- Enne, kui luban sul jätkata, pead sa tegema mõned mööndused. | - Before I allow you to continue... ...I'm afraid you're gonna have to make a few concessions. |
- Kas ma luban sigadel oma koolis käia? | - Do I allow pigs in my school? |
- Kui luban sul mäletada, neelab see teadmine su alla. | And if I allow you to remember, the knowledge will eat away at you. |
- Ma luban seda. | - I'll allow it. |
- Kas lubad mul? | - Yeah. - Would you allow me? |
- Kui sa lubad... | - If you'll allow me... |
"Sõltumatu elu lubab mul kasvada ja areneda isiksuseks." | "Independent living allows me to grow and mature as a person." |
- Jah, kui ta tihe graafik seda lubab. | - Yeah, when his schedule allows. |
- Oleneb tingimustest. Me võime välja anda oletatava surmatunnistuse. See lubab koroneril inimese seaduslikult surnuks kuulutada, kuigi laipa ei ole. | Depending on the circumstances... you'd issue a certificate of presumptive death... which allows the coroner to declare a person legally dead... |
- See lubab meil omasuguseid jälgida. | It allows us to keep track of our kind. |
Aga kui te lubate meil minna, lubame me mitte kunagi tagasi tulla. | But if you allow us to leave here, we promise we will never return, ever. |
Ainult siis, kui seda lubame. | Only if we allow it. |
Arbenz on nõukogude marionett. Ja kui me lubame tal jääda võimule siis Venemaal oleks suur eelis sel poolkeral. | And that if we allowed him to stay in power the Soviets would have a foot hole in this hemisphere. |
Ja kui lubame endale mõned 15 minutilised puhkepausid, siis saame kogu tööga keskööks hakkama. | And, by my watch, if we allow for a few 15 minute breaks, we'll be able to cover the entire course load by midnight. |
Ja kui me lubame neist veidikegi taganeda, siis on su elu võlts. | And if we allow them to be compromised in even the smallest way, you live a false life. |
"Kas lubate mul neid saladuses hoida?" | 'Will you allow me to keep it a secret? ' |
- Kui te lubate mind... | - If you'll allow me... |
- Äkki lubate siis end saata? | Then will you allow me to escort you? |
"Nad lubavad tal venitada." | "They're allowing them to stall. |
Aga sellegipoolest lubavad nad jätkuvalt loomakasvatust. | Yet they allow livestock grazing. |
Alus titaanumist, nii kerge kui seda pinged lubavad. | Sub assembly of titanium, so light as stresses will allow. |
- Ei vennas. Ma ei luba sul minna. | No, brother, I cannot allow you to leave. |
- Ema ei luba ju sul minna. | -You're not allowed there either? |
- Kes sind ei luba? | Who's not allowing you? |
- Ma ei luba mõned kummitus läbi minu uurimine. | -But you can see I have no equipment. -I will not allow some spook to conduct my investigation. |
- Ma ei luba seda. | - I will not allow this. |
Ainus erand on igal teisel nädalavahetusel, kui Vakile lubatakse naiskaaslast. | The sole exception is that every other weekend, Vak is allowed... female companionship. |
Lihtsalt see pärast, et ma olen vaene ema, keda ei lubata liikuma, sest tal läheb nii hästi. | Just because I'm the poor mother who is not allowed to stir, because he is going on so well. |
- Olin rumal, et seda lubasin! | Because I foolishly allowed it! |
100 rohkem, kui ma lubasin. | 1 00 more than you allowed for. |
- Ise lubasid mul jahti pidada. | You said I was allowed to hunt. |
- Ja sina lubasid tal transpordiplaani muuta? | And so you allowed him to depart from the agreed movement order? |
- Nad lubasid su sisse? | - They allowed you? |
Aga Saksa vangivalvurid lubasid mul istuda ja süüa, ja see juhtus ainult pooltega nendest ärapõlatuist, me lihtsalt ütlesime üksteisele, et mis iganes juhtub, niikaua kuni oma tööd teeme, on see seda väärt. | But German POWs were allowed to sit there and eat. And this must have happened to at least half the guys at Tuskegee. But the thing is, we just kept telling ourselves that no matter what, as long as we did our jobs, it'd all be worth it. |
"Noirtier istus ratastoolis, kuhu teda pandi, hommikust õhtuni peegli ees, mis lubas tal näha kogu ruumi ilma ennast liigutamata: sest see oli tema puhul muutunud võimatuks. | 'Noirtier was sitting in a wheelchair where they put him from morning till evening in front of a mirror which allowed him to see the whole apartment... without attempting any movement: this was something that had become impossible for him. |
"Viivitamatult suundus kapten selle lummava maa poole ja kui ankur oli alla lastud ja trapp langetatud, lubas ta oma reisijatel maabuda." | "At once the captain made towards this delectable land "and, when the anchor had been cast and the ladder lowered, "allowed his passengers to disembark." |
- Ema lubas. | - Mom allowed me. |
- Me ei vangistanud teda. Ta lubas end kinni võtta, mõistad? | We didn't capture him, he allowed us to take him in. |
- Viga, mis lubas terroristidel meie eest põgeneda. | - The glitch that allowed the terrorists to get away in the first place. |
