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Mempublikasikan (to publish) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mempublikasikan

Present tense
I publish
Past tense
sudah mempublikasikan
I published
Present perfect tense
sudah mempublikasikan
I have published
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mempublikasikan
I will have published
Future recent tense
mempublikasikan nanti
I will publish
Future distant tense
mempublikasikan kelak
I am going to publish
Present continuous tense
sedang mempublikasikan
I publish
Past distant tense
dulu mempublikasikan
I (a long time ago) published
Past recent tense
mempublikasikan tadi
I (recently) published
Past very recent tense
baru saja mempublikasikan
I (just now) published

Examples of mempublikasikan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Atau mempertimbangkan untuk mempublikasikan novel karanganmu meskipun itu 90% lebih baik daripada novel Sword dan Shadows yang ada diluar sanaOr will actually even consider publishing your really good fantasy novel, even though it's clearly better than 90% of the Sword and Shadows derivative crap that's out there.
Internet tidak ditulis dengan pensil, Mark. Ia ditulis dengan tinta. Dan kamu mempublikasikan bahwa Erica Albright adalah wanita jalang, 'kan?The Internet's not written in pencil, Mark, it's written in ink, and you published that Erica Albright was a bitch, right before you made some ignorant crack about my family's name, my bra size,
Mereka memang mempublikasikan sisa kutipanmu Kaulah yang mengatakan,They did publish the rest of your quote. You go on to say,
Kau tak tahu bahwa kau bekerja di tempat... yang mempublikasikan artis2 terbaik di abad ini?Don't you know that you are working at the place... that published some of the greatest artists of the century?
Walau kita b ukan orang yang mempublikasikan foto itu dari awal.Even though we weren't the people who published the photos in the first place.

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