- Ma uurin seda skeletti ja kõike selle ümber ja võrdlen seda koetükiga, mille Mariel mulle andis. Hästi. | I'm gonna examine the skeleton and whatever's wrapped around the skeleton and see if it compares to the tissue fragment Mariel gave me. |
Aga kui ma sind siin uurin? | What if l examined you here? |
Kas te olete vastu, kui ma uurin teie arvutisüsteemi? | Do you mind if I examine your computer system? |
Las ma uurin neid põselohke pisut lähemalt... | Let me... examine your dimples a little more closely. |
Kui sa seda lähemalt uurid, taipad, et mind ei ole tarvis karta. | If you examine it more closely, you will see that you do not need to fear me. |
Sa uurid, sa planeerid aktsiooni kursus, sa teostad selle. | You examine a situation, you plan a course of action, you execute it. |
Sina uurid kõiki ohvreid esimesena? | You examined the victims from the very first? |
Arst uurib teda ja annab tableti. | He examines her and gives her a pill. |
Käesolev dokumentaalfilm uurib kaasaegse korporatsiooni olemust, arengut, mõju ja selle võimalikke tulevikuväljavaateid. | This documentary examines the nature evolution impacts and possible futures of the modern business corporation. |
Ta puudutab neid, paitab neid, uurib neid, ...siis laseb neil roojata endale suhu, aga ta ei neela seda alla. | He touches them, caresses them, examines them then makes them defecate into his mouth, but he does not swallow it |
Ta uurib neid faile ja leiab digitaalse vesimärgi, mis ütleb, kus arvutis need tehtud on. | ...so he examines the files and pulls off the digital watermark which tells you what computer was created on. |
- Igal juhul uurime asja lähemalt. | - In any case we will examine this more closely. |
-Ei saa, piisab kui ütlen, et komisjoni juhina uurime käesolevat kummalist olukorda põhjalikult ja anname oma järeldused presidendile, kes otsustab vastuvõetavate meetmete üle. | - No, just let me say this as head of this commission. We will examine the facts of this bizarre affair and pass our conclusions on to the president for implementation. |
...tõsiseid rikkumisi ja uurime teie olukorda. | '... serious infraction 'and examine your standing. |
Doktor Beckett vaatas nad üle ja tunnistas terveks, nii et ilma otsese ohuta otsustasime, et uurime, mis see seade on, siis kui meil selleks aega on. | Now, Doctor Beckett examined them that night and gave them a clean bill of health, so with no immediate apparent danger, we... decided to figure out what the device was, well, whenever we had time. |
Kui te seda relva uurite, siis leiate, et sellest pole tulistatud. | If you take the trouble to examine that gun , You'll notice it hasn't been fired . |
Kui uurite mu nägu ja silmi, siis näete, et see on tõsi. | As you examine my face and eyes, you will see that this is true. |
Teate, kui ma iga korra eest teilt dollari küsiks, kui te aparaati uurite, omaks te juba seda. | If I charged you a dollar every time you came to examine the machine... ...you'd probably own it. |
Teate, kui ma iga korra eest teilt dollari küsiks... kui te aparaati uurite... omaks te seda juba. | If I charged you a dollar every time you came to examine the machine... ...you'd probably own it. |
Esimeses seifis hoiavad nad haruldasi uusi asju, kui nad neid uurivad. | Vault number one is where they keep rare, new acquisitions while they're being examined. |
Fitz ja Simmons uurivad asja. | Fitz and Simmons will examine the case. |
Igal aastal kogunevad nad linna ja uurivad üksteise sibulaid | Every year, they gather in the town, ...to examine each other's onions. |
Kiangsi geomantikud uurivad sageli kirste läbi tunneli, kuid minul on teine mõte. | The geomancers of Kiangsi often examine coffins through a tunnel. But I have another idea. |
Mu mehed uurivad seda ja vaatavad, kas see sobib kalliskiviga mis leiti paruness von Tescheni laiba juurest. | My men will examine it and see if it matches the gemstone... found on Duchess von Teschen's body- I have no doubt that it will. |
- Ma just uurisin laipa. | - I just examined the body. |
Aga kui nad uurisid hambaid lähemalt, leiti, et neid on muudetud. | Then when they examined the teeth themselves, they found they'd been altered. |
Agendid uurisid mu kõik arved ja nad ütlesid, et kõik sõltub Sinust. | The agents have examined and cleared my invoices, and they say that it's all up to you. |
Ahh, ja kui sa loodad, et sind soojendab lootuse leek, tea seda, et mu võlurid uurisid kohta, kus Tõeotsija kadus. | Oh, and if you're expecting to be warmed by the flame of hope, know this: My sorcerers examined the spot where the Seeker disappeared. |
