"Ma nutan ja hüppan otseses mõttes." | "I'm literally crying and jumping. |
"Ma nutan. | "I'm crying. |
# Kui üritan ja püüan su pilku, nutan | # When I try and catch your eye, I cry |
#Ma nutan krokodilli pisaraid # | #I'm crying crocodile tears # |
"Hea, kui sa nutad." | "It's good to cry. |
"Liiga hilja" on nutt mida sa nutad kui ostjad sinust mööduvad. | "Too late" will be the cry when the bargains pass you by. |
"Linnu vere pärast sa nutad, aga kala vere pärast mitte." | "You cry for bird's blood, but not for fish's blood." |
"Miks sa nutad, väike tüdruk?" "Sest tahan 'King Kong Elab' näha!" | Why are you crying? Because I wanna rent "King Kong Lives." |
"Hoia lapsed narkotsist eemale," nutab kanepimüüjast emme. | "Keep kids off drugs" cries the pot-dealing mom. |
"Ta tõuseb püsti ja nutab | "She sits up and cries |
# Üks laps naerab teine samal ajal nutab # | # One child's laughing while another child cries # |
"Kui me nutame selle pärast, et päike on meie elust kadunud, siis takistavad meie pisarad meil tähti näha." | "if we cry because the sun has gone out of our lives, "our tears can prevent us from seeing the stars." |
"Oleme noored poisid ja me kõik nutame." | "We're young boys and we're all gonna be crying." |
- Ei, ei, ei, me nutame! | - No, no, no, we're crying! |
- Kas me katkestame või nutame? | - We cutting or we crying? |
Ja kui nad seda teevad, siis te nutate jumala järele, ja siis te palute, et Ema Carmody teile teed näitaks. | And when they do, you will cry to God, and you will beg Mother Carmody to show you the way. |
Ja siis te nutate ühe varsa pärast. | Then you cry over a single foal. |
"Ma südamest usun, et paralleeluniversum eksisteerib meie omaga koos. Maastiketäis hingi, keda me ei näe, nutavad, et saaks rääkida lugusid, mida peab rääkima. | "I believe with all my heart that a parallel universe coexists with ours a landscape of souls which we cannot see crying out with stories that must be told that must never be forgotten, else their awful deaths"... |
"naised nutavad mind taga" | "The ladies cry for me ..." |
- Ei kõik nutavad... | - No, it's everyone cry... |
- Enne varastavad, pärast nutavad. | - First they steal then they cry. |
- ? Ta ei nuta enam. | # She's not crying anymore # |
- Ei ma ei nuta. | -I'm not crying, man. |
- Ei, ma ei nuta. | - No, I'm not crying. |
- Ja ma nutsin end magama tol õhtul. | And I cried myself to sleep that night. |
- Ma nutsin. | -I cried |
-Aga ma nutsin The Dirty Dozeni ajal. -Kes ei nutnud? | I cried over "The Dirty Dozen". |
-Aga ma nutsin The Dirty Dozeni ajal. | - But I cried at The Dirty Dozen. |
- Kõik on üks õudusunenägu. Sa nutsid Ellie pärast. | You cried out for Ellie, David. |
- Loomulikult nad nutsid. | - Of course they cried. |
-Sa nutsid? | You cried? |
"Ka ema rõõmustas ja nuttis kirja saades terve päeva. | And mama was happy too, because when your letter came she cried all day long. |
"Ma pean tema sisse minema," nuttis ta. | 'I must possess her!' he cried." |
"ja nuttis valju häälega | "and cried with a loud voice |
"Me naersime, me nutsime, ja ennast tühjaks peksime." | "We laughed, we cried, we tugged ourselves dry." |
Asetasime sinna lilled, nutsime, lugesime palvekõne. | Put flowers on them, cried, said prayers. |
Jah, me nägime eelmine nädal Aida't ja me mõlemad nutsime pangetäisi. | Yes, we saw Aida last week, and we both cried buckets. |
- Te nutsite kui bensiin otsa sai! | - You cried when I ran out of gas! |
Sel päeval, kui te minu juurest ära läksite, te nutsite pärast. | The day you left, you cried. |
Tuletage meelde, kuidas te aastaid tagasi nutsite. Siis, kui lahkusite Hispaaniast, et abielluda. | Remember how you cried, all those years ago, when you left Spain for your marriage? |
- Miks sa ei nutnud? | - Why did not cry? |
Aga ma ei nutnud, vähemalt mitte nende ees. | But I did not cry... Not in front of them. |
