Permitir (to allow) conjugation

137 examples

Conjugation of permitir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I allow
you allow
he/she/it allows
we allow
you all allow
they allow
Present perfect tense
he permitido
I have allowed
has permitido
you have allowed
ha permitido
he/she/it has allowed
hemos permitido
we have allowed
habéis permitido
you all have allowed
han permitido
they have allowed
Past preterite tense
I allowed
you allowed
he/she/it allowed
we allowed
you all allowed
they allowed
Future tense
I will allow
you will allow
he/she/it will allow
we will allow
you all will allow
they will allow
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would allow
you would allow
he/she/it would allow
we would allow
you all would allow
they would allow
Past imperfect tense
I used to allow
you used to allow
he/she/it used to allow
we used to allow
you all used to allow
they used to allow
Past perfect tense
había permitido
I had allowed
habías permitido
you had allowed
había permitido
he/she/it had allowed
habíamos permitido
we had allowed
habíais permitido
you all had allowed
habían permitido
they had allowed
Future perfect tense
habré permitido
I will have allowed
habrás permitido
you will have allowed
habrá permitido
he/she/it will have allowed
habremos permitido
we will have allowed
habréis permitido
you all will have allowed
habrán permitido
they will have allowed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I allow
(if/so that) you allow
(if/so that) he/she/it allow
(if/so that) we allow
(if/so that) you all allow
(if/so that) they allow
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya permitido
I have allowed
hayas permitido
you have allowed
haya permitido
he/she/it has allowed
hayamos permitido
we have allowed
hayáis permitido
you all have allowed
hayan permitido
they have allowed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have allowed
(if/so that) you have allowed
(if/so that) he/she/it have allowed
(if/so that) we have allowed
(if/so that) you all have allowed
(if/so that) they have allowed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have allowed
(if/so that) you have allowed
(if/so that) he/she/it have allowed
(if/so that) we have allowed
(if/so that) you all have allowed
(if/so that) they have allowed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera permitido
I had allowed
hubieras permitido
you had allowed
hubiera permitido
he/she/it had allowed
hubiéramos permitido
we had allowed
hubierais permitido
you all had allowed
hubieran permitido
they had allowed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese permitido
I had allowed
hubieses permitido
you had allowed
hubiese permitido
he/she/it had allowed
hubiésemos permitido
we had allowed
hubieseis permitido
you all had allowed
hubiesen permitido
they had allowed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have allowed
(if/so that) you will have allowed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have allowed
(if/so that) we will have allowed
(if/so that) you all will have allowed
(if/so that) they will have allowed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere permitido
I will have allowed
hubieres permitido
you will have allowed
hubiere permitido
he/she/it will have allowed
hubiéremos permitido
we will have allowed
hubiereis permitido
you all will have allowed
hubieren permitido
they will have allowed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's allow!
Imperative negative mood
no permitas
do not allow!
no permita
let him/her/it allow!
no permitamos
let us not allow!
no permitáis
do not allow!
no permitan
do not allow!

Examples of permitir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El plan propuesto para permitir trabajo fuera de prisión..."The proposed plan to allow occasional work outside the prison
"Pero no podemos permitir el Greenback, ya que no lo podemos controlar."It will not do to allow the Greenback... as we cannot control that.
"¿Estás diciendo que se debe promulgar una ley para permitir la eutanasia?""Are you saying that a law should be enacted to allow Euthanasia?"
- ...entonces permitir que los presidentes inicien simplemente guerras por su cuenta sin ningún...So, to allow presidents to simply start wars on their own, without any...
- De hecho desde que mi sobrino me regaló por mi cumpleaños mi primer diccionario de sinónimos, te voy a permitir que eligas uno entre estos, si quieres: miserable, insignificante, don nadie, desgraciado, deplorable,Instead, since my nephew gave me My very first thesaurus as a birthday present, I'm going to allow you to choose from the following,
"En mi departamento, no permito la opresión de la gente pobre!""In my department I will not allow the oppression of the poor!"
"Se lo permito, pero tiene muy poco margen, abogado"."I'll allow it, but you're on thin ice, counselor."
- Elyzabeth. Si le permito desafiarme abiertamente se tomará como gesto de debilidad y estaré acabado.Elyzabeth, if I allow him openly to defy me, why, everyone'll take it as a sign of weakness, and I'll be in a fine position.
- Hasta que lo resolvamos le permito entrar en la Sala de Tránsito Internacional.Until we get this sorted out, I will allow you to enter the International Transit Lounge.
- Joven, no permito visitas...- Young man, I don't allow callers...
