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Aprendre (to learn) conjugation

50 examples

Conjugation of aprendre

Present tense
I learn
you learn
he/she learns
we learn
you all learn
they learn
Present perfect tense
he après
I have learned
has après
you have learned
ha après
he/she has learned
hem après
we have learned
heu après
you all have learned
han après
they have learned
Future tense
I will learn
you will learn
he/she will learn
we will learn
you all will learn
they will learn
Conditional mood
I would learn
you would learn
he/she would learn
we would learn
you all would learn
they would learn
Past perfect tense
havia après
I had learned
havies après
you had learned
havia après
he/she had learned
havíem après
we had learned
havíeu après
you all had learned
havien après
they had learned
Past impf. tense
I was learning
you were learning
he/she was learning
we were learning
you all were learning
they were learning
Imperative mood
let him/her learn!
let's learn!
let them learn!
Imperative negative mood
no aprenguis
don't learn!
no aprengui
don't let him/her learn!
no aprenguem
let's not learn!
no aprengueu
don't learn!
no aprenguin
don't let them learn!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria après
I would have learned
hauries après
you would have learned
hauria après
he/she would have learned
hauríem après
we would have learned
hauríeu après
you all would have learned
haurien après
they would have learned
Future perfect tense
hauré après
I will have learned
hauràs après
you will have learned
haurà après
he/she will have learned
haurem après
we will have learned
haureu après
you all will have learned
hauren après
they will have learned
Preterite past tense
I learned
you learned
he/she learned
we learned
you all learned
they learned
Past anterior tense
haguí après
I had learned
hagueres après
you had learned
hagué après
he/she had learned
haguérem après
we had learned
haguéreu après
you all had learned
haguéren après
they had learned
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) learn
(so that you) learn
(so that he/she) learns
(so that we) learn
(so that you all) learn
(so that they) learn
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was learning
(so that you) were learning
(so that he/she) was learning
(so that we) were learning
(so that you all) were learning
(so that they) were learning
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi après
(so that I) have learned
hagis après
(so that you) have learned
hagi après
(so that he/she) has learned
hàgim après
(so that we) have learned
hàgiu après
(so that you all) have learned
hagin après
(so that they) have learned
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués après
(so that I) had learned
haguessis après
(so that you) had learned
hagués après
(so that he/she) had learned
haguéssim après
(so that we) had learned
haguéssiu après
(so that you all) had learned
haguessin après
(so that they) had learned
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi aprendre
(so that I) learned
vagis aprendre
(so that you) learned
vagi aprendre
(so that he/she) learned
vàgim aprendre
(so that we) learned
vàgiu aprendre
(so that you all) learned
vagin aprendre
(so that they) learned
Periphastic past tense
vaig aprendre
I learned
vas aprendre
you learned
va aprendre
he/she learned
vam aprendre
we learned
vau aprendre
you all learned
van aprendre
they learned
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver après
I had learned
vas haver après
you had learned
va haver après
he/she had learned
vam haver après
we had learned
vau haver après
you all had learned
van haver après
they had learned

