Heredar (to inherit) conjugation

117 examples

Conjugation of heredar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I inherit
you inherit
he/she/it inherits
we inherit
you all inherit
they inherit
Present perfect tense
he heredado
I have inherited
has heredado
you have inherited
ha heredado
he/she/it has inherited
hemos heredado
we have inherited
habéis heredado
you all have inherited
han heredado
they have inherited
Past preterite tense
I inherited
you inherited
he/she/it inherited
we inherited
you all inherited
they inherited
Future tense
I will inherit
you will inherit
he/she/it will inherit
we will inherit
you all will inherit
they will inherit
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would inherit
you would inherit
he/she/it would inherit
we would inherit
you all would inherit
they would inherit
Past imperfect tense
I used to inherit
you used to inherit
he/she/it used to inherit
we used to inherit
you all used to inherit
they used to inherit
Past perfect tense
había heredado
I had inherited
habías heredado
you had inherited
había heredado
he/she/it had inherited
habíamos heredado
we had inherited
habíais heredado
you all had inherited
habían heredado
they had inherited
Future perfect tense
habré heredado
I will have inherited
habrás heredado
you will have inherited
habrá heredado
he/she/it will have inherited
habremos heredado
we will have inherited
habréis heredado
you all will have inherited
habrán heredado
they will have inherited
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I inherit
(if/so that) you inherit
(if/so that) he/she/it inherit
(if/so that) we inherit
(if/so that) you all inherit
(if/so that) they inherit
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya heredado
I have inherited
hayas heredado
you have inherited
haya heredado
he/she/it has inherited
hayamos heredado
we have inherited
hayáis heredado
you all have inherited
hayan heredado
they have inherited
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have inherited
(if/so that) you have inherited
(if/so that) he/she/it have inherited
(if/so that) we have inherited
(if/so that) you all have inherited
(if/so that) they have inherited
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have inherited
(if/so that) you have inherited
(if/so that) he/she/it have inherited
(if/so that) we have inherited
(if/so that) you all have inherited
(if/so that) they have inherited
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera heredado
I had inherited
hubieras heredado
you had inherited
hubiera heredado
he/she/it had inherited
hubiéramos heredado
we had inherited
hubierais heredado
you all had inherited
hubieran heredado
they had inherited
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese heredado
I had inherited
hubieses heredado
you had inherited
hubiese heredado
he/she/it had inherited
hubiésemos heredado
we had inherited
hubieseis heredado
you all had inherited
hubiesen heredado
they had inherited
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have inherited
(if/so that) you will have inherited
(if/so that) he/she/it will have inherited
(if/so that) we will have inherited
(if/so that) you all will have inherited
(if/so that) they will have inherited
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere heredado
I will have inherited
hubieres heredado
you will have inherited
hubiere heredado
he/she/it will have inherited
hubiéremos heredado
we will have inherited
hubiereis heredado
you all will have inherited
hubieren heredado
they will have inherited
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's inherit!
Imperative negative mood
no heredes
do not inherit!
no herede
let him/her/it inherit!
no heredemos
let us not inherit!
no heredéis
do not inherit!
no hereden
do not inherit!

Examples of heredar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"¿Cuándo morirá el abuelo para que podamos heredar su dinero?""How long will we have to wait 'til grandma dies, and we'll be able to inherit her money ?"
- El va a heredar- Who is to inherit?
- No hay mucho que heredar._BAR_ - No coincido contigo.- Not much to inherit.
- Pero para ellos, enfermos de la nobleza, será siempre el cocinero que ha tenido la suerte de heredar de su patrón.- But to them, sick with nobility,.. he's still a chef whe had the luck to inherit from his employer.
- ¡Y ahora está aquí, sola y lista para heredar bastantes dolares!And now here you are, newly single, and ready to inherit quite a few bob!
"heredo todos sus cargos. ""inherit all of his offices."
"ninguno heredo el gen del Huntington.""none of you inherited the Huntington's gene.
- Yo también. No me importa si nunca heredo su casa.I don't care if I never inherit this house.
- ¡¿"Cosa"? ! ¡Entonces heredo!I'm going to inherit.
...y lo heredo todo ....l inherit everything .
- los compras los heredas.- you don't buy... you inherit them.
- ¿De quién heredas cosas?- Who do you inherit stuff from?
Como iba diciendo, debido a una condición inusual en el testamento... Tú, Velma, como la miembro más joven de los Dinkley heredas toda la propiedad, incluyendo el Castillo en Transilvania.As I was saying, due to an unusual proviso in the will... you, Velma, as the youngest member of the Dinkleys... inherit the entire property, including the castle in Transylvania.
