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Publicar (to publish) conjugation

29 examples

Conjugation of publicar

Present tense
I publish
you publish
he/she publishes
we publish
you all publish
they publish
Present perfect tense
he publicat
I have published
has publicat
you have published
ha publicat
he/she has published
hem publicat
we have published
heu publicat
you all have published
han publicat
they have published
Future tense
I will publish
you will publish
he/she will publish
we will publish
you all will publish
they will publish
Conditional mood
I would publish
you would publish
he/she would publish
we would publish
you all would publish
they would publish
Past perfect tense
havia publicat
I had published
havies publicat
you had published
havia publicat
he/she had published
havíem publicat
we had published
havíeu publicat
you all had published
havien publicat
they had published
Past impf. tense
I was publishing
you were publishing
he/she was publishing
we were publishing
you all were publishing
they were publishing
Imperative mood
let him/her publish!
let's publish!
let them publish!
Imperative negative mood
no publiquis
don't publish!
no publiqui
don't let him/her publish!
no publiquem
let's not publish!
no publiqueu
don't publish!
no publiquin
don't let them publish!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria publicat
I would have published
hauries publicat
you would have published
hauria publicat
he/she would have published
hauríem publicat
we would have published
hauríeu publicat
you all would have published
haurien publicat
they would have published
Future perfect tense
hauré publicat
I will have published
hauràs publicat
you will have published
haurà publicat
he/she will have published
haurem publicat
we will have published
haureu publicat
you all will have published
hauren publicat
they will have published
Preterite past tense
I published
you published
he/she published
we published
you all published
they published
Past anterior tense
haguí publicat
I had published
hagueres publicat
you had published
hagué publicat
he/she had published
haguérem publicat
we had published
haguéreu publicat
you all had published
haguéren publicat
they had published
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) publish
(so that you) publish
(so that he/she) publishes
(so that we) publish
(so that you all) publish
(so that they) publish
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was publishing
(so that you) were publishing
(so that he/she) was publishing
(so that we) were publishing
(so that you all) were publishing
(so that they) were publishing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi publicat
(so that I) have published
hagis publicat
(so that you) have published
hagi publicat
(so that he/she) has published
hàgim publicat
(so that we) have published
hàgiu publicat
(so that you all) have published
hagin publicat
(so that they) have published
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués publicat
(so that I) had published
haguessis publicat
(so that you) had published
hagués publicat
(so that he/she) had published
haguéssim publicat
(so that we) had published
haguéssiu publicat
(so that you all) had published
haguessin publicat
(so that they) had published
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi publicar
(so that I) published
vagis publicar
(so that you) published
vagi publicar
(so that he/she) published
vàgim publicar
(so that we) published
vàgiu publicar
(so that you all) published
vagin publicar
(so that they) published
Periphastic past tense
vaig publicar
I published
vas publicar
you published
va publicar
he/she published
vam publicar
we published
vau publicar
you all published
van publicar
they published
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver publicat
I had published
vas haver publicat
you had published
va haver publicat
he/she had published
vam haver publicat
we had published
vau haver publicat
you all had published
van haver publicat
they had published

