Aga ma usaldan Jumalat ja tean, et sind on põhjusega saadetud Sikestoni inimesi aitama. | But I trust in God and truly believe that you have been sent to help the people of Sikeston. |
Asetan selle sinna, mida usaldan. | I place it in what I believe in. |
Jah, ka mina usaldan teda. | Yeah, i believed Him too, i guess. |
- Ma ei saa sust aru. Sa ei usu jamalasse, aga sa usaldad täielikult House? | You don't believe in God, but you're willing to put complete faith in one man? |
Aga nüüd sa usaldad mind. | But now, believe me. |
Ja sina, kas sa usaldad mind? | Well you ... Do you believe in me? |
Jax, kas sa usaldad seda meest? | - Jax. You believe this guy? |
-Ei, ei, mind ta usaldab. | - What about you? He believes me. |
Loomulikult usub iga sõdur vedamist ja usaldab oma õnne. | 'Of course, every soldier believes in chance and trusts his luck. |
Kuid meie usaldame rahva arvamust. | We believe in the rule of many voices. |
Kas usaldate kõiges Kummipiilut? | So you believe in what the Rubber Duck's doing, is that it? |
Ma arvan, et usute seda, mida ise näete. Ja mida näevad need, keda usaldate. | I think you believe in what you see and in what those you trust have seen. |
Inimesed usaldavad sind, aga sina valetad. | People believe you, they trust you, and if this is all a lie... |
Hästi, ma ei süüdista, et te poliitikuid ei usalda, kuid ma kinnitan teile et järgmised 48 tundi ma teen kõik mis minu võimuses, et muuta seaduseid... nii, et see sektor saaks tagasi oma väärikuse ja saaks meie ühiskonna oluliseks osaks. | Well, I guess you do not believe much to the politicians but... I assure you that... the next 48 hours I will do whatever it can to unlock the previous laws for your sector back to all his dignity and a place prominent in our society. |
Ma ei suuda uskuda, et sa mind ei usalda. | Jesus. I cannot believe you didn't trust me. |
Sa ei usalda mind... | You do not believe ... |
- Ma usaldasin teda. | "I believed him. |
Jamie, ma usaldasin sind. | - I believed you, Jamie. |
Ma ei suuda uskuda, et ma sind usaldasin. | I can't believe... i believed you. |
Ma usaldasin sind ja sa valetasid mulle. | I believed you and you lied! |
Ma usaldasin sind, uskusin sinusse. | I trusted you, believed in you... |
Kuna kõik usaldasid ja uskusid teda, olid ka nemad võimelised nägema. | Because everybody trusted and believed in him, they saw them also. |
Martin teadis, et kool ja meie vanemad alati usaldasid teineteist. | Martin knew that the school and ourparents always believed each other. |
Sa usaldasid Robinit, kas pole nii? | You believed in Robin, or not? |
Kui meeskond mind juba usaldas, siis lahkus ta laevalt ja sestpeale sai minust Roberts. | Once the crew believed, he left the ship... and I have been Roberts ever since. |
- Me Nikaga oleme liiga kaugele tulnud. Kui raha on mängus, ära usalda kedagi. Mõni kord peab. | She believed like many that he did commit the crime and she... basically... you know, left him there. |
- Parem mitte, usalda mind. | - It's better not, believe me. |
- Sa ei usalda esiuksi. | - You don't believe in front doors. |
Aga ma ei usalda teda sellisena nagu ta praegu on. | It's just, I don't believe him now that he is. |
- Kõik on seal. Jõuluvana peab meid usaldama, ma saan seda tõestada. | Santa needs us to believe, I can prove he's real. |
- See pidi ju minu töö olema. Millal sa mind usaldama hakkad? | I thought I would take the van to leave, when will you believe me? |
Aga kui te endasse usute, ja mis veelgi olulisem, õpite üksteist - oma tiimikaaslasi - usaldama, ei loe teiste arvamus enam midagi. | But if you... If you believe in yourselves and maybe more importantly, you find a way to believe in each other, in your teammates, it won't matter what anyone else thinks. |
Ei teagi, lihtsalt pead meid usaldama. | Have to believe in |
"Ma eelistan inimesi usaldada." | "I prefer to believe in people." |
- Ja mina uskusin, et võime teid usaldada, uurija. | And I was just starting to believe that we could trust you, detective. |
- Ma teadsin, et sind ei tohi usaldada. | I can't believe I ever trusted you, you lousy-- |
Elizabeth, kui olete mind üldse kunagi usaldanud. Usalda mind nüüd. | Elizabeth if you've ever believed me, ever trusted me trust me now. |