Isa peksis mind pool tundi aga mina ei nutnud. | My father beat me half an hour and I did not cry. |
Ma ei nutnud silmi peast. | I did not cry my eyes out! |
Ma nutaksin nüüd. . . see oleks nii väikekodanlik. | I would cry now were it not so bourgeois. |
Ma nutaksin nüüd... | l would cry now... |
Kõik nutaksid ning ütleksid, kui armas tüdruk ta oli. | Everyone would cry and say what a lovely, lovely girl she was. |
"Jah, nuta mu kallis. Lase kõik välja." | "Yes, sweetie, cry, it's ok." |
"Jah, nuta mu kallis. | "Yes, cry my darling. |
"Kui see su endast välja viib, siis mine nuta oma tissi sisse." | "If this upsets you, "go cry into one of your boots. |
- Proua, ärge nutke. | - Lady, please don't cry. |
- Ärge nutke, mu armsakesed. | Oh, don't cry' my dear little ones. |
Aga, hei, ärge nutke tema pärast, sest see lahenes tema jaoks hästi. | But, hey, don't cry for her, because it worked out great. |
Ei, ära nuta. | No, no, no, do not cry. |
Katrin, kõik saab korda, ära nuta! | Catherine, all remedial, do not cry! |
Madeleine, Madeleine, ära nuta. | Madeleine, Madeleine, do not cry. |
! Krusty, mu tütar hakkas sinu pärast nutma! | Krusty, you made my daughter cry. |
"Jah, üritavad meid veel nutma ajada." | "Yeah, you kept us back because you wanna try and make us cry." |
"Kes ajas Sheldon Cooper nutma?" | "Who made Sheldon Cooper cry like a little girl? " |
"Kes?" küsis pilv, kui hakkas nutma. | "Who? " said the cloud that started to cry. |
" Neal on tõeline õlg, kus nutta. | "Neal's a real shoulder to cry on. |
"Ema ärevil, oodates olla ärritunud, ning tädi üritas nutta." | "Her mother had her salts, expecting to be agitated, and her aunt tried to cry. " |
"Harkerid ei tohi nutta, see võib inimesi tappa." | "Never let a harker cry, lest near or far people die." |
"Kui te ei taha nutta nagu mina | " So if you don't want to cry like I do |
"Nad ei nutnud enne minu lahkumist". | "They only cried when I left them." |
# ma olen nutnud silmad peast # oh, ma näen neid aastaid | # I’ve cried my eyes out # oh, and now I face the years |
# ma olen nutnud silmad peast | # I’ve cried my eyes out |
-Aga ma nutsin The Dirty Dozeni ajal. -Kes ei nutnud? | I cried over "The Dirty Dozen". |
Aga ta ei nutnud kunagi. | But he never cried. |
Et ma olin nutnud. | That I had cried. |
See on kõigest paber ja ta tegi selle mulle, kui ma olin teda nuttes spetsiaalselt palunud, aga... | It's just a piece of paper and he only made it for me after I specifically asked for it while crying loudly, but... |
Järsku tunnen... kuidas haare lõtvub ning keegi mind masseerib. Lakkasin nutmast ja oleksin peaaegu huulde hammustanud. | And suddenly I feel her ... draws me stronger toward you, and begins to move slowly with me. him stop crying and I bite lips to keep me. |
Lakkasin nutmast ja oleksin peaaegu huulde hammustanud. | I stop crying and bite my lips... |
See ei peata mind nutmast. | That doesn't stop me from crying. |
Kas ta ütles teile, et suudab hoida end kätt lahtise tule kohal, ilma nutmata? | Did she tell you she can hold her hand over an open flame without crying? |
Kui seda juba nutmata vaadata suutsin, nägin selles enamat kui puu ja mõistsin, mida seal üleval olemine mulle tähendas. | And once I could look at it without crying I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me. |
Laurel ei suuda nutmata kuulata. | Laurel cannot listen without crying. |
Kas teil pole teenijat? Kui Yolanda näeks seda kohta, siis ta nutaks. | If yolanda saw this place, she would cry. |
Kui Yolanda näeks seda kohta, siis ta nutaks. | If yolanda saw this place, she would cry. |
Sa leiad iga asja juures vea, ja tegelikult, ma ei tea kedagi, kes naudiks sinuga aja veetmist, rääkimata sellest, et nutaks sinu matustel. | You find fault with everything. And, frankly, I don't know anyone who enjoys spending time with you let alone would cry at your funeral. |
Sind ei nutaks keegi taga. | No one would cry after you. |