Examples of aprendre

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
L’Europa social també té com a objectiu crear llocs de treball de millor qualitat. ¿Penseu que encara ens farà servei d’aquí a deu, vint o trenta anys tot el que vam aprendre a escola?Social Europe also focuses on creating better jobs.Will the same skills learned at school still be useful in 10, 20 or 30 years from now?
Es pot aprendre una lliçó de les iniciatives que han funcionat i de les que no hanfuncionat.La majoria de les pràctiques tenen punts forts i punts febles.Cap pràctica es pot repetir íntegrament.Qualsevol pràctica s’ha d’adaptar a les circumstàncies locals.Lessons can be learned from both good and bad practices Most practices have both strong and weak elements No practice can be replicated in its entirety All practices need to be adapted to local circumstances
Monteiro s'hi va apuntar i va aprendre de pressa; ràpidament el van convidar a fer-hi de professor.Monteiro enrolled and learned fast; he was soon invited to teach as well.
Llegint el que els desplaçats mateix volen dir-nos, podem aprendre què és important per ells i quins temes els preocupen realment.By reading what the displaced people themselves want to tell us, we may learn what is important to them and what issues they are particularly concerned about.
Solament després de parlar sobre les nostres tragèdies podrem aprendre realment sobre l'altre i començar a estimar-nos.Only after talking about our own tragedies did we truly learn about each other and start to love each other.
I perquè aprenc a poc a poc.And because I'm a slow learner.
No n'aprenc res per ajudar a d'altres a no fer el mateix.I can learn nothing from her to help others avoid her mistakes.
I quan aprenc quina és la meva tenda, ens traslladem de nou.And the moment I learn which tent is mine, we're on the move again.
De cap manera va ser perfecte, però el que aprens en un entorn tan divers culturalment és que, a pesar dels nostres orígens diferents, els humans mantenim semblances fonamentals.It was, in no way, perfect but what you learn from an environment so culturally diverse is that regardless of our different backgrounds, human beings have fundamental similarities.
Com més estudies, més de pressa aprens.The more you do it, the more you learn.
Però o bé deixes que el dol et defineixi... o n'aprens d'ell.But you either let that grief define you... Or you learn from it.
qué aprens aqui?What do you learn here?
És quan t'adones de com de curt és el temps en aquest petit pedestal nostre que aprens a apreciarIt's when you realize how short a time we have on this little marble of ours that you learn to cherish
la mexicana més esvelta del món aprèn la primera frase... i la fa servir per veure com m'emboteixo en aquesta...The world's most trim Mexican learns her first sentence... and uses it to watch me grunt my way... into a...
Dayindi aprèn mentre observa.Dayindi learns by watching.
Una nena ximple amb somnis ximples, que mai n'aprèn.A stupid little girl with stupid dreams who never learns.
Una joveneta bleda amb somnis estúpids que no aprèn mai, i que se'm dóna molt malament dir mentides, motiu pel qual hauria de dir sempre la veritat.I'm a stupid little girl with stupid dreams who never learns and I'm a terrible liar, so I should always tell the truth.
Definitivament, és hora que tots aprenem a utilitzar-los.It's high time to learn how to use them.
Al mateix temps que aprenem a fer servir eines d'encriptació, també cal fer pressió política per a dominar la vigilància, construir una internet més segura i forçar els governs i les empreses a reduir la quantitat de dades que apleguen de nosaltres.While we learn email encryption tools, we also need to push politically to reign in surveillance, build a safer Internet, and force governments and companies to reduce the amount of data they collect about us in the first place.
a contar fins a sis perque aprenem a contar fins a sis?- To do sixes. And what are we learning sixes for?
Potser un dia, l'Overlak i el seu equip puguin fer servir tot el que aprenem a fi de bé.Maybe one day, Overlark and his team can use what we're learning for good.
Les coses que aprenem cada dia són just per sota dels miracles.The things we are learning every day, they are just shy of miracles.
Anna Veduta és una jove més ben educada que Maria Baronova, per això no ens explica què ha après d'Aleksei Navalni.Anna Veduta is a better-raised young woman than Maria Barnova, therefore she doesn’t tell us what she’s learned from Alexey Navalny.
Sembla que la comunitat internacional ha après els ensenyaments dels esdeveniments i que les mesures proposades recentment ara estan més adreçades cap als dirigents responsables, com ho demostren les sancions proposades contra Rússia.It appears that the international community has learned from these events. The recently proposed sanctions against Russia seem more targeted towards the leaders at fault.
La mare de Frandy, Madame Frantz Calixte, va dir que quan era a l'escola, no recordava haver après mai francès.“When I was in school, I never really learned French,” says Calixte’s mother, who calls herself Madame Frantz Calixte.
