat.Mmm. You will have to refer me to your security company.
Si admets que vas desobeir les ordres d'un corb superior, hauràs de cobrir les despeses mèdiques i Déu sap que més, d'aquests joves.If you admit that you defied orders from a senior Raven you yourself will have to cover any medical bills and God knows what else from these youths.
Bé, llavors haurà que construir un saló de ball.Hmm, well, then you will have to build a ballroom.
En aquest mateix blog fanpage.it, un altre post d'Antonio Palma aporta detalls de les sumes que el multimilionari suís haurà de pagar a les diferents parts afectades:On the same blog fanpage.it, in another post, Antonio Palma provided details of the amount the Swiss billionaire will have to pay to the victims:
I sé que vols venjança. Però si destrueixes el vaixell de l'Ivo, la Shado haurà mort en va.But if you destroy Ivo's freighter... then Shado will have died for nothing.
Però haurà de valer.But it will have to suffice.
Si ens enfrontem a en Conte, ens haurà de protegir algú.If we face Conte, someone will have to protect ourselves.
Altrament haurem fallat, i per això serem jutjats.Otherwise we will have failed, and that is how we would be judged.
I ens hi haurem d'anar acostumant", va emfasitzar.This is something we will have to get used to," emphasized.
El Führer diu que a final d'any haurem guanyat la guerra.The Fuhrer says, that at the end of the year Germany will have won the war.
Així haurem de confiscar tot el que tinguin.Then we will have to confiscate everything you own.
Penso que és extremadament important que els cosplayers de color es facin veure, que parlin i se'ls escoli; perquè si aquesta representació encara no existeix, l'haurem de crear nosaltres mateixosI think it's critically important for cosplayers of color to show up, speak up and be heard — because if that representation isn't there already, we will have to make it for ourselves.
Una gran oportunitat que us haureu de guanyar-.A prized opportunity... that will have to be earned.
Però encara us haureu d'encarregar d'unes quantes coses sense la meva presència.But you will have to do without my presence a great deal longer.
- Doncs aquestes nou hauran de fer un torn doble, aquesta nit.Only nine? Well, you nine, will have to do double duty tonight.
No cal dir que hi ha només 4 persones que són conscients d'això, és a dir, els dos elements que hauran de realitzar l'operació,No need to say that there are only 4 people who are aware of this, that is, the two elements that they will have to put into action,
Mentrestant, els seus líders —després d’escoltar amb cura l’opinió pública— hauran de decidir quines seran les fronteres geogràfiques, polítiques i culturals de la Unió.In the meantime, its leaders, listening carefully to public opinion, will have to decide where to draw the Union’s geographical, political and cultural boundaries.
Així doncs, els diners que portat sempre hauran d'estar líquids.Then the money will have to always with liquidity.
I seguint el mateix tipus de reflexió, en un futur els documents de la Comissió Europea i del Parlament seran en anglès, els "minoritaris" (francesos, alemanys, espanyols, italians, hongaresos, finesos i més llengües "patoises" com el neerlandès i el portuguès) s'hauran d'adaptar, per tant, a aquesta "simplificació" tan lògica, tan cartesiana.And it's within that same type of thinking that tomorrow all European Commission Documents and of the parliament will be in English, as for "the minorities", (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Finnish and others speaking in Dutch or Portuguese) well they will have to live with this so logical and Cartesian "simplification".
Tan blana era la seva passa, que no arribava a fer cap so; i si no hagués estat pel magic estremiment que produia el seu benigne contacte, hauria passat desapercebuda i mai recercada, com altres belleses plenes de modestia.So soft was her step, it failed to make even a sound, and but for the magical thrill imparted by her genial touch, as other unobtrusive beauties, she would have glided away unperceived--unsought.
Mai ho hauria permès.Never would have allowed it.
S'hauria bellugat i remenat com els seus nervis li demanaven, pero tenia por de despertar Sid.He would have tossed and fidgeted, as his nerves demanded, but he was afraid he might wake Sid.
Però jo crec que si haguessis disparat tu, t'hauria fet efecte.Maybe if you'd done the shooting, it would have.