Kui arheoloogid uurisid seda esmakordselt aastal 1950, siis nad mainisid, et nad poleks iial uskunud, et iidsed kreeklased omasid nii keerulist mehhanismi. | When archaeologists examined her for the first time in 1950 said they did not conceive CONGUI the ancient Greeks possessed a complex machinery would be the equivalent to finding |
Aga Henry uuris teda. | But Henry examined him. |
Chance uuris Towni asju 8 minutit tagasi. | Agent Chance examined Carla Town's effects 8 minutes ago. |
Enne kui me ta jõuga kõrvaldame, sa peaksid teadma, et üks meie naistöötaja, medõde, uuris pilti, mille sa talle saatsid... | Before we have him forcibly removed, you should know this, that one of our female employees, a nurse, examined the photo you sent her-- |
Me uurisime laipa. | We examined the body. |
Me uurisime tema abikaasat ka: | We examined her husband too: |
Me uurisime vorste ja saime üsna suure shoki. | Ve examined the sausages and ve got quite a shock. |
Dr McFee, te uurisite suurt verega kaetud kivi. | Dr McFee, you examined the large stone that was found covered in blood. |
Kas teie uurisite mürki? | - You have examined the poison, Monsieur? |
Tegelikult ei uurinud mees mask | In fact, did not examine a man with a mask |
Mind uuriti põhjalikult. | I was examined thoroughly. |
Teda uuriti, aga MK proteiine ei otsitud. | He was examined, but not for MK proteins. |
- Alison, ma ei uuri sind, kui sa magad. | Alison, I don't examine you in your sleep. |
Ava seersandi silmalaud ja uuri lähedalt silmakilet. | Lift the sergeant's eyelids and closely examine the conjunctiva of the eyes. |
Kas me asitõendeid ei uuri? | But aren't we here to examine the evidence... |
Kui te arvate, et kolledzi sissevõtjad, rääkimata þüriist ei uuri asitõendeid, te olete valel arvamusel. | If you think a college admissions board, not to mention a jury, won't examine the evidence, you're sadly mistaken. |
Kui te arvate, et kolledzi sissevõtjad, rääkimata žüriist ei uuri asitõendeid, te olete valel arvamusel. | If you think a college admissions board, not to mention a jury, won't examine the evidence, you're sadly mistaken. |
Ja teie uurige Lacrioxi laip üle. | And you will examine Lacroixs corpse. |
Täpselt ei vasta kirjeldusele midagi, aga uurige seda andmekristalli. | Nothing seems to fit exactly, but you can examine this data crystal. |
- Ehk ma peaksin uurima neid. | Perhaps I should examine them. |
- Ma peaksin neid lähemalt uurima, aga juba praegu saan ma kinnitada, et meil on tegu Pteropus Poliocephalustega. | - I would have to examine them in detail but here and now I can assert we are dealing with Pteropus Poliocephalus. |
- Miks ta peab teda uurima? | What does she need to examine him for? |
Arvasin, et bioloog tuli laipu uurima? | But I thought the marine biologist came to examine the bodies. |
- Asja mõte on uurida... | - The point is to examine... |
- Kui Martouf oleks ellu jäänud,.. ..poleks te saanud tema aju uurida. | - If Martouf had lived, you couldn't have examined his brain tissue. |
- Lase oma pead uurida. | - Get your head examined. |
- Ta on mind juba uurinud. | - He's examined me. |
Doktor, te olete laipa uurinud. | You examined the body, doctor. |
Inimestest rääkides, ma olen lõig... uurinud tuhandeid, kuid siiani olen kohanud ehk kahte, kes oskavad rääkida. | As to humans, I've dissec... I've examined thousands of them, and, until now, I've only discovered two who could talk in my life. |
Inimestest rääkides, ma olen lõig... uurinud tuhandeid, | As to humans, I've dissec... I've examined... |
Inimestest rääkides, olen lõigan... uurinud tuhandeid, kuid siiani olen kohanud ehk kahte, kes oskavad rääkida. | As to humans, I've dissect... I've examined thousands of them, and, until now, I've only discovered two who could talk in my life. |
Muidugi on kõik läbi uuritud. | It's obvious that everything has been examined. |
Muumiaid on uuritud viroloogide, onkoloogide, kohtu patoloogide poolt, otsides märke ebaausast mängust, aga suhteliselt noorena, 23aastaselt surnud Pepi Kolmanda surma põhjus On jäänud siiani müsteeriumiks. | The mummy's been examined by virologists, oncologists, forensic pathologists, searching for signs of foul play, but Pepi the Third's cause of death at the relatively young age of 23 still remains a mystery. |
ma olen uurinud su meelt ja näinud, et nagu mul, on sinulgi üks anne. | I have examined your mind and found that, like me, you have a gift. |
Kohus on uurinud kõiki asitõendeid esitatud mõlemalt osapoolelt. | The Court has examined all evidence presented by the parties. |
Kohe pärast seda, kui tema ja mina oleme uurinud seda laipa. | Just as soon as he and I have examined this corpse. |