Examples of publicar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
A més, el 2003 es van publicar les Directrius relatives als principis i a les bones pràctiques per a la partici-Moreover, last year the Guidelines on principles and good practices for the participation of NSAs in dialogues and consultations on development were published9.
Al juny de 1985, la Comissió, amb el seu president, Jacques Delors, va publicar un llibre blanc per eliminar en un període de set anys totes les barreres físiques, tècniques i fiscals per a la lliure circulació dins la Comunitat.In June 1985, the Commission, under its then President, Jacques Delors, published a White Paper seeking to abolish, within seven years, all physical, technical and tax-related barriers to free movement within the Community.
Kocoumbo, un estudiant camerunès, va publicar un apunt anònim a Rue 89 titulat "Estudiants africans, Guéant ens ajuda: atrevim-nos a tornar a casa" .Kocoumbo, a Cameroonian student, published an anonymous guest post on Rue 89 entitled "African Students, Guéant is helping us: let us dare go back home" .
A blogunugalsene.com es va publicar el següent article :Many wondered whether this was a case of political exploitation or proof of compassion. blogunugalsene.com published posted the following update:
L'any passat, tal com va informar Global Voices , la CPT va publicar dades que mostren que 1.614 persones van morir assassinades durant els últims vint-i-cinc anys a causa dels conflictes rurals.Last year, as Global Voices reported, the CPT published data which shows that 1,614 people have been murdered in the last 25 years due to rural conflicts.
Quan publico les meves històries a internet, no m'he de gastar ni un dòlar, encara que tampoc no guanyo res.When I publish my stories on the Internet, I don't need to spend a single dollar on it, though I don't earn anything from it either.
Si no ho publico, és només qüestió de temps que algú més ho faci.If I don't publish it, it's just a matter of time before someone else does.
El bloc del moviment tuareg Temoust Survie publica una notícia (via información de l'Express ) que ofereix una introducció breu a la cultura dels tuaregs: «És un poble nòmada que es guanya la vida amb l'agricultura i el comerç.The blog of the Tuareg movement Temoust Survie publishes a post (via information from l'Express ) that provides a brief introduction to the Tuareg culture : "we are a nomadic people living from farming and trade.
* Una pàgina web tumblr publica imatges de persones aguantant una pancarta que diu "No em censoreu".A tumblr site publishes pictures of individuals holding the placard "Don't Censor me".
Considero que la feina de Global Voices hi ha ajudat, perquè hem pogut influir en com GV publica sobre Espanya.I believe that the work done by Global Voices has played a part because we've been able to influence how GV publishes articles on Spain.
L'autenticitat del document ha estat qüestionada directament per WikiLeaks, la coneguda pàgina web que publica informació classificada procedent de fonts anònimes.The authenticity of the document has been directly questioned by WikiLeaks, the well-known website that publishes secret information from anonymous sources.
Totes lessessions de la Convenció Europea han estat obertes al públic i tots elsdocuments oficials s’han publicat a Internet.All the Convention’ssessions were open to the public and all the official documents were published,notably on the Internet.
Amb voluntat de transparència, elwebde la Convenció ha publicat lescontribucions dels seus membres, les actes dels debats i els projectes de text ques’han debatut. (http://european-convention.eu.int)In the interests of transparency, a Convention Internet site(http://european-convention.eu.int) published the contributions of the members of the Convention,the proceedings of the debates and the draft texts debated.
Per tal d’ajudar els teus pares, el teu professoro les persones que hagin llegit amb tu aquesta petita història a explicar-te millor què és la cooperacióal desenvolupament i què podem fer per intentarpal·liar la pobresa al món, la Unitat d’Informació i Comunicació de la Direcció General de Desenvolupament (Comissió Europea) n’ha publicat un manual pedagògic més detallat.To help your parents, your teacher, or those who have readthis little story with you, to tell you a little bit more aboutdevelopment co-operationand what we can all do to try toease poverty in the world, the Information and Communication Unit of the Directorate-General for Development (European Commission) has published a more detailed teaching manual.
L'agost de 2011, Usmanov i Mamut van anunciar que vendrien SUP (alguns comentaristes van argumentar que l'article de Vedomisti s'havia publicat deliberadament per un comprador potencial per tal d'abaixar-ne el preu).In August 2011, Usmanov and Mamut announced that they would sell SUP (some commenters argued that the Vedomosti article was published on purpose by a potential buyer in order to reduce the price).
Aquest articel va ser publicat el 29 de novembre, uns dies abans de les controvertides eleccions parlamentàries , i malgrat tot aquest cineasta, amb un coneixement limitat de la llengua i la cultura russes, com ja va indicar al principi de l'entrevista, semblava estar al cas d'un mal presagi.This post was published on November 29, which was days before the controversial parliamentary elections, and yet this film maker, who had a limited understanding of the Russian language or Russian culture, as he indicated earlier in the interview, seemed to be aware of something ominous.
