Examinar (to examine) conjugation

116 examples

Conjugation of examinar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I examine
you examine
he/she/it examines
we examine
you all examine
they examine
Present perfect tense
he examinado
I have examined
has examinado
you have examined
ha examinado
he/she/it has examined
hemos examinado
we have examined
habéis examinado
you all have examined
han examinado
they have examined
Past preterite tense
I examined
you examined
he/she/it examined
we examined
you all examined
they examined
Future tense
I will examine
you will examine
he/she/it will examine
we will examine
you all will examine
they will examine
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would examine
you would examine
he/she/it would examine
we would examine
you all would examine
they would examine
Past imperfect tense
I used to examine
you used to examine
he/she/it used to examine
we used to examine
you all used to examine
they used to examine
Past perfect tense
había examinado
I had examined
habías examinado
you had examined
había examinado
he/she/it had examined
habíamos examinado
we had examined
habíais examinado
you all had examined
habían examinado
they had examined
Future perfect tense
habré examinado
I will have examined
habrás examinado
you will have examined
habrá examinado
he/she/it will have examined
habremos examinado
we will have examined
habréis examinado
you all will have examined
habrán examinado
they will have examined
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I examine
(if/so that) you examine
(if/so that) he/she/it examine
(if/so that) we examine
(if/so that) you all examine
(if/so that) they examine
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya examinado
I have examined
hayas examinado
you have examined
haya examinado
he/she/it has examined
hayamos examinado
we have examined
hayáis examinado
you all have examined
hayan examinado
they have examined
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have examined
(if/so that) you have examined
(if/so that) he/she/it have examined
(if/so that) we have examined
(if/so that) you all have examined
(if/so that) they have examined
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have examined
(if/so that) you have examined
(if/so that) he/she/it have examined
(if/so that) we have examined
(if/so that) you all have examined
(if/so that) they have examined
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera examinado
I had examined
hubieras examinado
you had examined
hubiera examinado
he/she/it had examined
hubiéramos examinado
we had examined
hubierais examinado
you all had examined
hubieran examinado
they had examined
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese examinado
I had examined
hubieses examinado
you had examined
hubiese examinado
he/she/it had examined
hubiésemos examinado
we had examined
hubieseis examinado
you all had examined
hubiesen examinado
they had examined
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have examined
(if/so that) you will have examined
(if/so that) he/she/it will have examined
(if/so that) we will have examined
(if/so that) you all will have examined
(if/so that) they will have examined
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere examinado
I will have examined
hubieres examinado
you will have examined
hubiere examinado
he/she/it will have examined
hubiéremos examinado
we will have examined
hubiereis examinado
you all will have examined
hubieren examinado
they will have examined
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's examine!
Imperative negative mood
no examines
do not examine!
no examine
let him/her/it examine!
no examinemos
let us not examine!
no examinéis
do not examine!
no examinen
do not examine!

Examples of examinar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Dr. Kan, Necesito examinar lo que tienes en las manos...""Dr.Kan, I need to examine what's in your hands..."
"para examinar y curar," in order to examine and to heal,
- Bueno, es difícil de decir sin quitarle el cinturón para examinar las marcas de ligadura en su cuello.Well, it's hard to tell without removing the belt to examine the ligature marks on his neck.
- Con su venia. - Smith, ¿quiere examinar el documento?Major Smith, do you wish to examine this?
- El objetivo es examinar...- The point is to examine...
- No se preocupe, ahora lo examino.- Do not worry, we now examine.
- Te examino.- I examine you.
- mientras examino al otro conductor.While I examine the other driver.
- ¿La examino?Shall I examine you?
A veces necesito un poquito de ayuda sosteniendo a los chicos cuando los examino.Sometimes I need a little help restraining the children when I examine them.
- ¿Por qué no la examinas antes?- Why don't you examine her first?
- ¿Y si me examinas a mí?- What if you examine me?