Ja see on, mida me lubasime Starkwoodil meie riiki tuua. | And that's what we allowed Starkwood to bring into this country. |
Kui sind 15 aastat tagasi paljastati ja Kolumbiast siia toodi, siis lubasime sul äri ajada, kuigi oleksime pidanud su eluks ajaks kinni panema. | When the agency extracted you from Colombia 15 years ago, and set you up here, we allowed you to resume your little business. What we should've done was lock you away for life. |
Me isegi lubasime teil saata veel ühe tiimi uuele luuremissioonile. | We even allowed you to send out another team on a new reconnaissance mission. |
- Aga ometi lubasite tal seda teha. | - But you allowed him |
Absurdne küll, aga minu mehed teatavad, et rahvaesindajate seas liigub ringi fantastiline kuulujutt, mille ma koheselt kummutasin, et te lubasite sel vanal juhmardil Preston Blairil Richmondi sõita, et kutsuda Jeff Davist üles Washingtoni rahuläbirääkimisteks volinikke saatma. | An absurdity, but my associates report that among the Representatives a fantastical rumor's bruited about, which I immediately disavowed, that you'd allowed bleary old Preston Blair to sojourn to Richmond to invite Jeff Davis to send commissioners up to Washington with a peace plan. |
Aga te kõik lubasite mul seda teha. | And all of you have allowed me to bring it here. |
Ja mida teie lasite temaga juhtuda? Mida te lubasite temaga juhtuda? See oli alandav. | And what you let happen to him, what you allowed to happen to him, was appalling. |
Minu usk, ei lubanud mul kinos käia; seega ei saanud minust tösist kinokülastajat enne, kui ülikooli läksin. | My particular church did not allow theatre attendance so I never really went to movies in any serious way until I was in college. |
Nende rünnakute brutaalsusest hoolimata, ei lubanud me vägivalda, ekstremismi viia meid ekstreemsusteni. | Despite the brutality of these attacks, we did not allow the violence born of extremism to push us to extremes. |
Nigeeria sõjaväehunta ei lubanud süüalustel endid kohtus kaitsta. | The Nigerian military junta- did not allow the accused to defend themselves in court. |
Aga tookord kui arst mind nokturlaabiks tunnistas ja mul lubati unes õppida? | Or what about the time I got the note from my doctor saying I was nocturnal and I was allowed to study in my dreams? |
Alguses ma arvasin, et politseinikud panevad mind raudu, aga mul lubati filmimist jätkata. | At first I thought the cops were going to collar me, but I was allowed to go on filming. |
Mul ei lubatud kusagil mängida Ja klubides need pagana valged heitsid mu turbani üle nalja, ja saatsid mu asju pakkima! | I was not allowed to play in any team, and the bloody goras in their clubhouses made fun of my turban and sent me off packing! |
Mul ei lubatud nendega rääkida . | I was not allowed to talk to them. |
Te ju ometi ei arva, et lubaksin teil anda midagi sellist administraator Halpurnile, enne ise üle vaatamata. | You don't think I would allow you to give something like this to Administrator Halpurn without looking it over first. |
- Kui sa lubaksid mulle. | - If you would allow me. |
Ehk lubaksid mul suurendada sinu päevaraha? | Perhaps you would allow me to bolster your per diem. Please. |
Isolineaarsed otsakud lubaksid meie transporteritel neid tabada. | Isolinear tags would allow our transporters to lock onto them. |
Kas tõesti arvate, et mina ja lord Bracknell lubaksime oma ainsal ülihoolikalt üles kasvatatud tütrel abielluda riidehoidu ja sõlmida liit käsipakiga?! | You can hardly imagine that I and Lord Bracknell would allow our only daughter, a girl raised with the utmost care, to marry into a cloakroom and form an alliance with a parcel! |
Armas Professor Freud, oleksin väga tänulik kui te lubaksite külastada end Viinis põhjusel, mis on huvitav meile mõlemale. | "Dear Professor Freud, I would be most grateful if you would allow me to come and visit you in Vienna on a matter of great interest to us both. |
Kui te lubaksite meil taastada meie kommunikatsioonid, võiksime takistada selle juhtumist. | If you would allow us to restore our communications,... ..we could stop that from happening. |
Kui te lubaksite mul SG-1 koha võtta... Te käskisite neil mõrvarit aidata? | As a matter of fact, if you would allow me to take the place of SG-1 ... (man) You ordered them to aid a murderer? |
Ja sina ütlesid, et firma ei lubaks seda teha, sest see kutsuks esile kadeduse... teiste sekretäride seas. | And you said the company would not allow it, because it would create jealousy among the other secretaries. |
Meieni on jõudnud kuuldused teenijate äraostmisest, et poisiga salaja kohtuda, vaatamata sellele, et hr Beethoven ei lubaks... | It has come to our attention that you have been bribing servants... in order to have access to the boy in secret... while you well know that Herr Beethoven would not allow-- |