Els seus debats, els seus dictàmens i les seves resolucions es publiquen al Diari Oficial de les Comunitats Europees.Its debates, opinions and resolutions are published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
Realment crec que actualment hi ha una mena de boom de la literatura veneçolana, amb una gran quantitat d'escriptors excel·lents, de diferents generacions, que publiquen obres de molta qualitat.I do believe there's a sort of boom in Venezuelan literature these days, with a big variety of great writers, coming from a lot of different generations, publishing very good pieces.
Des de les esferes de les diferents administracions, tot i que també des del Parlament mateix, reben tots els matins correus electrònics amb argumentaris clars i precisos sobre com rebatre les notícies que, d'alguna manera, perjudiquen el Partit Popular balear. (…) Els protagonistes i destinataris pertanyen a una mena de legió composta d'una vintena de persones que han de rebatre, a sac, les lliures opinions que naveguen al Internet de la mà dels ciutadans, i que són vessades en els inevitables fòrums que emergen al peu de totes les notícies que publiquen els diaris digitals locals.From the spheres of the different administrations, although from the Parliament itself as well, they receive emails every morning with clear and precise arguments about how to rebut the news that, in some way, is detrimental to the Balearic Popular Party. (…) The protagonists and receivers belong to a type of legion composed of about twenty people who must rebut, intensely, the opinions that freely navigate the Internet at the hand of the citizens, and that are poured out in the inevitable forums that emerge at the foot of all the news pieces published on local news websites.
Mitjans en llengua anglesa com The Guardian o el New York Times publiquen sobre Catalunya i la gent de fora l’està començant a reconèixer.English language media such as The Guardian or the New York Times publish articles on Catalonia and people abroad are starting to recognise it.
Els traductors voluntaris que segueixen les manifestacions Euromaidan a Ucraïna s'han organitzat a Facebook i han creat pàgines com Maidan Needs Translators i Euromaidan Translators , en què es comparteixen notícies urgents de les manifestacions que necessiten traducció per arribar al públic internacional, i Euro-Maidan As It Is , en què es publiquen els continguts traduïts.Volunteer translators following the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine have organized on Facebook, setting up pages like Maidan Needs Translators and Euromaidan Translators where urgent news from the protests that require translation to reach a wider international audience are shared and Euro-Maidan As It Is, where translated content is published.
Ara falta per veure si The Economist publicarà la història i si això tindrà cap impacte al Tribunal.It remains to be seen whether the Economist will publish the story and whether this will have any impact on the Tribunal.
Global Voices Online participarà en aquesta campanya; publicarem les històries, debats i converses a les xarxes socials d'arreu del món sobre la violència a la societat i la violència contra la dona.Global Voices Online will be participating in this campaign; we will publish stories, debates and conversations on social media around the world about violence in society and violence against women.
Joey Ayoub, un col·laborador de Global Voices que recentment publicà un article de fotos d'humans d'Orient Mitjà i del nord d'Àfrica, va ajudar a crear la pàgina de Facebook per als humans de Madagascar.Joey Ayoub, a Global Voices contributor who recently published a photo post on the Humans of the Middle East and North Africa, helped create the Facebook page for Humans of Madagascar.
Va esdevenir viral després que alguns comptes importants la publicaren (al gener de 2014) al Twitter" .It went viral after some big accounts published it on Twitter," reads Harld Doornbos Blog.
Doncs perquè no estic interessat en què se'm publiqui a la revista Mad.Yeah, because I'm not interested in getting published in Mad magazine.
(Això inclou llocs web que publiquin estadístiques "fora de context" sobre infants adoptats per parelles homosexuals i heterosexuals, les quals podrien portar els infants i els adolescents a creure que les parelles homosexuals "no són pitjor que les parelles heterosexuals a l'hora de portar les responsabilitats de ser pares").(This includes websites that publish “out-of-context” statistics about children adopted by gay and straight couples, which could lead children and teens to believe that gay couples are “no worse than straight couples at coping with parental responsibilities.”)
Pel que fa als escriptors, trobo fascinant que hi hagi diverses generacions que estiguin publicant coses molt interessants.Regarding the writers, I think it's fascinating to see different generations publishing a lot of very interesting things.
Aquest article d'investigació revela l'activitat sospitosa d'una pàgina de Facebook pro-Jamaat Facebook titulada 'Tribunal Awami Tribunal', que ha estat publicant l'àudio i vídeo de les converses d'Skype que ja estaven a Facebook i a Youtube molt abans que el diari local les publicara.This investigative post reveals the suspicious activity of a pro-Jamaat Facebook page titled 'Awami Tribunal' which has been publishing the audio and videos of the Skype conversations hosted in Facebook and YouTube long before the local newspaper published it.

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