"El pecado leve, es cuando permites que el pensamiento te pase por la cabeza pero sin retenerlo."A venial sin is when you just allow the thought... "to pass quickly through your head without holding it.
"Si me lo permites"... Eso me gusta."If you will allow me." thanks for that.
- Ah, John, entonces. Pero no serás ni el uno ni el otro si te permites morir.-Ah, John, then, but you'll be neither one nor the other if you allow yourself to die.
- Ahora finalmente me lo permites.- Now that I'm finally allowed.
- Bueno, si permites que lo explique.- Well, if may be allowed to explain.
"Chrysalis" nos permite llenar los recuerdos de una persona y si es necesario, retirarlos de su cerebro."Chrysalis" allows us to stock a person's memories and if need be, to remove them from his brain.
"Dios permite que sea perseguida sobre la Tierra""God allows it to be persecuted on earth
"El Gallo" nunca duerme, y eso me permite dormir... muy profundamente."Tools" never sleeps, and this allows me me to sleep ... very deeply.
"El pueblo contra Molineux" permite que sean admitidos malos actos similares del pasado dentro de las pruebas del juicio.People vs. Molineux allows the admission Of similar past bad acts into evidence at trial.
"Este cupón permite a Donna prohibir a Cleveland hacer alguna cosa estúpida"."This coupon allows Donna to forbid Cleveland from doing one stupid thing."
- "No permitimos la venta de nada que su propósito sea dañar personas inocentes o que sea necesario lastimar a inocentes para ponerlo en el mercado."We don't allow the sale "of anything that's main purpose is to harm innocent people "or that it was necessary
- Les permitimos hacerlo a su manera.- We allow them to do it their way.
- Les permitimos vivir.- We allow them to live.
- No permitimos las fotos.- We do not allow pictures.
- No, normalmente no lo permitimos.- No, we don't normally allow that.
" No se permiten arañas o visigodos."" No spiders and Visigoths allowed."
"...y el estado moral del arrestado lo permiten...""...and the moral state of the arrested allows it..."
"Cuando las criaturas nocturnas vuelan te permiten... quedarte el tesoro que llevan".when creatures of night take flight as they may, the treasure they carry allows one to stay.
"Cuando las criaturas nocturnas vuelan, te permiten llevarte el tesoro que llevan."when creatures of night take flight as they may, the treasure they carry allows one to stay.
"En estos días, no se permiten hacer los sueños realidad"."In those days, desires weren't allowed to become reality.
"Quiero que sepas que lamento quién era antes y en lo que permití que se convirtieran nuestras vidas.""I want you to know, I regret who I once was and what I allowed our lives to become.
- Así que me permití...- So that I allowed ...
- Jamás me permití eso.-I never allowed myself that.
- Lo que yo permití que hiciera era realmente sólo hay que poner su ingenio en sus canciones.- What I allowed her to do was to really just put her wit into her songs.
- ¿Permitirlo? ¿Piensas que permití que esto me pasara?You think I allowed this to happen to me?
- Sí, bueno, no es suficiente tiempo para comprender por qué permitiste que cayera en esta situación.Yeah, well, not nearly enough time to fathom how you allowed me to walk into this situation.
- Sí. Y permitiste que otro espíritu se uniese a cuestas gracias al hechizo.And you allowed another spirit to piggyback on the spell.
- Y lo permitiste.And you allowed this.
- ¡Tú lo permitiste!- You allowed it!
- ¿Lo permitiste?~ You allowed it?
"A nadie se le permitió decir que había muerto por la peste.""Nobody was allowed to say that she had died from the plague."
"A nadie se le permitió salir de la isla sin revisión hasta que el presunto asesino sea capturado".No one will be allowed off the island unchecked until the suspected killer is caught.
"Al invertir el avión, el capitán Whitaker detuvo el descenso y permitió que el avión se nivelara permitiendo al avión planear lejos de áreas pobladas y permitiéndole aterrizar forzosamente en un campo abierto"."By inverting the plane, Captain Whitaker arrested the descent, and allowed the aircraft to level off, enabling him to glide the aircraft away from any populated areas, and allowing him to execute a forced landing in an open field.
"El rey alienígena Wanglor permitió el matrimonio entre Jebediah y Aleena."Jebediah and Aleena were allowed to marry by alien King Wanglor.
"Gracias por esa noche, que me permitió conocerte mejor."Thanks again for that evening, it allowed me to know you better."
