Christine käis just siin ja tõi mulle lõuna ning mina korrigeerin mõningaid paberid. | Christine just came over and brought some lunch, - and I'm correcting some papers. - Christine? |
Härra, ma olen klient ja ma korrigeerin probleemi teie asutuses. | Sir, I'm a customer, and I'm correcting a problem in your establishment. |
Kas ma korrigeerin meie kurssi? | Shall I correct our position? |
Sa korrigeerid mind? | Did you just correct my grammar? |
- Lonkamist korrigeerib. | It corrects limps. |
Sinna visatud kivi võib panna vee värelema, kuid vool korrigeerib seda alati. | It's like a river. You can throw a pebble into it... and create a ripple, but the current always corrects itself. |
Ta alati korrigeerib ta on OCD, isegi ei tea, et ta teeb seda. | He always corrects it, it's OCD, doesn't even know he's doing it. |
Me korrigeerime haardepunkti kaugust, kuid mure on kiiruse pärast. | Well, we corrected the intercept range, but we got a problem with intercept velocity. |
Seda korrigeeriti. | That was corrected. |
Komeedid ei korrigeeri kurssi. | Comets don't make course corrections, general. |
Kui sa stardid, peaksid olema ettevaatlik, ära korrigeeri üle ega põruta majadesse. | You're gonna want to be careful, that when you take off, you don't over-correct and slam into the building. |
Lennujuht, korrigeerige kurssi. | Guidance, get a correction ready. |
Kõik mööduvad laevad oleks pidanud pisut kurssi korrigeerima. | Any ship passing through would have to make a minor course correction. |
Pisut kurssi korrigeerima... | A minor course correction. Where's the ribbon now? |
- Just nii. - Ta võttis oma maja peale laenu, et saada raha operatsiooniks, millega korrigeerida oma vabaabielunaise, Mägivee, kõõrdivaatav silm. Ta kannatab astigmia, kõõrdsilmsuse ja üldise silma kalgestumise all. | - (clears throat) That's right, - Who only just remortgaged his home in order to raise the money for a surgical procedure that will correct the wandering eye of his common-law wife, Mountain Water, who suffers from astigmia, strabismus and a general curdling of the vitreous jelly, |
- Ta võttis oma maja peale laenu, et saada raha operatsiooniks, millega korrigeerida oma vabaabielunaise, Mägivee, kõõrdivaatav silm. Ta kannatab astigmia, kõõrdsilmsuse ja üldise silma kalgestumise all. | - Who only just remortgaged his home in order to raise the money for a surgical procedure that will correct the wandering eye of his common-law wife, Mountain Water, who suffers from astigmia, strabismus and a general curdling of the vitreous jelly. |
Juhtimismoodul... ei suuda seda pöörlemist korrigeerida. | The control module... doesn't have enough thrust to correct this rotation. |
Kuidagimoodi nad ületasid oma programmi ja erinevalt meist ei saa nad endid korrigeerida. | Somehow they exceeded their programming, and unlike us, they can't correct themselves. |