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Publier (to publish) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of publier

Present tense
je publie
I publish
tu publies
you publish
il/elle/on publie
he/she/it publishes
nous publions
we publish
vous publiez
you all publish
ils/elles publient
they publish
Present perfect tense
j’ai publié
I published
tu as publié
you published
il/elle/on a publié
he/she/it published
nous avons publié
we published
vous avez publié
you all published
ils/elles ont publié
they published
Past impf. tense
je publiais
I was publishing
tu publiais
you were publishing
il/elle/on publiait
he/she/it was publishing
nous publiions
we were publishing
vous publiiez
you all were publishing
ils/elles publiaient
they were publishing
Future tense
je publierai
I will publish
tu publieras
you will publish
il/elle/on publiera
he/she/it will publish
nous publierons
we will publish
vous publierez
you all will publish
ils/elles publieront
they will publish
Past perfect tense
j’avais publié
I had published
tu avais publié
you had published
il/elle/on avait publié
he/she/it had published
nous avions publié
we had published
vous aviez publié
you all had published
ils/elles avaient publié
they had published
Past preterite tense
je publiai
I published
tu publias
you published
il/elle/on publia
he/she/it published
nous publiâmes
we published
vous publiâtes
you all published
ils/elles publièrent
they published
Past anterior tense
j’eus publié
I had published
tu eus publié
you had published
il/elle/on eut publié
he/she/it had published
nous eûmes publié
we had published
vous eûtes publié
you all had published
ils/elles eurent publié
they had published
Future perfect tense
j’aurai publié
I will have published
tu auras publié
you will have published
il/elle/on aura publié
he/she/it will have published
nous aurons publié
we will have published
vous aurez publié
you all will have published
ils/elles auront publié
they will have published
Present subjunctive tense
que je publie
that I publish
que tu publies
that you publish
qu’il/elle/on publie
that he/she/it publish
que nous publiions
that we publish
que vous publiiez
that you all publish
qu’ils/elles publient
that they publish
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie publié
that I have published
que tu aies publié
that you have published
qu’il/elle/on ait publié
that he/she/it have published
que nous ayons publié
that we have published
que vous ayez publié
that you all have published
qu’ils/elles aient publié
that they have published
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je publiasse
that I would publish
que tu publiasses
that you would publish
qu’il/elle/on publiât
that he/she/it would publish
que nous publiassions
that we would publish
que vous publiassiez
that you all would publish
qu’ils/elles publiassent
that they would publish
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse publié
that I had published
que tu eusses publié
that you had published
qu’il/elle/on eût publié
that he/she/it had published
que nous eussions publié
that we had published
que vous eussiez publié
that you all had published
qu’ils/elles eussent publié
that they had published
Conditional mood
je publierais
I would publish
tu publierais
you would publish
il/elle/on publierait
he/she/it would publish
nous publierions
we would publish
vous publieriez
you all would publish
ils/elles publieraient
they would publish
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais publié
I would have published
tu aurais publié
you would have published
il/elle/on aurait publié
he/she/it would have published
nous aurions publié
we would have published
vous auriez publié
you all would have published
ils/elles auraient publié
they would have published
Imperative mood
let's publish!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie publié
have published
ayons publié
let's have published
ayez publié
have published

Examples of publier

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Ce sera un crime de prononcer ou publier "des écrits contre le gouvernement des États-Unis "dans l'intention de le diffamer,"It shall be a crime to utter or publish writings against the government of the United States with intent to defame or bring it into contempt or disrepute."
"Cher M. Humphrey, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que nous souhaiterions publier votre nouvelle cet été dans les fictions de la section "20 sous 20"."Dear mr. Humphrey, we are pleased to advise you "That we would like to publish your short story In our summer fiction issue featuring '20 under 20.'"
"Il vient de publier un livre, et elle revient tout juste de Paris avec trente nouvelles robes."'"He has just published another book and she is lately returned from Paris with 30 new dresses!"'
"Je ne vous laisserai pas publier cette horreur ! ""... I will not let you publish such a thing! "
"L'Ekspres" va publier ces photos dans les 48 heures. Et je pense même en première page.The Express is going to publish these photos within the next 48 hours.
"Autrefois il était neuf heures et maintenant il est midi", provient d'un livre de comptines du 19ème siècle publié en Belgique."Once it was nine and now it's noon", is from a 19th-century volume of nursery rhymes published in Belgium.
"Der Spiegel" a publié aujourd'hui un article d'un auteur anonyme de l'Allemagne de l'Est sur les suicides en DDR.'Spiegel' magazine today published a text by an unnamed East German author about suicide in the German Democratic Republic.
"Dieu n'a publié qu'un livre, et regarde comme ça a marché pour lui.""God only got one book published, "and look how well it did for him."
"Disons-nous bien que ceux qui ont publié cela "tendent déjà la main à l'opposition."We must bear in mind that those who published it... have already shown their sympathy for the other ticket.
"Il a publié son livre dans une boîte locale en n'y apportant aucun changement et ce fut un désastre."He published the book locally. Refused to make a single change. And it died."
"L'Ekspress" est détenu par CPH Presse, propriété de City-Média, qui publie le quotidien gratuit.The Express is owned by CPH Press - who in turn is owned by CITY Media who publish the free paper.
"Moi, George Herman Jones, sain de corps et d'esprit déclare par la présente et publie ceci comme étant ma dernière volonté et testament.""I, George Herman Jones, being of sound and disposing mind do hereby declare and publish this to be my last will and testament."
"Notre revue médicale "ne publie pas de bandes dessinées classées X.""The New England Journal of Medicine does not publish X-rated cartoons. "
"Puisque la rédaction de l' Argus "publie les délires d' un esprit dérangé, "elle publiera peut-être cette lettre.If the editors of the Manhattan Argus see fit to publish the work of a disordered mind, perhaps they will see fit to publish this.
- Henry... Il faut qu'on publie dans un mois.Henry, we have to publish in a month.
- Ne publiez pas l'article.- Please don't publish that story.
- Que publiez-vous ?He's a health nut. - What do you publish?
- Vous publiez le Hawks Report ? - Oui. Alors je suis au bon endroit.You publish The Hawks Report Yes, Then I in the right place,
- Vous publiez rien avant que tout soit éclairci. On s'entend?- You don't publish anything yet.
- Vu que vous publiez des livres...And since you publish books...
"Toute personne imprimant, publiant ou faisant circuler des écrits "en faveur de l'égalité sociale entre Blancs et Noirs "s'expose à une peine de prison."Any person printing, publishing or circulating written matter urging for public acceptance or social equality between whites and Negroes is subject to imprisonment. "
Et vos vieux amis de la presse s'en donneront à coeur joie en publiant ces SMS et ces mails.And your old friends in the press will have a field day publishing those e-mails and texts.
J'aurais pu être le protégé de l'homme le plus fashion, en publiant pour mon icône, Dante Nelli Jr.I could be a photoshelf to the most fashionable man in publishing My style icon Donting.Ally Junior
Le consus de la faculté dit qu'ils cherchent des élèves exceptionnels. Comme ceux s'occupant d'une organisation caritative ou..euh.. produisant une pièce de théâtre, ou publiant une nouvelle.College councelors say that this is where they look for the exceptional like... founding a charity or.. producing a play, or publishing a nouvella.
Le docteur Rainey aurait-il pu y mettre un frein en publiant les résultats négatifs de sa recherche ?Couldn't Dr. Rainey have caused the same delay by publishing the negative results of his research?

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