- Ge dem något att tugga på. | - Give them something to chew on. |
- Kom ihåg att tugga maten tio gånger innan du pratar. | Now remember, chew your food ten times... -before you speak. |
- Något att tugga på? | - Something to chew on? |
- Price gillade att tugga på pennor. | Price liked to chew on his pens. |
- Skulle vilja ha nåt att tugga på. | - Sure would like something to chew. |
"Fyra: Sluta röka och tugga tobak." | "Four: no more smoking or chewing. |
"Jag ska lära er tugga tuggummi!" Säljer kompisen, dryper du av galla! | "Let me buy you a pack of gum-- I'll show you how to chew it." Your pal closes, and all that comes out of your mouth is bile. |
- Att tugga maten bättre. | Yeah, it's sayin' I really should chew my food more. |
- Du kan tugga på ett ben. | - You can try chewing on a bone. |
- Du vet, tugga. | - You know, chewing. |
"En dam bör inte välja en man som tuggar tobak. | "A lady should not choose a man who chews tobacco." |
"Hon tuggar energiskt tuggummi." | "Chews gum vehemently." All the time she is chewing this gum. |
"Ost...det är mjölk, som du tuggar" | "Cheese. It's milk that you chew." |
"Slå aldrig en man som tuggar tobak." | "Never slap a man while he's chewing tobacco." |
(tuggar) | (chewing) |
"för att spruta in tuggad läkevänderot "för att bedöva sina offer under attack." | "to inject chewed up valerian root to sedate their victims as they attack." |
En ökenråtta föddes och den såg ut som en tuggad tomat. | A gerbil was born and it looked like a chewed tomato. |
Jag menar, för guds skull, det ser ut som han har blivit tuggad på. | I mean, for God's sake, it looks like he's been chewed. |
Sen kastade du en bit tuggad stek på mig. | And then you threw a bit of chewed steak at me. |
- Då tuggade vi samma grus. | We sure as hell chewed some of the same dirt, sir. |
-Jag tuggade mig loss. | Well, he left town and I chewed through it. |
? Vi har blivit tuggade, sparkade och dreglade på... | We have been chewed, kicked, drooled on ... |
De blev tuggade i bitar. Men de visste vad de gav sig in på. | They got chewed up into little pieces, but they knew what was going on when they went in. |
Den här tuggade delen? | This chewed up part right here? |
Allt tuggande och sväljande. | All that chewing and swallowing |
Du vande dig med Lilys högljudda tuggande? | i mean, you got used to lily's loud chewing, right? |
Först ditt tuggande och nu ditt ylande... | First I get your famous chewing, now I get your famous squealing? |
Inget dreglande eller tuggande. | No slobbering. No chewing. |
Troligen hans oavbrutna tuggande av nikotintuggummit. | Probably his incessant nicotine-gum chewing. |
- De har tuggat igenom allt. | God, they chewed through everything. |
- Mer som något tuggat sig in. | Looks more like something clawed or chewed its way in. |
- Sluta! Kom igen. Han kan väl inte ha tuggat upp hela banan. | Come on, he couldn't have chewed up the greens that badly. |
-De måste ha tuggat igenom telefonledningarna. | They must have chewed through the phone lines. |
-Lite till och jag hade tuggat av benet. | You're free! Yes, in another five minutes, I would have chewed off my own leg! |