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Entourer (to surround) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of entourer

Present tense
I surround
tu entoures
you surround
il/elle/on entoure
he/she/it surrounds
nous entourons
we surround
vous entourez
you all surround
ils/elles entourent
they surround
Present perfect tense
j’ai entouré
I surrounded
tu as entouré
you surrounded
il/elle/on a entouré
he/she/it surrounded
nous avons entouré
we surrounded
vous avez entouré
you all surrounded
ils/elles ont entouré
they surrounded
Past impf. tense
I was surrounding
tu entourais
you were surrounding
il/elle/on entourait
he/she/it was surrounding
nous entourions
we were surrounding
vous entouriez
you all were surrounding
ils/elles entouraient
they were surrounding
Future tense
I will surround
tu entoureras
you will surround
il/elle/on entourera
he/she/it will surround
nous entourerons
we will surround
vous entourerez
you all will surround
ils/elles entoureront
they will surround
Past perfect tense
j’avais entouré
I had surrounded
tu avais entouré
you had surrounded
il/elle/on avait entouré
he/she/it had surrounded
nous avions entouré
we had surrounded
vous aviez entouré
you all had surrounded
ils/elles avaient entouré
they had surrounded
Past preterite tense
I surrounded
tu entouras
you surrounded
il/elle/on entoura
he/she/it surrounded
nous entourâmes
we surrounded
vous entourâtes
you all surrounded
ils/elles entourèrent
they surrounded
Past anterior tense
j’eus entouré
I had surrounded
tu eus entouré
you had surrounded
il/elle/on eut entouré
he/she/it had surrounded
nous eûmes entouré
we had surrounded
vous eûtes entouré
you all had surrounded
ils/elles eurent entouré
they had surrounded
Future perfect tense
j’aurai entouré
I will have surrounded
tu auras entouré
you will have surrounded
il/elle/on aura entouré
he/she/it will have surrounded
nous aurons entouré
we will have surrounded
vous aurez entouré
you all will have surrounded
ils/elles auront entouré
they will have surrounded
Present subjunctive tense
que j’entoure
that I surround
que tu entoures
that you surround
qu’il/elle/on entoure
that he/she/it surround
que nous entourions
that we surround
que vous entouriez
that you all surround
qu’ils/elles entourent
that they surround
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie entouré
that I have surrounded
que tu aies entouré
that you have surrounded
qu’il/elle/on ait entouré
that he/she/it have surrounded
que nous ayons entouré
that we have surrounded
que vous ayez entouré
that you all have surrounded
qu’ils/elles aient entouré
that they have surrounded
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’entourasse
that I would surround
que tu entourasses
that you would surround
qu’il/elle/on entourât
that he/she/it would surround
que nous entourassions
that we would surround
que vous entourassiez
that you all would surround
qu’ils/elles entourassent
that they would surround
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse entouré
that I had surrounded
que tu eusses entouré
that you had surrounded
qu’il/elle/on eût entouré
that he/she/it had surrounded
que nous eussions entouré
that we had surrounded
que vous eussiez entouré
that you all had surrounded
qu’ils/elles eussent entouré
that they had surrounded
Conditional mood
I would surround
tu entourerais
you would surround
il/elle/on entourerait
he/she/it would surround
nous entourerions
we would surround
vous entoureriez
you all would surround
ils/elles entoureraient
they would surround
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais entouré
I would have surrounded
tu aurais entouré
you would have surrounded
il/elle/on aurait entouré
he/she/it would have surrounded
nous aurions entouré
we would have surrounded
vous auriez entouré
you all would have surrounded
ils/elles auraient entouré
they would have surrounded
Imperative mood
let's surround!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie entouré
have surrounded
ayons entouré
let's have surrounded
ayez entouré
have surrounded

