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Herdar (to inherit) conjugation

91 examples

Conjugation of herdar

Present tense
I inherit
you inherit
he/she inherits
we inherit
you all inherit
they inherit
Present perfect tense
tenho herdado
I have inherited
tens herdado
you have inherited
tem herdado
he/she has inherited
temos herdado
we have inherited
tendes herdado
you all have inherited
têm herdado
they have inherited
Past preterite tense
I inherited
you inherited
he/she inherited
we inherited
you all inherited
they inherited
Future tense
I will inherit
you will inherit
he/she will inherit
we will inherit
you all will inherit
they will inherit
Conditional mood
I would inherit
you would inherit
he/she would inherit
we would inherit
you all would inherit
they would inherit
Past imperfect tense
I used to inherit
you used to inherit
he/she used to inherit
we used to inherit
you all used to inherit
they used to inherit
Past perfect tense
tinha herdado
I had inherited
tinhas herdado
you had inherited
tinha herdado
he/she had inherited
tínhamos herdado
we had inherited
tínheis herdado
you all had inherited
tinham herdado
they had inherited
Future perfect tense
terei herdado
I will have inherited
terás herdado
you will have inherited
terá herdado
he/she will have inherited
teremos herdado
we will have inherited
tereis herdado
you all will have inherited
terão herdado
they will have inherited
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha herdado
I have inherited
tenhas herdado
you have inherited
tenha herdado
he/she has inherited
tenhamos herdado
we have inherited
tenhais herdado
you all have inherited
tenham herdado
they have inherited
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have inherited
(if/so that) you will have inherited
(if/so that) he/she will have inherited
(if/so that) we will have inherited
(if/so that) you all will have inherited
(if/so that) they will have inherited
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver herdado
I will have inherited
tiveres herdado
you will have inherited
tiver herdado
he/she will have inherited
tivermos herdado
we will have inherited
tiverdes herdado
you all will have inherited
tiverem herdado
they will have inherited
Imperative mood
let's inherit!
Imperative negative mood
não herdes
do not inherit!
não herde
let him/her/it not inherit!
não herdemos
let us not inherit!
não herdeis
do not inherit!
não herdem
do not inherit!

