- Ma ignoreerin seda, okei? | - I'm gonna ignore that, okay? |
- Ma ignoreerin sind. | I just ignore you ... |
# Ma ei tea, mida sa ignoreerid, mitte mind # | # I don't know what you ignore not me # |
- Tavaliselt sa ignoreerid mind. | - But you usually ignore me. |
Aga miks sa siis ignoreerid oma programmi? | Then why did you ignore your programming? |
Igal aastal personal annab talle kümme kandidaati ja Marjorie ignoreerib neid ja otsustab oma pükste järgi. | Every year the staff gives their top ten candidates, and Marjorie ignores them and goes with her pants. |
Jumal on see, kes sind siis ignoreerib. | - God's the guy that ignores you. - Oh. |
Arvad, et kui ignoreerime, et ta läheb siis ära? | You think if maybe we ignore him he'll go away? |
Et siis lihtsalt ignoreerime? | - Do you propose we ignore it? |
Kas sa ei arva, et kui me ignoreerime... | Don't you think if we ignore... |
Kui me seda ignoreerime, tekib mäss. | If we ignore this a riot can come. |
Ja kui te teerulli mängite ja meid ignoreerite, siis selline saab te elu olema. | And, if you plow through and ignore us, this is gonna be your life. |
Kas te lihtsalt ignoreerite seda? | You just going to ignore it? |
Kui te ravite patsienti ja ...leiate temas mingi anomaalia, te ignoreerite teda. | If you discover a minor anomaly, do you ignore it? |
- Olen küll pisut plaanist maas, aga saad oma võimaluse neile öelda, et mina olen tapja ja nad ignoreerivad sind nagu varem ja mina... | - I'm kind of down a path here. You'll get your chance to tell them I'm the killer, and they'll ignore you like before, and I'll... |
Aga kui nad ignoreerivad märki ja sõidavad edasi? | And what if he ignores the stop signal and keeps driving? |
Me ei ignoreeri ühtegi juhtniiti. | We will not ignore any leads. |
- Ei, sina rääkisid sellest ja mina ignoreerisin seda, sest see on naeruväärne. | - No, you've talked about it, and I've ignored it, because it is ridiculous. |
- Kas ma ignoreerisin sind? | I ignored you? |
Aga ma ignoreerisin teda, ja siis ma kuulsin, "Nüüd kuulutan ma teid meheks ja naiseks." | But I ignored her, and then I heard, "I now pronounce you man and wife". |
Ja ma tahtsin nii väga Jacki uskuda, et ma ignoreerisin ainsat inimest, kes on minuga terve tee olnud. | And I wanted so badly to believe in Jack... that I ignored the one person who's been with me all along. |
- Ja siis ignoreerisid mind mõned kuud. | - And so you ignored me for a few months. |
- Sa ignoreerisid mind. | - We got run over! - You ignored me. |
- Sa ignoreerisid mind? | - And you ignored me? |
Dean, ühe noore elu võeti, ja sest saadik kui see juhtus, sa ignoreerisid seda nagu poleks see juhtunudki. | Dean, a young life was taken, and from the moment it happened, you ignored it like it was nothing. |
- Kõik. HLBC põhimõtteliselt ignoreeris katkestamise ja lõpetamise käsku, just nagu me väitsime. | HLBC basically ignored the cease and desist order, just like we said. |
- Nad pöördusid tema poole, kui dr Reinhardt ignoreeris käsku koju minna. | - They turned to him when Dr Reinhardt ignored the orders to return home. |
- Ta ignoreeris seda. | - He ignored it. |
- Viimane kord üritasime , et Ta ignoreeris meid ja läks ära ja abiellusid. | - Last time we tried that, he ignored us and went off and got married. |
Eelmine kord me ignoreerisime teda, pärast matsime kolm inimest. | The last time she tried to warn us about something, we all ignored her. And we had three funerals the next Sunday. |
See, ja et me teda ignoreerisime, läksime kaljudele meteoorisadu vaatama. | - Well, that, and 'cause we ignored him, went up to the ledge, and watched a meteor shower. |
Enne 11.septembri sündmusi, polnud inimeste jälgimine just väga prioriteetne küsimus, aga kui teile saadeti ja te lihtsalt ignoreerisite, siis ei saa ma midagi teha. | And pre-9/11, it wasn't much of a priority trackin' people down, but if you got it and you just ignored it, then there's nothing I can do. |
Kui midagi juhtub president Hassaniga, siis ma pean helistama President Taylorile ja ütlema talle et ma üritasin teid selle infoga varustada, aga teie ignoreerisite seda. | If anything happens to President Hassan, I will be obligated to call President Taylor and tell her that I tried to provide you with this intel, and you ignored it. |
Nii, et põhimõtteliselt te ignoreerisite tema ütlusi. | So, basically, you ignored her statement. |
- Olen kindel, et seda ignoreeriti. | It was ignored, I'm sure. |
Ma olen kindel, et seda ignoreeriti. | - It was ignored, I'm sure. |
