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Terbitkan (to publish) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of terbitkan

Present tense
I publish
Past tense
sudah terbitkan
I published
Present perfect tense
sudah terbitkan
I have published
Future perfect tense
akan sudah terbitkan
I will have published
Future recent tense
terbitkan nanti
I will publish
Future distant tense
terbitkan kelak
I am going to publish
Present continuous tense
sedang terbitkan
I publish
Past distant tense
dulu terbitkan
I (a long time ago) published
Past recent tense
terbitkan tadi
I (recently) published
Past very recent tense
baru saja terbitkan
I (just now) published

Examples of terbitkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Jadi, aku berkata kepada mereka, "Hal terakhir di dunia yang perlu anda terbitkan," "dan hal terakhir yang saya bersedia menulisnya,"So I said to them... the last thing in the world you need to publish and the last thing I am willing to write is another bloody guidebook on the Camino.
Dan berapa usiamu saat kau terbitkan makalah berjudul yang hampir tak bisa kupahami itu ?And how old were you when you published this paper that has a title that I can barely understand?
Saya sedang melihat daftar artikel yang anda terbitkan, dokter.I'm looking at a list of your published articles, doctor.
Ya, akan ku terbitkan.Yeah, l'm gonna publish it.
Aaron Wiseberger, agen, teman umat manusia. Dan pencinta setiap buku yang pernah kalian terbitkan.Aaron Wiseberger, agent, friend of mankind and a lover of every book you guys have ever published.

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