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Mewarisi (to inherit) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah mewarisi
Present perfect tense
sudah mewarisi
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mewarisi
Future recent tense
mewarisi nanti
Future distant tense
mewarisi kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang mewarisi
Past distant tense
dulu mewarisi
Past recent tense
mewarisi tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja mewarisi

Examples of mewarisi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Disebutkan dalam surat warisnya kalau dia ingin kamu mewarisi semua aset keuangannya.He stated in his will that he wished for you to inherit all his financial assets.
Pasangan Jerman akan mewarisi milik pasangan Yahudi mereka pergi ke pengadilan, dan meminta sertifikat kematian.The German spouses will inherit the property of the Jewish spouses go to court, and apply for a death certificate.
Aku mewarisi tempat ini dari pamanku.But I inherited this property from my Uncle.
Baiklah. Mungkin ada yang mewarisi kancing manset Lionel HubbardOkay, maybe somebody inherited Lionel Hubbard's cuff links
Roland mewarisi segalanya.Roland inherited everything.

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