Si jo hagués sabut això, m'hauria matat abans i estalviat aquesta guerra.If I had known this, I would have killed myself before and spared you this war.
Llavors... com pots haver arribat aquí des de Londres per ajudar amb l'autòpsia si hauries d'haver hagut de marxar quan encara era viu?- Mm-hmm. - So... so how could you have got here from London to help with the postmortem if you would have had to leave when he was still alive?
I què hauries fet si t'haguessis equivocat, i hagués decidit trucar el detectiu Lance?I would have put an arrow in you.
"Si hauries d'haver hagut de marxar"."If you would have had to leave."
Però si s'hagués ofert, ho hauries fet?But if she had, you would have?
Per començar, hauries estat mort.Well for starters, you would have died.
Sr. Johnson. L'hauríem trucat, però no té telèfon.Mr. Johnson, we would have called first, but you don't have a telephone.
Medicines per les quals tu o jo hauríem de pagar una fortuna si necessitéssim ajuda al dormitori... la qual no necessito.Medicine that you or I would have to pay a fortune for if... we needed help in the bedroom... which I don't.
Bé, primer, hauríem de gravar-lo.Well, first, we would have to rerecord it.
En Glenn, la Maggie... si no hagués vingut aquí, mai hauríem sabut que se'ls havien endut.Glenn, Maggie-- if she hadn't come here, we never would have known they were taken.
Però crec que tu i jo ens ho hauríem passat bé.But I do think you and I would have had a great time.
Yuri Pogorely: Tanya, entenc que, tant tu com la Liza, li hauríeu dit que no, però nosaltres, com a agència, vam decidir que seria interessant pels nostres lectors.Yuri Pogorely: Tanya, I understand that you and Liza would have told her to get lost, but we as an agency decided that it would be interesting to our wide circle of readers.
què hauríeu fet si estiguéssiu al meu lloc?what would have you done if you were in my place?
Amb el dòlar s'haurien canviat els papers, oi?The dollar would have changed the course of the war.
Vaig parlar amb un home que viu amb la seua família prop de la zona de guerra. Diu que no es van utilitzar armes químiques. Que se n'haurien adonat.I talked to a man who lives with his family near the war zone. he says, there was no chemical weapons use. they would have felt it.
Els testimonis presents afirmen que nombroses vides s'haurien perdut de no ser per l'oportuna intervenció del justicier.Eyewitnesses contend that numerous lives would have been lost if not for the timely intervention of the Vigilante.
Ja s'haurien fixat en mi.They would have noticed me already.
Us haurien llançat per la Porta de la Lluna si us haguessin declarat culpable.They would have thrown you through the Moon Door if they found you guilty.
Aquest matí, m'han despertat i estava tenint un somni meravellós en el que estava en Broadway i hi havia tots aquells flams.Early this morning, I was fast asleep, and I was having the most amazing dream that I was on Broadway and there was all this pudding.
Hagué de menjar amb ganivet i forquilla; hagué d'usar tovalló, tassó i plat; hagué d'apendre el seu llibre; hagué d'anar a l'església; hagué de parlar amb tanta de propietat que el llenguatge esdevingué insípid en sos llavis: onsevulla que es girés, les barreres i cadenes de la civilització el tancaven i el fermaven de cap a peus.He had to eat with a knife and fork; he had to use napkin, cup, and plate; he had to learn his book, he had to go to church; he had to talk so properly that speech was become insipid in his mouth; whithersoever he turned, the bars and shackles of civilization shut him in and bound him hand and foot.
Així és que s'assegué a plorar de bell nou i a vituperar-se ella mateixa; i per aquell temps els alumnes començaven a reunir-se altra vegada, i hagué d'amagar son dol i aquietar son cor malmes, i resignar-se a la creu d'una tarda llarga, paorosa, xacrosa, sense que hi hagués, entre els forasters que la voltaven, ningú per a bescanviar-hi dolors.So she sat down to cry again and upbraid herself; and by this time the scholars began to gather again, and she had to hide her griefs and still her broken heart and take up the cross of a long, dreary, aching afternoon, with none among the strangers about her to exchange sorrows with.
