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Se tenir (to keep) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of se tenir

Present tense
je me tiens
I keep
tu tu te tiens
you keep
il/elle/on il/elle/on se tient
he/she/it keeps
nous nous nous tenons
we keep
vous vous vous tenez
you all keep
ils/elles ils/elles se tiennent
they keep
Present perfect tense
je me suis tenu
I kept
tu t’es tenu
you kept
il/elle/on s’est tenu
he/she/it kept
nous nous sommes tenus
we kept
vous vous êtes tenus
you all kept
ils/elles se sont tenus
they kept
Past impf. tense
je me tenais
I was keeping
tu tu te tenais
you were keeping
il/elle/on il/elle/on se tenait
he/she/it was keeping
nous nous nous tenions
we were keeping
vous vous vous teniez
you all were keeping
ils/elles ils/elles se tenaient
they were keeping
Future tense
je me tiendrai
I will keep
tu tu te tiendras
you will keep
il/elle/on il/elle/on se tiendra
he/she/it will keep
nous nous nous tiendrons
we will keep
vous vous vous tiendrez
you all will keep
ils/elles ils/elles se tiendront
they will keep
Past perfect tense
je m’étais tenu
I had kept
tu t’étais tenu
you had kept
il/elle/on s’était tenu
he/she/it had kept
nous nous étions tenus
we had kept
vous vous étiez tenus
you all had kept
ils/elles s’étaient tenus
they had kept
Past preterite tense
je me tins
I kept
tu tu te tins
you kept
il/elle/on il/elle/on se tint
he/she/it kept
nous nous nous tînmes
we kept
vous vous vous tîntes
you all kept
ils/elles ils/elles se tinrent
they kept
Past anterior tense
je me fus tenu
I had kept
tu te fus tenu
you had kept
il/elle/on se fut tenu
he/she/it had kept
nous nous fûmes tenus
we had kept
vous vous fûtes tenus
you all had kept
ils/elles se furent tenus
they had kept
Future perfect tense
je me serai tenu
I will have kept
tu te seras tenu
you will have kept
il/elle/on se sera tenu
he/she/it will have kept
nous nous serons tenus
we will have kept
vous vous serez tenus
you all will have kept
ils/elles se seront tenus
they will have kept
Present subjunctive tense
que je me tienne
that I keep
que tu te tiennes
that you keep
qu’il/elle/on se tienne
that he/she/it keep
que nous nous tenions
that we keep
que vous vous teniez
that you all keep
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se tiennent
that they keep
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois tenu
that I have kept
que tu te sois tenu
that you have kept
qu’il/elle/on se soit tenu
that he/she/it have kept
que nous nous soyons tenus
that we have kept
que vous vous soyez tenus
that you all have kept
qu’ils/elles se soient tenus
that they have kept
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je me tinsse
that I would keep
que tu te tinsses
that you would keep
qu’il/elle/on se tînt
that he/she/it would keep
que nous nous tinssions
that we would keep
que vous vous tinssiez
that you all would keep
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se tinssent
that they would keep
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse tenu
that I had kept
que tu te fusses tenu
that you had kept
qu’il/elle/on se fût tenu
that he/she/it had kept
que nous nous fussions tenus
that we had kept
que vous vous fussiez tenus
that you all had kept
qu’ils/elles se fussent tenus
that they had kept
Conditional mood
je me tiendrais
I would keep
tu tu te tiendrais
you would keep
il/elle/on il/elle/on se tiendrait
he/she/it would keep
nous nous nous tiendrions
we would keep
vous vous vous tiendriez
you all would keep
ils/elles ils/elles se tiendraient
they would keep
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais tenu
I would have kept
tu te serais tenu
you would have kept
il/elle/on se serait tenu
he/she/it would have kept
nous nous serions tenus
we would have kept
vous vous seriez tenus
you all would have kept
ils/elles se seraient tenus
they would have kept
Imperative mood
let's keep!

Examples of se tenir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"n'ait fait tout ce qui était en son pouvoir pour se tenir à l'écart du systéme criminel...""did not make all that was in its capacity to keep away criminal system... "
'Sis' fait de son mieux pour se tenir Mais c'était loin entre Pajala et le monde.Sis' did her best to keep up- but it was far between Pajala and the world.
- Il faut bien qu'on l'aide à se tenir tranquille, non?- It is important that we help him to keep quiet, right?
- Il faut bien se tenir propre.- A man's got to keep neat and tidy.
- On doit tous se tenir informés.- We must keep each other informed.
"Directeur adjoint du contre-terrorisme [CIA]" Elle ne vous a pas tenu au courant, n'est-ce pas?She keptyou out ofthe loop too, didn't she?
"Mais aucun Dieu n'a tenu la main, les bénissant de nuage sur leur tête."'But no God kept the hand of blessings of the cloud on their head.'
"Niklaus a tenu parole."Niklaus kept his word.
"Vous, qui avez tenu vos promesses. Et nous, les nôtres."You at home has kept faith us, We've kept taith with you."
- Arbitan a tenu parole alors.- Arbitan kept his promise then.
- Toi tiens-toi tranquille.- You keep quiet.
Ah, Matthew, tiens-toi à l'écart des filles faciles, sinon j'aurai la fessée de Rebecca !Oh. Matthew, keep away from the bang-bang girls or Rebecca will kick my ass, all right?
Allez, tiens-toi tranquille.Go, keep yourself quiet.
Alors, tiens-toi tranquille et fais ton travail, petit.So keep quiet and do your job, kid.
Ce sont mes amis et j'aimerais qu'ils le restent... alors tiens-toi tranquille ce soir.They are my friends, and I'd like to keep them. So please, just behave yourself tonight.
- S'il vous plaît tenez-vous tranquille, monsieur ..- Please keep quiet. sir.
- Vous tenez-vous tranquilles pendant une minute.- You keep quiet for a minute.
Alors soyez sur vos gardes et tenez-vous prêts à tirer.So stay awake, stay alert, and keep your iron unbuckled.
Bien, tenez-vous en aux notes si vous devez l'interroger.Well, keep to the notes if you need to question him.
C'est bon. Mais tenez-vous tranquilles.It's okay, but you better keep quiet.

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