Examples of herdar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Ela vai herdar a casa.She stands to inherit it.
- Ele pensa que vai herdar uma fortuna.Thinks he's about to inherit a fortune
- Está de visita para poder herdar.- He visits. for he's to inherit.
- O que vai herdar?- Who is to inherit?
- Vou herdar metade dos seus bens.I stand to inherit half of his estate.
Agora, como viúvo dela, herdo tudo e podemos casar quando quisermos.Now, as her widower, I inherit everything and we can marry whenever we like.
Como o meu tio morreu antes de se casar, herdo metade dos seus bens.Because my uncle died before his marriage, I stand to inherit half of his estate.
Por um lado herdo um genro...On one hand, I'm inheriting a new son-in-law,
Se o Michael morreu, se eu herdo, então tenho de dar pelo menos metade à bebé, percebe?If Michael is dead, if I do inherit, then I have to give at least half to the baby. Don't you see?
Seja como for, herdo a tua empresa e a tua nave.Either way, I technically inherit your building and your spaceship.
Ao menos herdas algum quando morrer.At least you stand to inherit some of his money when he dies.
Bem, pelo menos aprendes-te de onde herdas-te essa habilidade especial.Well, at least you learned where you inherited that particular skill from.
Bem, vejo que tu herdas-te o senso de lealdade do teu irmão.Well, I see you've inherited your brother's sense of loyalty.
Estou com um sorriso idiota porque acho que acabei de conseguir sacar-vos, e ao tanso do vosso marido, uma enorme herança. Pois deixa-me lembrar-te, criatura amaldiçoada, que só herdas se não beberes nem jogares.And I'm grinning inanely because I think I've succeeded in conning you and your husband out of a whopping great inheritance!
Na Argentina, herdas o pavor de tudo se alterar por completo durante a noite.In Argentina, you inherit the dread of things turning upside down overnight.
""Viúva local herda 50 milhões de dólares.""SAM: "Local widow inherits $50 million."
"Aquele que herda o pó herdará...""He who inherits the dust shall inherit..."
"Aquele que herda...""He who inherits..."
"Descendentes do general herda a lealdade de três gerações."The general's offspring inherits the loyalty of three generations.
- Ele herda dinheiro- He inherits money.
- O quê? Nós herdamos 100 milhões?We've inherited $100 million?
A minha avó morreu há uns anos e herdamos a casa de família, pelo que decidi repará-la.Mygrandmother passeda fewyearsago and we inherited the family house, so I thought I'd fix it up.
Aprendemos que não herdamos a Terra dos nossos pais, tomamo-la emprestada aos nossos filhos.we've learned that we don't inherit the earth from our parents we borrow it from our children
Cada família tem o seu próprio legado bom ou mau, todos nós herdamos.Every family has its own legacy. Good or bad, we inherit it all.
Desses antepassados primitivos, nós herdamos um " cérebro réptil ", a casa dos nossos instintos selvagens.From those primitive ancestors, we inherited a "reptilian" brain, home of our wild instincts.
"pois ele havia herdado um país..."for he had inherited a country
- A tua mãe trouxe-te às escondidas porque ela sabia que tinhas herdado o Léxico.Your mother brought you up in hiding because she knew you'd inherited the Lexicon.
...uma cama de tulipas vermelhas plantadas por escuteiros socialistas em honra de o acusado cortou-as herdado do seu avô que fora membro das Legiões Pilsudski.A whole bed of red tulips... planted by socialist scouts to honour... the accused mowed them down... with this here sabre... inherited from his grandfather... a member of Pilsudski's Legions.
A Helen convenceu a minha filha de que tinha herdado poderes místicos.Helen convinced my daughter she had inherited mystical powers.
A Katia declarou ter herdado os poderes da mãe...Katia asserted that she had, she had inherited her powers from her mother-- and that during her childhood, she would see objects...
"As esposas servem, os irmãos herdam". Regra de Aquisição 139."Wives serve, brothers inherit." Rule of Acquisition number 139.
"Os descendentes do General herdam a lealdade de tres gerações.""The general's offspring inherits the loyalty of three generations."
- Midge, sabes muito bem que as raparigas não herdam.- Midge, you know very well girls don't inherit.
As crianças é que herdam os problemas.The kid inherits all the problems.
As pessoas herdam promessas por pagar.. .People inherit promises that haven't been kept.
"Eu herdei este barco do antigo Infame Pirata Roberts"..."I inherited the ship from the previous Roberts...
- Como sabe, o meu negócio é o basebol mas desde que herdei $30 milhões, tenho de diversificar.- As you know, my business is baseball but since I've inherited $30 million, I have to branch out.
- Desde que a minha mãe ficou sem poder, eu herdei a sua rede de espiões.- What? - Since my mother lost her power, I have inherited her network of spies.
- Eu herdei o advogado dele, Jordan...- I inherited his lawyerJordan...
A bracelete protectora que herdei da minha mãe.The shield bracelet I inherited from my mother.
"Já agora, ele e a tua irmã ficaram maluquinhos e morreram de uma doença fatal que herdaste.""oh, and by the way, he and your sister went bonko And died of a fatal disease that you inherited."
- Tu só herdaste as suas cicatrizes.-You just inherited her scars.
Acho que herdaste a paranóia do teu pai. Não estamos a falar da minha família.I think you've inherited your father's paranoia.
Aparentemente herdaste mais do que o sentido de humor do teu pai.Apparently you inherited more than your father's sense of humor.
Claro, o dinheiro que herdaste, não é, Bill?I know, Of course, it's all that money you inherited, isn't it, Bill?
"O estudante Chris Hughes Mack herdou a total quantia de 87 milhões de dólares.""The local Xenia High School Senior, Chris Hughes Mack, inherited a whopping $87mil today."
- A minha mãe herdou a casa.- Mum inherited it.
- A minha mãe herdou-a do meu avô.- She inherited it from my grandfather.
- Creio que o herdou.- I believe he inherited it.
- Estávamos curiosos para ver se herdou alguma coisa do seu avô além da aparência.Well, we were just curious to see if you inherited anything else from your grandfather, aside from his looks.