Entonces fingiste tu boda, usaste a Natasha como doble Annabelle muere, heredas todo lo de ella y repartes con Natasha.So you faked your wedding; you used Natasha as a photo double; Annabelle dies; you inherit everything she had;
Escucha, Pierre, Christian ha muerto, y tú heredas...Listen to me, Pierre. Christian is dead. You inherit everything.
"El que hereda ...""He who inherits..."
"El que hereda el polvo hereda ...""He who inherits the dust shall inherit..."
"Es lo que le hereda" debo agregar."Is what he inherits" should be added.
- ... y ella hereda mucho dinero.- and she inherits a lot of money.
- Entonces hereda, otro motivo.- Which means she inherits. Another motive entirely.
- Está recibiendo la cualificación... en las Astrofurias que heredamos de la Churchill.- Where is he, anyway? - Oh, he's being checked out... on the Starfuries we inherited from the Churchill.
- Felizmente heredamos eso de ella.And luckily we've both inherited her good looks.
- Lo heredamos.We inherited it.
- ¿No heredamos automáticamente? - No.- Don't we inherit automatically?
Bueno o malo, lo heredamos todo.Good or bad, we inherit it all.
"Las esposas sirven, los hermanos heredan". Regla de Adquisición 139."Wives serve, brothers inherit." Rule of Acquisition number 139.
"Los niños de la burguesía a menudo heredan las actitudes, ventajas..."Children of the bourgeoisie often inherit the attitudes, advantages...
*Yeah, some folks inherit star-spangled eyes* Sí, algunos heredan el saludo a la libertad. *Ooh, they send you down to war* Oh, y te mandan a la guerra. *But when you ask them,* Pero si les preguntas,# yeah, some folks inherit star-spangled eyes # # ooh, they send you down to war # # but when you ask them, "how much should we give?" # # oh, they only answer, "more, more, more" #
- Qué bonito... ¿Los hombres heredan, ahora?Great, so the men inherit now?
A menos que heredan unos $ 50 millones ...Unless I inherit about $ 15 million,
"El hombre de quien lo heredé tampoco era Roberts."The man I inherited it from wasn't the real Roberts, either.
- El hombre del cual lo heredé, tampoco era el verdadero Pirata Roberts.- The man I inherited it from was not the real Dread Pirate Roberts either.
- Lo heredé.I inherited it.
- Menos mal que heredé una casucha.But I inherited this joint. Then stop whining.
- Señor Caïd, esta tierra, yo la heredé de mis antepasados.Mr Caid, this earth, I inherited it from my ancestors.
- Las heredaste de mí.- You inherited them from me.
-Sólo heredaste sus cicatrices.-You just inherited her scars.
A propósito, parece que heredaste parte de mi talento.Speaking of which, you seem to have inherited a bit of my talent.
Además de los arcos pronunciados y un tazón de cristal con forma de atún también heredaste un botón de auto-destrucción.In addition to high arches and some crystal bowl in the shape of a tuna, you also inherited a self-destruct button.
Aunque lo entiendo si heredaste de ella tu cara de pizza.Although if you inherited that pizza face from her, I get it.
"El estudiante Chris Hughes Mack heredó la cantidad de 87 millones de dólares.""The local Xenia High School Senior, Chris Hughes Mack, inherited a whopping $87mil today."
"qué heredó el destino de su madre"".... who inherited his mother's destiny"
- Bueno, su hermano la heredó, perdió todo en la depresión.Well, her brother inherited it, lost everything in the crash.
- Bueno... tú eres el único que heredó los pies planos de papá.Well... you were the one who inherited Dad's flat feet.
- El que heredó ¿verdad?- Which he probably inherited, right?
Compadezco a los americanos, por lo que heredasteis.It's war. I pity you Americans because you inherited it.
Entonces, tú y tu hermana, Tessa, heredasteis la tienda de vuestro padre.So, you and your sister, Tessa, inherited your father's shop.
Eso significa que heredasteis sus prácticas. y rituales y magia de los ancestros.That means you inherited your practices and rituals and magic from ancestors.
Ahora todos van tras los mendigos que heredaron su patrimonio.Everyone's running after the filthy beggars who have inherited her fortune.
Algunos de ustedes porque heredaron dinero, otros porque volvieron al mundo de las citas.Some of you because you inherited money, others because you're back in the dating scene.
Así como heredaron plumas de sus ancestros voladores, también heredaron un ligero pico córneo en vez de una pesada quijada cargada con dientes.Just as they inherited feathers from their flying ancestors, so they also inherited a lightweight, horny beak instead of a heavy jaw laden with teeth.