No es culpa suya, les permitisteis soñar con la dignidad burguesa y ahora quieren confundirse con la burguesía,... vestirse como los burgueses.It's not their fault, you allowed them to dream of bourgeois dignity and now they want to mix in with the bourgeois, dress like the bourgeois.
"Medallista de Oro Olímpico '98" Querían quitarle su medalla, y luego por fin le permitieron que la tuviera... porque ésa es una de las sustancias prohibidas.They wanted to strip his medal, and then they finally allowed him to have it...
"Snowboarder Profesional" no nos permitieron usar los telesquíes.We weren't allowed on the ski lifts.
, y me permitieron tomarles un rollo entero de fotografías., and they allowed me to take an entire roll of photographs.
- Esas municiones que usamos nos permitieron infligir algunos daños importantes pero esas emboscadas se suponían que eran para contenerlos hasta recibir nuevas órdenes.Those munitions we lucked into allowed us to inflict some serious pain, but these ambushes were supposed to be a holding action till we got new orders.
- Hace tres años, le permitieron a Dennis Flacker recuperarse de una infección bronquial, y él volvió a tomar el examen seis semanas después.- Three years ago, Dennis Fackler was allowed to recover from a bronchial infection, and he took the test again six weeks later.
- A cambio de tu perdón, te permitiré 10 quemaduras indias, tres estómagos enrojecidos, dos hornos holandeses, y un remojo en chile".- "In exchange for your forgiveness, I will allow you 10 Indian burns, 3 pink bellies, 2 Dutch ovens, and a chili dunk."
- Lo permitiré.- I will allow it.
- Para este buen hombre lo permitiré....- For this good man I will allow.
- Pero yo no lo permitiré.I not however will allow that!
Ay, le permitirás hablar.Ay, you will allow him to speak.
Me lo permitirás.You will allow me to.
No permitirás que nadie entre a verlas salvo yo.You will allow no one in to see them save myself.
¿Me permitirás orar?You will allow me to pray.
¿Que me permitirás gobernar a tu lado?And you will allow... me to rule alongside of you?
"Esto nos permitirá sentirnos en una vida siempre nueva."This will allow us to always feel renewed life.
"Hallé la tangente que permitirá que la cúpula de la Cámara... parezca que apenas toca el suelo"."I found the tangent which will allow the House dome... to look as if it barely touched the floor".
"Me digo a mí mismo que el oro de Blake permitirá que se construya la iglesia"I tell myself that Blake's gold... "will allow the church to be built...
- Eso creo. Por lo menos esta tormenta le permitirá plantarse delante de la cárcel.At least this storm will allow him to pull up in front of the prison.
- Quita eso. - ... vivir juntos... - Lo que permitirá el transplante de todo tipo de órganos.Strike that side by side together wich will allow perfect organ transplants of all kinds in fact we have human example...
A cambio de la inclusión de la Tierra en el tratado, addenda 1081 5 los Asgard permitiremos que los Goa'uld accedan al Paso de Nilor.In return for Earth's part in the Protected Planets Treaty, addendum 1081 5,... ..the Asgard will allow Goa'uld access to the Passage of Nilor.
Al contrario, ...permitiremos que esta farsa continúe.On the contrary, we will allow this charade to continue.
Así que para que puedan prepararse permitiremos que vean y oigan lo que está sucediendo.So that you will be able to prepare yourself, we will allow you to see and hear... what is now transpiring.
Bueno, las reglas afirman... que las candidatas son alentadas a ser creativas... y a usar su ingenio, así que lo permitiremos.Well, now, the rules do state that entrants are encouraged to be creative and to use their ingenuity, so we will allow it.
Entonces permitiremos un breve receso.Then we will allow for a brief recess.
"Los organizadores permitirán que den diez vueltas al circuito..."".. the organisers here will allow you to do ten laps of the track.
- Aunque quiero que sepa... que personalmente desprecio el beneficio económico, los 20.000 dólares nos permitirán, bueno, a mí, realizar un gran volumen de trabajo, que sin ninguna duda proporcionará... une gloire énorme a la Fundación Larrabee.- Although, I want you to know that I personally have only contempt for monetary gain. The $20,000 will allow us, me, that is to complete a great body of work, which will most certainly reflect une gloire énorme on the Larrabee Foundation.
- Es cancer. Y, si este niño lo tuviera dentro de veinte años, mis terapias genéticas me permitirán de curarlo.And in 20 years, if these children develop it, my gene therapy treatments will allow me to cure it.
-No permitirán nada.- They will allow nothing.
A ella le permitirán quedarse.They will allow her to stay.
