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Oppbevare (to keep) conjugation

26 examples
This verb can also mean the following: save, store, preserve

Conjugation of oppbevare

Bokmål present tense
I keep
Bokmål past tense
I kept
Bokmål future tense
vil oppbevare
I will keep
Bokmål conditional tense
ville oppbevare
I would keep
Bokmål imperative tense
I keep
Bokmål present perfect tense
har oppbevart
I have kept
Bokmål past perfect tense
hadde oppbevart
I had kept
Bokmål future perfect tense
vil ha oppbevart
I will have kept
Bokmål conditional perfect tense
ville ha oppbevart
I would have kept

Examples of oppbevare

Example in NorwegianTranslation in English
Alle ønsker å ta med seg bomben for å oppbevare den trygt.They all want to take the bomb home for safekeeping.
Hvilken rett har du... til å oppbevare sigarettene våre i skrivebordet ditt, og bare gi oss en pakke når du føler for det?CHESWICK: What gives you the damn right to keep our cigarettes piled up on your desk and to squeeze out a pack only when you feel like it, huh?
Be moren din om å oppbevare den for deg.This is your book now you tell your mother to keep it for you
Leger har lov til å oppbevare medisin hjemme.I'm a doctor. I'm perfectly entitled to keep pharmaceuticals at home.
Før alt dette ba mr Hornblower meg om å oppbevare disse.Before the dons took his ship Mr. Hornblower entrusted these to my safekeeping.
Alle ønsker å ta med seg bomben for å oppbevare den trygt.They all want to take the bomb home for safekeeping.
Hvilken rett har du... til å oppbevare sigarettene våre i skrivebordet ditt, og bare gi oss en pakke når du føler for det?CHESWICK: What gives you the damn right to keep our cigarettes piled up on your desk and to squeeze out a pack only when you feel like it, huh?
Be moren din om å oppbevare den for deg.This is your book now you tell your mother to keep it for you
Leger har lov til å oppbevare medisin hjemme.I'm a doctor. I'm perfectly entitled to keep pharmaceuticals at home.
Disse plastfolie-folka viser oss hvordan vi kan oppbevare restematen.The men from Glad here are showing us how to keep our leftovers fresh.
Hvor de bor, hvor de oppbevarer smykkene, hvor mye de drikker...Yeah. Where they live, where they keep the stones, what time they go to sleep, how much they drink.
Vi oppbevarer dem til du har gjort opp for deg.Oh, we keep them nice and safe, 'til you get this thing settled.
Jeg oppbevarer dem i en bankboks.I keep them in a safe-deposit box in the bank.
Han oppbevarer noe i skrivebordskuffen.He keeps something in a desk drawer.
Han oppbevarer informasjon i ambassadens safe... frem til han skal dra hjem.He's keeping data in the embassy safe... waiting until he goes home.
-Takk. ...visste godt at enken oppbevarte sparepengene der. Og at Harold Taylor var ute etter pengene hennes....had every opportunity of knowing the unfortunate widow kept her life savings there instead of in the bank and that Harold Taylor was bent on securing her meager fortune.
Så fjernet datteren hans, Margaret, det, og oppbevarte det til hun døde.Then his daughter, Margaret, removed it and kept it 'til her death.
- Og De oppbevarte dem her?And you kept them in the box?
Hvis de oppbevarte ulovlig giftig avfall og jenta blir eksponert for det, da er de skyldig i uaktsomt drap.If they kept toxic waste there iIIegaIIy and she becomes exposed to it, then... Then it's manslaughter.
Vi oppbevarte sportsutstyr her før.We kept sports equipment down here years ago.
Hvis du har verdisaker, sa oppbevar dem i hotellets safe.And if you 've got valuables, keep them in the hotel safe.
Da du hadde de spansk-klassene, så du noen gang hvor pengene ble oppbevart?Hey, when you were giving those Spanish lessons, you ever get a peek at where they kept the garrison money?
Det var der paktens ark ble oppbevart?Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept, right?
Drapsvapnet var registrert pa Miguel Ostos, og oppbevart i hanskerommet til Ballons Rolls-Royce.The murder weapon was registered in the name of the deceased, Miguel Ostos, and was kept in the glove compartment of the Ballon Rolls-Royce.
- Dessuten er pengene oppbevart i en safe.- Besides, the money's kept in a safe.
Først, i vekstrommet, hvor grobegerene blir oppbevart.First, the incubation room where the growth vials are kept.

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