Jälgige, kuidas ma magan potentsiaalselt ohtliku mehega, kui viime teid sügavusse ja salakatte alla. | I got to do it, Karen. I just... I-I got to take a shot. |
Ma teen seda - magan teiste naistega, | I do it, sleep with other women... |
Juhul, kui sul täna oma daamiga veab ole temapool, sest sina magad elutoas | I suggest that if you do have a little sleepover with the lady, you do it at her place, because you're in the sitting room. |
Kui mehed ringi magavad, teevad nad seda tasuta. | Guys, when they sleep around, they do it for free. |
Teeme seda pühapäeval, kui kõik magavad, ning keegi ei saa viga. | We'll do it sunday, when everybody's asleep, and no one will get hurt. |
Et ma sinuga korra magasin, ei tähenda, et tahan seda iga õhtu teha. | Because we did it once, doesn't mean I wish to do it again. |
Ma rääkisin just Mandy'le kuidas John tuli nädalavahetusel minu juurde ja me tegime seda mu vanas toas, ning vanemad magasid kõrval toas. | Oh, well, I was just telling Mandy... how John came home with me this last weekend... and we did it in my old room with my parents right next door. |
Naisest, kellega sa magasid, naiseni, kes loodetavasti kunagi teada ei saa. | From the woman you did it with to the woman you hope never finds out you did it! |
Olen Maxi peale väga armukade ja ma poleks vaimustatud mõttest, et sa temaga magasid, aga kui teeksid seda ja varjaksid mu eest, siis oleksin küll pahane. | l'm jealous. l'm very jealous of Max. l'm not crazy about the idea of you sleeping with him, but if... you did it and didn't tell me... that would really bother me. |
Ma kahtlen, et "magas" kirjeldaks täpselt Marioni seisundit . | I did it to her. |
Malena, see, kes sakslastega magas. | Malena, the one who did it with the Germans. |
Jälle magasime sisse! | - We did it again! - We did it again! |
Me magasime samas voodis, kuid ei teinud seda kunagi. | We slept in the same bed, but we never did it. |
- Siis minge magama. Meil on palju tööd teha ja ainult aasta aega. | We've got a lot of work to do and only a year in which to do it. |
Hingama, sööma, magama, üles ärkama, ning tegema seda kõike uuesti, kuni ühel päeval see lihtsalt pole enam nii raske. | Breathe, eat, sleep, wake up, and do it all over again until one day, it's just not as hard anymore. |
Kui see sulle sobib, ma läheks ühele väiksele jalutuskäigule, siis magama ja võib-olla mõni teine kord liitun. | If it's OK with you, I think I just want to take a little walk, go to bed, and then we'll do it another night. |
Dylani arvates pole sul sobilik minu voodis magada. | I do it all the time, but... Well, it's just that dylan said something to me. That it's not good for you to be sleeping. |
Hea küll, aga kas võin siis sinuga voodis magada? | Okay, fine, I'll do it, but if I do good, can I sleep in the bed with you? |
Kas saan öösiti magada? | Maybe sleeping at night, how do I do it? |
Sa võid isegi magada, kui tahad. Peaasi, et teeme oma vahetuse ära. | You can even sleep if you want, as long as we do it in shifts. |
Ma tahtsin küsida, kui paljud teist on härjavõitlejaga maganud ? | Heya, you know what I wanted to ask you? How many out of the three of you have done it with a bullfighter? |