El gal·les hagué de contar la historia de la nit als visitants.The Welshman had to tell the story of the night to the visitors.
La noia l'endega, després que ell mateix s'hagué abillat; corda el gec polit fins a la seva barba, gira el gran coll de camisa damunt les seves espatlles, el raspalla i el corona amb el capell de palla, que tot era de clapes.The girl "put him to rights" after he had dressed himself; she buttoned his neat roundabout up to his chin, turned his vast shirt collar down over his shoulders, brushed him off and crowned him with his speckled straw hat.
Tom va colgar-se entre els llençols aquella nit, projectant una venjança contra Alfred Temple; perque, avergonyida i penedida, Becky li havia fet una narració completa, sense oblidar la seva propia traidoria. Pero fins i tot el daler de venjança hagué de cedir aviat a pensaments més gustosos, i a la fi va adormir-se amb les darreres paraules de Becky, somniosament penjades de la seva orella: -Tom!Tom went to bed that night planning vengeance against Alfred Temple; for with shame and repentance Becky had told him all, not forgetting her own treachery; but even the longing for vengeance had to give way, soon, to pleasanter musings, and he fell asleep at last with Becky's latest words lingering dreamily in his ear--
Quan hagueren arribat a cinc passes del roncaire, Tom petja una branqueta, que es peta amb un fort espetec.When they had got to within five steps of the snorer, Tom stepped on a stick, and it broke with a sharp snap.
En declaracions a la Revista Fórum, Martim de Almeida Sampaio, director de la Comissió de Drets Humans de la OAB (Col·legi d'Advocats del Brasil), amb seu a São Paulo, va qualificar l'empresonament d'"il·legal" i va afegir que les noies "també podrien haver demanat que arrestaren el pastor per abús d'autoritat", si hagueren tingut coneixement del Codi Penal.In statements to magazine Revista Fórum, the director of the Commission for Human Rights of the Brazilian Order of Lawyers (known by its acronym OAB - Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil) in São Paulo, Martim de Almeida Sampaio, considered the detention “illegal” and added the young women “could have called for the pastor's arrest for abuse of authority,” had they known about the Penal Code.
Llur acuitament era, pero, relatiu; perque els pous abundaven i havien de guardar-se'n. No trigaren a topar-ne un, i s'hagueren de parar.Their speed was slow, however, because pitfalls were somewhat common, and had to be guarded against.
Cap a les dues del matí el rai tocava a terra a l'alfac, a dues-centes yardes damunt el cap de l'illa; i ells passaren gual endavant i endarrera fins que hagueren desembarcat els nolits.About two o'clock in the morning the raft grounded on the bar two hundred yards above the head of the island, and they waded back and forth until they had landed their freight.
Només perquè no et pugui canviar no vol dir que t'hagi de deixar quedar a la meva vida fins que aconsegueixis que et matin.Just because I can't change you doesn't mean I have to let you be in my life... until you get yourself killed.
La policia ha demanat a qualsevol que hagi tingut una relació íntima amb ella els darrers dos mesos que es presenti per ajudar la policia en les seves investigacions.'Police have appealed to anyone involved in an intimate relationship 'with her in the last two months to come forward 'to help the police with their enquiries.
Bé, per ser exactes, potser... hagi exagerat una micaOkay, well, to be fair, I... may have slightly exaggerated my badass story, too.
Aleshores, una vegada més, renuncia al seu dret que hi hagi present un advocat?Once more, you're waiving your right to have an attorney present?
L’empresa nega que la injecció hagi causat els sismes, però sectors ecologistes i polítics hi veuen una relació directa i moviments veïnals i internautes han començat a fer-se sentir a la xarxa contra el projecte usant l'etiqueta #projectecastor a Twitter.The company denies the injection caused the tremors, but ecological and political sectors view a direct relationship, and local online movements have begun to speak out against the project using the hashtag #projectecastor (Castor Project) on Twitter. The protests connect the injection practices with the globally controversial technique of fracking.
