"... doncs, com a sacerdot, ha de guardar silenci. " | "Because you, as a priest, must keep silent!" |
No li puc guardar la feina indefinidament. | I can't keep his job open indefinitely. |
"King, sóc l'agent C-5. On hem de guardar els cotxes?" | C-5Agent, whereare wekeeping these carssecured? |
Pots guardar el secret? | Can you keep it under your hat? |
- Saps guardar un secret? | - Can you keep a secret? |
No les guardo totes. | I don't keep them all |
Perquè et guardo en la meva ment i en el meu cor, tal com et vaig veure l'última vegada. | Because I keep you right here in my mind. And in my heart. Just the way you were when I saw you last. |
Perquè és un secret, i el guardo! | 'Cause it's a secret, and I'm keeping it! |
Les guardo en el meu estudi. | I keep them in my study. |
Per què no el guardes amb les dosis? | If it's so important, why don't you keep it with the shot? |
I per què les guardes? | Well why do you keep them? |
Ja no les guardes? | You don't keep them anymore? |
On guardes l'obridor d'ampolles, en aquest lloc? | Where do you keep the bottle opener on this thing? |
Per què t'ho guardes per tu mateix? Per què estem sempre sols? | Why you keep to yourself Why you're always alone |
Ell guarda amb delicadesa els dibuixos del famós pintor Roberto Matta amb qui va fer molts murals per la Unitat Popular. | "Mono" keeps with care the drawings of the famous painter Roberto Matta with whom he made many murals for Popular Unity. |
la Sarah normalment guarda un carregador de sobra per mi a la seva bossa... | Sarah normally keeps an extra clip for me in her bag, so... |
He oblidat on guarda les pastilles | I forgot where she keeps the pills. |
Però la noia guarda secrets. | But the girl keeps secrets. |
De fet, la Sarah normalment guarda un carregador de sobra per mi a la seva bossa... | Uh, actually, Sarah normally keeps an extra clip for me in her bag, so... |
La vida de Van Meer depend de que guardem el secret unes hores. | Van Meer's life depends on us by keeping it quiet for a few hours |
Nosaltres guardem massa secrets En aquesta família. | We keep too many secrets in this family. |
Per curiositat, sota quina pedra guardem la clau de la cabana? | Um, which rock do we keep the cabin key under? |
Simplement la guardem a la cabana. | We just keep it in the cabin. |
Tots tenim coses que guardem només per nosaltres. | We all have things that we want to keep to ourselves. |
Per sort m'havia guardat la targeta de memòria SD als mitjons. | Luckily I had kept the SD card in my socks. — Mosa'ab Elshamy (@mosaaberizing) August 14, 2013 |
En 30 segons, has desvetllat un secret que hem guardat des de fa mes de 30 anys. | In 30 seconds,you undid a secret that we've kept for over 30 years. |
L'havies guardat? | You kept it? |
Les seves inclinacions eren el secret més mal guardat de la cort. | His proclivities were the worst kept secret at court. |
Si es veritat, ho he guardat en secret per donar-te una sorpresa Son Gohan. | It's true, I kept it a secret to surprise you, Gohan. |
Xst... guardeu el secret! | Shhh...keep it a secret! |
Em sembla que els bogis els guarden allà. | You know what? I suppose they keep... the bogies over there. |
Allà és on guarden els Cap d’ous. | That is where we keep the Eggheads. |
Allà és on guarden els Cap d'ous. | That is where we keep the Eggheads. |
Les probes de l'ADN són tan bones com els registres que es guarden. | DNA tests are only as good as the records you keep. |
El guardaré com a record perquè vegin a Moscou com són realment els diners americans. | I will keep it as a souvenir, to show in Moscow what American money really is, |
Ma mare li va assegurar que guardaria un imant embalat i a punt per quan tornés a per ell. | My mother assured him that she would keep a magnet packed up and ready for when he came back for it. |
El guardava de record. | I was keeping it as a souvenir, |
Segurament va emprar el sobre en què guardava les cartes. | Probably used the envelope he was keeping letters in. |
No tant interessant com l'arxiu de dos dits de gruix que guardava de tu. | Not as interesting as the inch-thick file that he was keeping on you. |
Si voleu que un home guardi silenci, el silencieu. | You want to keep a man silent, you silence him. |
Vols que et guardi el secret, que t'ajudi a ser allò en què t'has convertit, però no vols acceptar el què jo he esdevingut. | You want me to keep your secret, help you be this thing you've become, but you refuse to see me for what I've become. |
Sí, guardi això. | New Zealand. Yeah, keep... hold onto that. |
I potser el Senyor, en la seva misericòrdia, et beneeixi i et guardi... | And may the Lord, in his mercy, bless you and keep you... |
Llavors, serà millor que guardis silenci. | Then you'd better keep silence. |
És millor que et guardis per tu les teves sensacions! | You'd better keep your feelings to yourself! |
Però, Kira, ho sento, però és molt important que guardis aquest secret, d'acord? | But, Kira, I'm sorry about this, but it's very important that you keep this a secret, right? |
Chuck, te n'adones que sóc una espia entrenada que pot dir quan algú s'està guardant un secret? | Chuck, do you realize that I am a trained spy who can tell when somebody is keeping a secret? |
Aquest amic proper a la familia ha estat guardant un secret a tu i a en Hank, i d'alguna manera s'ha sabut el secret d'aquesta persona, i ara estàs trista i ferida i enfadada. | This close family friend had been keeping a secret from you and Hank, and somehow this person's secret became known, and now you're sad and hurt and angry. |
I per cert, hi ha un altre secret més que he estat guardant. | Oh, and by the way, there's one more secret I've been keeping. |
Però he estat guardant la meva motxilla. | But I've been keeping my backpack. |
Les dones són bones guardant secrets, oi? | Ladies are good at keeping secrets, aren't we? |