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Havne (to end up) conjugation

17 examples
Bokmål present tense
Bokmål past tense
Bokmål future tense
vil havne
Bokmål conditional tense
ville havne
Bokmål imperative tense
Bokmål present perfect tense
har havna
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde havna
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha havna
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha havna

Examples of havne

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Da bestemte jeg meg for aldri å havne i samme situasjon.And I think that's when I decided that I never wanted to end up in that situation.
- Har du lyst til å havne her?Do you really want to end up here?
Alltid redd for å havne ute i ørkenen.Always scared he's gonna end up out in the desert.
Vi drømte ikke om å havne sammen her.We never dreamed we'd end up together in all this.
Faren min sa alltid at jeg kom til å havne i fengsel.Funny. My father always said I'd end up behind bars. You can't do that, Sam.
I mellomtiden kan Jessica havne bak murene ettersom dommeren hun endte opp med en gang investerte og tapte 40 000 dollar hos Chester.Meanwhile, Jessica might end up behind bars, since the judge she's ended up with once invested and lost $40,000 with Chester.
Hvis du omgås ham, vil du havne i bråk.Hang around with him, you'll end up in big trouble.
- men du vil havne i et skjul som alle andre null.You can start calling yourself Madonna... but you're still going to end up in an outhouse shanty like every other dock-working nobody.
Du kan havne hvor som helst i romtid-kontinuumet.You could end up at any point in the space-time continuum.
Men jeg har alltid trodd at jeg en dag skulle havne på lerretet.She always laughs, "now, who is that?" But i think, back there, there's always the germ in my mind that that's where i'd end up... on the silver screen.
Yancey, du havner midt i skuddlinjen og ender med å miste livet.Yancey, you're getting right smack in the middle of things. You'll only end up getting yourself killed too.
Hold sauene i bevegelse, ellers havner de på bordet hans.Better keep those sheep moving, or they're gonna end up on his table.
Om jeg trekker meg lenger tilbake, havner jeg bak bodene.If he wants me any further downstage I shall end up at the back of the stalls.
Men om du havner på Island?What if you end up in Iceland?
Jeg håper ikke jeg havner i et sånt mørkt, ensomt hull.I hope I don't end up in a dark, lonely hole like that.
Hvordan havna du i mitt nabolag?Well how you ended up in my neighborhood?
Hva hvis du og jeg hadde havna på en øde øy sammen?Imagine if we ended up on a desert island.

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