Veig que t'hagis arreglat.- No, I have a date.
Perquè, en cas que no t'hagis adonat aquests últims vuit anys, mentir és el que faig millor.Because, in case you haven't noticed these last eight years, lying is what I do best.
No em culpis a mi de que tu no te n'hagis sortit avui.Don't blame me because you didn't have it tonight.
Espero que t'ho hagis pensat bé tot això.Hope you have thought carefully about this.
Potser no t'hagis beneficiat Però convenç a les autoritats que no vas cometre delicte.Well, you may not have traded, but you try telling the Feds you didn't commit a felony.
Els trobarem encara que els hàgim de cercar tota la nit.We'll have to get 'em, if we stay out all night.
- És possible que l'hàgim perdut.- We may have already lost her.
No fins que hàgim parlat.No. Not until we have talked.
Quan hàgim rebut el pagament podreu tenir el vostre germà.When we receive payment, you shall have your brother.
Oh, la promesa dels Blairs, és veritat? Creus que mantindran la seva promesa Una vegada que hàgim escoltat aquests delegats i ells es neguin?You think they'll keep their promise once we've heard these delegates and refused them, which we will have to do, since their proposal most certainly will be predicated on keeping their slaves!
Llàstima que hàgiu d’anar-vos-en... He tingut una conversa tan interessant amb el sr. Manningcroft.It's a pity you have to go so soon, I've had such an... ...interesting talk with your friend, Mr. Manningcroft.
No crec que hàgiu conegut l'Ellaria.I don't believe you have met Ellaria.
Llàstima que hàgiu d’anar-vos-en... He tingut una conversa tan interessant amb el sr. Manningcroft.It's a pity you have to go so soon, I've had such an... ...interesting talk with your friend, Mr. Manningcroft.
Jo me n'alegraré quan tu i els teus hàgiu marxat.Me, I'll be glad when you and yours have gone.
Lord Tywin, és un gran honor que m'hàgiu concedit un seient en aquest consell.Lord Tywin, it's a great honor to have been granted a seat on this council. I-- The trial begins this afternoon.
Malauradament, els pocs projectes que existien per donar veu als mateixos refugiats i desplaçats interns a través de nous mitjans socials no sembla que se n'hagin sortit.Unfortunately, however, what few projects did exist to empower refugees and IDPs themselves through new and social media do not appear to have succeeded.
És possible que t'hagin descobert, Carrie... Jaqueta gris, ratlles groguesThey may have made you, Carrie-- gray jacket, yellow stripes
M'imagino que ens regocijaremos en veure això. Vas a regocijarte, quan els estats del sud S'hagin reunit a la Unió desordenadament comWill you rejoice when the Southern states have rejoined the Union pell-mell, as Lincoln intends them to, and one by one, each refuses to ratify the amendment?
Encara que el Departament de Justícia i l'FBI hagin obert una investigació sobre "els fets i les circumstàncies" relacionats amb l'assassinat de Trayvon Martin, els internautes continuen fent pressió al govern nord-americà per assegurar-se que es faci justícia.Even though the US Department of Justice and the FBI have initiated an investigation as to the "facts and circumstances" surrounding the murder of Trayvon Martin, the internet community continues to put pressure on the US government to render justice.
"Estic molt emocionada que m'hagin animat tant... "a demanar plaça a la seva universitat, "i veure el seguit de beques que han posat a la meva disposició."I have been overwhelmed... by your encouragement to apply to your university... and your list of scholarships available to me.
I també una part d'aquesta selva és tacada de sang dels brasilers que han lluitat per conservar-la sense cap suport de l'estat i han mort per defensar-la havent dit (en vídeo) que moririen.And part of it is stained by the blood of Brazilians who have fought for it without any support of the State and have died for it having said – on video – that they were going to die.
Els ensenyaré el nostre rumb. Un cop fora de l'estuari del Tàmesi, i havent ultrapassat Land's End, seguirem un curs d'uns... 47 graus nord-vest.Now leaving thames estuary and having cleared land's end, we shall fix on about, uh, forty-seven degrees west by norwest.

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