Example in Dutch | Translation in English |
Als de grote mannen elkaar beconcurreren... doen kleinere mannetjes, gluiperds genaamd, zichzelf voor als vrouwtje. | As the big males compete... smaller males, called sneakers, disguise themselves as females. |
Hij zal niet met je wedijveren, of beconcurreren. | He won't vie with you, he won't compete with you |
Vanaf nu contracteer ik klanten, die jij hebt gesproken, om je te beconcurreren. | From now on, I'll contact the clients which you've contacted to compete with you |
U beconcurreert me voor mijn theater en dan wilt u dat ik u betaal? | You come to compete with me before my theater, and yet, you expect that I pay you? |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | تنافس | Catalan | competir |
English | compete | Esperanto | konkurenci,konkuri, konkursi, rivali |
Estonian | konkureerima, reivlema, võistlema | Finnish | kilpailla, mitellä, otella |
French | compétitionner, concourir, concurrencer, rivaliser | German | konkurrieren, wetteifern |
Greek | ανταγωνίζομαι, ανταλλάζω, συναγωνίζομαι | Hebrew | התמודד |
Hungarian | verseng, versenyez, vetélkedik | Icelandic | keppa |
Indonesian | adu, beradu, bersaing | Italian | competere, gareggiare, rivaleggiare |
Japanese | 競合, 競争, 勝負, 争う | Latvian | konkurēt |
Lithuanian | konkuruoti | Macedonian | се натпреварува |
Norwegian | konkurrera, konkurrere | Polish | rywalizować, współzawodniczyć |
Portuguese | competir | Russian | конкурировать, равняться, соперничать, соревноваться |
Spanish | competir, concursar, rivalizar | Swedish | konkurrera, tävla |
Thai | แข่ง, ชิง | Turkish | ölçüşmek |
Vietnamese | cạnh tranh, đua, ganh đua, thi thố, tranh, tranh đua |