Examples of entourer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Le déposant déclare avoir vu lors des faits environ 4 individus non appréhendés, entourer ledit charriot de l'accusé, et a aussi vu un individu non appréhendé donner de la monnaie à l'accusé"."Deponent states at the time and place of occurrence "he observed approximately four un-apprehended individuals "surrounding defendant and said cart
- Seulement si Métatron - fait exprès de s'entourer de losers.Well, only if Metatron is purposely surrounding himself with losers.
Ann est une actrice très douée... et l'idée secrète... consistait à entourer Mel... dans cette situation... d'acteurs... qui étaient... plus forts que leur rôle.Ann is a very gifted actress and part of the secret was to surround Mel in this... Surround Mel in this situation with actors who really were overcast in a certain sense.
Au cas où il y aurait une menace pour l'équipe. Si une puce était défaillante, nous pourrions entourer cette salle d'une barrière ultrasonique qui, en théorie, empêcherait leurs "talents particuliers" de la traverser.If there ever were to be some sort of threats to the staff, if a chip were to fail, we can surround that room with an ultrasonic barrier... that would, in effect, prevent their "special talents" from getting through.
Au lieu de regarder des murs blancs, je préfère m'entourer de créations de Dieu.Instead of staring at blank walls, I choose to surround myself with a vision of God's creation.
"Amon arrivée, j'ai découvert le corps de l'homme, entouré de...""On arrival, I discovered the man's body surrounded by..."
"Avec un vieux chêne dans le jardin, entouré de fleurs sauvages.""With a big oak tree in the yard, surrounded by wildflowers."
"Colonel, vous ne savez pas que vous êtes entouré de marxistes?""Colonel, don't you know you're surrounded by Marxists?"
"Il a été entouré par tellement de gays, que ça a probablement déteint sur lui""He was surrounded by so much gay, it probably rubbed off on him."
"J'ai beaucoup vécu, "beaucoup tremblé, "entouré d'hommes sans envergure'l've lived a lot... '...trembled a lot... '...was surrounded by little men who forgot that we enter naked... '...and exit naked... '...and that no accountant can audit life in our favor. '
" Et si le blanc entoure le jaune♪The white surrounds the yolk♪
"Démons vivant sous terre, qui rôdent "et tuent les forces du bien "en voyant l'aura qui les entoure.""Underground demons who roam from city to city, killing powerful forces of good by seeing the unique auras that surround them."
"Mur de confinement" Il entoure complètement l'île de Manhattan.It completely surrounds Manhattan Island.
"Que tout l'amour vous entoure..."All love surround you..."
"Tu ne peux voir l'obscurité qui t'entoure."You can't see the darkness that surrounds you.
- Gardes, entourez la Reine.- Guards, surround the queen.
Bon, aucun mystère sur la façon de gérer cette affaire, si vous suivez vos instincts et entourez-vous de gens que vous connaissez et a qui vous faites confiance.Well, there is no mystery to running this business, if you follow your instincts and surround yourself with people that you know and trust...
Ce n'est pas suffisant pour un cort... entourez moi plus, encore.It's not enough of a motor... surround me more, though.
Il m'apparaît que les gens dont vous vous entourez sont très peu fiables.And it seems to me the people you surround yourself with have failed those tests at every turn.
Mais vous, les gras, m'entourez, avec un air très déterminé.But you guys surround me, very purposeful.
" C'est agréable de voir l'expression de la délicatesse et de l'enchantement chaleureux, entourant la fillette dans ses rêveries. ""It is especially good in getting across the delicacy and warm enchantment surrounding the girl in her daydreaming. "
" Injectés à niveau thérapeutique directement dans la peau entourant les aiguilles hypodermiques"""Injected at therapeutic levels directly into the tissue surrounding the hypodermic needles."
"il a une peau fine quand il vient les questions entourant sa famille "."he's got a thin skin when it comes to matters surrounding his family."
- entourant Samantha Williams...- surrounding Samantha Williams...
Au nom de James Petty, et il a demandé les plans de chaque bâtiment entourant le Club Prowl.Name's James Petty, and he requested blueprints for every building surrounding Club Prowl.

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