Cuando examinas el cuerpo de la víctima... no ves el reflejo de su vida... sino el de la persona que la tomó.When you examine the body of a victim, you don't see a reflection of their life, but the person who took it.
Debe permanecer cerrada mientras la examinas.It must be sealed shut before you examine it.
El paciente entra, dice que tiene congestión nasal lo examinas en diez minutos, ¿sí?Patient comes in, says he's got a sniffly nose, you examine him for 10 minutes, right?
"como jinete examina un caballo.""as a jockey examines a horse."
(Tegana examina el pañuelo.)(Tegana examines the handkerchief.)
- Bien. - El examina todos los papeles.- He examines all the papers.
A través de las experiencias de dos familias muy diferentes, el programa examina cómo lo nuevo reemplaza a lo viejo y poco a poco se convierte en la forma de vida que damos por sentado.Through the experiences of two very different families, the programme examines how the new replaces the old and gradually becomes the way of life we take for granted.
Aquí a la derecha, examina el grupo de huellas de palmas con su colega Valérie Feruglio.Here on the right, she examines the cluster of palm prints with her colleague Valérie Feruglio.
- Bueno, nosotros examinamos... - Perdone, perdone, ¿quiénes "nosotros"?–Well, we examined— –Sorry, sorry, who's "we"?
- Es una posibilidad que ya examinamos.- It's a possibility we examine.
- La examinamos.- We did examine it.
- Las examinamos.-We examined them.
- No, mi lady. Lo examinamos cuidadosamente.We have examined him carefully.
Si examináis mi rostro y mis ojos, comprobaréis que digo la verdad.As you examine my face and eyes, you will see that this is true.
- Ellos examinan tu...- They examine your...
- No es inepto legalmente. - Si examinan las transcripciones--- I believe if you examine the transcripts...
- Pero cada vez que me examinan... - Ya lo sé.- But every time they start to examine me...
Ahora, si se examinan las cifras... vemos el retroceso de nuestra moneda desde el 1 de Enero...Now, if we examine the figures... we see the comeback of our currency from the 1st of January...
Caballeros, por favor permanezcan sentados mientras los jueces examinan los antecedentes del prisionero.Gentlemen, will you be so kind as to remain seated... while m'lords, the judges, reexamine the prisoner's records.
"La examiné a fondo* I thoroughly examined her *
- El que examiné hoy era un bebe.- The one I examined today was a baby.
- La examiné.-I examined her.
- Lo examiné observé sus radiografías y veo que no tiene absolutamente nada.-l've examined you l've looked at your x-rays and l find that there's absolutely nothing wrong with you.
- Pero lo examiné 18:50.- 6:45? But I only examined at ten to.
Bien, cuando lo examinaste, no observaste ningún rasgo albino.Well, when you examined him you didn't observe one single albino trait.
Compáralos cineticamente con los miles de otros huesos que examinaste.Compare them kinetically to the thousands of other bones you've examined.
Si examinaste un árbol Los examinaste todosWhen you've examined one tree Then you've examined them all
Tu pusiste eso dentro de mi cuando me examinaste después de la muerte de Jo.You implanted it in me... when you examined me after Jo's death.
Tú examinaste el cuerpo, Scully.You examined the body, Scully.
"Heat examinó las balas cada una con una letra grabada."Heat examined the bullets, "each of them perfectly engraved with a letter.
"el Dr. Earl W. Tarr, especialista infantil, examinó a Walter Collins"Dr. Earl W. Tarr, child specialist, examined Walter Collins
- Debo tener mi cabeza examinó.- I should have my head examined.
- El doctor de Capri los examinó.The doctor from Capri has examined them.
Me examinasteis mientras dormía.You examined me in my sleep.
"Me examinaron cual si fuera... una rana en clase de Biología".They examined me like I was a frog in biology class.
Así pues el profesor Friis Christensen y sus colaboradores examinaron cuatro cientos años de registros astronómicos... para comparar la actividad de manchas solares con la variación de la temperatura.So Professor Friis Christensen and his colleagues examined four hundreds years of astronomical records... to compare sunspot activity against temperature variation.