"ceguera del desorden" le permitiría vivir en la casa con el cuerpo sin vida de su hija... indefinidamente?"clutter blindness" would allow her to live in the house with her daughter's dead body... indefinitely?
' Así que un sistema de visión nocturna fue desarrollado "que les permitiría para apagar sus luces .'So a night-vision system was developed 'that would allow them to switch off their headlights.'
- Es que no puedo entender qué tipo de perdedora se permitiría- I just can't for the life of me understand what kind of loser would allow herself
- Privado a intel que permitiría a los piratas informáticos acceder a cualquier cosa , de los movimientos de tropas y los detalles de seguridad de base a los lugares y los horarios para visitas diplomáticas .- Privy to intel that would allow hackers access to anything, from troop movements and base security details to locations and schedules for diplomatic visits.
- Sólo un monstruo permitiría lo que vi hoy en esa plaza.- Only a monster would allow what I saw in that square today.
¡No amas a una reina, sino me permitirías ser una!You don't love a queen or you would allow me to be one!
Eso es precisamente lo que permitiríamos.That is precisely what we would allow.
No puede imaginar que le permitiríamos... impedirlo, en caso de que la viuda reclame su subsidio.- You cannot imagine that we would allow you to prevent this happening, - in case his widow claimed her dole.
Pero les permitiríamos acceder al mar y a comerciar.But we would allow them access to the sea and allow them to trade.
Pero, ya sabes, siempre hemos dicho que permitiríamos a nuestros hijos elegir sus propios pasos espirituales.But, you know, we've always said that we would allow our children to choose their own spiritual paths.
Aunque los derechos de autor me permitirían citar partes en el contexto de una reseña.Although copyright law would allow me to quote snippets in the context of a review.
Como Rey puedo hacer cualquier cosa, mis súbditos lo permitirían.As King, I can do anything that my subjects would allow.
Ellos habían soñado con una era en que redes interligadas de computadores permitirían a las personas crear sociedades no jerarquizadas, justo como en la experiencia con las comunas, pero a una escala global.They had dreamt of a time when interconnected webs of computers would allow individuals to create new non-hierarchical societies, just like in the commune experiments, but on a global scale.
Estos atributos permitirían... otro tipo diferente de dinámica entre los cómplices... mientras peleaban por cada nivel de la pagoda.These would be character attributes that would allow for a different type of dynamic to occur between the accomplices as they fought their way up each level of the pagoda.
Estos pioneros creían que en el futuro, redes de computadores permitirían crear la misma clase de sociedad que estaba siendo desarrollada en las comunas, pero a una escala global.These pioneers believed that in the future, computer networks would allow you to create the very kind of society that was being developed in the communes but on a global scale.
! Dios que no se permita que esto suceda en América¡God forbid that we allow this to happen in America.
"El que NO permita a los trabajadores sindicalizarse, está violando la ley."'"Not allowing workers to unionize is breaking the law.
"Espero me permita el honor de acompañarla durante el día."'I hope you will allow me the honour of squiring you through the day.'
"Espero que cuando termine su luto, me permita cuidar de ud."I hope that when your deepest mourning is concluded, you will allow me to attend upon you.
"Gana tanto dinero como tu imaginación te permita gastar"?"Only earn as much money as your imagination allows you to spend"?
"No permitas que la más pequeña piedra sea un obstáculo que frene el progreso de la gente" dijo el PriorLeave not the smallest pebble to allow any hindrance that will slow your people's progress... - So said the Prior.
"Nunca permitas que la familia se interponga en los beneficios"."Never allow family to stand in the way of profit."
"insisto...que me permitas llamarte de esa manera.""I insist... you allow me to call you so."
- Espero que me permitas coger su habitación.- I hope you will allow me to take her room.
- No lo permitas.Don't allow them to.
- Dado que la investigación la inicio el FBI, sugiero que permitamos que el gobierno federal se encargue del juicio.- Since this investigation was started by the FBI, I suggest that we allow the federal government to prosecute this case.
...que permitamos que decoren sus lugares para expresar su individualidad.that you all be allowed to decorate your workplaces to express your individuality.
Bueno, permitamos que esto sea la presentación.So, allow this to be an introduction. Howdy.
De hecho, tiene suerte que le permitamos irse. Hablo en serio.In fact, you'll be lucky to be allowed to leave.
Así nadie podrá llegar a vuestro planeta a menos que se lo permitáis.That way no one will be able to come to your planet unless you allow it.
Espero que no permitáis que vuestra opinión de mí interfiera...I only hope that you will not allow your opinion of me to interfere...