Meie katkestamissoovitust ignoreeriti, tuues kaasa kannatusi Ameerika kodanike vastu. Sellel ei paista lõppu. | Our abort recommendation was ignored, triggering violent retaliations against American citizens with no predictable end. |
- Ei. Kui ta hakkab sinupeal ennast välja elama, lihtsalt ignoreeri teda. | If she runs hot and cold on you, just ignore it. |
- Hästi, ignoreeri teda. | - Good, ignore him. |
- Lihtsalt ignoreeri seda. | - Just ignore it. |
- Jah, ignoreerige teda. | - Yeah, ignore him. |
- Ütlesin, et ignoreerige seda. | Is said ignore it. |
Lihtsalt ignoreerige seda idiooti, eks? | You just ignore that last idiot, all right?! |
- Kas me peaks seda ignoreerima? | So, you think we should ignore this, I suppose? |
- Ma hakkan seda ignoreerima. | - I'm choosing to ignore it. |
- Michael. Me ei peaks teda ignoreerima, ta aitab meid. | Michael, we shouldn't ignore him. |
Aga lõppude lõpuks pead neid ignoreerima seni, kuni nad on valmis ussi sööma. | But ultimately you kind of got to ignore them until they're ready to bite. |
'Ma ei suuda seda seletada, kuid tean 'mida vanemad ja need Remingtoni jobud on otsustanud ignoreerida. | 'I can't explain it but I'm allowed an understanding 'that my parents and these Remington assholes have chosen to ignore. |
'mida vanemad ja need Remingtoni jobud on otsustanud ignoreerida. | 'that my parents and these Remington assholes have chosen to ignore. |
- Emily, sa ei saa seda ignoreerida. | Emily, you can't just ignore this. |
- Jah, aga me ei saa seda ka ignoreerida. | - Yeah, but we also can't ignore it. |
- Jah, oli. Aga vahel ma aina mõtlen, milline mu elu oleks olnud, kui ma oleks teda ignoreerinud ja lasknud sul mind siit ära viia. | But sometimes I can't help imagine what my life might've been like if I ignored him and let you take me away from here. |
- Ma olen teda ignoreerinud. | -l've ignored him. |
- Uuriva ametnikuna tunnen ma, nagu te oleks ignoreerinud teatud osi, mis on seotud mu kliendiga. | - As the investigating officer, I feel like you have ignored certain elements pertaining to my client. |
Aga tihtipeale, peale seda, kui sa oled... isekalt ignoreerinud kõiki kannatuse märke. | However, it's often after you've selfishly ignored all the signs that they've been suffering. |
Ja just sellepärast teie uurimistöö püüdlusi on siis kas ignoreeritud või õõnestatud ja miks teist ja minust saadakse vaikselt lahti enne kui mingigi juhtum panga vastu isegi üldse jõuab kohtusaali. | And this is why your investigative efforts have either been ignored or undermined and why you and I will be quietly disposed of before any case against the bank ever reaches a court of law. |
Ja just sellepärast teie uurimistöö püüdlusi... ...on siis kas ignoreeritud või õõnestatud... ...ja miks teist ja minust saadakse vaikselt lahti... ...enne kui mingigi juhtum panga vastu isegi üldse jõuab kohtusaali. | And this is why your investigative efforts... ...have either been ignored or undermined... ...and why you and I will be quietly disposed of... ...before any case against the bank ever reaches a court of law. |
Kui sind on ignoreeritud nii palju kui mind, siis mida sa teed, et tähelepanu köita. | When you've been ignored as long as I, we'll see what you do to get noticed. |
Kõiki minu käske on ignoreeritud. | All my orders have been ignored. |
See, et oleme ignoreerinud ja kõrvale jätnud nii väärt sõduri nagu Frank Hummel, ja et ameerika poisid pidid oma verega maksma, on sama traagiline. | That we have ignored, abandoned or marginalized... a great soldier like Frank Hummel, and that American boys have paid for that neglect in blood... is equally real and equally tragic. |
See, et oleme ignoreerinud ja kõrvale jätnud nii väärt sõduri nagu Frank Hummel, ja et ameerika poisid pidid oma verega maksma, on sama traagiline | That we have ignored, abandoned or marginalized... a great soldier like Frank Hummel, and that American boys have paid for that neglect in blood... is equally real and equally tragic. |
- Te ju praegu valikuliselt otsustate, milline osa Emily kogetust sobitub teie epilepsia diagnoosiga. Samal ajal ignoreerides neid, mis võivad olla midagi muud? | - So aren't you selectively choosing what parts of Emily's experiences fit your epilepsy diagnosis while ignoring those which indicate something else? |
Jah, minu... - Te ju praegu valikuliselt otsustate, milline osa Emily kogetust sobitub teie epilepsia diagnoosiga. Samal ajal ignoreerides neid, mis võivad olla midagi muud? | -Yes, in my-- -So aren't you selectively choosing.. . . ..what parts of Emily's experiences fit your epilepsy diagnosis... . ..while ignoring those which indicate something else? |