Así que madre e hijo heredaron la casa y la fortuna.So mother and son inherited the house and the fortune.
August y Hans lo heredaron todo.August and Hans inherited everything.
El 7° Vizconde de Stormont que heredaré todo lo que nos rodea cuando yo fallezca.7th Viscount Stormont who will inherit everything we are standing on... when I am gone.
Tarde o temprano heredaré este castillo y este país.Eventually I will inherit this castle and country.
"como tú lo heredarás de mí."just as you will inherit it from me.
A todos nos gustaría pensar que el problema que estamos tratando es la entrometida suegra que no llegó a ver a su hijo caminar hacia el altar, pero he construido una institución a gran escala con mi sangre y sudor, y tú la heredarás.We'd all like to think that the problem at the table is the meddling mother-in-law who didn't get to walk her son down the aisle, but I have built a massive institution with my blood and my sweat, and you will inherit it.
Claire, tú heredarás este nuevo mundo.You will inherit this new world.
Creo poder asegurarte con un cierto orgullo que heredarás a los centuriones más capaces en todo el imperio.I think I can assure you, with some sense of pride, you will inherit the most capable Centurions in all the Empire.
Creo poder asegurarte, con un cierto orgullo, que heredarás a los centuriones más capaces en todo el imperio.I think I can assure you, with some sense of pride, you will inherit the most capable Centurions in all the Empire.
"Todo lo que se requiere es que garantices a tu hija la parte que heredará de las 5,000 libras.""her equal share of the 5,000 pounds she will inherit,"
- que usted heredará de su hermano.which you will inherit from your brother.
Ahora, entre los sabios, la verdadera autoridad desciende de las mujeres, y eres tú la que heredará mi manto y todo lo que eso conlleva.Now, among the wise, real authority descends through women, and it is you who will inherit my mantle and all that comes with it.
Ajay ama el imperio de su padre porque él cree que lo heredará algún día.Ajay loves his father's empire because he believes he will inherit it one day.
Aun siendo escasa, la Señorita Granham heredará toda mi fortuna.Modest as it may be, Miss Granham will inherit my fortune.
Mi bebé y yo heredaremos la casa.My baby and I will inherit the estate.
Nosotros heredaremos esta Tierra.We are the ones who will inherit this earth.
Nosotros heredaremos la tierra.We will inherit the earth.
Trínculo, habiéndose ahogado todos nuestros compañeros, ¡nosotros heredaremos aquí!Trinculo, the King and all our company else being drown'd, We will inherit here.
A la poca concurrida capilla ardiente, instalada en su despacho, asistieron su esposa e hijos caucásicos, como él, quienes heredarán una cuantiosa deuda monetaria, y una botella de whisqui.Among the few attending his funeral, held in his office, were his wife and children, Caucasians like him, who will inherit heavy debt and a bottle of whisky.
Bienaventurados sean los mansos porque heredarán la tierra.Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
Comerás más regularmente, tendrás más cachorros y esos cachorros heredarán tu disposición.You'll eat more regularly, you'll leave more offspring and those offspring will inherit your disposition.
De cualquier manera los idiotas heredarán la Tierra.I told you, the dopes will inherit the earth.
Dentro de diez años, Estos estadounidenses heredarán Los problemas que No solucionamos hoy.In ten years, these Americans will inherit the problems we don't solve today.
- No, pensó que lo heredaría Max.She was upset because she thought Max would inherit the brain...
- Si Bess y Elvira morían, usted heredaría la mansión Mayfield.Me? If Bess and Elvira died, you would inherit Mayfield House.
A su debido tiempo, usted heredaría su fortuna. Pero sus deudas de juego iban creciendo y monsieur Pace se negaba a avalarle.In time, you would inherit his fortune, but your gambling debts grew heavier and Mr. Pace refused to bail tou out.
Así que el digno heredaría la tierra.So the worthy would inherit the earth.
Bruce heredaría su parte.Bruce would inherit all of her shares.
Así que, es un poco desafortunado para ti, por supuesto, que yo todavía esté vivo porque tenía en mi testamento que tú heredarías la empresa.Mm-hmm. So, it's a bit unfortunate for you, of course, that I'm still alive because I had it in my living trust that you would inherit the firm.
¿Estabas enterado de que si tu padre moría, heredarías su popularidad?Were you aware that if your father died, you would inherit his popularity?
¿Estabas enterado de que si tu padre moría... tú heredarías su popularidad?Are you aware that if your father died... You would inherit his popularity?
Así Calder y tú heredaríais todo el dinero.And you and Calder would inherit all the money.