Mira, os agradezco mucho que me permitáis entrar en vuestra casa.- ♪ Everybody, everybody ♪ - Look, I so appreciate you allowing me into your home.
No le permitáis hablar.Do not allow her to speak.
No me permitáis meterme en el camino de la justicia idiótica.Do not allow me to get in the ways of moronic justice.
"No veo la hora de pasar contigo todos los días que me permitan y luego cuando salgas, todos los días"."I cannot wait to spend every day that I am allowed to with you, and then when you are out, just every day."
# Tanto como Dios y el tiempo lo permitan #♪ as god and time allow ♪
'no permitan q se queden con ustedes.'Do not allow them to stay with you.
(Risas) En este caso, me lo permitan.(laughs) Here, allow me.
- No creo que permitan cerveza.- I'm not sure if they allow beer here.
Si yo me permitiera ser mantenida por Etienne, no seria por su dinero.If I have allowed myself to be supported by Etienne, it's not for his money.
Sé que los alienígenas controlan la Corporación Sendrax cómo el senador Adams intentó que se aprobara una ley que les permitiera envenenar la atmósfera.I know aliens control the Sendrax Corporation... how Senator Adams tried to pass a bill that would have allowed them... to poison the atmosphere to humans.
Esperaba que tu transferencia a Vigata, le permitiese verte un poco más.He hoped that your transfer here would have allowed him to see you more.
"Oh, Zeus misericordioso, y vosotros, dioses... permitid a mi hijo... alcanzar la gloria... entre los troyanos, ser valiente y fuerte."O merciful Zeus and all ye gods... "allow this son of mine... "to become preeminent...
- Si tenéis problemas, señor... permitid que un viejo griego matemático...- You are in trouble, sir. Perhaps you will allow a poor Greek mathematician...
Así que permitid que estos maleantes irrumpan por los portones.So allow these marauders to storm our gates.
Bella Olga... permitid que mande al casamentero a vuestro padre.Olga Danilovna, allow me to send matchmakers to your father.
Por dicha pena, por favor permitid que os ponga bajo la protección de los ancestros.In the wake of such sorrow, please allow me to bring you under the protection of the ancestors.
"El Sr. Darcy apenas... "... le había permitido ser hermosa..."Mr. Darcy had, at first, scarcely allowed her to be pretty..."
"En la guerra como en el amor, todo está permitido"" In war as in love, all shots are allowed.
"Me he permitido traerle a Ysabel estas flores""I have allowed myself to bring Ysabel these flowers!"
"Mi tiempo permitido"."My time allowed."
"No acampar, escalar esta permitido..."No camping, hiking is allowed.
"Al invertir el avión, el capitán Whitaker detuvo el descenso y permitió que el avión se nivelara permitiendo al avión planear lejos de áreas pobladas y permitiéndole aterrizar forzosamente en un campo abierto"."By inverting the plane, Captain Whitaker arrested the descent, and allowed the aircraft to level off, enabling him to glide the aircraft away from any populated areas, and allowing him to execute a forced landing in an open field.
"Robert Jekyll, que trabajaba junto a su padre adoptivo, el doctor Vishal Najaran, levantó un camión de diez toneladas solo con sus manos, permitiendo la liberación de una niña aterrorizada".'Robert Jekyll, who was working alongside his foster father, Dr Vishal Najaran, lifted the weight of the ten-ton lorry with his bare hands, allowing the terrified girl to crawl free.'
"Y esperé, permitiendo que los ojos descansaran. En el elegante crucero en la distancia. ""and waited, allowing his eyes to rest on the trim cruiser in the distance."
- Como... permitiendo que mi bebé fuese adoptado?- Like... allowing my baby to be adopted?
- Descubrió que el depósito estaba recubierto inapropiadamente, permitiendo que el agua gris se filtrara al agua subterránea.He discovered that the reservoir was improperly lined, allowing the grey water to leech into the ground water.
- ¿No me lo permitís?You're disallowing it?
Ahora si me lo permitís y para demostraros mi recién descubierta movilidad, tengo algo de información sobre vuestra víctima de asesinato.Now if you'll allow me to demonstrate my newfound mobility, I have some information on your murder victim.
Al menos... ¿permitís que vaya a bañarme y cambiarme de ropa?Then would you at least allow me to bathe and change my things?
Bueno, creo que tengo la respuesta si me permitís probar mis hipótesis.Well, I believe I have the answer if you allow me to test my hypothesis.
Chicos, si me permitís, silbo.Guys, if you'll allow it, I'll whistle.

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Similar but longer

allow oneself


break wind
forswear oneself
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