Mentre que he gaudit de la meva feina a ambdós serveis, trobo que he après més a la sala de premsa i he crescut professionalment.While I’ve enjoyed my work in both services, I feel I’ve learned more in the newsroom and grown professionally.
Molt bé, has après bones maneres.It is better, you learned the good manners.
I ara no us recara de dir-me a mi i aquesta senyora alguna de les coses que heu apres (ah! comprenc que no us recara), perque estem orgullosos dels minyonets que aprenen.And now you wouldn't mind telling me and this lady some of the things you've learned--no, I know you wouldn't--for we are proud of little boys that learn.
Podeu veure algunes de les màquines i la feina a les comunitats en aquesta tercera part del vídeo amb 2003 imatges de Maya Pedal: des del procés de disseny de les màquines d'acord amb les necessitats dels grangers, fins a les reunions de les comunitats on es presenten les màquines i s'aprenen a fer servir.You can see some of the machines and work with the communities in this 3 part video series featuring 2003 footage of Maya Pedal: from their process designing equipment according to needs expressed by farmers, to community meetings where their machines are presented and people learn how to use them.
Fent servir les tecnologies de la informació, els polítics tindran un millor coneixement de les TI de mitjà a llarg termini mentre aprenen a adaptar-se a les últimes tecnologies: això possiblement portarà a un govern en línia i a (la integració de) comunicacions i radiodifusió.Using Information Technology, politicians will have better understanding of IT in the mid to long term while learning to adapt themselves to latest technologies: this will potentially lead to e-government and communication and broadcasting.
Mentre que molts visitants aprenen ràpidament el signe estàndard per dir “i ara què?”, és fàcil que passin desapercebuts les dotzenes de signes amb les mans diferents que s'intercanvien de manera subtil en les converses.While many visitors quickly learn the standard “what now?” sign, it is easy to miss the dozens of diverse hand signals being subtly exchanged in conversation.
I els metges de veritat com aprenen a afrontar els problemes emocionals dels pacients?How does a real doctor learn to deal with patients' emotional problems, anyway?
En cas contrari, no s'aprendrà la llengua i, a més a més, s'aprendrà menys de la matèria o matèries en qüestió.On the other hand, students will not learn the language, and what is more, they will learn less of the subject or subjects in question.
Sempre canviarem, sempre aprendrem.Forever we will change, forever we will learn.
-I a mí també! I quan els diguem que ho aprenguérem en ésser lluny, fent de pirates, oi que els recara de no haver corregut món, també? -Ja ho crec!And when we tell 'em we learned when we was off pirating, won't they wish they'd been along?"
Que aprengui els errors de la seva manera de ser. Que un noi dolent... com ell no mereix uns pares com ha tingut.Let him learn the errors of his way, and that a bad boy. . . . . .doesn't deserve such a good mum and dad as he's had.
Que aprengui a relaxar-se.He's got to learn to relax.
Però I'acompanyo, ja és hora que aprengui a dir que no.I'm coming along. You have to learn to say no.
Mai. Si vol jugar al seu joc, serà millor que s'aprengui les regles.If he wants to play their game, he'd better learn their rules.
Quants dits t'han de tallar, perquè n'aprenguis?How many fingers will it take you to learn?
Llevat que aprenguis el significat de la llei.Unless you learn the meaning of the law
Quants dits t'han de tallar, perquè n'aprenguis? El teu destí és en mans d'aquest nen indefens. Ja saps de què és capaç, Odoacre.How many fingers will it take you to learn your fate lies in the palm of this child's hand, as sure as Odoacer is your master.
- Passaràs fam de nou Llevat que aprenguis el significat de la llei.Unless you learn the meaning of the law
Bé, potser aprenguis algunes noves destreses a la presó.Well, maybe you'll learn a few new skills in prison.
Quants de segles caldran per a que aprenguem a fer ciutats així?How many centuries before we learn how to build cities like this again?
"Però si cap vídua tingués fills o néts, deixem-los que aprenguin primer a mostrar pietat cap a la pròpia família, i a recompensar els seus parents, perquè això és acceptable a ulls de Déu.""But if any widow hath children or grandchildren... let them learn first to show piety towards their own family... and to requite their parents... for this is acceptable in the sight of God."
He de dir-vos quin bé em fa, de veure tantes carones netes i brillants acoblades en un lloc com aquest, aprenent de obrar rectament i d'ésser bons.I want to tell you how good it makes me feel to see so many bright, clean little faces assembled in a place like this, learning to do right and be good."
Aquest any, hem passat molt de temps aprenent les habilitats i les eines necessàries per crear el producte.A lot of this year has been spent learning the skills and tools necessary to create the product.
Això és el que està aprenent.That's what you're learning now.
El seu cos ho està aprenent.Your body's learning it.

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