Barnes era casado pero no tuvieron hijos. La academia asumió que la Universidad de Pennsylvania asumió sin duda que ellos heredarían a la larga el control de la fundación.Barnes was married, but they had no children, so no doubt the academy assumed, no doubt the University of Pennsylvania assumed that they would inherit, eventually, control of the foundation.
Ella y su hermana lo heredarían todo.She and her sister would inherit everything.
Esto solía ser una ciudad donde los chicos heredarían las casas de sus padres.This used to be a city where the children would inherit their parent's houses.
Lo hace si los padres biológicos sabían Cuánto Catherine y Caleb heredarían.It does if the birth parents knew how much Catherine and Caleb would inherit.
Pero si su marido muere, ella y su hijo heredarían todo.But if her husband died, she and their son would inherit everything.
- Cuando herede...- When I inherit...
- Imagino que ahora querrá cambiar eso, ¿Desea que el joven herede la mayor parte de sus bienes?-Now, I imagine you'll want that changed, you'll want the young man to inherit the bulk of your estate.
-Como tu sabes, mi negocio es el baseball.... ....pero, desde que herede 30 millones, tengo expansiones.- As you know, my business is baseball but since I've inherited $30 million, I have to branch out.
Alguien debería esperar hasta que herede, casarse con ella y ahogarla en su bañera.Somebody ought to wait until she inherits it, then marry her and drown her in her bathtub.
Bien, entonces solo espero a que mueras, que herede la motocicleta, y luego subirme para ir a tu funeral.Okay, so I just wait for you to die, inherit the motorcycle, then ride it to your funeral.
"Espero que no heredes su destino. ""I trust you will not inherit their fate."
- Que heredes la tierra.- May you inherit the earth.
Arreglaremos todo... para que heredes mis beneficios si muero.What we're gonna do is we're gonna set things up so that you inherit my benefits if I die.
Cuando heredes tu fortuna el día de tu 21 cumpleaños...When you inherit your fortune on your 21 st birthday—
El hará algo para garantizar que no heredes la maldición.And he's gonna do something to guarantee that you won't inherit the curse."
La Tierra que heredemos puede ser nuevamente un jardín, bello y con abundantes recursos.The Earth we inherited can again be a garden beautiful and bountiful.
Aún no han demostrado que los rasgos se hereden de los padres.They haven't been able to prove definitely that people inherit traits from their parents.
Cuando muera, quiero que los que hereden mis posesiones hagan lo siguiente...When I die I want the people who inherit my possessions to do the following.
Dejar que las máquinas hereden la Tierra.To kill us. To let the machines inherit the Earth.
Deseo que ellos hereden en primer término.Yes, Georges, I simply wish to have the cats inherit first.
"Querido Dios, los paganos están llegando a tu heredad","Dear god, the heathen are come into thine inheritance;
Ayúdame a forjar esa nación. A guiar a tu pueblo a tomar su heredad.Help me to forge that nation, to lead your people to inherit their land.
Aún cuando el cristianismo era una religión monoteísta, la búsqueda de la inmortalidad heredad de los Mayas y Aztecas, aún estaba allí.Even though Christianity was a monotheistic religion, the search for immortality inherited from maya's and aztech's, was still there.
Bienaventurados los mansos porque ellos recibirán la tierra por heredad.Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
"Con la experiencia que les ha heredado los siglos""With experience inherited through centuries"
"Has heredado la fortuna de los Frankenstein."You have inherited the fortune of the Frankensteins.
- Desde que mi madre perdió su poder, he heredado su red de espías.- What? - Since my mother lost her power, I have inherited her network of spies.
- Eso es. Había heredado una tierra.She came from Boston and had inherited land in California.
- He heredado el apartamento de mi abuela.Work? - No... I inherited my grandma's apartment.
Con Iwata y Taguchi heredando la sangre de Godozan, la lucha profesional de Japón vivirá por siempre.With Iwata and Taguchi inheriting Godozan's blood, pro wrestling in Japan will live on forever!
Debemos hacer muchas y buenas preguntas. especialmente con su marido heredando tanto de Lady Tressilian. 50.000We have to ask a good many questions, especially with your husband inheriting so much from Lady Tressilian. 50,000.
Dennis, ¿sabías que está heredando mi casa?Dennis, do you know that she is inheriting my house?
Está heredando una patata caliente, tal y como están las cosas por aquíYou'll be inheriting a pretty big can of wormhole, with the state of affairs out there.
Estás heredando un negocio que construí desde cero, así que ...You are inheriting a business That I built from the ground up, so --

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