Contra examinaron a Fred.They cross-examined Fred.
Cuando examinaron los libros y comprobaron su exacta similitud los parisinos acusaron a Fust de realizar magia negra.When the bibles were examined, and the exact similarity of each book was discovered, the Parisians set upon Fust accusing him of black magic.
Cuando los arqueólogos la examinaron por primera vez en 1950, dijeron que no conseguían concebir que los antiguos griegos poseyeran una maquinaria tan compleja sería el equivalente a encontrar un avión a reacción en la tumba del Rey TothWhen archaeologists examined her for the first time in 1950 said they did not conceive CONGUI the ancient Greeks possessed a complex machinery would be the equivalent to finding A jet plane in the king's tuma Toth
- Entiendo - Tráigalo y lo examinaré.If you bring him today, I will examine him.
Creo que la examinaré más de cerca.I think I will examine it more closely.
Durante este período de prueba, Te examinaré cada molécula.During this probation, I will examine yöur every molecule.
Lo examinaré personalmente.I will examine it for myself.
Lo examinaré.I will examine this.
No examinarás nada.You will examine nothing.
Y tú examinarás el cadáver de Lacroix.And you will examine Lacroixs corpse.
A este le pondrá una inyección por la tarde, y mañana por la mañana, le examinará.And this lucky bugger gets an injection by nightfall... and tomorrow, in the morning, you will examine him.
Cho examinará esas muestras y determinará quién de ustedes dejó esta nota.Cho will examine these samples and determine which of you left this note.
El Dr. Ramsgate te examinará en Chaucer.Dr. Ramsgate will examine you in Chaucer.
El doctor Kollar te examinará para ver si tienes tuberculosis contagiosa.Dr. Kolar will examine you to see if you have the contagious tuberculosis.
El doctor examinará a su esposa de nuevo a las siete ... y le dirá si la puede ver.The doctor will examine your wife again at 7 and tell you if you can see her.
Bienvenidos a "The Cyberpunk Educator" Yo soy su anfitrión, Eva 2.0 en este film examinaremos los films Cyberpunk de los 80's como una expresión de su herencia cultural y literariaWelcome to the Cyberpunk Educator I am your host, EVE 2.0 In this film we will examine Cyberpunk films of the 1980's as an expression of your cultural and literary heritage
Calleigh y yo examinaremos cada una en busca de cualquier característica única que coincida con la dirección.Calleigh and I will examine each for any unique characteristics to match that steering line.
Durante la proxima hora y media, examinaremos las ecuaciones de onda que definen la creación de imagenes taquiónicas.For the next hour and a half, we will examine the wave equations that define the creation of tachyonic images.
Durante las próximas semanas, examinaremos esos horrendos tres días, minuto a minuto para ayudarles a llegar a un mejor entendimiento de lo que es tener agallas.Over the next few weeks, we will examine those harrowing three days, minute by minute, to help you reach a better understanding of true grit.
Esta noche examinaremos un tema interesante para todos.I will examine a question today that interest us all.
Dos veces al día por el resto de sus vidas examinarán sus conciencias.Twice each day for the rest of your lives... you will examine your consciences.
Fitz y Simmons examinarán el caso.Fitz and simmons will examine the case.
Mis hombres la examinarán y verán si de ahí es la gema... hallada en la duquesa Von Teschen. No dudo que así será.My men will examine it and see if it matches the gemstone... found on Duchess von Teschen's body- I have no doubt that it will.
Los pacientes vendrían, los examinaría, los trataría y les enviaría la factura.Patients would appear, I would examine them, treat them, then I would send them a bill.
Luego Foreman lo examinaría.Then Foreman would examine him.
Pero de un padre a otro examinaría su vida interior.But, as one parent to another, I... I would examine his inner life.
Sí, porque sabía que yo las examinaría.Yes, because he knew I would examine them.
¿Quién examinaría un contenedor que dice "peligro"?Who would examine the container label hazardous?