"Palun luba mul alustada puhtalt lehelt. | "Please allow me to wipe the slate clean. |
"muidu Jumala sõna ei luba, | "otherwise than God's Word doth allow, |
- Ah, siis, luba mul see lahti arutada. | - Oh, then, allow me to untie it. |
- Härra Barnier, lubage ma kallistan teid. | Mr. Barnier, allow me to embrace you. |
- Isand, lubage mul selgitada. | Master, allow me to explain. |
- Tubli mees. Kuid lubage mul neid vaadata kontrollimaks, kas mõni on kahjustatud. | But allow me to check them to see if any have been damaged. |
Aga lubage mul teid veenda... ja ma luban teile nüüd ja praegu, et ükski teema pole kunagi tabu. | But allow me to convince you. And I promise you, right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo. |
"Kui keegi tahab ennast hävitada, siis peaks ühiskond seda lubama." | "If someone wants to destroy himself, society should allow him to do so." |
- Sa peaksid ka lubama. | You should allow it. Why? |
- ja nad on valmis lubama meil seda kasutada, David. | - No, I'm not going anywhere. - ...and they're willing to allow us to use it, David. |
-Te peaksite seda lubama. | - [ Whispering ] You should allow it. |
1 % ajast peaksime minu arvates lubama endale seda, mida me soovime. | One percent of the time, I think we are allowed to get what we want. |
"Kõigi liitlasvägede ülemjuhatajana käsin teil lubada kindral Bonner Fellers..." | "as Supreme Commander of all Allied forces, "I order you to allow Brigadier General Bonner Fellers |
"Ma ei saa lubada läänlastel meid mõnitada." | "We cannot allow the Westerners to belittle us" |
"Sa ei tohi mitte lubada mitmepesalisi pikendusjuhtmeid ühika toas. " | "Thou shalt not allow multi-socket extension cubes in dorm rooms. " |
'Ajalugu õpetab, et ei saa lubada inimeste massilist hävitamist 'ja lihtsalt istuda ja vaadata pealt, kuidas see juhtub.' | 'History has shown us that you can't allow 'the mass extermination of people and just let it happen. ' |
- Ei saa lubada terroristi valitsusse. | - Can't allow a terrorist to sit in government. |
"...ei oleks mulle seda lubanud." | She wouldn't have allowed it. |
"Helen... see on minu abikaasa..." "...ei oleks mulle seda lubanud." | Helen... that's my wife... she wouldn't have allowed it. |
"Küsimus 28: oled sa lubanud piksepüüdjal oma tuult varastada?" | Question number 28. "Have you ever allowed a lightning-bearer to take your wind?" |
- Ma ei lubanud endale seda kunagi. | - I never allowed myself that. |
Appaloosa kodanikud on lubanud hr Cole'il oma linna üle võtta. | Now, the citizens of Appaloosa have allowed Mr. Cole to take over their town. |
Endistel Stasi liikmetel poleks lubatud üksteisega kontakteeruda. | When the Stasi team defected, they wouldn't have been allowed to contact each other. |
Kui meid oleks lubatud teha oma tööd enne seda vahejuhtumit... | If we'd been allowed to do ourjobs before this incident... |
Sa oled lubanud tava inimestel saada rüütliks. | You have allowed common men to become knights. |
Sa oled lubanud, mul olla lihtsalt mina. | See, you have allowed me to just be me as well. |
Jesse, kes sinu tuttavatest on lubanud lapsi tappa? | Who do you know who has allowed children to be murdered? |
Lord Rahl, ma sain teate, et üks Milena valvuritest on lubanud kellelgi lõuna värava kaudu väljuda. | Lord Rahl, I've received a report that one of Milena's guards has allowed someone to pass through the south gate. |
Ohverdused on lubanud selle külaelanikel terveid generatsioone ellu jääda. | The sacrifice has allowed the people of this village to survive for generations. |
Ja ka ainult oma sisemisi deemoneid toites oleme lubanud tõelistel deemonitel õilmitseda! (kehv lause, ma tean, aga hetkel ei oska. Ettepanekuid? | And even as we cater to our inner demons, we have allowed actual demons to flourish! |
Me oleme lubanud vaenlasel dikteerida meie liikumist. | We have allowed the enemy to dictate the tempo of our movements. |
Te olete lubanud mul teie sõber olla. | You have allowed me to be your friend. |
Arvad sa, et ma oleksin lubanud tal asutada oma nimel firmasid ja allkirjastada arveid? | Think I would have allowed him to set up corporations under my name? Sign accounts? This is no cake walk. |
Kahjuks takistavad uued turvaprotseduurid mul mõnda aega lubamast Atlantisele külastusi välismaailmadest. | Unfortunately, some new security procedures prevent me from allowing any off-world visits to Atlantis for the time being. |
Tänan mulle oma illusiooni lubamast. | Well, thank you for allowing me your illusion. |
Ainult vampiir, kes ei austa ennast lubaks teda rünnanud libahundil pääseda eluga. | - Only a vampire with no self-respect would allow a werewolf who attacked him to remain alive. |
Dash ei lubaks seda. | - I don't think Dash would allow it. |
Härrased, ärme luba vihal päeva juhtida. | Gentlemen, let us not allow anger to rule the day. |