- Ei ole aikaa rupatella. | ' 'No time to chat. |
- En ehdi rupatella. | Christ, Angie, I ain't got time for chitchat. |
- En ehtinyt rupatella turhia. | I didn't have time for chitchat. Hello! |
- En jaksa rupatella. | I couldn't do any more chatter. |
- Haluaako prinssi rupatella? | Oh, so the prince wants a chat? |
Laulan, tanssin, rupattelen vieraiden kanssa, - teen hupailuja, monologeja, komediaa kaikissa muodoissa. | I do some singing, some dancing, chatting with the guests the skits, the monologues, the comedy. |
- Et niin, rupattelet ja esität selvänäkijää. | - no you're just being extra chatty, and pretending to be a psychic. |
Stark tappaa sinut, kun saa nämä kuvat, - jossa rupattelet ja kerrot, keitä olette tappaneet. | Stark"ll kill you anyway once I send him these photographs of you and us sitting here nice and cosy... chatting about which guys you did or did not kill. |
Antakaa whiskyn virrata niin rupattelemme hieman. | You keep this whiskey here flowing, we'll have ourselves a little chat. |
Istumme ja rupattelemme. Kuin ystävät. | We sit, have a chat, like we're friends. |
Kunhan rupattelemme. | - Nothing, we're just chatting. |
Mandrake, mieleesi ei varmaan ole juolahtanut - että sillä aikaa kun me rupattelemme täällä - presidentti ja Pentagonin sotilasjohto tekevät päätöstä. | Mandrake, I suppose it never occurred to you... that while we're chatting here so enjoyably... a decision is being made by the president... and the joint chiefs in the War Room at the Pentagon. |
Me siis rupattelemme ensin. | Oh, we're gonna make polite chitchat first. |
Minusta tulee koditon... ja tynkä, ja te vain rupattelette. | I'm gonna be homeless. And short. - And you're chatting! |
Mistä oikein puhutte, kun rupattelette minusta? | So, in, um, these chats that you have without me... what do you talk about? |
Ensi kerralla voitte tulla tänne, kun he rupattelevat kahdestaan. | Well the next time that Stanley Tweedle and the President have a little chit chat, you have my permission to come into this office. |
Hän tapaa tämän pikkuisen, ja he rupattelevat mukavia. | He meet this little one here. They had a sweet time chatting. |
Puussa elää kymmeniä esi-isien henkiä. Ne rupattelevat ja kurkistelevat meitä. | Dozens of them, all chattering away, peering down at us. |
Sanoin, että rupattelimme, kun hän kävi täällä. | l merely said we chatted when he bought a drink. |
Te poseerasitte ja rupattelitte ja vilkutitte Meredith Blakelle. | And so, you sat, and posed, and chatted, and waved to Meredith Blake. |
- Nostamme ruumista, emme rupattele. | We're digging up a grave, and you want to chit-chat? |
Emme rupattele sikarien äärellä. | My son-in-law and I don't exactly chat over cigars and cannoli. |
Emme rupattele. | Do you think we sit around and we chat about it? |
En rupattele. | I don't do chatty. |
Et rupattele ennen aamukahvia. | Not chatting till you've had the first coffee, eh? |
Elaine soittelee Dougille aamukolmelta rupatellakseen. | Mmm. And the phone calls. She calls him at 3:00 in the morning just to chat. |
Että istutaan juoksuhaudassa rupattelemassa... | I suppose just busy chatting in a trench rather than... |
Hyvä siellä on seisoa rupattelemassa. | Where were you when this was happening? All right for you, standing around chatting. |
-Juodun rupattelemaan, kikattamaan sinun on vain jätettävä ne huomioimatta. | All right, there might chatting, and giggling, And you got to just pretend to ignore it, wipe it away. |