Ele visitou a loja de armas que herdastes do teu pai.He visited the little gun shop that you inherited from your dad. I found out how your wife and son were killed.
- Algo que herdaram de ti, cara mãe.Trait they inherited from you, dear mother. I suppose they did, finn.
A Elle Bishop, o Hiro Nakamura, o Matt Parkman... Todos herdaram capacidades dos pais deles. Tal como o Peter, e a Claire.Elle Bishop, Hiro Nakamura, Matt Parkman, all inherited abilities from their parents, as did Peter and Claire.
Anos depois tínhamos achado duas crianças que herdaram o mesmo sangue.And years later, he fathered at least two children who inherited this same trait.
E herdaram as suas capacidades.You've inherited their abilities. Gifts.
Eles herdaram aquela casa e desde então, foi tudo muito fácil.They inherited that house, and ever since then, they've had it way too easy.
"a sua parte das cinco mil libras que herdará aquando da sua morte."her equal share of the 5,000 pounds she will inherit,"
A näo ser que herdará a sua fortuna.Except that you will inherit your fortune.
Após a minha morte, a minha filha herdará quase tudo.After I die, my daughter will inherit almost everything.
De acordo com as leis do Egipto, quando sepultar o Faraó. Quando seu corpo estiver dentro de sua tumba, herdará tudo que é seu.According to the laws of Egypt, when you have given burial to Pharaoh when his body is laid within the tomb, you will inherit all that was his.
Determina quem vive e quem morre. Quem herdará a Terra.It decides who lives, who dies... who will inherit the Earth.
Como o Rei e seus companheiros se afogaram, nós herdaremos isso aqui.The King and all our company else being drowned, we will inherit here
Nós herdaremos a Terra.We will inherit the earth.
Bem-aventurados os humildes, porque eles herdarão a terra.Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
Comerão mais regularmente, terão mais crias e essas crias herdarão a vossa disposição.You'll eat more regularly, you'll leave more offspring and those offspring will inherit your disposition.
Dizem que os fracos herdarão a terra.They say the meek will inherit.
E se casarem e se propagarem que netos herdarão a Terra?And if they marry and propagate whose grandchildren will inherit the earth?
Já devem saber que um dia herdarão o meu império.You understand that one day you will inherit my empire, yes?
A avó prometeu que, quando ela morresse, eu herdaria tudo."Grandma promised that when she passed away... "I would inherit everything."
A madrasta herdaria tudo e ele ficaria de mãos a abanar.His stepmother would inherit everything, and he would be completely cut out.
Apenas mais um no rol das tragédias que a Elise Vogelsong teve na sua vida. E então o Curtis herdaria tudo.Just another in a line of tragedies that Elise Vogelsong had suffered in her life, and Curtis would inherit everything.
E isso, é claro, porque fazia tenções de ter um filho varão, que herdaria os meus bens e os manteria intactos, providenciando assim o bem-estar da minha viúva e demais filhos.The reason was, of course, that I intended to father a son. The son would inherit the estate, no part of which would be entailed away, so providing for my widow and any other children.
E se lhe desse um herdeiro, certamente, o menino herdaria tudo no lugar do Sr. Elliot.And should she provide him with an heir, of course, the child would inherit everything, instead of Mr Elliot.
Se ela morresse em segundo ainda que por alguns minutos, as filhas herdariam tudo.Because if she died second, even by a few minutes, her children would inherit everything.
...diz o Senhor, herde o reino por si preparado desde a fundação do mundo, com certeza e esperança da ressurreição para a vida eterna através de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo...says the Lord, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
A não ser que herde 15 milhões, não tenho hipóteses nesta cidade.Unless I inherit about $ 15 million, I don't stand a chance in this town.
Depois, suponho que alguém herde todos os meus namorados.And then, I guess, somebody else'll inherit all my beaux.
Desde que não herde o sotaque.Just as long as he doesn't inherit the accent.
E insistir em meu testamento para que herde toda a propriedade.And provide in my will that you'll inherit full ownership.
"Espero que não herdes a sorte deles. ""I trust you will not inherit their fate."
Ele fará uma coisa para garantir que não herdes a maldição.And he's gonna do something to guarantee that you won't inherit the curse."
- Mudança. Por isso é que eles deixaram o "Diviner", como um guia para o templo, para que os dignos herdem a Terra.That's why they left the Diviner, as a guide to the temple, so the worthy would inherit the Earth.
E pode ser que os pobres herdem a terra Sra. Oralie, e uma moça bonita terá sempre uma oportunidade.And maybe the meek will inherit the earth, Miss Oralie, and a pretty girl always has a good chance.
Não queremos que as pessoas da geração dele herdem um mundo ou um país arruinado como o nosso.[speaking indistinctly] We don't want people of his generation to inherit a world or a country as broken as ours.
Não quero que eles herdem uma guerra mais do que você quer isso para os seus filhos.I do not want them to inherit a war any more than you want that for your children.
Sim, Georges, eu só quero que os gatos herdem tudo primeiro.Yes, Georges, I simply wish to have the cats inherit first.
Estão herdando uma fortuna do Fuller.They're inheriting a fortune from Fuller.
Eu estar na Broadway, no "Funny Girl", como Fanny Brice, herdando o manto do meu ídolo, a Sra. Barbra Streisand, essa é a culminação de todos os sonhos que já tive.Me being on Broadway in Funny Girl as Fanny Brice, inheriting the mantle of my idol, Ms. Barbra Streisand, that's the culmination of every dream I've ever had.
Parece que as vossas luvas, já não aguentam o Hado que agora possuem. Chegou a hora de vocês herdarem estas.It looks like your gloves couldn't stand up to the Hado that you both now wield, so it's time you inherited these.
Quando herdares a tua fortuna, aos 21 anos...When you inherit your fortune on your 21st birthday—
Trabalhámos a vida toda para herdares este dinheiro.This is what we've been working for your whole life: To inherit this money.

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