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Bavarder (to chat) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of bavarder

Present tense
je bavarde
I chat
tu bavardes
you chat
il/elle/on bavarde
he/she/it chats
nous bavardons
we chat
vous bavardez
you all chat
ils/elles bavardent
they chat
Present perfect tense
j’ai bavardé
I chatted
tu as bavardé
you chatted
il/elle/on a bavardé
he/she/it chatted
nous avons bavardé
we chatted
vous avez bavardé
you all chatted
ils/elles ont bavardé
they chatted
Past impf. tense
je bavardais
I was chatting
tu bavardais
you were chatting
il/elle/on bavardait
he/she/it was chatting
nous bavardions
we were chatting
vous bavardiez
you all were chatting
ils/elles bavardaient
they were chatting
Future tense
je bavarderai
I will chat
tu bavarderas
you will chat
il/elle/on bavardera
he/she/it will chat
nous bavarderons
we will chat
vous bavarderez
you all will chat
ils/elles bavarderont
they will chat
Past perfect tense
j’avais bavardé
I had chatted
tu avais bavardé
you had chatted
il/elle/on avait bavardé
he/she/it had chatted
nous avions bavardé
we had chatted
vous aviez bavardé
you all had chatted
ils/elles avaient bavardé
they had chatted
Past preterite tense
je bavardai
I chatted
tu bavardas
you chatted
il/elle/on bavarda
he/she/it chatted
nous bavardâmes
we chatted
vous bavardâtes
you all chatted
ils/elles bavardèrent
they chatted
Past anterior tense
j’eus bavardé
I had chatted
tu eus bavardé
you had chatted
il/elle/on eut bavardé
he/she/it had chatted
nous eûmes bavardé
we had chatted
vous eûtes bavardé
you all had chatted
ils/elles eurent bavardé
they had chatted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai bavardé
I will have chatted
tu auras bavardé
you will have chatted
il/elle/on aura bavardé
he/she/it will have chatted
nous aurons bavardé
we will have chatted
vous aurez bavardé
you all will have chatted
ils/elles auront bavardé
they will have chatted
Present subjunctive tense
que je bavarde
that I chat
que tu bavardes
that you chat
qu’il/elle/on bavarde
that he/she/it chat
que nous bavardions
that we chat
que vous bavardiez
that you all chat
qu’ils/elles bavardent
that they chat
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie bavardé
that I have chatted
que tu aies bavardé
that you have chatted
qu’il/elle/on ait bavardé
that he/she/it have chatted
que nous ayons bavardé
that we have chatted
que vous ayez bavardé
that you all have chatted
qu’ils/elles aient bavardé
that they have chatted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je bavardasse
that I would chat
que tu bavardasses
that you would chat
qu’il/elle/on bavardât
that he/she/it would chat
que nous bavardassions
that we would chat
que vous bavardassiez
that you all would chat
qu’ils/elles bavardassent
that they would chat
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse bavardé
that I had chatted
que tu eusses bavardé
that you had chatted
qu’il/elle/on eût bavardé
that he/she/it had chatted
que nous eussions bavardé
that we had chatted
que vous eussiez bavardé
that you all had chatted
qu’ils/elles eussent bavardé
that they had chatted
Conditional mood
je bavarderais
I would chat
tu bavarderais
you would chat
il/elle/on bavarderait
he/she/it would chat
nous bavarderions
we would chat
vous bavarderiez
you all would chat
ils/elles bavarderaient
they would chat
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais bavardé
I would have chatted
tu aurais bavardé
you would have chatted
il/elle/on aurait bavardé
he/she/it would have chatted
nous aurions bavardé
we would have chatted
vous auriez bavardé
you all would have chatted
ils/elles auraient bavardé
they would have chatted
Imperative mood
let's chat!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie bavardé
have chatted
ayons bavardé
let's have chatted
ayez bavardé
have chatted

Examples of bavarder

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Envie de bavarder ?"“Care to chat?"
"Il avait envie de bavarder", a dit plus tard le gardien de Gacy."He was chatty, " his guard said.
"Je me demandais quand vous voudriez bavarder".'Wondered when you might like a little chat.'
"et apprécierait de bavarder un peu avec vous.""And would appreciate having a little chat with you."
- Allons bavarder en haut.- Let's take this chat upstairs, shall we?
- Nous avons bavardé un moment, bu quelques bières.- We chatted a while, a few beers.
Et bien, la bombe qui a bavardé avec nous au pays imaginaire.Well, the bombshell who chitchatted with us in Neverland.
Il a reçu le président ukrainien, soulevé des haltères avec le chef de l'O.E.A., joué avec son chien et bavardé avec Carmen Electra lors d'une réception.Earlier this week, he hosted the Ukrainian President, lifted weights with the head of the Organisation of African States, spent some time with his dog, Henry, and chatted with Carmen Electra at a black-tie event.
J'ai bavardé avec elle à Diosa.I chatted her up at Diosa.
J'ai bavardé avec un type qui s'y connaît en voitures.I just chatted with the motorheads up in auto shop.
- Bien, ne sois pas trop bavarde.- All right. don't be too chatty.
- Elle est bavarde.- She is chatty.
- Je bavarde, c'est tout.I'm just making chit-chat.
- Mais non, on bavarde.No, just chatting.
- On bavarde ?- Check. - What's all the chatter?
Asseyez-vous et bavardez, je reviens.The two of you sit and chat, I'll just be back.
Comme tous les hommes, vous bavardez, mais après...Like all men, you chatter, but after...
Comme vous bavardez.But how you do chatter.
Eh bien bavardez, les garçons.Well, you boys chat.
Et vous, vous bavardez.- But you're not finished, yet you have time to chat with Homeland Security.
Claire Windsor avec Dolores del Rio, et la très charmante Eudora Fletcher bavardant avec la coqueluche du moment, James Cagney.There's Claire Windsor and Dolores del Rio, and a very charming Eudora Fletcher chatting with Hollywood's newest dancing sensation, James Cagney.
Des jumeaux bavardant à l'avant, la conductrice affalée sur le volant.Twins chatting in the front, the driver slumped over the wheel.
En bavardant avec des amis.I've been chatting with some friends.
Oomme rire sur petites choses, Obtention ensemble et bavardant loin...Like laughing over small things, getting together and chatting away..
Viggo fournissait l'aide, jouant le pilier de bar sympa, bavardant avec les gens, obtenant les détails de leur vie pour qu'ils puissent voler leur identité.Viggo provided the assist, playing the lovable barfly chatting people up, getting the details about their lives so that they could steal their identities.

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