Bueno, no, pero examinarías... Porque sólo pasó un día.- No, but you would examine - 'cause it's only been one day.
- Debes dejar que te examine.Now you're just going to have to let me examine you right.
- Dejad que os examine eso.~ Allow me to examine that.
- Deje que le examine.- Let me examine you.
- Deje que mi colega la examine.- Let my colleague examine you.
- Me gustaría traer al doctor Turner para que la examine y...~ I'd like to bring Dr Turner to examine her and...
Coulson tiene un arma que quiere que examines.Coulson has some weaponry he wants you to examine.
Cuando examines el cuerpo de Mina...When you examine Mina's body...
Cuando lo examines, haces que confirme si es o no el amante secreto de Ruby Jeffries.And then, when you're examine him, you get him to confirm whether or not he's Ruby Jeffries' secret lover.
Deja que examines a Lemon...He let you examine Lemon.
Necesito que examines el cuerpo, Carlos.I kind of need you to examine the body, Carlos.
"Que examinemos todas las cosas."that we should examine all things."
"Solo les suplico que examinemos todas las cosas. ""I only beg that we should examine all things."
- Si es inocente, estoy seguro de que estará de acuerdo con que examinemos su equipo de acampada y sus armas.If you're innocent, I'm sure you'd be happy to let us examine your camping equipment and guns.
A menos que examinemos parámetros diferentes.Unless we examine a different set of parameters.
A menos que... le examinemos el cerebro.Unless... we examine his brain.
Cuando examinéis, preguntaos:As you examine, ask yourself:
El único consejo que puedo daros, hijos, es que os examinéis como hombres.The only advice I can give you, sons, is to examine who you are as men.
No tendré ninguna oportunidad, a menos que examinéis el pañuelo de cerca.I am a failure. My chance is a nothing unless you examine the kerchief closely.
Os suplico que le examinéis sobre este punto.Pray you, examine him upon that point.
Será mejor que examinéis vuestras obligaciones.You'd better re-examine your commitment.
- Da igual que te examinen 100 médicos.- I don't care if 100 doctors examine you.
- Mejor ve a que te examinen ese corte.- Better you go to that examine you that cut.
- Mi nombre es Harper. Quiero que examinen a mi hija.The name's Harper, I'd like my daughter examined.
- Mire, Gingrich. Exigimos el derecho a que nuestros propios médicos examinen a Hinkle.We demand the right to have our own doctors examine Hinkle.
- Necesita que lo examinen, Pratt.- He needs to be examined, Pratt.
Para que examinase la mía.He could have examined both mine.
Abrid el ataúd y examinad los cadáveres.Open the coffin and examine the corpses
Rebobinad, examinad esta conversación y dejadla descansarOkay, guys - take a step back, examine the conversation you're having, and spend some time apart.
Vale, examinad vuestros menus personalizadosOkay, please examine your personalized menus.
"A las 9:00 de la noche, Williams será examinado por otro psicólogo..."At 9:00 tonight, Williams will be examined by still another psychologist
"He examinado minuciosamente al muchacho', dijo el Dr. Tarr,"'I examined the boy quite thoroughly,' Dr. Tarr said,
- Aún no le he examinado.-l haven't examined him yet.
- Aún no lo he examinado. - Lo entiendo.I haven't examined them yet.
- Dave, lo he examinado.Uh-oh, Dave. I've examined him.
"Deja que te hablen" es una clase de arte en que descubrimos talentos examinando nuestras propias experiencias de vida."Let It Speak To You 202" is an art class in which we discover our talents by examining our personal life experiences.
"Yo estaba examinando un cadáver con amputación cuádruple " . " Sin brazos ni piernas . "I was examining a cadaver which had a quadruple amputation-- no arms or legs.
- Cavendish la está examinando ahora.Cavendish is examining her now.
- Estamos examinando el lugar...- We are examining the place...
- Estoy examinando el río.- I'm examining the river.

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